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Rise of Humanity

Page 631

by <unknown>

  Then, towards the end of the letter, Zhong Yue chided Zi Guang without holding back. Saying that he is the real traitor among them, because not only did he helped His Majesty, but even tried to kill those who truly did. That if Zhong Yue really did rebel, it’d all because of the treacherous Zi Guang who forced him with no options left. That he hoped that His Majesty could kill the true traitor.

  As the end of the letter, it wrote so, “Your Majesty, please behead Traitor Zi and bestow it as a reward to your loyal subject here in the Heaven Suppressing Prefecture. With the traitor’s head, I will make it into a chamber pot and use it everyday to ease my anger!”

  It was no surprise that King Zi Guang was furious, he had never felt this angry before.

  Imperial Emperor Xian Tian reduced the letter to atoms in his hands and laughed, “Zi Guang, be a little more magnanimous. He isn’t entirely unreasonable too. Furthermore, he is already halfway to the Heaven Suppressing Prefecture, what sense does it make to summon him back at this time? Let him be.”

  King Zi Guang grew despondent and felt helpless, he suddenly said, “If then, Imperial Emperor, you need not leave him unwatched. Please send another loyal men to be his assistant.”

  Imperial Emperor Xian Tian nodded and summoned Mu Suge, he said, “Head to the Heaven Suppressing Prefecture, and aid King Yi in his mission.”

  Mu Suge answered and left immediately.


  “Dear, my legs are getting itchy again,” In the Kirin carriage, Yin Fanxuan said.

  Chapter 887: Heaven Suppressing |

  Zhong Yue lifted up the hem of her skirt and placed her legs on his knees. He focused his senses into her legs and searched for the residual bloodline seals that were hidden in it. But after a long time, his work was still fruitless, he shook and said, “I still can’t find it. Strange, could it be that I’ve really missed it?”

  “What an idiot!” Yin Fanxuan dipped the tip of her leg on his chest and he was launched flying in the air.

  “Why you!” Zhong Yue was enraged, “I’m trying to help you and you kick me? How unreasonable?”

  Yin Fanxuan too, was angry, “I kicked you because you are dumb!’

  Zhong Yue clenched his fist and replied furiously, “Damn woman, I’m try to help you and you kicked me. If I’m able to defeat you, I will throw you onto to the bed and ravage!”

  Yin Fanxuan turned her angers into peals of laughter, “Oh I see, so you do want it but just aren’t daring enough take it? What, you plan to force me into it? Well, if you are able to defeat me, I won’t resist.”

  Zhong Yue raised his hands, and the three Heavens hovering above the Kirin carriage burst in lights. Their powers shrouding the carriage, protecting it. Zhong Yue sneered coldly, “If you don’t resist, would it still be forced? Your legs have no seals anymore but you’ve teased me with it. It’s time I show you some dominance here!”

  Yin Fanxuan chuckled, “Dear, dear. Your bravery has taken a turn for the worse. Is it because you think your strength has grown lately?”

  Zhong Yue lunged forward and the six light wheels behind him shuddered violently as he lashed out a powerful skill. The space in the carriage was quivering while their skills have clashed together in concomitant with a loud burst of an explosion.

  Thankfully, the three Heavens were protecting the carriage, the powers from the skills weren’t able to be leaked out from the carriage.

  Outside of it, the Kirins were still casually strolling while pulling the carriage and a million gods centered it in protection.

  After some time, Zhong Yue opened the carriage doors and sat on the rider’s seat furiously. Chi Song saw him and was greatly shocked.

  The almighty King Yi was beaten into black and blue all across his face. Chi Song quickly asked, “Master, what happened?”

  “Mind your own business!” Zhong Yue shouted in rage, “What are you waiting for? Why are you not making haste!?”

  Chi Song shivered in cold and quickly ordered the army to speed up. Zhong Yue’s face was changing dramatically as he thought, This lady, she is so brutal. And she is harder to predict than King Zi Guang. She is the one who faked the leg to tease me, and when I did try to help, she resisted and almost killed me. At least leave me with some honor and hold back a little…

  All of a sudden, Xin Huo in his psyche ocean yawned and replied, “Brat Yue, it is you who is an idiot. The atmosphere in the carriage is just so perfect, she only teased you with her legs so she can bond with you. Yet, you only looked at her legs with no other reaction. If you really did understand her intention, you’d be in coitus with her now.”

