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Rise of Humanity

Page 618

by <unknown>

However, under the perfect saber lights, the time and dimension had nowhere to run and hide and there was no secret.

  The second galaxy followed the footstep of the first and another chain broke.

  Then the third, fourth….

  Just as the fourth galaxy was about to disintegrate, the shattered stone giant returned to life again for the seal was no longer capable of suppressing him in front of the endless saber light.

  Fu Shang was after all, a monarch level Fuxi and in just a blink of an eye, he recovered and the pieces of his flesh and Yuan Shen flew back onto his body.


  The massive giant reached out his hand, grabbed onto the hilt and after a loud rumble, the saber light showered onto the forth galaxy but it failed to destroy all the seals!

  “Father, I am a sinner….”

  Fu Shang held onto the saber light, raised his head as tears rolled down from his eyes and turned into water planets that floated quietly in the micro-universe.

  “I do not deserve redemption!”

  He hurled the innate divine saber away strongly and the remaining two and a half galaxy swarmed towards him, tangled around him like a serpent and started sealing him again.

  Hu hu hu—

  The saber flew away and in the end, it suddenly pierced right into the ground beneath Zhong Yue’s leg.

  “I am a sinner, I am the Fuxi Celestial Race’s sinner….”

  The insane Fu Shang shouted. At this moment, even though it was severely damaged, the seal was still able to unleash terrifying power but now, it barely managed to suppress Fu Shang.

  Fu Shang wrapped his arms around his head and shouted like an injured beast. He shouted sadly, “I have committed unwashable sin to the Fuxi Celestial Race! I do not deserve to be saved….”

  “He’s crazy.”

  Xin Huo sighed and said with great disappointment, “Brat Yue, the Fuxi’s monarch is insane now. Saving him will do us no good and it will expose you instead. Never thought a pureblood male Fuxi we ran into is a mad man, a man even crazier than Feng Xiaozhong….”

  Zhong Yue pulled out the divine saber under his feet, kept it back into the light wheels behind his head and said mindlessly as he left, “Knowing only his own fault but not how to make up to it… Dao Venerate Fu Min’s efforts are wasted….”

  “Stop right there….”

  Suddenly, Fu Shang who was behind them quiet down and said with a sore voice, “What do you know? Do you even know what kind of unforgivable sin I have done!

  Without a sign, Zhong Yue turned and shouted angrily, “Then make up for it!”

  He roared at his Fuxi’s monarch furiously, “Are you going to continue this mistake? What is the point of Dao Venerate Fu Min saving you then?”

  Chapter 869: Kindness and Ruthless |

  The despaired Fu Shang shook his head and said, “Whatever I do I can’t change the fact that our race has been erased. It was me that pushed our race into annihilation….”

  Zhong Yue smirked and replied, “You are the Dao Venerate Fu Min’s son, the son of an Earthly Sovereign! You are a disappointment, a disgrace to the Fuxi Race! When I still have the will to fight, you have nothing!”

  Fu Shang was in despair and he murmured, “Will to fight? If I had the will, I would’ve taken my own life, I am a sinner, a coward….”

  Zhong Yue plunged into great disappointment for the only remaining Fuxi’s monarch to be reduced to this state, which saddened him greatly. He thought he would be able to see a man that could carry all responsibilities and take on every challenge. But now, it seemed like this Fu Shang was just another mad man who had lost all his will.

  “It’s not uncommon that a father is a hero and his son is a fool.”

  Xin Huo shook as he said, “Fu Shang is just another spoiled brat. A fool that possesses the cultivation level of a Heavenly Monarch but not the resolve to match it. He is about 100,000 years old but still has the maturity of a child. Such a fool should be sealed and suppressed to death. Brat Yue, let’s not waste any more time on him, relying on him will only exhaust you and potentially land you in trouble.”

  Meanwhile, Fu Shang maintained his pale face and he shivered.

  Zhong Yue sighed upon seeing this and as he turned around and walked away, he whispered, “In any case, he is still the son to Dao Venerate Fu Min. His father sacrificed a lot for our race so his son deserves to live his remaining life peacefully. With more than half the seal broken, we should just let him be.”

