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Rise of Humanity

Page 610

by <unknown>

  But now, Zhong Yue told Wu Dulang the news that he now served under Xian Tian Palace and the humans will profit from selling the information to Wu Dulang. At the same time, Wu Dulang will also immediately crush Fu Li’s soul and went looking for Mu Suge.

  With that, the conflict between Xian Tian Palace and Wu Dulang became irreversible and if Wu Dulang wanted to deal with Zhong Yue, he had to first go through Xian Tian Palace.

  King Zi Guang can use Wu Dulang against me and with the same reason, I can use him against Xian Tian Palace too.

  Zhong Yue thought, King Zi Guang has used a double edge sword, it can injure an enemy but also hurt himself at the same time.

  Ten days later, Mu Suge and Zhong Yue arrived at a sacred ground in the ancient universe. Mu Suge said, “Mister Yi, King Zi Guang has created a strategy for my father on conquering the ancient universe. The master of this sacred land is the He Luo Celestial Race, the He Luo Clan. Their clan master now is a Creator called Creator Luo Sheng. He is a powerful Creator and is a loyal follower of my father. With the Six Paths Reincarnation controlled by my father, he was reborn into the He Luo Clan and sneaked into the race. With his talent, he quickly rose as the leader after 5,000 years.”

  Zhong Yue looked towards the sacred land, where pure planets made of water floated and surrounded the sacred land. These planets formed a huge formation and guarded this place.

  Among these planets lived the people of He Luo Clan, each with a fish head and ten fish bodies, making them appear extremely weird.

  The He Luo Clan was a celestial race that lived in water; their body was a few miles long, hence, they lived in the water planets; these water planets had palaces underwater, each extremely luxurious and their sacred grounds were all ocean with their people living in the water.

  “I’ve notified Creator Luo Sheng and he will be with us soon. With his help, we will have a huge advantage in the ancient universe and we will not run into a lot of troubles.” said Mu Suge.

  As they talked, a waterfall emerged from the sacred ground and the water flowed all the way towards them while ships sailed out of the sacred ground with a Creator leading the fleet. This Creator was the Creator Luo Sheng from the He Luo Clan.

  “Your Highness, please come in and take a rest. The journey was not an easy one I’d imagine,” said the Creator.

  Zhong Yue and Mu Suge boarded the ship and when Zhong Yue looked around, he noticed that the gods from the He Luo Clan had fish face, eyes without eyelids, gill and they were all donned with scale armors.

  Underneath their neck were ten bodies, ten pairs of feet with webbings, which were very strange looking.

  “Mister, let me introduce. This is Creator Luo Sheng.”

  The fleet headed straight back to the sacred ground while Mu Suge said, “Creator Luo Sheng, this is Mister Yi from we Xian Tian Palace.”

  Creator Luo Sheng bowed and greeted, “Greetings, Mister Yi. I’ve heard of your name for a long time.”

  Zhong Yue replied with a bow, “Senior Martial Brother Luo Sheng, there is someone under Heavenly Court named Heavenly King Yanshi Xi had followed us into the lower realm and she is now in the ancient universe. Do you happen to know her?”

  “Heavenly King Yanshi Xi? I don’t think I do,” replied the Creator.

  “Then why are there so many Yanshi puppets around?”

  Before his voice even faded away, Zhong Yue acted. With a simple wave, a Heavenly Deity’s head fell from his neck but from the decapitated parts, there were crimson linings that connected the neck and head.

  Crimson linings danced around, dragging the head back and reattached it back to the neck.

  The Heavenly Deity turned his head for a few rounds and giggled, “Mister Yi, I don’t think I revealed anything odd and my disguise was perfect so how did you know?”

  Suddenly, the gods in the fleet turned their heads at the same time and said with different mouths but same tone, “How did you notice?”

  Mu Suge’s expression changed right away as the Creator right in front of him turned his head and said the same thing!

  Meanwhile, in the He Luo Clan sacred ground, the gods turned towards the ship where the duo stood and voiced the same question.

  At the same time, within the countless water planets, the people of the He Luo Clan emerged from the water and shouted!

  Coldness engulfed Mu Suge as he felt his limbs were frozen for the entire He Luo Clan was infected and turned into puppets by Yanshi Xi!

