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Rise of Humanity

Page 741

by <unknown>

  Feng Xiaozhong was an expert in this field, he had experimented with humanity’s secret realms, giving him deep knowledge that was very much like Dao Venerate Fu Min’s.

  But given that Dao Venerate Fu Min was the fist great monarch of two eras, he possessed a much more vast understanding in this field. With that, he need not dissect every race like Feng Xiaozhong just to learn the secrets within the body.

  Behind the Fuxi statue’s head were six spinning star wheels which were Six Paths Reincarnation secret realms: the Dao Yi, Yin Yang, Shen Cai, Wan Xiang, and the Wu Xing. These were analogous to the Fuxi Celestial Race’s six secret realms.

  As the six star wheels continued spinning, Zhong Yue also saw the six great secret realms operating along with the wheels, containing the deepest wonders in this universe. Zhong Yue’s heart thumped quickly after observing for a second, This secret realms operation in this Fuxi statue is compatible with [Dao Venerate Fu Min Heart Sutra Scripture]!

  He quickly confirmed his guess with [Dao Venerate Fu Min Heart Sutra Scripture], only to find that the formerly incomprehensible parts in the [Dao Venerate Fu Min Heart Sutra Scripture] had become crystal clear to him. Whatever he could not learn back then now converted into the most complicated wonders, flew into his mind, the many skills and Dao arts, all within his grasp!

  Even the secrets in the Six Paths Reincarnation turned into a torrent of information, surging into him, and along with that, his understanding towards Six Paths Reincarnation reached a level he never dared to imagine!

  His cultivation level and power raised in a horrendously rapid speed, and his foundation strengthened as he reached a whole new level!

  This was no longer a teaching from Dao Venerate Fu Min, but the monarch himself transferring every single thing he knew right into Zhong Yue’s mind!

  In other words, as long as Zhong Yue cultivated accordingly to the [Dao Venerate Fu Min Heart Sutra Scripture], he would reach the same level as Dao Venerate Fu Min and replace him as a whole new Dao Venerate Fu Min!

  10 years, this lasted for a whole 10 years and Zhong Yue did not even move, not even blinking his eyes. His attention was entirely bound to the evolution of Six Paths Reincarnation as he confirmed his findings with [Dao Venerate Fu Min Heart Sutra Scripture].

  Finally, he blinked once and his vision shifted away from the Fuxi statue.

  The secrets contained within the statue were endless, making the mystery solving within [Dao Venerate Fu Min Heart Sutra Scripture] a time consuming task that required more than a thousand years.

  He would’ve dwelled on this if it were during usual times, but his purpose here right now wasn’t [Dao Venerate Fu Min Heart Sutra Scripture]’s secrets, but the seventh secret realm!

  Zhong Yue entered another massive star wheel and from here, he saw thousands of these wheels circling around Fuxi statue. Oddly enough, there would be one that would merge with the Six Paths Reincarnation behind the Fuxi statue from time to time, forming the seventh wheel!

  Each time the seventh wheel made its appearance, it would trigger the Six Paths Reincarnation, creating a turbulence in the operation of Six Paths Reincarnation!

  And this was Zhong Yue’s target here, the ancient monarchs’ understandings towards the seventh secret realm!

  100,000 years up to 200,000 years ago was the most glorious era of the ancient times, the era where arts, techniques, and skills emerged with incredible speed. Countless geniuses appeared and pushed the arts to a peak level no one had ever reached!

  In this palace, each of these star wheels represented their understanding towards the seventh wheel!

  If he was able to gather the monarchs’ intelligence for himself, melting their understanding into one, then he would be infinitely close to the Seven Paths Reincarnation!

  With a sharp glance, Zhong Yue observed every single detail on how the star wheels merged with the Fuxi statue’s Six Paths Reincarnation. The changes when the merging began for the changes were all precious knowledge and the hard work of the ancient monarchs in creating the Seven Paths Reincarnation!

  Time passed quickly, month after month, year after year, the star wheels continued flying restlessly, merging with the Fuxi statue’s Six Paths Reincarnation before flying away. Other star wheels also flew forth, repeating the process.

  Without him knowing, Zhong Yue had been sitting there for thirty years and the thousands star wheels finally completed a cycle!

