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Rise of Humanity

Page 540

by <unknown>

  Realm Monarch Bo Luo returned to the Heaven Court, he movements swayed for a split second, nearly tripping himself and his control over his blood essence wavered, causing him to nearly spurt out a mouthful of blood again.

  Then, when he saw the empty treasure vault, he still couldn’t suppress the burning fire in him even though he knew vigorous emotional fluctuation would worsen his injuries. As a result, another mouthful of blood was spurted up the air.

  “Human Zhong Yue, I swear that I’ll skin you!”


  The dark smoke surged in the boundless space for a distance beyond measurable and time far too long to keep track. Suddenly, unbeknownst to Zhong Yue, the dark smoke began to progressively slow down.

  Zhong Yue looked out and found a large region of space in front of him filled with countless irregularly shaped asteroids. These asteroids were most probably the debris and dust formed from a shattered planet.

  The dark smoke entered the region of asteroids and went deeper into it. All of a sudden, an elevated stage with a huge gourd of over a thousand feet tall in the center came into his view.

  On its side sat a man covered in a black robe, he appeared to be as tiny as an ant when compared to the gourd beside him.

  Who is he? Such appalling arcane energy, being able to reach all the way to the Bo Luo Six Paths World from this place and still hold such tremendous power at the same time, Zhong Yue was astonished.

  The dark smoke surged into the gourd while Zhong Yue shook himself out from the dark smoke. He landed on the stage and bowed at the dark-robed man, “Senior, thank you for saving my life.”

  The sounds of metal chains clanking rang out when the black-robed man stoop up. It was then that Zhong Yue noticed the chains that shackled the man’s hands and legs, and the huge metal chain across his waist and the gourd’s.

  “A hundred thousand years ago, we were one. There is no need to thank me for anything.” His voice was hoarse like an old man’s. He tightened the metal chains and carried the colossal gourd on his back like an ant carrying a mountain. He said, “I’ve left a teleportal, the destination is set and you should go now. Someone will be there waiting for your arrival at the other end.”

  Zhong Yue startled, he asked, “We were one a hundred thousand years ago? Are you…”

  The black-robed man’s back stooped under the weight of the gourd, making him look even more old and dreary than he was. What was a hoarse voice was now added with sorrowness in it as the man replied, “Was one, but not anymore. Now, I am nothing more than just a homeless wanderer who lives in his own gourd.”

  Then, the man leaped out of the stage and let the darkness of the void swallow him.

  Zhong Yue stared blankly for a long time until the man disappeared in his vision, he mumbled, “A wanderer and his gourd… Why did he shackle his own hands and legs to the gourd?”

  The reason why Zhong Yue believed that the black-robed man was the one who shackled himself was because Zhong Yue could tell that the man was tremendously strong, perhaps in the same level or even on-par with Realm Monarch Bo Luo.

  Who exactly was powerful enough to capture and shackle him?

  Furthermore, although the metal chains were on him, his arcane energy and movements weren’t restricted at all, which made it clear that he was the one that shackled himself.

  Xin Huo suddenly said, “It wasn’t his body and the divine weapon that he has bound to, it’s his soul that is truly shackled. I think, he is doing this in fear of losing control of himself.”

  Zhong Yue kept quiet for a few moments before moving on to inspect the teleportation formation on the stage. Unlike those he had seen before, this teleportation formation wasn’t engraved on the stone pillar but the stage itself.

  “It contains some part of the [Time Light Spatial Crystal Mystic Scripture], but it is incomplete and the abstrusities in it are shallow. Looks like he was a Fuxi, but was reincarnated into some other race. That was probably what he meant by him being a homeless wanderer.”

  Other than that, a self-destruction sequence was also embedded in the teleportation formation that would destroy it when Zhong Yue was teleported away.

  Zhong Yue stepped onto the center of the formation, activated it and a light beam teleported him away.

  After some time, the energy in the teleportation formation was depleted and Zhong Yue’s speed slowed down. In the darkness, a lighthouse was slowly spinning by itself, illuminating its surroundings.

  All of a sudden, the light shone upon him and a bizarre force pulled him into the lighthouse.

