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Rise of Humanity

Page 489

by <unknown>

  Chapter 684: Heaven Girl, Weaving Girl |

  His 'previous' mortal body and cultivation base weren't really from his past life, but they have always been hiding in his Yuan Shen, within the Six Paths Reincarnation.

  Although his 'previous' strength was notvery powerful in his eyes now, they were still several times stronger than the Qi Practitioners that opened the pseudo-Six Paths like Ma Sansou, and was even on par with the likes of Qing Feng.

  If he could recover his 'previous' cultivation base and arcane energy, and successfully integrate it into his current cultivation base, then his strength would see a quantum leap!

  Even though it would not make him twice as strong, he would be at least 30% to 40% stronger.

  It seems that misfortune is always accompanied by fortuen. Falling into the Bone Realm may actually be a blessing in disguise! Zhong Yue's heart pounded happily. He quickened up the rate of energy absorption of the Dao liquid in the jade pool, making his 'previous' mortal body stronger while at the same time trying to search for its whereabouts.

  "Brother Zhong, I have heard that the Blood Bone Evil God has a scarlet cloak, why didn't I see you wearing it at all?" Bai Canghai suddenly asked.

  Ma Sansou was also wondering, he had heard this rumor as well.

  Moreover, the scarlet cloak would change according to his body size. When the Blood Bone Evil God turned into a ten thousand foot tall giant, the scarlet cloak would also turn over a thousand feet long.

  Zhong Yue's psyche rumbled, he said, "I've left the cloak in the Bone Realm as its meant for the Skeleton King. But since I left the Bone Realm, I am no longer the Skeleton King."

  Bai Canghai lamented and said, "Brother Zhong's skill will cast a round of blazing sun behind you. If you are still wearing the scarlet coal, it'd be fluttering along with the blazing sun. Such a scene must be very cool to behold."

  "How difficult will that be?" Zhong Yue took out the Innate Tai Yin Qi, with a change of thought, the Tai Yin Qi turned into a cloak on his body.

  The Tai Yin Qi was the treasure that the Moon God gave him. It was extremely difficult to refine, but over the past few years, Zhong Yue was able to roughly refine it. Thus, he could manipulate the Tai Yin Qi to take any form.

  If he cast the Tai Yin Qi and wielded it in a battle, it would unleash greater power than his twin sabers. Even so, he still used the twin sabers in every battle as they were his Lifebound Weapons. If he used the Tai Yin Qi, he would eventually neglect the twin sabers and slowly give them up.

  Furthermore, his skills were designed to be cast by his soul weapons, especially the [God Slaying Three Styles] that were developed based on the Solar Divine Saber and Metamagnet Divine Saber. Thus, if he frequently used the Tai Yin Qi, he would eventually neglect the cultivations in his skills.

  "It's good-looking, but a little girlish." Bai Canghai looked at the cloak behind him and said, "This cloak is moonlight white, but the scarlet cloak gives your more of a manly air."

  Ma Sansou heard him and answered, "I heard that Jun Wudao was a Weaving Girl of the Tian Suo Celestial Race. If she is willing to help and concoct a scarlet cloak for you, she could refine the Pure Yin Qi into the cloak without changing the cloak's color."

  "Tian Suo Celestial Race? Weaving Girl?" Zhong Yue was puzzled.

  Ma Sansou smiled and said, "The Tian Suo Celestial Race are lords of making clothes, and most of them are all beautiful ladies. Therefore, the Heaven Court's Weaving Girls are mostly from the Tian Suo Celestial Race. The Heaven Court's officials, officers, royals, consorts, and concubines have most of their clothes made by the Heaven Girls and Weaving Girls of the Shen Sang Celestial Race and Tian Suo Celestial Race.

  "Those from the Tian Suo Celestial Race are called Weaving Girls, and those from the Shen Sang Celestial Race are called Heaven Girls. The Heaven Girls concoct the fabric and the Weaver Girls weave clothes. I heard that Jun Wudao was originally a Weaving Girl in the Heaven's Court. And if the rumor is true, then weaving a cloak wouldn't be a difficult task to her. But the cloths concocted by the Heaven Girls are rare and extremely valuable, they are truly hard to find."