  During the thirty years, Zhong Yue saw the interactions between the few thousand star wheels and the Fuxi statue’s secret realm. He studied them closely, and from it he learned various concepts and ideas that made him feel like he was bathed in an ocean of wisdom and knowledge!

  Greed consumed him as he binged on the monarchs’ knowledge; every monarch possessed different ideas towards the seventh secret realm, hundred monarchs created hundred views and thousands of them created thousands of different perspectives!

  To these monarchs, their research focus was neither the seventh secret realm nor Seven Paths Reincarnation but the Six Paths Reincarnation. To Zhong Yue, however, their knowledge towards the Seven Paths Reincarnation was a treasure that was worth more than one could imagine!

  Dao Venerate Fu Min was the Heavenly Monarch who ruled all the monarchs in the world. Under his order, they researched the Six Paths Reincarnation and with that, the monarchs’ knowledge all condensed within him.

  He received all the knowledge from the monarchs and the monarchs only received what they themselves understood.

  Now, the ancient monarchs’ understandings were all with Zhong Yue!

  Eyes closed, Zhong Yue started going through what he had gained while the star wheels continued on their designated trails along with the never-ending Dao language.

  Another five years passed since then, and Zhong Yue’s body suddenly twitched as his seventh secret realm, the Space Secret Realm’s projection, was projected behind his head while his Six Paths Reincarnation finally connected with the seventh secret realm, forming a Seven Paths Reincarnation!

  At this moment, horrendous power exploded within him, giving Zhong Yue a feeling that he could travel between the world as freely as he wished, tally in any dimensions as long as he wanted!

  He felt his body and Yuan Shen contain endless Space Secret Realm, possessing restless power and energy!

  The Seven Paths Reincarnation activated and right away, the endless energy wondering around the endless dimensions surged into his body and he shockingly discovered that he was able to borrow power from the endless dimension to strengthen himself to ascend to a level he had never fathomed before!

  Suddenly, a pain from his chest numbed him, the seventh secret realm crumbled right away and he lost control of the raging energy within his body!

  Oh no!

  His expression changed drastically as he quickly dispersed the seventh secret realm and tried to regain control of the Six Paths Reincarnation to suppress the rampaging energy while the [Innate Eight Trigrams] emerged to take care of the energy running amok outside.

  Finally, the last strand broke and explosions erupted within his body, unleashing shockwaves so terrifying, as if there were suns exploding!

  Blood gushed out, and Zhong Yue’s body twitched. After some time, the rumblings settled down and Zhong Yue collapsed onto the ground, but he continued to twitch some time until he finally recovered.

  When the Seven Paths Reincarnation lost control, if he hadn’t acted fast enough, not only his seventh secret realm would explode, but the other six secret realms would’ve been evaporated by the horrendous energy!

  The seventh secret realm still can’t form a whole system itself.

  The young man was slightly let down by the fact that the ancient monarchs’ knowledge was not enough to fully unlock the seventh secret realm and merge it perfectly with the Six Paths Reincarnation. Their intelligence might be incredible, but the Seven Paths Reincarnation was much more complicated than the Six Paths Reincarnation, therefore, even more knowl
edge must be needed!

  But I have gained more than enough! I am very close to the Seven Paths Reincarnation now!

  Zhong Yue’s eyes blinked as he thought. He did not feel unhappy at all as whatever he gained was far greater than he expected. Previously, he only aimed to open the seventh secret realm, but he had received endless knowledge that almost enabled him to create the Seven Paths Reincarnation. Even though he wasn’t able to form it now, it had greatly expedited the process.

  Besides, the monarchs’ knowledge also allowed him to maintain the seventh secret realm’s duration for a much longer time and even able to utilize the strength in the Seven Paths Reincarnation!

  Though it was a risky move that would cost him his life if he lost control of the Seven Paths Reincarnation, this was still a powerful move that could be used as a trump card!

  This was also the true asset that Zhong Yue needed to rise in this era!

  And if he became the first to complete the Seven Paths Reincarnation, controlling the strength in all Six Paths Reincarnation, he would be able to turn the tables!