  The lighthouse’s inner space was huge. A four-legged giant was standing in the center. He had only one eye glaring in the dark; it was the source of the light from the lighthouse!

  “Senior, thank you for saving me,” Zhong Yue bowed and thanked.

  “A hundred thousand years ago, we were one. There is no need to overdo the formalities.” The one-eyed, four-legged giant said, “The teleportation formation is ready, your arrival is expected. Go now, I will wipe off the traces.”

  Zhong Yue stepped into the teleportation formation and before the light beam brought him far away, he turned his head around and saw the only light in the dark extinguishing along with the lighthouse’s and giant’s disappearance.

  How far the teleportation took him, he did not know. It was as if everything was calculated to its minutest details when the teleportation light beam’s energy was depleted, Zhong Yue was lead away by a cluster of rainbow clouds and finally found himself on a continent.

  The continent was hovering in space on its own, seemingly coming out of nowhere and meandering aimlessly throughout the cosmos.

  All of a sudden, a blinding light burst out above the continent as a rose above the horizon. The sun was constantly orbiting around the continent, but the whole continent and sun were invisible from the outside as it was cloaked with arcane energy.

  As the sun rose up, its light gradually spread across the continent, revealing to the Zhong Yue the contours of its cities and the bustle of human activity.

  “Fuxi, I can’t hold you longer.” A voice came from behind him, Zhong Yue turned back and saw a granny with a walking stick whose old and wrinkled face failed to hide her past beauty. She must’ve been an alluring lady in her prime days, countless men would’ve had fallen in her.

  But for some unknown reason, she stayed on this lone continent, settled down here and sheltered the humans with her power as she slowly aged.

  “Senior, thank you for saving me,” Zhong Yue bowed and thanked again.

  The granny’s benign countenance smiled, she said, “Spare the formalities, we were one before. You don’t have to be too polite.”

  Zhong Yue’s nose twitched and a thin layer of water covered his visions. He quickly turned and entered the teleportation formation prepared for him by the old woman, leaving the lone continent.

  Along the way, he had stepped through over tens of teleportation formations, each and every one of them guarded by an old expert. Some were willing to meet him with their true faces, some covered their identities, and some didn’t even show themselves to him.

  “A hundred thousand years ago, we were one,” was what all of them said before sending him away.

  The trip continued like this until the last stop. An old man wearing a bamboo conical hat escorted to a little barge, slowly pushing the boat to the front with a long bamboo pole and entering a Six Paths World.

  Zhong Yue looked at the teleportation formation that appeared in front of him; this teleportation formation would probably be the last, after this, he would reach his final destination.

  “Fuxi…” The old man who never spoke a single word before suddenly said. Then, regaining his usual silence a few moments before he continued with a voice filled with untold grief, “Don’t let us down.”

  Zhong Yue nodded heavily. He stepped into the teleportation formation and watched as the little barge left.

  By the time Zhong Yue crossed the final
portal, Zhong Yue’s worldview had undergone a total change from when he began his journey.

  My people did not let me down, and so I will not fail you too. Never will!

  As time passed, the energy in the teleportation light beam depleted and Zhong Yue found himself falling toward the summit of a sky-high mountain in the Heaven Realm of the Wei Shen Six Paths World.

  On the mountain summit, a grand palace was hovering in mid-air with its roof turned wide open in a spiral action. A voice came from within, “Fourth brother, the man you are looking for has arrived.”

  Zhong Yue landed in the grand palace and the palace’s roof closed. The Bi and An brothers were standing in the palace, watching Zhong Yue with wide smiles.

  Other than them, there was another brawny celestial being with the body of a human and the head of a dragon. He was also smiling as he said, “Finally here. My little cousin from the Fuxi Clan, it’s truly a miracle that you made it out alive, congratulations.”

  Zhong Yue bowed, he asked, “And this big brother is?”

  “Spare the formalities, I am Suan Ni, your older cousin.” The brawny celestial being replied, “This is one of my many palaces, but I am not in very often, even this body is just an incarnation of mine, specially here for you.”

  Zhong Yue quickly thanked him.