  Zhong Yue's eyes brightened up. When he was in Hell, the gods and the officials bribed him with many treasures, one of which included the cloths concocted by the Heaven Girls of the Shen Sang Celestial Race!

  The cloth of the Heaven Girls was there, only the clothes of the Weaving Girls were missing.

  But I am not familiar with Jun Wudao, I wonder if she is willing to make a cloak for me? Zhong Yue thought.

  The bath lasted for half a year and the benefits from it were great. Not only did his cultivation base soar, but his strength also greatly improved, and the time his mortal body could integrate with his skeleton grew longer.

  After the baptism of the Dao liquid, his mortal body, skeleton body, arcane energy, psyche, Innate True Soul and Innate True Spirit, including his bloodline, were all greatly improved.

  But in comparison, Bai Canghai had gained even greater benefits than Zhong Yue. His foundation was simply too poor, thus, there was more room for improvements. After the nourishment of the Dao liquid, Zhong Yue had grown about 20% stronger. But Bai Canghai's strength nearly doubled! Not only that, but even his Curse Spirit Yuan Shen was almost awakened!

  However, no matter how long he was immersed in the Dao liquid even a million years, he still wouldn't be able to awake his Innate Curse Spirit as he didn't have enough attainments in his Curse Spirit. And that lack of knowledge posed a limit to his achievements.

  I've reached my limit on how much the Dao liquid can help me. Zhong Yue got up and walked out of the jade pool.

  Although the Dao liquid was good, most of its essence had been absorbed by their bodies, and what was left behind wasn't much, too little to bring them any more significant benefits.

  However, even when the Dao liquid had lost its essence, its value would not degrade too much as its spirituality would still be stronger than the Heavenly Morning Dew.

  Bai Canghai also got up from jade pool, while Ma Sansou quickly jumped down and thought, "They've finished their baths. Now it's my turn!"

  As he was the Mr. Know-It-All of the Ancient Land of God Graves. He would be of great help to navigate through the ancient land and search for the other Qi Practitioners. Thus, Zhong Yue and Bai Canghai waited patiently for him.

  During the wait, Bai Canghai was trying to gain more insight regarding the Curse Spirit in hopes that he could awaken it sometime soon. Whereas Zhong Yue took out his two divine sabers and continued to refine them with the Golden Origin Water, enhancing the twin sabers' power.

  The Golden Origin Water was unimaginably heavy, a slight surge of it would add a great weight on the weapons. And with heavier weight, comes greater power.

  The two divine sabers had been forged with the Golden Origin Water before, their weights were just right for Zhong Yue. But the same couldn't be said now that his cultivation base had greatly improved, making the two sabers a little too light for him now.

  Four months flashed by, the essence in the Dao liquid was completely absorbed by Ma Sansou. He got up from jade pool, looked back and saw the pool turned into a filthy pool full of dirts excreted from their bodies and Yuan Shen.

  Ma Sansou was unwilling to leave and he thought, The spirituality of the Dao liquid is still very strong. It is still a rare pool of spiritual liquid better than consuming the Heavenly Morning Dew. If I consume it… Hey! I don't want to drink my own bath water!

  Then, the evil Ma Sansou untied his belt and urinated into the jade pool, he grinned as he said, "How can one not pee in his own bathing water? When in the future, the others arrived and saw the pool of Dao liquid, they must be full of joy!"

  Bai Canghai shook his head and raised a stone tablet on the side, and he wrote on it, "Don't drink the water, the pool has urine in it!"

  Zhong Yue praised, "Brother Bai is still the kinder one."

  The three walked out of the Dominator Palace and left without turning their

  "Senior Martial Brother Evil God, this is the Banner Master's territory." Ma Sansou points to a magnificent palace in the foothills, "The Banner Master is also very strong. He was originally on par with the Sword Master, but he found the lower realm in the palace, blood sacrificed the sentient beings in it and killed many Qi Practitioners. That allowed him to plunder lots of fortunes, and he grew very strong. His strength now is not inferior to Qing Feng's."

  Zhong Yue nodded and walked toward the golden palace, he said, "I will be back shortly."