  Not only would he be able to wash away the burdens carried by Fuxi Celestial Race, but he would also have the ability to enact vengeance on those who were responsible for the Fuxi Race’s downfall in the first place!

  The skies would be flipped upside down by him, and the earth shattered by his stomping. A tooth for a tooth!

  It will be even better if Senior Martial Brother Feng were around.

  Never had Zhong Yue missed Feng Xiaozhong so much right now; he might be an evil person, but Zhong Yue still admired Feng Xiaozhong massively for his personality, strong will, and knowledge. Such a person could really become a Dao companion to Dao Venerate Fu Min.

  With his monstrous insight and zeal towards the Dao, Feng Xiaozhong would definitely be able to complete the Seven Paths Reincarnation in no time!

  He was now in the Heaven Suppression Fortress, and with only two of us, the Seven Paths Reincarnation would be a massive undertaking, we would require the knowledge of the future monarchs!

  A light flashed through Zhong Yue’s eyes, and he walked out of the palace, proceeding into the abyss while in thought, Ancestral Court, the final stronghold of we Fuxi Celestial Race, as long as Ancestral Court is still with us, our Fuxi Celestial race still stands strong! We will be able to rise again. But now, it is time to return to the Heaven Suppression Fortress!

  About a hundred years passed when he attended the Heavenly Monarch’s birthday celebration, and it was time for the second meeting of the future monarchs to take place.

  During the second meeting, even more knowledge on the Seven Paths Reincarnation would come to light!

  Chapter 1053: Second Yuan Shen |

  Zhong Yue raised Heavenly Monarch’s power hilt toward the abyss, but suddenly, the abyss closed up and vanished into the thin air.

  He trailed on the only life path, wherever he passed, the paths he walked disappeared and when he left the path, the only safe passage was no longer found.

  He wanted to turn the Ancestral Court into a place where no life form beside himself could step foot on!

  Zhong Yue reached the fourth level, where the Create Evolve Mystical Gate stood high while Hundun Yu, Yi Wanjun and Shi Yinji competed with each other. With the Create Evolve Mystical Gate’s protection, there would be no death so they fought each other ferociously.

  After a few seconds, Zhong Yue was a little unassured by what he saw; Hundun Yu was a capable man who was strong enough to occupy the first place in the True Deity Board of Saints, but now, Yi Wanjun and Shi Yinji stood on equal ground against him after teaming up.

  A few looks later, Zhong Yue noticed that something was not right; Yi Wanjun and Shi Yinji’s weapons were greatly restraining Hundun Yu and their arts were very much different from their usual arts.

  Yi Wanjun was using a bone bowl. This bowl shone brightly in the air and created a barrier that shrouded her, protecting her from all sources of attacks. Hundun Yu found no way to pierce this barrier.

  “An innate divine bowl?”

  Zhong Yue blinked his eyes as he stared at this bone bowl seemingly made from the skull of an innate god and Xin Huo rolled his eyes and said, “Look at this fool with no knowledge! That is Innate Celestial Monarch’s skull, he cultivated his skull into a weapon. Its called the Heavenly Spirit Cup and it was very famous in the Earth Order Era.”

  “Heavenly Spirit Cup?”

  Zhong Yue mocked, “That is just a skull, it’s already enough to call it an innate divine bowl.”

  His reply left Xin Huo speechless and he looked towards Shi Yinji, who was also yielding quite an impressive demonic whip, each time it was swung, the dimensions were torn apart and the void trembled before it!

  “This black whip looks just like a tail and there is a sharp point at the end of the whip.” murmured the confused Zhong Yue.

  And the angry Xin Huo shouted, “That is not a black whip but the Innate Demon Monarch’s tail! This is also a famous artifact, it is an innate demonic weapon forged from the demonic monarch’s tail, its called the Dark Rainbow.”

  The surprised Zhong Yue said, “Dark Rainbow and Heavenly Spirit Cup? Nice names but aren’t they just skull and tail? Also, what is that greenish eye used by Senior Martial Brother Yu, it can’t be possibly famous at all, can it?”

  The speechless Xin Huo replied weakly, “It’s Emerald Evil Eye, made from one of Innate Evil Monarch’s eyeballs, also very well known in the ancient times. Eh, how is it that these three precious items are no weaker than monarch weapons turned into just a skull, a black whip and an eyeball in your view?”