  Zhong Yue murmured awkwardly, “I really did think the bloodline seals have returned, I didn’t think that far…”

  The little flame placed his hands on his heart and frowned as if he was in deep regret, “I told you long ago to train your mortal body, it must be unbreakable and over-domineering. Now look at you, regretting now? You were just crawling your way into a deadly trap, asking her to resist and you can’t even fight back? Cultivate child, you must cultivate hard!”


  After half a year, the Xian Tian Royal Guards have finally arrived at the Heaven Suppressing Palace. Zhong Yue had only seen it in the picture scrolls, and now, he got to see it with his own eyes.

  It was a continent orbited by stars and planets, forming into a river of glimmering stars that surrounded the huge continent within, guarding it.

  The continent was the Heaven Suppressing Star Continent, a stronghold of utmost importance.

  In the river of stars, there were also planets and suns. These astronomical bodies were all compressed into a band of river, flowing like a coiling gargantuan snake, making it a natural defensive barrier.

  In the river of stars, the number of godly suns, godly planets, and godly stars was so incredibly dense that the Metamagnet Divine Rays had been gathered together to form into a region of death. There, the stellar winds were ravaging violently, even more terrifyingly than the Heavenly River.

  At least, the Heavenly River was ostensibly peaceful on the river surface, only at the dangerous parts would there were wild surging tides. But in here, the stellar winds and tides formed by the Metamagnet Divine Rays were ravaging nonstop, being able to destroy anything it touched!

  There were stellar bodies that were shot out from the star river, but the Metamagnet Divine Rays were too dense that these stellar bodies were sucked back into the river just seconds later. No one could’ve escaped from it.

  Zhong Yue raised his hand up and the army stopped. He looked towards the distance and saw the magnificent city wall that lengthed more than a trillion miles. The wall was raised on the star river.

  The city wall was incredibly broad and lofty. There were totem patterns that were engraved on the bodies with the starlights from the star river supplying as the array formation’s source of energy. It was truly a stunning view.

  But a million gods were far too few to safeguard a stronghold like this!

  Even with numbers of a million, the Xian Tian Royal Guards wouldn’t even bring significant effect to the city wall at all. It was just like a drop of water against a vast ocean.

  No wonder Zi Guang said he needed 50 million gods in addition to three Imperial Emperors to safeguard this majestic stronghold. King Zi Guang sure is strong, with just 50 millions and three Imperial Emperors, he had the confidence to take this job.

  Zhong Yue was dazed by the Heaven Suppressing Palace’s majestic appearance. The million gods he had in hand was really too little to protect this magnificent stronghold.

  Then, he looked beyond, far behind the Heaven Suppressing Palace where he found almost a dozen sacred lands scattered everywhere behind. There, it was territory still under the Xian Tian Palace’s jurisdication whereas just in front of the Heaven Suppressing Palace belonged to the other factions.

  The sacred lands in this whole area were certainly large in numbers, but Zhong Yue saw none that could even be compared to the Heaven Sup
pressing Palace.

  The Heaven Suppressing Palace was truly an important stronghold, a strategic location for military affairs!

  “Dear, I am afraid it will be incredibly difficult to secure this place!” Yin Fanxuan walked out from the carriage and glanced around, her face grew solemn and continued, “This is far too important, no single force can disregard its use in the wars. We will be facing heavy attacks coming from all other militaries! A million gods won’t be sufficient to guard more than a single city gate. Husband, you should’ve asked for more from the Imperial Emperor.”

  Zhong Yue nodded, then shook shortly after, “I didn’t ask for more because those others aren’t my people. I simply don’t trust them. However, you are right, it isn’t enough with what we have at hand now. Thus, I will have to expand my power, these million Xian Tian Royal Guards are just the start.”

