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Rise of Humanity

Page 682

by <unknown>

  Gradually, the Deity Emperors and Creators appeared and their talks were even more complicated and beneficiary.

  “Mister Yi, in the future, we might be serving different masters and cross swords one day.”

  Suddenly, an Imperial Emperor walked up to the Martial Saint Stage and caused an uproar with his opening speech. The gods around were all excited as this Imperial Emperor came from the Heaven Court. He was the Yu Lin Army’s commander. His name was Feng Wendao, a member of the Phoenix Clan.

  With a simple flick, Feng Wendao’s armour detached pieces by pieces, flew towards the corner and he smiled, “But today, I am not the Yu Lin Army’s commander after I removed my armour. Now, I’ll be giving my speech through this Martial Saint Stage. Whatever happens in the future belongs to the future, not now.”

  Zhong Yue then bowed slightly and invited, “Please, Senior Martial Brother Wendao.”

  Feng Wendao bowed back and said, “The pursuit of the Dao is agnostic to seniority, only our knowledge matters in the end. Dear senior martial brothers and junior martial brothers, may I have your attention for a moment?”

  He then shared his knowledge with everyone generously and compared to ordinary Deity Emperors and Creators, the contents in his speech were so much more complicated and advanced, which benefitted Zhong Yue even more.

  After some time, when Feng Wendao was done with his speech, laughter burst out as another Imperial Emperor revealed himself. It was Lilu Clan’s Lu Qianqiu. He continued, “After benefiting so much from hearing such a detailed long talk, how petty will I be if I did not share as well?”

  After Lu Qianqiu’s speech, another Imperial Emperor got up and this time, it was Imperial Emperor Xian Tian’s Dao buddy, Tai Feng. He gave an amazing speech, then, one of the three South Heaven Gate’s Heavenly Kings, Heavenly King Xuan Wuzun got up, then Lou Zhengshi of the Heavenly River Navy Division and then Long Zhi.

  One by one, these Imperial Emperors shared their knowledge one after another.

  And this situation only stopped after about a month’s time.

  Meanwhile in the Six Imperial Palace, the six monarchs were constantly looking at Martial Saint Stage’s lively situation with inconsistent breaths.

  “Golden bird, what does this remind you of?” asked Demon Monarch Yang Hou towards Celestial Monarch Jin Wu softly.

  With a complicated look in his eyes, Celestial Monarch Jin Wu kept quiet for a long time before saying, “I recalled Dao Venerate Fu Min’s reign. Back then, everything was in order, glorious and honourable. It was so much more livelier than this and I too, was like one of them. Apart from the eagerness to pursue Dao, there were no other mixed emotions in my mind.”

  The demon Qi in Demon Monarch Yang Hou’s eyes flickered and he agreed, “I was among those ranks too. I recall seeking knowledge about the Six Paths Reincarnation from you and back then, there seemed to have no difference between celestials, demons and races. Back then, I did not call you as golden bird and you did not call me as the goat headed demon. We were getting along with each other.”

  Celestial Monarch Jin Wu smiled as he recalled of the time when the celestial, demon and different races lived with one another as one. There were no conflicts, misconceptions and they were all working towards the same goal.

  Dao Venerate Fu Min, the final Heavenly Monarch of the Earth Order Era, had affected the universes with his charisma, calmed the war between all races and finally, the innates and postnates were all working hard for the Six Paths Reincarnation.

  When did all that change? They were no longer friendly to each other and those gods that they once called friends had become foes.

  Celestial Monarch Jin Wu felt lost; partners that once got along with each other were not as close as they were, the celestial and demons were no longer communicating with one another and even invisible barriers appeared between innate celestial gods, innate demon gods and between both the postnatal and innate gods. When did all of this strife begin?

  His memories clearly emerged in his mind again. When the war first started, he was furious and puzzled, he felt injustice spread slowly around him and he questioned why his Dao friends had broken the peace they all worked so hard for.

  But the wars between the races, celestials, demons, innate and postnate gods still ruined the majestic era that Dao Venerate Fu Min had built.

  He felt an invisible torrent charging around in the universe, destroying anything it touched as if there were a mastermind behind the scenes pulling the strings.