  Whereas Bi and An laughed, “I see you’ve changed your appearances, it seems like you now have a clear mind of the perilous position you are in now. You are now public enemy number 1 across all the 3,000 Six Paths World. Not many places are safe for you now; but fear not as the worlds are far too big to catch you too. The Wei Shen Six Paths World is not suitable for you anymore, what plans do you have in mind?”

  Chapter 759: I Owe Too Much of Your Loves |

  Zhong Yue was a little lost, although the 3,000 Six Paths Worlds were huge, almost endless, where excatly could he hide?

  WIth his identity exposed, Zhong Yue was now the most wanted man all in the universe. Even casually walking on the streets would lead to him being recognized almost immediately.

  And it was still too early for him to head for Lei Zhe as his innate mortal body was yet to be cultivated; he had no confidence in passing through the 81 levels of Ancient Lei Zhe Realm.

  “I want to receive Bai Canghai, the Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud, Shi Buyi and the others first, then find Bai Canghai someone of his own kind.” Zhong Yue smiled, “I’ve promised to find him someone who also has a Curst Innate Spirit Body a long time ago. It’s time to fulfill my promise.”

  Bi and An exchanged a look, “Then you may want to hurry. It will not be long before the Wei Shen Six Paths World and Realm Monarch Yunshan receive word of your escape. By then, the whole world, especially your courtyard, will be on full lockdown.”

  Zhong Yue nodded while An continued, “There’s another thing you should know. After your capture, the courtyard was to be destroyed and your companions sold as slaves. However, the seventeenth prince stood out and claimed all of your belongings, dead or alive.”

  Zhong Yue heaved a breath of relief, he thanked the three once again.

  Bi and An then laughed simultaneously, “We were planning to have you as our Dao Guardian in our next life, other than to ensure our safety in the next life, we also wanted you to maintain a low profile for some time while acting as our Dao Guardian. That’ll supposedly help in delaying you from exposing your identity. However, who would foresee this sort of outcome so soon.”

  Zhong Yue stiffened his face, “I have no intention of going back on my word. If I promised to be your Dao Guardian, then I will fulfill my promise regardless of what happens!”

  Suan Ni abruptly asked, “That is your current plan. But let me ask you, what is your future plan after you’ve ascended into deityhood?”

  Zhong Yue’s voice turned solemn, “I will go to the Zi Wei Galaxy!”

  Bi, An, and Suan Ni were all shocked, To the Zi Wei Galaxy?

  How audacious!

  Then, Bi and An sent him off from the mountain, watching as Zhong Yue constantly changed appearances while heading toward the Lesser Saint Heaven Realm. The brothers sighed and An said, “Father told us to keep distance with him, but this time we’ve acted too close. If he gets caught, we will be dragged into a predicament as well, even Father will be implicated.”

  An shook his head, “But he is in trouble, how can we stand by and watch? After this time, he will learn to be more cautious in the future.”

  Suan Ni’s body was slowly petrifying into a statue. His voice came within the statue, “Your cultivation of a hundred lives is near its end. Reincarnate for just one more life and you will be able to escape the influence of the Six Paths and Reincarnation. Zhong Yue still intends to go to the Zi Wei Galaxy even after his terrible defeat here, he will see himself into another bigger trouble! Don’t get too close with him, or I am afraid that your efforts from your past 99 lives will go down the drain when you are on the cusp of success!”

  “Fifth brother, rest assured, we know what we are doing.” Bi and An smiled in reply.

  Zhong Yue returned to his courtyard, which was now effectively 17th Prince Helian Tianzheng’s current courtyard. There were soldiers on guard in and out, day and night.

  Zhong Yue approached the gate guardians and was stopped, he took out a White Wu Chang’s mask and smiled, “Hand this mask to the seventeenth prince, tell him that an old friend is here to pay a visit.”

  The guardian went in and came back not long after, saying politely, “Please, the prince is waiting for mister.”

  Zhong Yue followed the guardian into his own courtyard, he was lead to the study room where Helian Tianzheng was sitting. The 17th prince was holding the mask in his hand, examining Zhong Yue from tip to toe in bewilderment. He waved his hand and asked the guardian to leave the room while sealing it after from the ears and eyes of the outsiders.