  Indeed, It didn't take long for two rays to flash out of the golden palace and lead the two into it. After that, the three of them conducted a search and plundered every single treasure in the palace before leaving.

  Under Ma Sansou's lead, Zhong Yue raided through more than twenty territories over the next five years and killed the lords of the territories.

  Even when the lord of the territories had blood sacrificed tens of millions of the living beings in the lower realms, they still couldn't stop the claws of death from taking their lives away!

  It shocked the Ancient Land of God Graves, everyone was filled with terror, afraid that the messenger of death would visit them one day.

  It's still not enough. The Qi Practitioners who died in my hands are only two thousand, it may not be enough for me to secure a place in the top ten. Zhong Yue took out the soul token and counted the starlight in it. The starlight on the soul token had converged into a galaxy. But even so, he couldn't help but frown, If it were only the starlight of the Qi Practitioners I've killed transfered to mine, then it'd be more than enough. Fa Bisheng's death count alone was enough to keep me in the top 10. What a shame it doesn't work that way, so I still have to find other Qi Practitioners.

  There were more than 78,000 Qi Practitioners that entered the Ancient Land of God Graves. The most violent elimination war happened during that period of time, but Zhong Yue was teleported into the Bone Realm and missed the big event.

  Now that if he wanted to secure a place in the top ten, he could only fight with those lords.

  In front of a territory, more than 30 lords of different territories gathered together and held a stern face. They were the most outstanding Qi Practitioners in the Prison Realm, and there were more than ten of them held the title of "Master"!

  "The Ancient Land of God Graves was originally peaceful, and everyone was safe and sound. We were all patiently waiting for 14 years to pass and we will be sent out of this place, marking the end of this event." Paragon Master spoke in a heavy tone, he glanced around and continued, "However, Blood Bone Evil God suddenly emerged and swept across territories, killing many lords and plundered their treasures. And now, I am his next target. So here I am, inviting all of you to come and discuss the countermeasures to stop him once and for all! As after he is done with me, it will be you he comes for next."

  The lords looked at each other and nodded. A lady smiled and said, "What do you think we should do? Senior martial brother, do tell us what do you have in mind."

  "Simple. Isn't he trying to kill us? Then we will hide and ambush him!" Paragon Master smiled and said, "We will ambush him right here. There are 32 of us, each has our own territory and can blood sacrifice the living beings of the lower realms. That makes us not only 32 Qi Practitioners but 32 Heavenly Deities. With such unparalleled power, I don't believe that we can't kill Blood Bone Evil God! He will never be expecting 32 lords to wait for him here!"

  "And if the Blood Bone Evil God doesn't come?" One of the masters raised.

  "So, that's why I am asking all the lords to hide your auras so as not to scare him away." Paragon Master smiled and said, "I originally invited Li Tianxing, the Bi An Brothers, Shu Ye, Jun Wudao and the other experts. Yet, their self-proclaimed pride and dignity refused to come. But that's fine, we don't need them, we are more than enough to take down Blood Bone Evil God!"

  Suddenly, a Qi Practitioner rushed over and reported, "Senior martial brother, the skeleton is arriving soon!"

  Paragon Master was overjoyed and got up from his seat, he said, "People, it's time to start the blood sacrifice in the lower realms! Remember, hide you auras and wait for him to turn himself in!"

  The lords sent their followers back in their respective territories and started the blood sacrifices in the lower realms.

  The Paragon Master cast out a pagoda, a mirror flew out of the pagoda and shone into the sky. Immediately, three figures were reflected back, the first one was a big skeleton, the latter two were Bai Canghai and Ma Sansou. As of now, there have arrived at the foot of the mountain where the territory was located at.

  In the mirror, Zhong Yue and his company noticed nothing odd. But suddenly, the big skeleton seemed to feel something, the skeleton abruptly raised his head and looked up. At that instant, his eyes met with Paragon Master's gaze, and it felt like they were staring right at each other face to face!

  Chapter 686: Death Battle |

  “Not good, he found us!”

  The Pagoda Master’s heart thumped; everything in front of him twisted around. That mirror was the soul weapon he single-handedly forged, but now, whatever was in the mirror twisted around as if there was a whirlpool that sucked everything into it, including the master of the mirror!

