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Rise of Humanity

Page 509

by <unknown>

  However, before they could even finish talking, Bi had already charged into the Serene Darkness Mansion and slammed his hand right at the Deity Emperor from the Heaven Court. To the surprise and dismay of the Heaven Court’s Deity Emperor, when he clashed with Bi, he was sent flying away immediately and the impact sent him all the way through one compound after another, and after several failed attempts to stop himself, he crashed right into the city wall.

  The judge from Serene Darkness Mansion received a powerful kick from Bi before Bi dove straight into the formation of countless gods within Hell. Seconds later, the formation shattered and crumbled apart as the gods were thrown aside everywhere.

  Bi could then be seen flying out from Serene Darkness Mansion as he charged towards Serene Shadow Mansion and said with a laugh, “What’s wrong with me intruding?”

  Right away, within the different cities in Hell, the many gods within Hell were all alerted to what happened in Serene Darkness Mansion and when they all ascended into the air, they looked towards Serene Shadow Mansion, only to witness the fall of the gods’ formation and the guards being sent flying away with blood gushing out their mouths before the Heaven Court’s Deity Emperor guarding Serene Shadow Mansion got seriously injured.

  Then, a light shot towards the third city like a meteor towards Serene Soul Mansion.

  “Such foolish bravery!”

  The Qi Practitioners of the many cities and courtyards mobilized immediately against Bi; this time, the Heaven Court had sent eighteen Deity Emperors to guard Hell and now, with the eighteen emperors and judges from Hell, they all swarmed towards Bi to intercept him.

  “This is a strong foe, notify the Hell Emperor right away!” shouted one of the judges.

  Outside of the Serene Soul Mansion, Zhong Yue and An stopped completely and waited patiently as the noises and shouting entered their ears. Zhong Yue frowned slightly and he couldn’t help but wonder if Bi could really force his way in through the eighteen emperors.

  “Worry not.” said An as if he knew what Zhong Yue thought, “Such a little scene could be dealt with by my brother easily. Once he attracts their attention, we will move straight into the Abyss without interference.”

  Zhong Yue nodded; Bi and An were brothers after all and if An said that that there was no problem, then there shouldn’t be a problem.

  After several moments, as the noises became more distant, An laughed and said, “Let’s go, shall we?”

  Zhong Yue got up and when they entered Serene Soul Mansion, they were greeted with the sight of toppled buildings and guards running around cluelessly.

  We have to end this, fast!

  Zhong Yue thought as he flew towards their target with An, Bi is too strong and if nothing else happens, the Heaven Court will realize what happened in no time! We have to get King Geng out before their reinforcements arrive!

  Meanwhile, Bi had already fought his way into the seventh city, Yan Mo City, where he was welcomed by the joint attack of the eighteen judges from Hell and the eighteen emperors from the Heaven Court. They have successfully trapped and surrounded Bi and when Zhong Yue took a look at the battle, he let out a breath of relief.

  Though those from Heaven Court were very powerful, they were still affected by the suppression in Hell, thus, weakening them to the point where they became even weaker than Bi, which also resulted in a situation where even after managing to trap Bi, they still struggled to take him down.

  On the other hand, Zhong Yue and An flew past multiple cities without interference until reaching all the way to their destination in A’Bi City. Behind A’Bi City was a black hole dimension that was not only vast but also dark, and that was also they place that King Geng was imprisoned in.

  Now, all that was left between them and entering the path towards the Abyss was this dimension.

  “Junior martial brother, go now and return quickly!” An suddenly flew up and charged straight towards the direction of the Sea of Oblivion.

  As he spoke, the supposedly calm Sea of Oblivion started to tremble and rogue waves started to form. Suddenly, the water split apart before they merged together and formed a gigantic wave that was surrounded by planets; these planets were extremely huge but even they were dwarfed by the monstrous wave.

  “Who dares to disturb my land?”

  The gigantic wave was split apart and a gigantic figure rose up with the Soul Reaping Bell in his hands. When he looked around, he asked with a very thick and burly voice, “Identify yourselves!”