  If it wasn’t because of Zhong Yue, they’ve had entered deep into Yanshi Xi’s trap and there will be no escape!

  “Nice to meet you, you can call me Mister.”

  Zhong Yue replied calmly, “After boarding the ship, Mu Suge introduced you to me as he never informed you that I am with him. You and I never met each other before so it’s only natural for me to grow suspicious of you for knowing my identity.”

  “So that’s how it is!”

  Crimson clouds emerged and swarmed towards them along with the countless gods in the fleet!

  With a blink, Zhong Yue entered the light wheels behind Mu Suge’s head while Mu Suge rained chaos onto the puppet army, tearing limbs apart and cutting heads off. Meanwhile, with a scary expression, Creator Luo Sheng turned into a gigantic fish with ten bodies, opened up its jaws and swallowed the entire fleet with Mu Suge included.

  Just as he swallowed Mu Suge, his skull burst apart before Mu Suge walked out and dashed away with lightning speed.

  The hole in Creator Luo Sheng’s skull regenerated and with his tail swung around, he swam in the water quickly and chased after Mu Suge.

  The ten tailed giant fish swarm in the ancient universe as if it was in the water and its speed was actually a little quicker than Mu Suge’s.

  Mu Suge was in shock and anger and he fought as he backed off; suddenly, countless Dao totem patterns turned into a massive net and netted the fish Creator Luo Sheng turned into.


  Lights flashed across and suddenly, Creator Luo Sheng was sliced into pieces but that did not stop the enemy.

  Behind Mu Suge, crimson linings slithered out from the fish pieces, merged together and turned into Creator Luo Sheng again but the time taken was already enough for Mu Suge to distance himself greatly.

  How did Yanshi Xi know that this was the base of Xian Tian Palace?


  Mu Suge ran away madly and after quite a long time, even as a Creator, he was out of breath and he could no longer sustain traveling at high speed for such a long time.

  He stopped and shouted like a mad dog, “The spies we sent to Xian Tian Palace planted in the ancient universe are top secret. But Yanshi Xi was one step ahead of us. She wiped out the entire clan and knew that they are serving for Xian Tian Palace!”

  Zhong Yue on the other hand, walked out from the light wheels with a frown as he said, “Heaven Court must have sent spies into the ancient universe before Xian Tian Palace. My prince, seems like our journey will continue to be a difficult one.”

  Mu Suge lamented and said, “Fortunately, I still have you…. Not good!”

  His expression changed drastically as he exclaimed, “Di Wanhu ran into the wildmen’s Star Torrent Fortress and was abducted by them!”

  Mu Suge immediately whipped out totem pillars to contact the other captains from Tiger Jiao Cavalry only to realize that after these totem pillars lit up, nervous voices came sounding, “Your Highness, we’ve run into the wild humans and they are extremely powerful…. No!”

  “We’re no match for them!”

  “Your Highness, there are so many of them and they’re trying to sell us!”

  “Your Highness!”

  Suddenly, the totem pillars shattered without a sign and this completely shook Mu Suge. His face turned pale and he stood there with an empty mind without knowing how to react.

  “I should’ve listened to you, Mister! Now, I’ve buried my army!”

  Despair consumed Mu Suge and he murmured, “Now what am I s
upposed to tell my father….”

  “Victory and defeat is just a common friend in war. Don’t give up hope yet!”

  Zhong Yue comforted, “My prince, I suggest you listen to me since you are not familiarized with how things work here yet.”

  Mu Suge nodded and said, “I will listen to your words now without doing anything stupid.”

  Zhong Yue replied, “These humans demand only ransom. If wealth is what they’re asking for, then this will be an easy problem that can be solved with a snap. All we have to do is negotiate with them and give them the money they demanded. Perhaps, we can even hire them or have them served under Xian Tian Palace and that will be a huge credit for you.”

  Mu Suge’s eyes lit up right away and he exclaimed, “Brilliant idea, Mister! They are powerful and if we can have them serve us, I will gain even more favor from my father! But these humans are just not the type that will listen to anyone….”

  With a proud smile, Zhong Yue said confidently, “As long as they joined my Xian Tian Royal Guards, I will have my own ways to make them lower their heads and bow to me! The problem now is do you have enough fortune to make them yield?”