  “Lord Yue, how daring!” When Helian Tianzhng saw Zhong Yue changing back to his true face, he exclaimed in shock, “You escaped! And you actually dared to come back! Do you know what this place is? This is the Realm Monarch’s residence, his strongest fortress! If you ever show any signs of Zhong Yue, you will die instantly!”

  Zhong Yue smiled, “That’s why I didn’t show my true self before I come looking for you.”

  Helian Tianzheng’s face turned gloomy, he waited for moments and siged, “Your audacity has earned my respect. Your men are in the courtyard, you are here to bring them away?”

  Zhong Yue nodded, “You have my gratitude, prince. I am a Fuxi, are you not afraid of getting involved in troubles?”

  Rays flashed across Helian Tianzheng’s eyes, he laughed, “What does it matter if you are a Fuxi or not? You’ve been captured and have never been here before. Furthermore, Shi Buyi, Old Man Six Paths, and the Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud have escaped on their own. I know absolutely nothing regarding this matter.”

  The two exchanged a look and laughed, then Helian Tianzheng’s psyche pulsed out from the study room. Moments later, Shi Buyi, Bai Canghai, Old Man Six Paths, and the Eighteen Emperors fo Heavenly Cloud came into the room. They were all overjoyed to be reunited.

  “Time is not on our side. We will leave now before things get more complicated!”

  Zhong Yue brought them into the Heaven Origin Reincarnation Mirror and said, “Brothers and sisters, I will cast off your petrified eyes on the way out to avoid Queen Shi Ji’s tracking!”

  Then, he bowed and thanked Helian Tianzheng and Helian Tianzheng reciprocated the formality. Zhong Yue’s appearance, bloodline, and aura changed again while he walked out of the courtyard.

  Helian Tianzheng didn’t send him away and let him leave on his own.

  Seconds before Zhong Yue exited the courtyard, he heard a lady’s voice asking, “Senior martial brother, can I ask you something, is your Lord Yue back yet?”

  Zhong Yue looked up and saw two ladies walking toward him. One was the sly and cunning Shi Yinji and the other was Jun Wudao in her female’s
clothes, which was also Yi Wanjun.

  Zhong Yue’s heart skipped a beat, he stopped and answered, “I don’t know too. Princess Shi and Miss Yi, you may want to try the seventeenth prince.”

  The ladies were disappointed, Yi Wanjun sighed and shook in despondent, “It seems like he will never come back…”

  Shi Yinji sighed also, “I haven’t let him tasted my whips yet and he was captured away by Zi Guang already…”

  When Zhong Yue continued his way out of the courtyard, Yi Wanjun’s voice suddenly shouted, “Stop right where you are!”

  “How did you know my surname?” Yi Wanjun’s eyes glared in bright rays as she examined him from top to bottom.

  Zhong Yue smiled, “The prettiest lady of the Heaven Realm, how can I not know?”

  Shi Yinji immediately understood Yi Wanjun’s meaning, she gave a frigid smile and said, “You are a weird one. When the other men saw Wanjun’s female attire, their souls would all fly out of their agape mouths. Yet you, your eyes are clear as crystals, completely unperturbed. Either you are not a man, or you are used to seeing beauties like us!”

  Zhong Yue was bewildered, he laughed, “No wonder the dear ladies are puzzled. To be frank, I already have a person in my heart, that’s why although you two are pretty like goddesses, I am not far too attracted.”

  “Someone?” Shi Yinji raised her whip and said, “You referred her as a person? So you are a human Qi Practitioner? But why did my senses tell me you are a celestial?”

  The duo surrounded Zhong Yue in the middle, their eyes stared at his face, trying to pick up even the slightest change of his expression. They were both meticulous ladies, once they spotted a loose thread, they would relentlessly tug and pull at it.

  Zhong Yue asked helplessly, “Ladies, is there anything else you need?”

  Shi Yinji rolled her eyes playfully, she suddenly lashed her whip at him and said frigidly, “Whether or not you are him, let me just lash you first and we’ll discuss further later!”


  A crisp sound resounded their ears as Zhong Yue stood unmovingly, allowing the whip to fully lash on him, he said, “Ladies, can I leave now?”


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