  An stood in the air and when he looked at the person beneath, he burst out laughing and mocked, “Identify myself? Hahaha, Hell Emperor, do you think that I’m stupid?”

  The two clashed and the Sea of Oblivion shook vigorously with Hell Emperor slammed back into Sea of Oblivion. He let out a groan and seconds later, a bell sounded and the Sea of Oblivion split apart with Hell Emperor rising up again, “Imbecile fools! Your kind actually dare to reverse and alter your fate!? Do you not know your limits?”

  Zhong Yue stared at the battle between An and Hell Emperor for a moment and cast his worries aside after realizing that An’s strength was far superior to the Hell Emperor’s.

  Then, he got up and started moving right into the Abyss.

  Outside of the Abyss, the seal totem carvings lit up from time to time and this time, Zhong Yue was very familiar with the routes already; he got all the way to the front of the Abyss and when he moved his hands swiftly, he created all sorts of seals which opened up the gates of the Abyss.

  Then, he stopped for a moment and waited for the path hidden in the dark to light up before continuing toward his target.

  As he walked, the the Abyss was eerily quiet; when he walked on the path, there was not even a single footstep coming from him and the only noises were the shrieks coming from the deepest part of the Abyss from time to time.

  Moments later, Zhong Yue’s heart thumped and as his expression hardened, he thought, Hell now has the eighteen emperors from the Heaven Court guarding it. The security in this place has risen to a higher level ever since the escape of Creator He Lan. Creator He Lan was freed from the deepest part of the Abyss and if there are eighteen emperors safeguarding the outer layer, there shouldn’t be no one guarding the inside! Now, should I continue further into the the Abyss?

  There was one thing that was bound to happen if he continued pursuing his target, which was that there will be at least one of the eighteen emperors had realized his arrival and is now waiting for him to walk right into their trap!

  Zhong Yue hesitated for a while and suddenly, he gritted as he made up his mind with a laugh, “King Geng is my younger brother. How can I sit aside when he is suffering! With every advantage at my side, how can I allow myself to chicken out!?”

  He then pressed forward and prepared for every incoming attack.

  Those that got imprisoned within the Abyss were met with disastrous fates; but all of these horrible scenes were ignored as Zhong Yue firmly walked on his path.

  However, even after passing by countless imprisonment grounds the held even Deity Overlords, King Geng was yet to be found. If Zhong Yue proceeded even further, he would have to enter the imprisonment ground of the Deity Emperors!

  King Geng was someone who could rival the Realm Monarch in his previous life. He might not have his spirit with him after he was reborn but his soul was still very remarkable. His spirit even became the Innate Galaxy Spirit Body after he was reborn making him even stronger. So it was natural that he is locked in the deeper parts.

  Zhong Yue thought.

  “Hehehehe, the stubborn men of the traitorous Chang Geng….

  Suddenly, an eerie feminine laughter came from the deepest part of the Abyss and entered Zhong Yue’s ears.

  “You noticed me long ago, didn’t you?”

  The eerie voice sounded everywhere in the dark as she moved around swiftly and she added, “So why still continue to move forward? Hehehe, you are quite a loyal one….”

  Zhong Yue, however, i
gnored her as he pressed forward firmly.

  “The traitor Chang Geng is still dreaming of stealing the throne, little did he know that his dream shall remain as that for eternity.”

  The voice came from the ground beneath Zhong Yue and suddenly, Zhong Yue entered a completely different place; he now stood on a bridge and on the other end of the bridge, there was a lady. When Zhong Yue tried to walk toward her, she would seem to get further away from him.

  Zhong Yue then looked towards the other end of the bridge closely, only to find a pretty face and a petite lady standing there.

  “Junior Martial Sister Jin’er?”

  Zhong Yue’s heart thumped and again, the face of the lady trembled and turned into another face. This time, it was the face of Chi Xue who had slept with him.

