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Rise of Humanity

Page 753

by <unknown>

  The young man entered the weird-looking chariot after keeping the invitation away and he left.

  “Brother Xuan Ji!”

  The young man turned his head around, finding a mirror facing at his face in Zhong Yue’s hand and the young man smiled towards the mirror, “What’s the matter, Mister Yi?”

  Zhong Yue stared at the face reflected in the mirror and shook his head, “Nothing, don’t forget to come ten days later!”

  In the mirror, Xuan Ji had no face, no eyes, no nose, no mouth, he was entirely faceless, just like a blank sheet of paper.

  Zhong Yue turned around and asked Fu Li, “Fu Li, do you still remember how he looked?”

  Fu Li was caught off guard by this answer and he replied with a shook, “Strange, as soon as he turned away, I forgot…”

  Zhong Yue walked towards Jiang Yiqi and smirked, “Heaven’s messengers have no appearance. Mister Bi Luo is like that and he is also like that. The yellow light in Ancestral Court is most likely him! Heh, I’ve never gotten the chance to beat up Heaven’s disciple yet!”

  “Mister, I did not wish to be here.”

  Jiang Yiqi’s voice suddenly sounded in Zhong Yue’s mind, “I had no choice because Imperial Emperor Xian Tian wanted me here. Apart from attending the meeting, I am also ordered to enter the battlefield to serve Xian Tian Palace. There wasn’t an option.”

  Zhong Yue’s heart tightened and he welcomed Jiang Yiqi happily, “Did King Zi Guang say anything to you?”

  When they both got close to each other, Zhong Yue burst out laughing and hugged Jiang Yiqi. They then walked into the fortress happily together, showing not even a sign of uneasiness.

  As a human who once sought protection under Jiang Yiqi and served under him before being recruited by Imperial Emperor Xian Tian, there was nothing suspicious when Mister Yi was still on good terms with Jiang Yiqi.

  “King Zi Guang only told me to be careful,” replied Jiang Yiqi.

  Hearing this, Zhong Yue knew that he had wrongly accused Jiang Yiqi. He did not wish to attend the future monarch meeting, let alone the war. And he was not someone who had brawn but lacked brains.

  He was here because Imperial Emperor Xian Tian wanted it!

  And King Zi Guang must have known what was coming by telling Jiang Yiqi to be careful. Perhaps, Imperial Emperor Xian Tian wanted to kill Jiang Yiqi!

  After becoming the Imperial Emperor, Jiang Yiqi was the first Imperial Emperor among the Zi Wei Galaxy and 3,000 Six Paths Worlds’ human race with the exception of the wild humans in the ancient universe.

  As the Human Sovereign, Jiang Yiqi had a very sensitive position, and the fact that he was now an Imperial Emperor had raised the brows of many, Imperial Emperor Xian Tian was one of them.

  This time, Imperial Emperor Xian Tian might be aiming to kill Jiang Yiqi through another’s hand by sending him into the battlefield!

  Imperial Emperor Xian Tian will definitely have me kill Jiang Yiqi! He is extremely wary of the human race, back then, it was him that sealed the Ancestral Star with the Skymetrical Scroll. It was also him that kept close surveillance on the Nong Sovereign until he died of old age! And now, he is all alerted again after Jiang Yiqi became an Imperial Emperor!

  Zhong Yue thought suddenly, Imperial Emperor Xian Tian had always been quite easy on Jiang Yiqi. But out of nowhere, he wanted Jiang Yiqi on the battlefield and the future monarch meeting, knowing that he would place Jiang Yiqi in a dangerous position by doing so. Could it be that his demonic form that reached the monarch level first has full control over him right now, resulting in the sudden change in his behavior?

  Imperial Emperor Xian Tian’s celestial true body was wise and measured, carrying out duties and acting like a wise and transparent leader. In this form, if he wanted to kill Jiang Yiqi, he wouldn’t even kill him through others’ hands for this was not his style.

  Besides, when Zhong Yue was done forging Tian Pan, the black robe was controlled by the Imperial Emperor and with the behavior of his celestial true form, Imperial Emperor Xian Tian would not try to steal his subordinate’s possession.

  Now, it seemed like this was all the doings of Imperial Emperor Xian Tian’s demon true body!

  If so, where was his celestial true body? Why did it not show up?