  Fu Shang began to cry and this old man now cried like a small boy.

  Xin Huo suddenly said, “But the [Fu Min Dao Venerate Heart Sutra Scripture] must not be taken into the grave with him. If this art was buried with him, Dao Venerate Fu Min’s efforts would be in vain. Fu Shang, give us the [Fu Min Dao Venerate Heart Sutra Scripture] and we will leave you alone here.”

  Fu Shang trembled and his psyche transmitted the complete [Fu Min Dao Venerate Heart Sutra Scripture] to Zhong Yue along with his own understandings but the seal was still there.

  When his psyche triggered the seal, the seal tore him into pieces again.


  His psyche was monarch level psyche; like the universe, his psyche had no border and when it came in touch with Zhong Yue’s, the young man immediately entered Fu Shang’s ancient memories.

  He felt like he just returned to the ancient times where everything happened 100,000 years ago.

  It was as though he became Fu Shang, Dao Venerate Fu Min’s prince, who was still young, handsome and proud.

  Zhong Yue saw the end time of the most majestic, grand and massive celestial empire, when Dao Venerate Fu Min was already very old but the celestial empire still at the pinnacle.

  The empire was an unflappable hegemon of the universe with a power that outstripped every other empire that came before it.

  The Six Paths Reincarnation was created and the many races out there blossomed in a way no one had ever seen. Under the rule of the ancient Heavenly Monarch, talents were as common as weeds and there were at least three thousand monarch level individuals, like the brightest stars hanging in the air of Zi Wei.

  The ancient universe was under the rule of the celestial empire and the 3,000 Six Paths Worlds were still in its embryonic stage, unlike now.

  Ancient paragons, monarch level individuals, used their body as the Six Paths, controlling Reincarnation and building the 3,000 Six Paths World together. With the Six Paths Reincarnation in their hands, these monarch level beings wielded a hitherto unseen level of power.

  Such was the era over which the Fuxi ruled.

  Even the celestial and demon innate gods bowed before the ruler of this grand empire.

  At that time, it was the 110,000 years Dao Venerate Fu Min ruled the world and now, he was at the end of his times now.

  As the young prince back then, Fu Shang was kind-hearted, friendly, and fair. He treated all races equally, upholding the concept of justice, thinking that there should be no discrimination among each other.

  Hence, he was a little uncomfortable at how Dao Venerate Fu Min acted.

  Fu Shang was well known at that time and when his father was too old, his fame has continued to grow and even some among the many races out there suggested the supreme ruler make the prince the next in line.

  That was the best of times.

  But Fu Shang turned down the offer, saying that the Heavenly Monarch was a place for the most capable one. This humble prince here, believed that he was not a suitable successor. The Fuxi Celestial Race must not sit on this throne if their king didn’t have the qualifications.

  Before the apocalypse arrived, the Fuxi Celestial Empire was still the strongest and grand era.

  But the apocalypse occurred, in the most unexpected and ruthless way!

  One day, Dao Venerate Fu Min summoned his child and said worryingly, “Empyrean Heaven is born.”

  But the prince failed to understand what his father was so worried about.

  A few days later, som
eone among the celestial innate gods assaulted a demon innate god, which officially broke the balance between the two races that Dao Venerate Fu Min had worked so hard to maintain.

  The war that broke out was intense, shaking the entire universe; causing more and more monarch level experts to take part in this tough war and the ancient Fuxi Celestial Empire was starting to fall apart.

  The many monarchs lost their lives and their numbers dwindled rapidly. The entire universe became steeped in chaos as blood continued to fall like rain.

  Even the old ruler, Dao Venerate Fu Min joined the war; with his old troops under his lead, he executed monarchs one after another as he tried to save his collapsing empire.

  But he was already too old, no longer the wise and powerful ruler he once was.

  The old Dao Venerate Fu Min became extremely cruel, killing the many lords that contributed greatly in creating the Six Paths and Reincarnation and the world one by one, stripped them off of their Pan Gu Celestials, banishing them into the Six Paths Reincarnation and had the Pan Gu Celestial Being control the Six Paths Reincarnation.