  Yin Fanxuan was puzzled, she thought, Could husband be referring to the wild humans of the Star Torrent Fortress?

  As of now, there were already gods standing guard over the Heaven Suppressing Palace. Imperial Emperor Xian Tian still valued this stronghold greatly and has thus, left behind over 20 million gods.

  These 20 million gods were divided into 4 sections, each responsible for one of the four city gates. Their leaders were all peaked Creators. But even so, they were just nice enough to only guard the city gates.

  The four leaders led their men and welcomed Zhong Yue’s arrival. Inside of the Heaven Suppressing Palace, there was a majestic palace that hovered above the land. Looking up from the ground, one would find as if this majestic palace was really suppressing on heaven. Thus, it was named the Heaven Suppressing Palace.

  Zhong Yue and his men walked into the city and found there were many many palaces built across the land. These would be where the gods guarding the city be staying in.

  “King Yi, the transfer of power has succeeded, we and our men will be heading back to the Xian Tian Palace and heed to the Imperial Emperor’s order.” The four Creators excused themselves and said, “Please, we wish that King Yi can forgive us for leaving.”

  “King Yi, the Heaven Suppressing Palace is filled with all kind of affairs. As such, we have left behind an old god for you!”

  Zhong Yue stood up and sent the four Creators and the 20 million gods away. These gods usually had their family by their side, some even made a race in the Heaven Suppressing Palace overtime. And now, they were all leaving, the city was left empty with only just a grey-haired old god behind.

  The Heaven Suppressing Palace turned silent, with Zhong Yue, his wife, and the Xian Tian Royal Guards stood in the middle of the city. However, the 20 million gods did leave behind huge lumps of resources, including the treasures, gold, food, and materials.

  “How do we protect this place?” Huo Rong stared at the majestic stronghold and mumbled.

  Zhong Yue answered, “Sure we will. Chi Song, cast the three Heavens!”

  Chi Song quickly gave the order and the three Heavens were cast high up in the sky like three bright pearls. As they rose higher, they got bigger in size and finally, turned into three worlds that hovered in the air around the Heaven Suppressing Palace.

  Then, Chi Song and the others have also cast out the Stone Sentinel Maze, surging the powers of the three Heavens into it as they continue forging the Stone Sentinel Maze.

  A thought flashed across his mind and he summoned Chi Song and the others. He cast out the Desolate Lightning Heavenly Furnace he had forged and listed out materials needed to forge it, as well as its various array formations and totem patterns.

  Immediately, the crowd quickly searched the materials for it and forged the Desolate Lightning Heavenly Furnace.

  Then, Zhong Yue summoned the old god. He was an old man who was near the end of his life, his eyes were blurry and one of his leg was amputated. Due to the fact that he didn’t cultivate the Immortal Body or anything of the sort, the amputated leg couldn’t be grown back in place and thus, he had forged an artificial leg and replaced it.

  “Why is that Heaven Suppressing Palace hovering in mid-air?” Zhong Yue looked up and asked.

  “Replying to the king….” The old god’s eyes were out of focus and his body was trembling due to his old age, “The Heaven Suppressing Palace was where the heaven is cleaved and the earth cracked. There was once a god who tried to do it and thus, formed the star river around us, but he has unfortunately died.”

  “Cleave the heaven and crack the earth?” Zhong Yue was shocked and quickly asked where the old god replied with a smile, “I’ve only heard it as rumors. Back in the old days, there was once a monarch who was filled with great ambition, he wanted to open up a whole new universe. This is where he tried and failed. He died because of it and his mortal body was turned into this continent we are standing on now. The star river outside of the Heaven Suppressing Palace is the result of his work. This palace is unreachable, those who’ve been in the Heaven Suppressing Palace have tried, the Creators and the Imperial Emperors, but none have succeeded.”

  “I see.” Zhong Yue looked up and shook, “Open up a new universe? That is ambitious. But how does one ever do it?”

  All of a sudden Xin Huo said, “Brat Yue, this ancient presence wasn’t trying to open a new universe, he is trying to open The Impossible World!”

  “The Impossible World as told in the legends?” Zhong Yue was stunned.