  Then, Dao Venerate Fu Min bared his fangs. With his overwhelming army, he stomped the universe; Celestial Monarch Jin Wu’s friends became enemies, killed in the chaos and for him, he hid himself away from the war, fearing that he would be dragged into the bloodbath.

  Then, Crown Prince Fu Shang appeared, accusing Dao Venerate Fu Min of being the source for all the chaos, causing a wide scale uproar. The spirit that connected the celestials, demons, innates and postnates had disintegrated.

  Celestial Monarch Jin Wu felt anger, agony and he voiced out his questions and even became one of the main factors that destroyed the Earth Order Era.

  Some time later, whenever he recalled the chaotic times, he grew suspicious about whatever happened and the more he suspected, the more he felt that Dao Venerate Fu Min was not the man pulling the strings.

  Because right after the chaotic wars ended, Heaven showed up out of nowhere, replacing the Heavenly Monarch and quietly becoming the hegemon of the universe. Meanwhile, the Heavenly Monarchs were relegated to being called the Sons of Heaven. It truly was suspicious that when the Earth Order Era was slowly walking towards destruction, there was no so called “Heaven”. But right after its destruction, this “Heaven” had suddenly appeared.

  With all these questions and no answers, Celestial Monarch Jin Wu, in his quest to get to the bottom of the mystery, plunged himself into grave danger, only managing to survive because of the Chaos Bead gifted to him by the Hundun Clan.

  And this scene in the Martial Saint Stage had reminded him of the ambitious time where everyone only wanted to seek more about the Daos, his many friends and the past filled with blood and conspiracy.


  Celestial Monarch Jin Wu closed his eyes, two drops of tears rolled down from his cheek and burnt before they fell onto the ground.

  The friends that laughed, cried and shouted with him were no more and sadness engulfed him when he recalled the peaceful and beautiful times.

  Before him right now, as Zhong Yue organized the sharing session of seventh secret realm, the good times, beautiful era and dark years Celestial Monarch Jin Wu experienced flashed before his eyes again.

  My friends….

  He felt a twitching in his heart as if it was being twisted by pain and confusion.

  Meanwhile, no one was talking on the Martial Saint Stage anymore and Zhong Yue stood at the centre, his voice echoed around the Heaven Court.

  And for a split second, Celestial Monarch Jin Wu thought he saw Dao Venerate Fu Min on the Martial Saint Stage.

  “Everyone, do not forget about this day!”

  Zhong Yue laughed happily, “A hundred years from today, we will be resetting the Board of Future Monarchs and after receiving my letter, we will gather here again at this place!”

  The gods all stood up, clapped and their laughter echoed for a long long time.

  “Then we will be seeing you hundred years later, Mister Yi!”

  “Mister Yi and everyone! Through this hundred years, it is difficult to say if we are going to remain friends or foes, perhaps we will be deciding each other’s fate on the battlefield, perhaps I might have fallen before your divine weapons but if I am still alive, then we are friends again at this day hundred years later!”

  “Well said, Feng Wendao! Hundred years later today, we will become friends again!”

  Laughter resounded as the gods bid farewell to one another; no one knew if they would return back alive at this place hundred years later an
d they had no idea if they could live until that day.

  But as long as their determination was there, so was their Dao heart. With a letter, they would all show up and gather up again!

  Zhong Yue and Yin Fanxuan stood up, Fu Li and Hundun Yu followed suit while Hundun Yu had already recorded this scene as he prepared to hand over his recordings to the ancestor without hiding a word.

  Perhaps, this small moment would become a small portion of this grand era, but it would definitely will be a very important part.

  The young Hundun Clan’s True Deity figured, We who record history will also be included in the history. In the future’s memory, there will be me as well….

  Zhong Yue returned to his accommodation in the Heaven Court and the messengers from the other races were already preparing as they began their departures from the Heaven Court. The Heavenly Monarch’s celebration was over and so did the Martial Saint Stage’s Dao discussion.

  The world’s fate was split into different portions; the Heavenly Monarch occupied the most, the Zi Wei Galaxy had taken up four portions, and the ancient universe had taken the remaining two portions. The situation of the heaven and earth was crystal clear now. Perhaps, they should get themselves ready for a war.

