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Rise of Humanity

Page 776

by <unknown>

  One strike after another, Dao patterns slowly formed underneath his palm, resembling the Drawings of Tian Yin!

  With the emergence of the patterns, his palm strikes also grew stronger in power. Such was the Tian Yin’s skill!

  The skills’ powers turned stronger as time passed by. After a long time, Zhong Yue finally stopped as his body couldn’t hold it any longer or his mortal body and Yuan Shen would both shatter and die!

  He finally cultivated the Tian Yin’s skill, but the skill was a great burden to his mortal body and Yuan Shen. The more energy he used to cast it, the stronger the skill would be, and the greater it would damage his mortal body and Yuan Shen.

  As of now, he had only cultivated one skill of the 30 Heavenly Daos, he hadn’t cultivated the Tian Pan’s skill nor had he started studying the other 28 Heavenly Daos’ skills. If he could cultivate all of them, he wouldn’t be as powerless against Xuan Ji the next time they meet.

  Zhong Yue held the Million Treasures Dao Hammer again and went back to forging the Treasures of Heavenly Dao.

  The Million Treasures Dao Hammer was much stronger than his raw mortal body, and even when it was destroyed by the impact force, he wouldn’t suffer any damage either. This gave him the ease of mind to use the hammer. After all, Old Man Xuan and Qi were both a fine line away from the monarch level. Their weapons were, of course, extraordinary.

  On the other hand, Old Man Xuan and Qi felt uneasy, afraid that Zhong Yue would shatter their treasures yet another time. However, they had promised Zhong Yue to forge for him, and they could only watch as cracks slowly appeared on the Dao Hammer’s surface.

  “It seems like our treasure will break another time again…” The two old men murmured sadly.

  After another dozen days, Tian Yin was slowly coming into shape. The armies of the Heaven Breaching Fortress grew anxious and quickly surged more of their arcane energies into the Million Treasures Dao Hammer in fear that it would break at this crucial moment.

  Thankfully, the forging was a success. The Million Treasures Dao Hammer was still fine with only cracks on its surface by the time Zhong Yue had finished forging Tian Yin.

  Old Man Xuan and Qi instantly dashed forward and snatched the Dao Hammer away from him. Their hearts were aching in pain when they meticulously inspected the hammer.

  “This treasure came out fine after forging the Treasures of Heavenly Daos, its achievements will be stupendous.” Zhong Yue praised from the bottom of his heart.

  The two old men rolled their eyes at him and thought, What crap was he talking about? He is probably saying this only to make it easier to borrow the hammer again next time.

  “Huh? There are some strange patterns on our Dao Hammer!” Old Man Xuan exclaimed in surprise.

  Old Man Qi quickly got closer to look and indeed, he saw some wondrous patterns that were burnt on the Dao Hammer’s surface. It was then that they knew Zhong Yue wasn’t joking.

  During forging Tian Yin, the Daos of heaven and earth and Heavenly Daos were attracted and smithed the wondrous Dao patterns into Tian Yin. But at the same time, there were also some of the Dao patterns that were also smithed onto the Dao Hammer’s surface. This, in turn, bestowed the Dao Hammer with a faint air of the Heavenly Daos.

  During the last two times Zhong Yue borrowed their Dao Hammer to forge the Tian Pan; The first Tian Pan was too weak, it didn’t leave anything for the Dao Hammer; whereas the second time, the Dao Hammer was shattered from the smithing of the Tian Pan.

  But this time, Zhong Yue and the Million Treasures Dao Hammer were much more capable. Tian Yin was successfully forged and the Dao Hammer’s strength also saw a rise from the smithing. One must say, it was an unexpected fortune for the two old men.

  “If it’s used to forge a few more treasures, this Dao Hammer will most probably enter the monarch level earlier than the two old men. It will become a monarch weapon!” Zhong Yue smiled as he said.

  Old Man Xuan and Qi were dubious over his statement. They quickly repaired the hammer and forged a divine weapon with it. Sure enough, the divine weapon came out stronger and with some additional wondrous effects. The two old men were shocked and overjoyed.

  On the other hand, Zhong Yue was looking at Tian Yin. This was a Treasure of Heavenly Daos that could oppress fate. It had boundless authoritative power and was stronger than the Tian Pan, only lacking the latter’s divine calculatory ability.