  Xin Huo nodded, “It is true that the Imperial Emperors and Creators failed to enter the monarch palace. This is because although this monarch palace looked close and near, it is in actual fact, situated at a dimension between Zi Wei and The Impossible World. That said, how can they ever succeed? This one who made this Heaven Suppressing Palace is truly incredible, to be able to achieve this, he has to be no weaker than the Heavenly Sovereigns and Earthly Sovereigns, or even stronger than that!”

  “Xin Huo, do you have any way of entering that monarch palace?” Zhong Yue asked.

  “No.” Xin Huo was certain.

  Zhong Yue looked up and found the Heaven Suppressing Palace looking as if it was suppressing the heaven. All of a sudden, his heart skipped a beat and he thought, This Heaven Suppressing Palace isn’t just suppressing on the sky of the Heaven Suppressing Star Continent, it’s suppressing above all of Zi Wei Galaxy! The Heaven Suppressing Palace is situated above Zi Wei!

  Chapter 888: Swings of Saber |

  The more he looked at it, the more it felt like it. If the Heaven Suppressing Palace was just hovering above the skies of the Heaven Suppressing Star Continent, one could easily fly higher above it and simply look down into it.

  However, if it were hovering above the whole of Zi Wei Galaxy, in a higher dimension, then it’d be impossible to fly to it, not even the Imperial Emperors would be able to do it!

  And the easiest way to verify his conjecture was to just fly up!

  Zhong Yue bolted up from the ground toward the monarch palace. One couldn’t just tell how quickly he was but even so, after a long time flying, the Heaven Suppressing Palace was still above him, beyond his reach!

  Zhong Yue continued pressing forward. He could tell himself getting closer and closer to the Heaven Suppressing Palace but no matter what, he still couldn’t reach it. After a dozen days, he looked down and found the Heaven Suppressing Star Continent as well as the star river around it turning just as small as dust in his eyes.

  It sure is so. The Heaven Suppressing Palace is just like the transparent jade mountain in the Ancient Land of God Graves. It looked within reach but it was in fact, in another dimension. However, the one who did this is weaker than Goddess Hou Tu, the Heaven Suppressing Palace wasn’t fully brought into The Impossible World.

  He soon returned back to the Heaven Suppressing Palace.

  This monarch palace is strange just like the jade mountain in the Ancient Land of God Graves. In the jade mountain, no matter how you try, the only way to scale the mountain is by starting at its bottom. Then, for this Heaven Suppressing Palace, the Heaven Suppress
ing Star Continent should be the only place that connects to the Heaven Suppressing Palace. Then, where will this entrance be?

  From the other places, the Heaven Suppressing Palace was harder than expected to spot. But in this continent, it was as clear as crystal. This suggested that this continent was the only place that was connected to the palace and thus, the only entrance to it.

  However, there had been no rumors of anyone succeeding in entering the palace, it seems like this entrance wasn’t easy to find.


  Chi Song and the rest had successfully forged eight Desolate Lightning Heavenly Furnace, in addition to Zhong Yue’s, there were nine of them,

  Then, Zhong Yue summoned the nine leaders and taught them how to forge a door, which they would have to forge one each too.

  Chi Song, Bing Rong and the others were puzzled, but still executed the order perfectly.

  Zhong Yue summoned the old god and asked, “Is there anything odd in the Heaven Suppressing Palace?”

  “Everywhere.” The old god laughed, “King, you may not know yet, but our Heaven Suppressing Palace is particularly known for the many oddities going on inside of the city. Sometimes, you can even see the scenes and images of the ancient days.”

  “Ancient days?” Zhong Yue was puzzled.

  The old god answered, “Yes, scenes from the ancient era, some said it’s even longer than the Fire Order Era.” The old god replied, “It has been hundreds of years since I first I saw it. I was shocked the first time, thinking that the godly kings of the ancient days had come alive.”

  “Before the Fire Order Era?” Zhong Yue was shocked. What was before the Fire Order Era was still unknown to him. His knowledge of the history started only from the Fire Order Era, but now, he was suddenly learning that there was another civilization in the days before the Fire Order Era?


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