  Zhong Yue then snuck into the Six Paths Bead and the lotus ocean was gone, leaving only a naughty child climbing up and down the crown prince, Fu Shang, with curiosity.

  A Creator level child….

  Zhong Yue’s eyes widened and he let out a humphed; as a new born, Bi An was already a Creator, hundred Heavens floated behind his head and they shined so bright that Zhong Yue found everything a little overly unreasonable.

  Just what kind of a monster was he?

  “Bi An, come here!” shouted Zhong Yue.

  And when the boy jumped down from Fu Shang, landing in front of Zhong Yue, Zhong Yue’s expression darkened down as he suddenly had the urge to bite a flesh down from the boy.

  “Bi An, do you remember me?”

  “Of course,” said the little boy, “Little cousin, we will need you to protect us for a hundred years until we grow up and become able to fend for ourselves.”

  Chapter 963: Rare Guest |

  “Yes, don’t worry, I will continue to protect you….” murmured Zhong Yue softly as if he were dreaming.

  The little boy felt relieved and suddenly, something grabbed onto his golden braid, pulling him away. The next thing he knew, a manic excitement filled Zhong Yue’s eyes while he took out a Desolate Lightning Heavenly Furnace.

  Then, the little boy saw himself falling into Desolate Lightning Heavenly Furnace, where lightning and fire rampaged while Zhong Yue’s dream-like mumbling was heard, “I will protect you… The scent is gone but you are looking more and more delicious….”

  The little bot was stunned while Zhong Yue continued, “Hehe, what a big meat spirit pellet. I really have to take good care of you so no one will steal my precious pellet… You are the key for me to become a monarch ….”

  The little boy had goosebumps and chill crawled down his spine while Zhong Yue added one after another spirit and divine herbs into the Desolate Lightning Heavenly Furnace.

  “I have to add in some extra ingredients so that my precious would not go to waste. Hahaha …”

  “Little cousin! Wake up! Little Cousin!” shouted the little boy upon realizing what was happening.

  Zhong Yue started blowing air into Desolate Lightning Heavenly Furnace, further intensifying the heaven lightning and earth fire in it with constantly increasing excitement in his eyes, “Such top tier materials! A tiger and a dragon, this precious is born dragon tiger and with the other herbs, it will taste very good …”

  The little boy leaped into the air, attempted to escape from the Desolate Lightning Heavenly Furnace, only to be blocked off by a cover that slammed towards the Desolate Lightning Heavenly Furnace, sealing him inside and the boy rammed into the cover.

  The Desolate Lightning Heavenly Furnace was forged through the combined power of the Xian Tian Royal Guards Zhong Yue commanded and it was a Creator level item since creation. Though Bi An was also a Creator, he was a new born; the Daos in his body have yet to completely merge with him, thus, making his resistance futile against this Desolate Lightning Heavenly Furnace.

  “Hahaha, cook it all the way into a monarch pellet….” hummed Zhong Yue as he burnt the fire in the Desolate Lightning Heavenly Furnace even harder.

  “The mountains and rivers can be turned, but the heart shall remain unmoving.”

  Out of nowhere, a rumbling chantings stomped Zhong Yue’s Dao heart and his conscious returned to him.

  Zhong Yue froze for a second and he suddenly reacted; he immediately opened up the cover, reached his hand into Desolate Lightning Heavenly Furnace, grabbed onto Bi An’s golden braid and pulled him out.

  At this point, the hair on Bi An’s head was partially gone, his cheeks covered in black and he was in shock. The embarrassed Zhong Yue immediately said, “Cousin, please forgive me! When I see you, my Dao heart was still very steady but when you gotten closer….”

  Bi An calmed his rapidly pounding heart hearing this and he smiled, “You can’t be blamed. My Dao fruit is not steady enough. Once I reached the monarch level, everything will be fine again. In fact, it doesn’t have to be that long because in hundred years time, I’ll… What are you doing?”

  From Zhong Yue’s hand came another voice shouting in fear, “Master, what are you doing?”

  In Zhong Yue’s hand right now was a big carrot and in his other hand was a knife. Zhong Yue was slicing this carrot and the carrot slices fell onto Bi An’s head.