  With a thought, the Tian Yin was cast up to the sky, hovering above the Heaven Breaching Fortress. He thought, With it, the Heaven Breaching Fortress’s fate will be unshakable, not even by Mo Yin.

  Mo Yin had been reducing his fate. Although the Heaven Breaching Fortress’s fate was still growing steadily, the endless reduction had still slowed it down greatly. But with Tian Yin in the fortress now, Mo Yin would not be able to affect its fate anymore.

  As time passed, the Heaven Breaching Fortress’s fate would only grow stronger and eventually be invincible!

  There aren’t any monarchs that came to rob us now. It seemed like they had learned their lesson, they didn’t want to make a fool out of themselves anymore this time.

  Rays flashed in Zhong Yue’s eyes as he thought. He suddenly had the urge to forge all 30 Treasures of Heavenly Daos, but he has run out of raw materials. Even with his superfluous wealth, forging two Treasures of Heavenly Daos already cost him an arm and a leg, he was almost like a poor beggar now.

  The materials needed for the Tian Yin had come mostly from wealth plundered from the war with the Heaven Court, else, he alone could only afford to forge just the Tian Pan.

  To forge all 30 Treasures of Heavenly Daos would require uncountable resources that he could never afford now.

  It’s impossible without seizing the Heaven Court’s resources.

  Zhong Yue gazed at the Heaven Court while suddenly, Yin Fanxuan and Jin Hexi walked toward him. They were both smiling coquettishly upon asking, “Where’s our new sister darling has kidnapped? Why don’t you show her to us?”

  Zhong Yue’s heart skipped a beat and he knew things were taking a bad turn. Back then, he had ordered the ladies to return to the Heaven Breaching Fortress first while he stayed to kidnap Pan Suxin.

  Then, right after he returned, the Heaven Breaching Fortress became steeped in battle. The sequence of events that led up to this moment had occurred so quickly that he didn’t have time to explain the situation about Pan Suxin to them.

  “Darlings, listen to me, I’ll explain. This lady has nothing to do with me.” Zhong Yue quickly removed Pan Suxin from his Yuan Shen secret realms and smiled while saying, “Her situation is different…”

  “King Yi, I will never fall in love with you!” Pan Suxin condemned.

  An expression radiated across Yin Fanxuan’s and Jin Hexi’s faces as if they both expected it. Beads of cold sweat immediately rolled down Zhong Yue’s forehead and he waved his hands rapidly to shoo Pan Suxin away.

  Then, he explained the situation to the ladies. Yin Fanxuan and Jin Hexi were both surprised, Yin Fanxuan murmured, “Is this really possible?”

  Zhong Yue nodded, “I was feeling the same too. How can there be anyone who is so similar? Thus, I took the risk of bringing her here. However, after inspecting her atman, she doesn’t appear to be someone from the Ancestral Star. I can’t help but feel puzzled too.”

  Jin Hexi said, “There are endless wondrous possibilities in this vast universe, there is a chance this is real.”

  Having handled the situation with his two wives, Zhong Yue heaved a breath of relief, “I will let Pan Suxin stay here first and see what can we do next once our business here has been resolved.”

  Yin Fanxuan nodded, “I guess this is the only way. Darling, are you really going to wait 30 years until the next attack on the Heaven Court?”

  Zhong Yue replied solemnly, “The Heaven Court is not an easy target. Although I have heavily impaired 9 out of its 36 armies, there are still 27 armies left. Even when the other monarch races can hold off 4 or 5
of the armies, there are 20 some armies left to be handled. The Heaven Court remains the strongest force in this universe. That’s why I am waiting for a chance. I don’t believe Monarch Jin Tian, Monarch Qing He, Monarch Chang Sheng, and Monarch Yang Zun would sit by and watch quietly.”

  Jin Hexi said, “Monarch Yang Zun and the others have not made a move yet. They are most probably waiting for us to battle Heaven Court first so they can come in when we are both injured from the war. That way, they can strike two birds down with one stone.”

  Zhong Yue smiled, “Don’t worry. The four monarchs will not stand to see Heavenly Monarch Di Ming and Queen Goddess successfully in cultivating the seventh secret realm. They will make a move for sure to ensure the two paragons fail in opening the seventh secret realm. In these 30 years, something will surely come up to us. En, Senior Martial Brother Feng is back!”