  At the next second, Chi Xue put up a frightened expression and she was dragged by an invisible force and hurled into a prison where she was tortured gruesomely.

  Zhong Yue’s face darkened right away and after he stopped moving, he shook his head, smiled and continued moving forward.

  “So cruel and heartless. The love of your life is suffering and being tortured yet you can still move on coldly. How cruel, are you not going to save me?”

  Under the bridge, the sad Chi Xue said full of hatred shouted out again together with Zhong Yue’s footstep, “Seems like it’s not enough for you. How about this then?”

  Another lady floated from the water under the bridge and this time, it was the face of Jun Sixie and along with the other two ladies, she was also locked in the prison and suffered with the other two.

  “You’re trying to disturb my mind?”

  Zhong Yue ignored everything and he said slowly, “You and I have never met yet I am seeing people that you should have no knowledge of. This means that your technique is something that specializes in soul attacks. It is just like a mirror that reflects the weaknesses and fear of your target but a mirror is just a mirror. It may be able to expose my weaknesses, but you can’t see them. Show yourself!”

  Chapter 714: Mind Game |

  As soon as he was done talking, the eerie voice sounded out again, “Show myself? I’ve always been by your side, and you’re telling me that you can’t see me?”

  “Right next to me?”

  Zhong Yue got goosebumps and when he looked downwards again, the scene of Jun Sixie, Qiu Jin’er and Chi Xue being tortured entered his vision again before the three ladies and the prison cages turned blurry and disappeared, leaving behind only a gigantic shadow.

  Then, breaths could be heard behind his head and cold breath blew onto his neck.

  Zhong Yue stiffened up immediately as he clearly felt that the strange lady was standing right behind him.

  “Now you know?”

  The eerie voice sounded again and this time, she giggled, “I’ve been behind you all the while. I walked when you walked and I stopped when you stopped. The footsteps you heard were soft and what you saw was also my shadow. Those things just now were techniques hidden within my shadow and they showed you the secrets buried deep in your heart.”

  “Then why don’t you just attack and kill me?” asked Zhong Yue with a sore voice.

  The voice giggled right away and she replied, “Oh, I could never bring myself to kill you, my child! You are my dearest child and mother loves you so much!”

  Zhong Yue dashed forward in an instant and after moving forward for a fifty miles away, he turned around only to see a huge shadow flying towards him while dancing strangely. He was stunned for a second and he shouted, “Mother Ghost of Hundred Children?”

  The gigantic shadow that was charging towards him was a pregnant lady and she had arms like spider legs. Her chest was left exposed and her face was twisted to a grotesque degree.

  There were countless faces on her pregnant stomach and these faces were still breathing, blinking, and even yawning and they came in different ages; young men and ladies, white-haired old men, pretty and mature women, and even burly men. The scene was beyond horrible!

  The Mother Ghost of Hundred Children!

  Zhong Yue once witnessed the technique of Mother Ghost of Hundred Children back in the Ancestral Star. It was the technique of the Gui Shen Celestial Race, but he never thought that he would see the techniques’ origin right here!

  And this Mother Ghost of Hundred Children has cultivated into the level of Deity Emperor, she was a ghost emperor from the Gui Shen Celestial Race!

  Upon seeing Zhong Yue turned around, Mother Ghost of Hundred Children stopped right away and as she giggled, she covered her face and said, “The child thinks that his mum is ugly! You surely wouldn’t want to recognize me as your mother anymore when I’m so ugly! Don’t be afraid, come to mother and let mother stuff you back into mother’s stomach then you wouldn’t have to see mother’s ugly face!”

  Zhong Yue’s expression turned gloomy at her words and seconds later, he burst out laughing and he said, “Stop your foolish act! Those faces on your stomach are those Qi Practitioners that you have eaten alive, I presume?”

  “I’m not acting foolish.”

  Mother Ghost of Hundred Children covered her face with her sleeves and half of her gruesome face snuck out from the back from her sleeves. She acted like a very polite and gentle woman and said with a nice voice, “They are mother’s child all the while. They did not want me anymore because of how ugly I am so mother stuff them back into my stomach so that they wouldn’t leave me! Dear child, come back to my stomach and together, we shall never be separated anymore.”