  Ever since the beginning, demons and celestials stood on opposite sides. They could never live in harmony with each other. Now that the celestial is gone and the demon is ruling, is Imperial Emperor Xian Tian still the one I know? Could his celestial true body be….

  Zhong Yue shook his head and entered the fortress with Jiang Yiqi while he said, “Now that you are in my fortress, Imperial Emperor Xian Tian will have to go through me first if he wants to kill you. If you are protected by me, no one will dare to touch you!”

  Jiang Yiqi smiled back, “I am an Imperial Emperor right now, my strength is very different from my old power and there aren’t many that can kill me now. Mister, if there is a war, I suppose I can contribute a little.”

  Zhong Yue frowned slightly. Jiang Yiqi had, after all, been affected by [Zhu Long Heavenly Mystic Art], he was infused by more confidence and sheer will, though these changes were what Zhong Yue hoped to see, he was unsure if this was a good or a bad thing at this time.

  Fu Li smiled, “A chicken den will never breed a phoenix, my lord, if you keep protecting the Human Sovereign under you, how is he supposed to rise as the leader of the human race?”

  Zhong Yue was stunned by this comment, frustrations he set aside and he smiled, “Good! In that case, you will now lead an army of the human celestials. Now, go and handpick some human celestial beings and recruit them.”

  To Jiang Yiqi, there was no greater news that he received in a long time.

  Zhong Yue then glanced at Xing Tian and Shi Tuo, Xing Tian dared to speak a word and Shi Tuo on the other hand, smiled, “Second master, if we are protected by you, we will become one of the chickens in the chicken den instead of the phoenix.”

  His words had Xing Tian nodding quickly and the speechless Zhong Yue said, “Just follow behind Human Sovereign.”

  As the time arrived, Zhong Yue ordered his men to set up the Heavenly King Altar, future monarch boards hung high in the skies. Massive altars floated above the fortress, shining in gold, and the many powerful individuals turned the atmosphere lively.

  This grand gathering was the gathering of future monarchs, the amount of gods attending this meeting was many folds larger than the previous one, from deities to Imperial Emperors, most of those that possessed the talent of a monarch were gathered in the fortress!

  Though the war for the throne had them all becoming enemies with each other, there were still more than ten thousand of them in the fortress!

  For upon missing this meeting, they would have had to wait another hundred years!

  “Hahaha, Yi Clan, I’ve arrived!”

  Suddenly, a proud laughter was heard, raging demonic cloud rolled in the skies, turned into a platform where demonic gods stood on while heavenly demonic ladies performed demonic yet beautiful melodies, danced around and Yangguan Yuan and the other demons from the ancient universe sat on the platform.

  This time, thousands of demonic young ones from the ancient universe were in attendance, each of whom was terrifyingly powerful and extraordinary.

  “Where are the brats from the celestial races!”

  When the platform was arriving at Heaven Breaching Fortress, Yangguang Yuan stood up, his body enlarged, casting a shadow over the fortress. The many celestial beings in the fortress were obviously provoked by him.

  Yangguang Yuan burst out laughing, “Come on, don’t be angry! I did not mean you, I am referring to those scrubs from the ancient universe! We planned to get rid of them halfway but we did not find any of them! These brats really are slippery!”

  The expressions of the many celestial beings darkened even more hearing this but Yangguang Yuan gave little attention to him, he descended from the skies and smiled, “Hmmm? Heh, you little one
s from Zi Wei seems to be very angry at my words? Don’t you know how powerful I am?”

  “Yangguang Yuan, you were defeated by Zhu Xie and you still dare to act tough before us?” smirked Ti Mobei.

  Yangguang Yuan glanced at him and smiled, “So what? He is our ancient universe’s innate evil god and that has nothing to do with Zi Wei. You trash from Zi Wei are all useless, apart from enjoying yourselves, you all know nothing and you will be all dominated by us one day!”

  Just now, it was the celestial race in Zi Wei he offended but now, he fired shots at all the races in Zi Wei, enraging many!

  “This fool is even more daring than me!”

  Tian Xuanzi’s eyes lit up and he laughed, “He is worthy of becoming my friend!”

  “You? You are also one of the scrubs in Zi Wei, don’t even think of becoming friends with me. There is no one worthy in Zi Wei that can provide a decent challenge!”