  The many monarchs from the different races were mostly executed by him and almost half of the Pan Gu Celestial Being in the 3,000 Six Paths World were all created by him after he stripped off the monarchs’ Pan Gu Celestial Being in their Yuan Shen Secret Realm.

  It was a terrifying battle where flesh was shred and the flames of war spread across the universe.

  Through Fu Shang’s view, Zhong Yue witnessed the massive war that was so fierce and intense that even Goddess Shen Hou was traumatized even after so many years.

  In the Ancient Land of Gods’ Grave, Goddess Shen Hou sensed the fall of the many innate gods, the disappearance of the many strong ones and the death of billions and billions of lives, the writhing of planets!

  In the ancient war, the many planets in the universe were washed with blood and countless civilizations fell!


  The entire universe trembled in fear; throughout the thousand years war led by Dao Venerate Fu Min, the other wars stopped as everyone shivered before Dao Venerate Fu Min’s wrath and they hid away.

  But Dao Venerate Fu Min continued the war, executing the many that once contributed to the universe and continued forging the perfect 3,000 Six Paths World.

  Meanwhile, because of the prince’s kind personality, many monarch level existences sought protection under him for survival.

  Through his position as a prince, Fu Shang protected them and in no time, he had countless strong existences under him. He even risked his life to protect those that were about to be executed by Dao Venerate Fu Min.

  Countless experts that sought protection under Fu Shang were then reborn into the Fuxi Celestial Race as they struggled to hide their identity and survive.

  At that point, Fu Shang’s fame had reached its pinnacle but at the same time, he discovered a secret, a secret so huge that it changed the Fuxi Celestial Race forever, a secret that destroyed the entire Earth Order Era.


  “Father, you started this war, the war between innate gods and innate demon gods! You brought chaos onto this universe!”

  Along with those that sought protection under him, a sad Fu Shang confronted his father upon realizing it was his father that started all of this.

  Single-handedly, Dao Venerate Fu Min triggered the war, secretly manipulating the situation and dragging the countless celestial and demon races into this chaos!

  Everything was premeditated, including the culling of those that had brought him up before!

  “You want to have the entire universe for yourself!”

  Fu Shang questioned his father furiously, “You killed your old troops and executed everyone that helped you rise to this position. Is this so that I could inherit your place safely? If so, you might as well throw this filthy title down the drain!”

  The strongest, most talented and wisest Heavenly Monarch throughout history, fell before his very own son.

  “You are old! Stubborn and unwise!”

  “You do not deserve to be the Heavenly Monarch!”

  “You’ve failed the universe!”

  Fu Shang’s words resounded loudly as he destroyed his father’s fame and might, caused him to step down from his place.

  “I did not do this for you, I did this for the Fuxi Celestial Race.”

  The old, tired and disappointed Heavenly Monarch said, “When I’m alive, I could still have everyone below me, the many monarchs, races, and Heaven. After my death, the Fuxi Celestial Race will become an obstacle in everyone’s eyes. They will definitely plot against us. The monarchs and many others out there are going to annihilate our race. With your mediocre talent, you won’t be able to protect them all. I was only trying to do something for my own race before I died…..”

  “That’s nonsense!” Fu Shang retorted.

  “If I don’t do this, Fuxi Celestial Race will be history!”

  The old Heavenly Monarch tremblingly said, “Your kindness will only bring destruction to our race! If you still think me as your father, execute those that were reborn into Fuxi Celestial Race right away! If they were not one of us from the beginning, then they will never become one of us….”

  “Treating the world with kindness and generosity, ruling the universe with the same treatment is only a recipe for destruction.”

  Fu Shang shouted, “I treat the many races like the Fuxi and they treat me with the same kindness! With that, the entire universe is unified, there will be no differences in our positions and that is the desired Earth Order Era! Father, you were wisest when you were young but what brought you to this point? You disappoint me!”

  That day, Dao Venerate Fu Min passed away, the strongest existence throughout history died.

  “I hope you can preserve a little bit of the Fuxi Celestial Race….”