  “Six Path Reincarnation skill?”

  Six light wheels revolved behind a lord’s head as he shouted right away, “Do not make any eye contact! He is casting a Six Path Reincarnation skill that could harm your Yuan Shen!”

  Pagoda Master, however, did not heed his warning and continued staring into the mirror. From the view of others, the mirror was still the same but in the eyes of the Pagoda Master, the mirror had become a huge whirlpool filled with light wheels of Six Path Reincarnation that tried to devour him wholly!

  His Yuan Shen then spontaneously flew right towards the mirror and it was at this moment that a few Qi Practitioners that opened the sixth wheel shouted, casting spells that merged into a huge hand that hurled Pagoda Master’s Yuan Shen back into his body.

  The mirror shattered and the Pagoda Master immediately recovered from the stun and cold sweat started dripping down from his forehead.

  “So this is the power of Blood Bone Evil God! He is indeed very scary! Dear junior martial brothers, shall we start the blood ritual?” shouted Pagoda Master, “There is no point hiding yourselves anymore, we are already exposed! Let us work together and eliminate this evil god!”

  The Qi Practitioners let out a battlecry and raw power started surging into the 32 lords, further increasing their strength and pillars of power shot that shattered the skies shot up!

  Meanwhile, Zhong Yue, Bai Canghai and Ma Sansou looked towards the palace built on the mountain and they saw the appearance of one massive body after another that were surrounded by totem carvings and light wheels. The voice of worship started ringing in the ears and they felt that there were countless people praying at the same time!

  “32 lords had worked together to perform the blood ritual!”

  The expression of Ma Sansou and Bai Canghai turned grim in an instant. If it was one foe, they had absolute confidence that Zhong Yue would win, but each time after he successfully got through one territory, he would have to rest for a bit as it was not easy for him, and he would gain new wounds every time.

  But now, Zhong Yue would not be a match for the 32 lords!

  “Don’t expect to get away that easily!”

  The 32 lords descended from the palace on the mountain and they locked onto Zhong Yue and his companions as they crushed towards them!

  “Brother Zhong! What do we do?” shouted the trembling Bai Canghai.

  Zhong Yue kept quiet but did not fret. As he reached out his hands, he dragged his companions to him and hurled them away. As they lost balance, Bai Canghai and Ma Sansou suddenly knocked onto something and the next thing they saw were light wheels with various totem carvings surrounding them and they knew that they were hurled into Zhong Yue’s Yuan Shen secret realms.

  Then, Zhong Yue transformed into the golden crow, stretching out his bony wings and flying away.

  Ka cha—

  The dimension cracked apart and Zhong Yue vanished!

  “Do you think it’s that easy!?”

  The gigantic Qi Practitioners gave chase, launching terrifying attacks at Zhong Yue and charging straight into the cracked dimension.

  At the next second, the skies shattered as a huge hole appeared. A skeleton golden crow flew straight out from it. The golden crow drew its wings back and descended straight to the ground and suddenly, it stretched out its wings again and glided closely to the ground.

  At the same time, his pursuers came charging out from the hole.

  Some reached out their palms with fingers as large as pillars. Their fingers were full of totem carvings and when looked at from afar, it seemed like there were Jiao Dragons that wound around their fingers.

  Some visualized huge towers with strong pulling forces that tried to drag Zhong Yue into the towers.

  And some waved their hands, creating a massive bell larger than mountains, and the bell emitted fearful soundwaves that struck towards Zhong Yue!

  In an instant, the skies shattered and powerful spells swarmed towards Zhong Yue.

  Zhong Yue, however, quickly turned into a serpent and vanished into the ground, leaving behind a huge hole as the spells that lost their target slammed exploded fruitlessly on the ground.

  “Get out!”

  Pagoda Master and the other lords descended from the air, raising their legs and stomping onto the ground, causing it to tremble. Somewhere far away, the ground vibrated vigorously and the resultant shockwaves end up completely destroying the terrain.

  Suddenly, the ground from a few thousand metres away burst apart and Zhong Yue could be seen shooting up into the skies from the ground as he turned into the Golden Crow again.


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