  Tian Xuanzi choked on his anger and Hundun Yu couldn’t hold himself back, “You are defeated by Zhu Xie and Zhu Xie was killed by Mister Yi, we Zi Wei is not to be underestimated!”

  Yangguang Yuan burst out laughing, “Hundun Clan, you dare to speak after being defeated by me? Mister Yi is also or ancient universe’s innate god in his past life, he has no relation with you Zi Wei, do you have no shame? Our ancient universe will never recognize Mister Yi as an outstanding individual nurtured by Zi Wei! I came here this time to break Mister Yi’s legend and wash away the humiliation on me!”

  Suddenly, a voice was heard, “Nicely said! The gods in Zi Wei are fools that know nothing before we ancient universe!”

  Zhong Yue turned around, where divine light shined brightly as thousands of ancient universe’s celestials arrived under the lead of six sovereign races’ powerful individuals. Fan Bozhu, Yu Tai, Mo Haozun, and Yao Xingyue were also among them.

  Yangguang Yuan smiled, “Brats, you’re here! Come, let me crush you all!”

  Chapter 1071: Supreme Expert In Asking For Trouble |

  Tian Xuanzi was dumbfounded and he exclaimed, “This retarded Yangguang Yuan is really asking for trouble!”

  Zhong Yue had a headache over his words as well; Yanggguang Yuan was here under his invitation, but his foolish mouth was even more offensive than Tian Xuanzi’s. Ever since he showed up, he had been provoking all the gods present.

  The higher the cultivation level of a demon, the more demonic he became, though Yangguang Yuan was arrogant 100 years ago, it was never to this degree.

  Zhong Yue turned around and said to Hundun Yu, “Yangguang Yuan also managed to open the seventh secret realm.”

  Hundun Yu was shocked, “Him too?”

  Zhong Yue nodded in confirmation, “There are three requirements to achieving the seventh secret realm. The first one is that you must be smart, then you have to have a saint herb that can help you to open the secret realm and lastly, you must have a monarch to act as your guardian during the process. Yangguang Yuan is definitely not a fool, his teacher is Demon Monarch Yang Hou, an innate demon god with an ancient origin, which makes it pretty plausible that he possessees one or two saint herbs. With that, the three requirements are met and with the addition of me teaching the future monarchs about the seventh secret realm, he must have opened it as well.”

  Hundun Yu thought and said, “He wanted to challenge you 100 years ago, thinking that he was stronger than you, only to be defeated by Zhu Xie who was in turn, slain by you. Now, after achieving the seventh secret realm, he thinks that he stands on equal ground with you or even stronger than you, which makes you his target here.”

  Zhong Yue smiled.

  Celestials and demons were never friends, whenever they ran into each other, a ferocious fight would ensue.

  But there was also an unspoken rule among the ancient universe’s gods, which was that they looked down on the Zi Wei Galaxy’s gods. They were of the belief that the former betrayed the ancestors’ rules by living together as celestials and demons, serving under the same lord and shaming the ancient universe’s gods.

  As for Zi Wei Galaxy’s gods, they thought that the ancient universe’s gods were all artifacts of an era long gone, refusing to move forward.

  Both parties looked down on each other, resulting in this extremely tense situation.

  Whenever the ancient universe obtained massive power, they would attempt to enter Zi Wei to take over control of the universe. Yet, the celestials and demons in the ancient universe never ceased to fight with one another, thus, no matter how strong the ancient universe was, their strength was already weakened by the internal conflict between the celestials and demons, much to the happiness of those in Zi Wei.

  “Come, come! I will duel with every one of you!” pointed Yangguang Yuan arrogantly at the ancient universe’s celestials.

  Those who were invited were all glorious and strong individuals in the whole universe, making it impossible for them to ignore Yangguang Yuan’s provocation. Besides, with the eternal conflict between the celestials and demons, the many celestial gods were all enraged and they failed to suppress their anger.

  “Brat, there is no need for so many of us to deal with you!”

  A Jitong Clan’s Deity Overlord revealed the six light wheels behind his head, his body enlarged and turned into a towering giant. Jitong Clan was known for their brute strength and their monarch weapon was a strange one, it was a shining rope.

  With the monarch level techniques and arts learned, this Deity Overlord unleashed his power, the rope hung high above his head, containing many mini Heavens in it that had the power of Creator!