  Before his father passed away, he held onto Fu Shang’s hand and pleaded, only to have his hand flung away by the son as the latter walked away without turning back.

  Dao Venerate Fu Min’s eyes then clo

  Chapter 870: As Easy as a Flip of His Hands |

  After that, everything in Fu Shang’s memory was all about the tragedies that befell the Fuxi Celestial Race, resulting in the 20,000 years of bloodshed to the Fuxi Celestial Race.

  Powerful messengers descended following the Heavenly Monarch’s death, claiming that they are Heaven’s messengers, warning that annihilation was about to happen.

  Fu Shang noticed something was not right but he hesitated and had no idea what to do in this situation; at the same time, the Fuxi Celestial Race’s strongest army was ambushed as they were sending Dao Venerate Fu Min’s coffin into the Ancestral Star.

  The core of the Fuxi Celestial Race was almost entirely wiped out and at that time, Fu Shang stood out and lowered his head to the many races out there, saying that his father did the wrong thing and asked them for their forgiveness.

  And that was the final straw that broke the camel’s back; the fame, power, and might built by Dao Venerate Fu Min for the Fuxi Celestial Race over the span of more than 120,000 years collapsed like a house of cards. The many races out there saw the weakness in Fuxi Celestial Race and their inevitable demise!

  They rebelled and fueled the flames of war but the crown prince, Fu Shang did not come out and suppress the rebellions first hand. Instead, all he did was give in, further plunging the entire Fuxi Celestial Race into the abyss.

  At that time, Fuxi Celestial Race was still the strongest of all, a race that possessed power that could crush every race out there. But because of Fu Shang’s cowardice and weak will, the Fuxi Celestial Race was being swallowed bit by bit like a sheep being swallowed by a serpent.

  Ironically, those that sought protection under Fu Shang betrayed him, including those that were reborn into Fuxi Celestial Race. They had all rebelled under the name of justice.

  A thousand years later, the bloodline curse emerged and completely decimated the Fuxi Celestial Race�
�s future.

  Heavenly Monarch Tian Yuan received Heaven’s messengers support, and became the Heavenly Monarch. He, however, willingly lowered his position by one level, calling himself as the Heavenly Son, which also meant son of Heaven. With that, the actual Heavenly Monarch’s position became nothing but a figurehead.

  Apart from that, throughout the thousand years that was acquired for the Fuxi Celestial Race by Dao Venerate Fu Min at the cost of having his soul entirely destroyed, Fu Shang failed to do anything useful and with that, the extinction of the Fuxi Celestial Race became a certainty.

  As a result, Feng Changyang, the final clan master of the Fuxi Celestial Race, had to beg for the monarchs of the other races and the traitors to let the Fuxi Celestial Race preserve a bit of their bloodline.

  In the end, Feng Changyang sacrificed himself on the Heavenly River, using his own life in exchange for his son to be able to live as a Fuxi proudly in the future. Fu Shang too, survived as Heaven appreciated Dao Venerate Fu Min’s contribution in creating the Six Paths Reincarnation. Along with those who could not bring themselves to see the annihilation of Fuxi and those that appreciated Fu Shang’s protection, they had Fu Shang sealed away and suppressed him within the Heavenly Prison.

  Zhong Yue felt nothing else apart from sadness; Fu Shang was a kind man; when Dao Venerate Fu Min obliterated the obstacles in Fuxi Celestial Race’s future, Fu Shang protected those existences. But in the end, the protection brought nothing but the destruction of his race and Fu Shang’s kindness only saved himself.

  Fu Shang retracted his psyche. This prince was no longer the proud and kind-hearted man he used to be. Now, he was just a dying old man, one that remembered nothing but the faults and sins he committed.


  Xin Huo shouted, “Why are you still alive?”

  Fu Shang lowered his head and remained silent.

  Zhong Yue sighed, “Xin Huo, let’s go.”

  Xin Huo then returned to Zhong Yue’s forehead but the still furious flame shouted, “It’s not like he did not have such talents and capabilities but they did not live up to his position! Allowing someone like that is a disaster! He is not even worthy of the prison he is in!”


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