  Zhong Yue observed for some time and he quickly discovered that the arts Yi Wanjun and Shi Yinji used were very unique, much different from the ones they that cultivated before.

  The one they were using right now appeared to be very advanced, like a monarch level art but their arts were different in some ways.

  “Is this Great Monarch Zao Hua’s art?”

  Zhong Yue approached them and the trio stopped right away with Shi Yinji hugging onto Zhong Yue as she bragged, “Darling, I have a new whip now!”

  Zhong Yue’s expression darkened as he could already tell that it would be painful when an innate demon monarch’s tail whipped onto him!

  “Where did you get these?” asked Zhong Yue.

  Yi Wanjun explained everything in detail and added, “There are also the phoenix feather and phoenix tongue.”

  “Bird’s feather and tongue?”

  Zhong Yue was surprised and he took over the two items from Yi Wanjun while Xin Huo rolled his eyes again, “This feather is called the Thousand Silk Fire Cloud Fan, made from the end feather on Feng Tian Origin Lord’s head, and this tongue is called the Red Jade Bridge, made from Primordial Crow Deity King’s tongue. These five weapons are all equally powerful as monarch weapons! Besides, you could cultivate a second or even third Yuan Shen through these weapons and cultivate the additional Yuan Shen into incarnations that are at least Imperial Emperor level, only a level below the monarchs!”

  “Only one level below monarch?”

  Zhong Yue’s heart tightened, “That strong?”

  “Of course. These are after all, made from the body parts of the monarchs among innate gods. The few ancient Deity Kings forged their body into powerful weapons, are also aiming to cultivate them into second Yuan Shen, an incarnation that could represent them and act according to their will in the world.”

  Xin Huo continued, “A weapon that is on the monarch level and also an incarnation at the same time, this is only something the ancient Deity Kings can do, who could’ve thought you obtained 5 of them just like that!”

  Only by now did Zhong Yue finally understand how priceless these items were, they were called the second Yuan Shen because innate gods’ body was their Yuan Shen, be it their skull, eyes, tongue, tail or feathers, they were all part of their Yuan Shen, which were also part of their body.

  To these innate De
ity Kings, turning these body parts into weapons was equivalent to creating a second Yuan Shen for themselves.

  “Innate Evil Monarch and the other Deity Kings not only lost their disciples but also their weapons. Xin Huo, do you know any ways to cultivate the second Yuan Shen and the incarnations?”

  He then obtained the cultivation art for the second Yuan Shen and incarnation from Xin Huo, taught them to Yi Wanjun, Shi Yinji and Hundun Yu, who happily dwelled into cultivation right away.

  Meanwhile, they slowly walked out and Zhong Yue asked, “Wanjun, what’s the deal with your arts?”

  The lady replied, “You were gone for so long so Sister Yinji and I started cultivating inside the gate, Little Left and Little Right taught us these arts, apparently they are from Great Monarch Zao Hua’s [Creation and Evolution Mystical Art].”

  “Then why are they not the same?” asked a puzzled Zhong Yue.

  “You noticed?” giggled Shi Yinji who joined in the conversation, “Little Left and Little Right are the left and right gate respectively, resulting in some slight differences in their cultivations of the [Creation and Evolution Mystical Art], but they are still monarch level arts. What’s even better is that when the left and right work together, we will deliver stronger power far greater than the other monarch arts, it’s really amazing! This is the result of Great Monarch Zao Hua’s understanding on Great Monarch Fuxi’s monarch strike!”

  Zhong Yue pondered for a second and there was indeed traces of Fuxi and Nuwa’s [Dragon Snake Twin Attacks], he thought, It’s indeed very powerful when they worked together.

  They arrived at the Ancestral Court’s entrance and with a flick, Zhong Yue summoned the thousand winged ancient ship and they all boarded it.

  As the ship lifted off from the ground, Zhong Yue pointed Heavenly Monarch’s power hilt towards the back and the only safe passage vanished. With that, the Ancestral Court was finally sealed by the most powerful killing array!

  Now, not even innate Deity Kings can enter my Ancestral Court, this place is now the final stronghold of our Fuxi Celestial Race!


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