  Chapter 858: Preselling Third Prince Mu |

  “Um…” Mu Suge hesitated. After all, paying a ransom for hundreds of thousands of gods wasn’t cheap, in addition to the payment to make the wildmen yield, the amount of money to be taken out would be more than his expectations!

  For him to pull out such a large amount of wealth all of a sudden was still a big pain to him.

  He was the third prince of Xian Tian Palace and was a fond son to Imperial Emperor Xian Tian. However, he was just the third son, even with his eldest brother’s death at an early age, there was still a second elder brother above him.

  He and the second prince, Mu Suwu, were not on good terms. If he could just save Fu Shu while at the same time, make the ancient universe’s wild human barbarians yield under the Xian Tian Palace, it would turn into a great chance for him to overcome his second brother’s suppressions, moreover, take the upper hand in their battle of kingship!

  “The wealth and money needed for it, I can pull them out of my pockets; to let the barbarians be under Mister Yi’s lead, I am also more than assured. But Mister, can you help to fulfill a little request of mine?”

  Mu Suge gritted his teeth and said, “To be frank, little sister Mu Qingxuan has been forcing me to marry a female Juling Creator. Mister, your wisdom is above mine, can you help me convince my brother, Mu Suwu, to marry a female Juling Creator instead?”

  Upon hearing this, Zhong Yue’s face took on a forced smile, “Your Highness, it is a good thing to tie a marriage with the Juling Clan, with their support, wouldn’t time be the only issue to your rise to the throne? To let Prince Suwu marry a female Juling Creator, is Your Highness giving up the throne?”

  Mu Suge laughed, “Mister, my father is the innate god, he lives as long as this universe lives. He will be long sitting on the throne of Heavenly Monarch, I don’t dare place my eyes on his throne.”

  Zhong Yue shook, “Your Highness, you’ve underestimated His Majesty. Although your father eyed the throne a lot, it is and will not be his end destination. His Majesty’s destination is The Impossible World. When he leaves, the throne will be one of yours to claim, it isn’t impossible to have the family ruling the universe.”

  Mu Suge’s eyes brightened up, “To rule the universe?”

  “If His Majesty really enters The Impossible World, with his backing, ruling the universe will be a certainty” Zhong Yue answered with deep meaning behind his words.

  Mu Suge’s breath hastened, he suddenly bowed almost to the ground and said, “Mister is really a Mister! Your words have enlightened me. The Juling Clan’s female Creator, I will marry one! The wild human barbarians of the ancient universe, I will make them yield, no matter the cost!”

  Zhong Yue smiled, “They are hard to find, it’s still uncertain if we can make them yield. Your Highness, it should be the Golden Crow’s territory a little further ahead.”

  “The Jinwu Clan?” Mu Suge’s heart sterned, he said solemnly, “Mister, is this Jinwu Clan the Golden Crow monarch race of the ancient universe?”

  Zhong Yue nodded, “It’s them.”

  Other than the 24 monarch races of the Zi Wei Galaxy, the ancient universe have their own monarch races too. Among them, the Jinwu Clan was one of them. All from this monarch race were the Golden Crows, powerful beings from birth and their oldest ancestor was an Innate Golden Crow who was known as the Great Monarch Jin Wu!

  However, as one of the few eldest and most powerful monarchs, Great Monarch Jin Wu did not choose to settle down in the Zi Wei Galaxy due to him being one of the ultraconservatives that despise the very peace embraced by the demons and celestials in the Zi Wei Galaxy.

  As a celestial, the innate celestial monarch hated the demons more than anything else. Thus, he has chosen to root his home in the ancient universe and with him, comes the Jinwu Clan.

  In time, there were inevitably some of the Jinwu Clansmen that would leave for the outside world. Some went to the 3,000 Six Paths Worlds and some the Zi Wei Galaxy. Collectively as a whole, the Jinwu Clan could be said to be one of the great and powerful clans.

  But the Golden Crows wasn’t king in the ancient universe, there were still some other monarch races that stood on par with their strength. Furthermore, the ancient universe had many mysteries clouding its true power, no one knew exactly how many great presences were hiding in it, leading to the rumors of it having greater forces than the Zi Wei Galaxy.