  Her voice became extremely motherly that she could convince someone that she really was their mother and unknowingly made victims fell for her trick.

  Zhong Yue’s mind went blank and he felt like his long-gone mother was reaching out to him. As he walked towards the call of his mother mindlessly, he suddenly had a shock and right after he visualized Sui Sovereign, he swiped away the ghostly Qi around him and cleared his empty mind.

  This time, when he looked around, what appeared in front of him was a bloodied huge mouth instead of his long-gone mother!

  Mother Ghost of Hundred Children was standing in front of him god knows how long ago; on her stomach was a huge mouth with hooks and this mouth on her belly squeezed the other faces to the side and waited for Zhong Yue to enter the mouth!

  Zhong Yue backed off immediately and when he prayed, the countless demons and gods appeared, each surrounded the [Celestial Demon Tai Chi Art]’s altar and they all bowed!

  The [Worship of Gods]!


  Mother Ghost of Hundred Children was sent flying away right away and she fell right back into the darkness before she wailed, “It hurts! You’ve hurt mother and your brothers and sisters! You foolish child, I will eat you! I will consume you alive!”

  Her voice moved swiftly within the darkness and it made it insanely difficult for Zhong Yue to pinpoint her position.

  Zhong Yue’s expression turned gloomy and when he shook his head, heads started growing from his neck, each facing at different directions and arms grew out from his armpit as he prepared for the imminent fierce battle.

  Mother Ghost of Hundred Children is not someone to be taken lightly as she still remained almost unscathed after receiving my attack. She might even be able to beat me.

  Zhong Yue started moving towards the deeper part of the Abyss and he thought, Her skills are strange and full of surprises, which makes them almost impossible to predict…. That’s another tough fight for me….

  He was not confident in being able to triumph against this Mother Ghost of Hundred Children!

  “Hehehehe, my son, do you not want to see your love?” giggled Mother Ghost of Hundred Children. Her sound came from everywhere in the darkness and this time, her voice even overwhelmed the sound of the Abyss, which furthermore proved how powerful she is.

  “I can show them to you.”

  This time, instead of just front, back, left and right, her voice came from fifty over other positions! />
  Zhong Yue looked around quickly and all he could see was just plain darkness and the pitiful light emitted by the light bridge.

  Then, Mother Ghost of Hundred Children’s voice came from more than a hundred directions, “Mother is not going to get angry at you for beating mother. Just come back to mother’s stomach and mother will let you stay with your love forever. Hehehehehe….”

  Zhong Yue however, did not flinch and when he saw the prison that imprisoned King Geng, King Geng was being held on a rack where his neck, arms and legs were tied up and being dissected by two little imps.

  The imps had huge saws in their hands and each time they swung their saws, King Geng’s body would be cut into pieces.

  Though King Geng was imprisoned within the cage that was built for the Deity Emperors and Creators, his strength was far inferior to the Deity Emperors, let alone the Creators. Thus, even if the imps were not able to do anything to the Deity Emperors and Creators, they could still be able to deal with King Geng easily.

  And for King Geng, as someone who had cultivated the Immortal Body, his body will regenerate each time after being severed but the pain that came along was inevitable and this would not stop as long as the imps continued!

  Meanwhile, upon discovering the location of King Geng, Zhong Yue felt slightly relieved but at the next second, a face descended from the darkness above him while the face giggled, “So you are together with this traitor!”

  Zhong Yue looked up and right away, he found that particular face very familiar and he quickly realized that it was one of the faces on the belly of Mother Ghost of Hundred Children!

  “Are you trying to commit treason?” asked another face that floated out from the dark curiously.

  “Why did you hurt mother? Mother is mad now!” shouted an old face behind Zhong Yue, “You traitorous fool!”

  Around Zhong Yue, one face after another emerged and surrounded him.


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