  Yin Fanxuan and Jin Hexi both left while Zhong Yue moved toward the gate. There, Feng Xiaozhong was seen walking into the fortress, still having the same calm and tranquil expression on his face. It was hard to tell whether or not he took down Xuan Ji.

  “Did senior martial brother caught Xuan Ji?” Zhong Yue asked.

  Feng Xiaozhong shook, “He is full of tricks, he managed to escape my hands.”

  Zhong Yue was disappointed while Feng Xiaozhong continued, “But I was able to make him leave something behind. It’s strange; very, very unique.”

  Zhong Yue was bestirred, he quickly asked, “What is it?”

  “Meat I’ve taken down from his body.” A Secular World emerged behind Feng Xiaozhong’s head and he continued, “It’s very small and still bloody. Though small it may be, it is still enough for me to conduct my research on this amazing lifeform.”

  Zhong Yue was puzzled, he asked, “I’ve tried to acquire his blood, but they never seem to leave his body. Once left, the blood will always burn away into ashes. Senior martial brother, how did you do it?”

  “Simple, I did what you did. I used the Space Dao to cut open his flesh and blood. Even though I’ve cut it down, it’s still actually intact with his mortal body now.” Feng Xiaozhong explained, “Then, I used the Time Secular World to stop time and seal this piece of meat in it.”

  Zhong Yue was startled and left utterly speechless. What Feng Xiaozhong used were the exact same measures as him, the Space Dao and Time Dao!

  Zhong Yue had imparted his attainments in the Ancestral Court to Feng Xiaozhong before, this included his Space Secret Realm and Time Secret Realm.

  During the chase for Xuan Ji, Feng Xiaozhong must’ve tried many ways but failed to leave Xuan Ji’s blood behind until he found Zhong Yue’s Space Dao and Time Space effective against it.

  Zhong Yue hadn’t cultivated to the Creator level, he couldn’t use the Secular Worlds yet. He still needed to ascend into the Deity Overlord and Deity Emperor level before he could use the Secular Worlds.

  But Feng Xiaozhong was unique was always, he could already cast the Secular Worlds.

  However, what surprised him was that Feng Xiaozhong had used his techniques!

  Senior martial brother really lives up to his nickname of The Transcended One.

  Zhong Yue praised. Rays flashed in his eyes and he said, “Senior martial brother, I’ve come across a lady recently. I’d like you to meet her.”

  Feng Xiaozhong was puzzled, he said, “You’ve spent too much on your relationships. Junior martial brother, this will hinder your cultivation and affect your Dao heart. If you were like me, unphased by worldy tethers, your achievements today would have been far beyond what it is now.”

  Zhong Yue laughed, “Love, emotions, relationship, it’s also a kind of Dao, why wouldn’t I experience them? Senior martial brother, please look, the lady is there.”

  Feng Xiaozhong looked over and when his gaze fell on Pan Suxin, his body trembled greatly. At that moment, he had forgotten his Dao and his heart became filled with affection.

  But right away, Feng Xiaozhong’s face was filled with anger and his expression turned vicious, he said frigidly, “Junior martial brother, where did you learn of my wife’s appearance, and how did you manage to find someone who looks exactly like her? Are you trying to shatter my Dao heart?”

  Chapter 1105: Love and Dao |

  Zhong Yue shook his head and said softly, “Do you still remember the old man?”

  For a second, Feng Xiaozhong’s eyes twitched, his cool lost entirely and he smirked, “You think I wouldn’t kill you by bringing up my old man?”

  “The first time I met Old Man Feng Shang was when he is carving a jade statue in Swords Gate.”

  Zhong Yue gently reminisced, at this moment, he was not the unstoppable commander that could tremble the heaven and earth with a simple stomp. He had returned to the time he was still a young boy, when he first met the old headmaster of Swords Gate — Feng Shang.

  Back then, Feng Shang silently carved the statue of a lady with wings, it was a lady of the Xiao Mang Celestial Race. She had three heads, all of them beautiful yet unique. One was gentle, the other was a little mischievous, and the last one was earnest.

  “The old man loved to indulge himself in his statue carving, I thought he was carving a lady he loved, but after some time, he told me that it was his daughter in law.”