  Some even said that there were the old and undying beings of the ancient period living a hermit life in the ancient universe, which was why the Great Monarch Jin Wu still couldn’t have brought the whole ancient universe under his rule.

  In truth, Zhong Yue himself didn’t have any knowledge of what was it like exactly in the ancient universe; however, before he came, he asked Nuxi regarding the ancient universe’s general situation, and in addition to the ancient universe’s wild human barbarians that were constantly talking to him, he was able to pinpoint the Jinwu Clan’s territory easily.

  The Jinwu Clan’s sacred land was known as the Valley of Tang, it was an innate sacred land as well as the birthplace of an incredibly strong sun.

  Zhong Yue and Mu Suge looked afar and saw billions of suns linking together in a piece and hovered above the continent. On the continent, there was a colossal Fu Sang Divine Tree that towered in the center of the continent, it was so huge that it felt like a Heavens itself. It was also the center to which the suns were orbiting around, forming a picturesque scene.

  Rumors had it that Great Monarch Jin Wu was born on this gigantic Fu Sang Divine Tree in the Valley of Tang, he was an innate god born by the natural wonders of the ancient universe.

  Then, Mu Suge and Zhong Yue moved for the Valley of Tang. Suddenly, Mu Suge said, “Mister, I heard that there is also another valley that stands as the opposite of the Valley of Tang. It is the valley where the suns fell and the place of sunsets; an innate sacred land as well, but one that belonged to the demons. There, an innate demon god rose and he was the grand ancestor to Realm Monarch Bo Luo.”

  Zhong Yue nodded, “I’ve heard of him before, his name is Bo Xun.”

  Soon after, they had arrived at the Valley of Tang. As one of the eldest clans, the Jinwu Clan ruled millions of races under their name. The Valley of Tang was a valley of peace and prosperity. There were all kinds of races living in the Divine City of Valley Tang, but they were mostly just celestials with a minority of demon slaves.

  The Divine City of Valley Tang was surrounded by huge and lofty walls made from the cores of suns, but it wasn’t hot at all inside of the city. This wasn’t just the sacred land to the Jinwu Clan, it was also the sacred land to the many celestial races living under the Golden Crows.

  In the city, other than those of the Golden Crow’s faction, there were also merchants that came to do business and races that had go
od ties with the Jinwu Clan visiting the city.

  One could say that the Valley of Tang gathered people from all walks of life; it was the best place to gather intelligence here.

  The city gates of the Divine City of Valley Tang was long opened, a huge scale was hovering above it, shining on everyone that enters and exits the city.

  In the reflections on the scale, everyone’s secrets were clearly exposed to it; no demon could slip through its inspection and sneak into the city.

  Among those who came, there were often celestials that had demon gods as their slaves and mounts. And when the scale mirror shone on the demon gods and perceived their existence, there would be Golden Crow gods that came forward and recorded everything in a strict and detailed manner.

  “Your Highness, you have 500 thousand Tiger Jiao Cavalry in your Yuan Shen secret realms, there are many demons among them, right?”

  Zhong Yue looked at the Golden Crow scale and frowned, “This is a scale taken down from Great Monarch Jin Wu’s toes, you won’t be able to hide them from it.”

  Mu Suge smiled, “Mister, have no worries. My father has placed seals in my Yuan Shen secret realms, even Great Monarch Jin Wu cannot see through the secrets in my Yuan Shen secret realms.”

  As the blood of Imperial Emperor Xian Tian’s celestial lord flows in his veins, he wasn’t a target to the scale; as long as the demon gods in his Yuan Shen secret realms weren’t exposed, he would be alright.

  And although Zhong Yue cultivated the demonic cultivation base, he was an authentic celestial; thus naturally, he was fine too.

  Zhong Yue smiled and said, “Here, there is a slave market and a gladiator arena. The slaves are usually demon Qi Practitioners and also the demon gods. Whenever a celestial is receiving a guest and or for any reason at all, wanted to have a feast, they would buy these demon slaves and slaughter them for their meat and inner cores. On the other hand, the gladiator arena is the best entertainment here, the celestials would often throw their demon slaves into the arena and bet on them for money.”

  Mu Suge was dumbfounded, he shook his head, “How brutal.”


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