  Madness flickered in Zhong Yue’s eyes again as he said happily, “It’d be better with some carrots!”

  This carrot was Hu Sanweng and he was shrieking right now, “I am poisonous and not delicious at all! Master, my legs!”

  “The stars will rise and they will fall, but the heart will shine eternally.”

  Fu Shang’s rumbling chantings sounded again, shaking Zhong Yue and the young man immediately apologetically throw Hu Sanweng back into the mirror, sweep the carrot slices on Bi An’s head as he said gently, “Cousin, you’d better keep a distance from me….”

  Bi An immediately ran away, kept a long distance and Zhong Yue said, “This should be a safe distance. Cousin, make sure you keep your distance if you see anyone or you might risk getting eaten.”

  His words immediately had Bi An nodded non-stop.

  “I thought that after you are born into this world, I would not have to protect you anymore. I didn’t think I’d have to be subjected to this kind of torture for the next century….”

  Zhong Yue was definitely frustrated; with how attractive this little one was, everyone would want to have a bite on him and the situation will worsen if one got too close to him.

  If he brought this boy out, there will definitely be problems.

  “Cousin, can you live here for the time being?”

  Zhong Yue blinked his eyes as he really did not wish such a problem to be around him, “Cultivate for a hundred years and only go out after you are able to fend for yourself.”

  “No can do. This is our 99th reincarnation of the [Hundred Reincarnate Lives of Worldly Tribulations Scripture]. This life will be the final one and we have no other choice but to enter the world. Without passing this final storm, we will not be able to unbind ourselves from the Six Paths and Reincarnation to revert postnate and ascend into an innate. Younger cousin, please protect us for another hundred years and we will repay you handsomely.”

  “Fine. Let’s go.”

  Seeing other choice, Zhong Yue could only acquiesce.

  He turned around and thanked Fu Shang who ignored him. But he was not mad at all because that was just how Fu Shang behaved. Then, he left the Six Dao Bead with the little one.

  “Darling, this is Bi An?”

  Yin Fanxuan quickly walked up and examined the little one with surprise and happiness as she said, “So cute… But
he seems even more tasty!”

  The King’s Palace’s queen then grabbed onto Bi An’s braid, whipping out a huge pot from her Yuan Shen secret realms. She then stuffed Bi An into it and started cooking with other additional herbs she mixed in after pouring the Tai Yin Divine Water that she harvested from the Heavenly River.

  Zhong Yue immediately started chanting the [Ancient Time Unmoving Seal], and the lady immediately pulled Bi An out from the pot while exclaiming, “Senior Martial Brother Bi An is no longer emitting the abnormal scent but he has gotten even more enticing! What do we do?”

  In the pot, the little fat boy soaked himself in the Tai Yin Divine Water and chewed onto the herbs with an innocent look.

  Just as Yin Fanxuan was about to do something, she was lured by the delicious taste again and she immediately throw the little boy back into the pot.

  Zhong Yue woke her up, grabbed onto the boy, threw him far away and the scared Yin Fanxuan immediately warned, “Stay away from me, the further the better!”


  The little boy replied obediently.

  Meanwhile, Fu Li and Hundun Yu passed by and Fu Li asked, “Master, when are we departing? Hmm? Since when did Madam Fanxuan give birth to this big fat boy?”

  Yin Fanxuan blushed right away and she immediately explained with mild anger, “This is Senior Martial Brother Bi An, the son of senior Chuo Long. Do you remember that abnormally scented saint amaryllis? Bi An was being nurtured in it and he was born into this world not long ago.”

  Fu Li immediately looked and walked towards Bi An while laughing, “Ah, so he’s younger cousin Bi An? Greetings… Why are you running? It’s not like I will eat you!”

  BI An however, continued his running, hiding behind Zhong Yue and kept a distance with everyone.

  Fu Li immediately chased after him and laughed, “I really won’t eat you. I may look very ferocious but I… Cousin, you look really tasty, come, just let me have a bite! Just one bite….”

  Fu Li revealed his ferocious nature, opened his jaws wide that could swallow hundreds of adult in one ago, let alone a tiny Bi An.


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