  Zhong Yue continued, “Back then, he must have already had the intention to set you free, but at the same time, he worried that your unstable Dao heart that plunged you into madness. So he set out to make the statue of your wife, as a beacon so that you wouldn’t lose yourself. You left regardless in the end, but perhaps, the old man knew that you and I would cross paths, so he gave me that jade statue.”

  “Are you trying to control me through this woman!”

  Killing intent flared up in Feng Xiaozhong’s eyes, his aura made Zhong Yue felt like he was a tiny ship struggling on a raging ocean, Feng Xiaozhong had entirely made up his mind to kill Zhong Yue!

  As a Dao seeker, Feng Xiaozhong sought only for Daos, he valued only two things, one being the undefeatable father in his heart, Old Man Feng Shang, and the other being his wife, the love of his life that was executed by the Xiao Mang Celestial Race.

  His father resembled caring and love and his wife symbolized everything perfect in his heart.

  Thus, when Zhong Yue dugged out the treasured memories in Feng Xiaozhong, the latter took it as an insult and an attempt to control him!

  Zhong Yue shook his head and said, “Something is stopping you inside and this is something you must overcome. You loved the Xiao Mang lady with everything you had and look, I found a lady exactly like her, if you are really enthusiastic in seeking the Dao, then kill her!”

  Madness rose in the angry Feng Xiaozhong’s eyes, he grinned, “You think I’m scared? Whoever that stops me from seeking the Dao will be struck down with no mercy! There will be no exception!”

  With raging killing intent, Feng Xiaozhong started walking towards Pan Suxin, who was still running around in Heaven Breaching Fortress, trying to find a way out, noticing nothing about the approaching Feng Xiaozhong.

  As Feng Xiaozhong got close, the lady turned around suddenly and her looks gave Feng Xiaozhong a shock of a lifetime, erasing the killing intent in him. The madness in his eyes faded and he looked at the lady gently.

  The soft spot in his heart was struck and he couldn’t help but recall the beautiful romance he once had with his wife.

  Pan Suxin blinked her eyes and asked, “Senior martial brother, do you know the way out?”

  From his awkward face, Feng Xiaozhong forcefully squeezed out a smile and without him knowing, his tone became eerily gentle, “You want to leave this place?”


  Pan Suxin angrily complained, “This King Yi is beyond unreasonable! He kidnapped me and trapped me here, I have a home too, you know! I want to get out but this stupid place is so huge that I couldn’t find a way out, were you abducted by King Yi as well?”

  For some unknown reason, Feng Xiaozhong nodded and seeing t
his Pan Suxin angrily shouted, “This King Yi is really evil! Don’t worry, I will protect you from his wrath!”

  Feng Xiaozhong nodded again and smiled, “Okay, thank you.”

  Pan Suxin looked around, snuck up to Feng Xiaozhong and whispered, “I think we should disguise ourselves with the soldiers’ uniforms. It will ease our escape or they would lock us back here again if they caught us.”

  But before she finished her words, Feng Xiaozhong vanished in a split second, immobilized two divine generals far away, stripping their armors down and returned to Pan Suxin’s side.

  Yet, Pan Suxin did not even notice that Feng Xiaozhong had already walked away and returned again. She stopped talking abruptly when she saw Feng Xiaozhong taking out two sets of armors. The happy and surprised Pan Suxin shouted, “You had such items with you the whole time? You must have been preparing for a very long time! Oh right, what is your name?”

  “I am Feng Xiaozhong.”

  The duo put on the armors, Pan Suxin lowered the mask on the headgear, covered her face, held onto Feng Xiaozhong’s hand and whispered, “Come with me.”

  Feng Xiaozhong followed behind her and he warned, “It will not be easy….”

  “Which is why we must be careful and not let King Yi detect us! That fool is very capable, we must be very cautious!”

  Pan Suxin’s expression was very serious and she softly said, “I fell into his Six Paths Reincarnations and I couldn’t get out even after traveling for a very long time. If you are trapped by his Six Paths Reincarnations, you will probably end up dying.”

  All Feng Xiaozhong did was nodded continuously.

  Pan Suxin then brought him around, sneaking about everywhere and Chi Song who was patrolling around noticed the two sneaking around but just when he was about to approach them, he saw an angry stare coming from Feng Xiaozhong. Seeing this, Chi Song immediately pretended that he saw nothing and walked in a different direction.


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