  Inside the rope was a strange energy, Zhong Yue felt the power of creation, evolution, Yin, Yang, five elements, and more; so powerful that was stronger than most of the Zi Wei’s Deity Overlords!

  Jitong Clan once merged the Heavenly Prison Wardens together with jars as a humiliation, suggesting that their arts and techniques were top of the world and with the addition of the bloodbath against the demon races, they also possessed sheer wills that the Zi Wei gods could not rival!

  Jitong Clan Deity Overlord plunged at Yangguang Yuan, attacked with monarch level arts and the many observers were stunned!

  However, Yangguang Yuan merely grinned and watched, when the Deity Overlord was near, the seven light wheels emerged, he grabbed towards the Deity Overlord, pulled the rope around and wherever his palms passed, the Heavens shattered and exploded!

  In a split second, Jitong Clan Deity Overlord was soaked in his own blood, his presence deteriorated. He was left paralyzed on the ground and his head was held in Yangguang Yuan’s hand. With one arm holding the Deity Overlord’s head, Yangguang Yuan’s head turned large and he was about to swallow this Jitong Clan Deity Overlord ruthlessly!

  Tian Xuanzi exclaimed, “Are they all so fierce?”

  The Zi Wei gods clamored right away at the ferocity displayed by the ancient universe’s gods!

  But this seemed to have an earlier example when Zhu Xie demanded to devour gods when he was asked to fight with Zhong Yue who intimidated many Zi Wei gods. In the end, it was the Heavenly Monarch that allowed Zhu Xie to devour thousands of gods, and with that, Zhu Xie agreed to fight with Zhong Yue.

  “You brat! Let go of Ji Shan!”

  A powerful Jitong Clan charged forward furiously while Yangguang Yuan laughed happily seeing the anger in him before throwing Ji Shan into his mouth, leaving only his legs and tail dangling outside and slammed his palm towards the Jitong Clan.

  Hong long hong long—

  The Jitong Clan was sent flying away while his blood splattered everywhere, only to have his throat grabbed by Yangguang Yuan.

  “Do you think you can behave like this after achieving the seventh secret realm?”

  The elites among the ancient universe’s celestial races were all enraged, a Dafan Clan’s Deity Overlord jumped out, finding himself defeated by Yangguang Yuan in two blows while a Moyun Clan had his head blown off by Yangguang Yuan!

  Ruthlessly and with overwhelming fo
rce, Yangguang Yuan stomped over the many ancient universe’s celestial elites, mowing them down in less than three blows while the demon races cheered happily.

  A demon god smirked, “Master Yangguang had us all yield to him on the way and now it’s finally the time he teaches the celestial brats a lesson! Good!”

  More and more celestials fell before Yangguang Yuan, none of them managed to last long and even a Deity Emperor was injured after four blow exchanges and he quickly backed off!

  Oddly enough, as much as they wanted to bath in Yangguang Yuan’s blood, they never broke the rule by teaming up against him, only fighting with him one on one!

  Even so, when facing all these celestial elites with monarch talents, Yangguang Yuan did not have the time to consume Ji Shan, causing him to spit Ji Shan out and pour all his attention to fighting the enemies.

  Ti Mobei and the others on the other hand, were all looking very gloomy.

  “Another one that achieved the seventh secret realm!”

  “There was already one that achieved the seventh secret realm not long ago and now there is another one!”

  “The seventh secret realm… How powerful! Could it be that one would only stand his ground firmly in this universe after acquiring the seventh secret realm?”


  Suddenly, endless starlight flew out as Tianyao Clan’s Yao Xingyue stood out and shouted, “Yangguang Yuan, enough! Let me face you!”

  Weng weng weng—

  Seven light wheels also appeared behind his head and he clashed with Yangguang Yuan!

  Hong long—

  A turbulence hit the fortress but that was when a rainbow-like starlight came charging out from the galaxy like a raging tsunami, impacting even the Heavenly River, stirring it up chaotically and the starry power surged towards Yao Xingyue!

  “Innate Galaxy Spirit Body! Cosmic Secret Realm!”

  Beside Zhong Yue, Feng Xiaozhong was surprised by the appearance of Yao Xingyue, whose seventh secret realm was also the Cosmic Secret Realm. Apart from that, his seventh secret realm was very matured and appeared to be far more completed than Yangguang Yuan’s!


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