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Rise of Humanity

Page 793

by <unknown>

  This shocked even Yan Xing Deity King himself and his unhappiness dispersed quickly, “Heh, in the end, you are the most honest one among them. Fine, if that’s the case, I will team up with you.”

  With a smile, Yuan Ya Deity King walked closer to Yan Xing Deity King and whispered, “Senior martial brother, you’ve been away for too long so let me tell you this, Great Si Ming is back!”

  The expression on Yan Xing Deity King’s face froze up in an instant, his face turned pale and he shouted, “Back to life? Impossible! We sent him to death back then! How is he alive again!”

  Yuan Ya grabbed Yan Xing Deity King’s hand, left with him and continued, “Which is why I’m here to ask for your help. Don’t worry, I have precautions readied so Great Si Ming will not be too much of a problem. However, I will need your help in pulling it off. As for Dark Monarch, we can leave him aside first and return when he is about to shed the past body. Now, let’s talk about what we need to do on the way back. You missed a lot of the fun when you were away, when Dao Venerate Fu Min passed away….”


  In the Heavenly Fire Barren Region.

  Softly, Feng Yuhuan explained what she had experienced to Feng Tian Origin Lord, told her how she captured Zhong Yue before being captured by Zhuo Ya and brought back to the Innate Dao Mountain later on.

  She recounted, in full detail, Zhong Yue’s massacre and continued, “I fell into King Yi’s trap and was forced to give him my word. Shen Xiage and Xie Yang were also compelled to fulfill his demands. In the end, when Shen Xiage attacked him, a powerful attack descended from the skies and with a power so great, Shen Xiage was destroyed in body and soul. That attack’s strength was so powerful that even I froze up when it happened, all I could do is run and with the vow still in effect, I will no longer be able to do anything to King Yi.”

  “An attack from the skies?” repeated Feng Tian Origin Lord in surprise.

  Feng Yuhuan then started visualizing and created the images of the situation again.

  Upon seeing what was shown to her by Feng Yuhuan, Feng Tian Origin Lord’s face changed and she grinned, “Heaven’s hand is extending way too far! This is not an attack from the skies but a Heavenly Dao’s attack! What you swore the vow at was not King Yi’s Dao but the Heavenly Dao itself! This means that you swore a vow to Heaven and if you go against what you swore, you will be punished, by Heaven!”

  Terrorized by the news, Feng Yuhuan lost her cool right away and Feng Tian Origin Lord comforted her by saying, “Worry not, this type of vow is not a problem to monarchs, which means it is not a problem to me as well. I will help you to remove this curse and free you from your worries. This so-called Heaven is nothing more than a child to me.”

  Feng Tian Origin Lord reached out her beautiful hands, pointed at Feng Yuhuan’s forehead and started moving around, immediately, Feng Yuhuan felt abnormal movements in her soul. Seconds later, she saw Feng Tian Origin Lord extracting a strange looking mark from her soul, which was exactly the mark that appeared when she swore the vow towards the Dao’s marking created by Zhong Yue!

  “This is the Heavenly Dao’s marking when you swore the vow, it is connected to your soul.”

  Feng Tian Origin Lord smiled, “As long as I erase this marking, the vow will be shattered.”

  Her energy rumbled, fiery heavenly fire started invading Feng Yuhuan’s soul, forcefully removing this marking but just as the marking was shaken, the heaven and earth’s Daos surged in, gushing into the Heavenly Fire Barren Region in the form of divine light, forming a marking of Heaven above Feng Tian Origin Lord’s head!

  “Child! You are too confident if you think you can suppress me!”

  Feng Tian Origin Lord let out a battle cry and with it, the entire Heavenly Fire Barren Region turned to life, the ancient power that existed since the universe was born awakened from its slumber and slammed the marking of Heaven that was taking form into bits!

  Feng Tian Origin Lord smirked, removed the Heavenly Dao marking in Feng Yuhuan’s soul and with a flick, the marking turned into a stream of smoke that fades into the air.

  “Now, you are free from its threat.”

  Feng Tian Origin Lord frowned slightly and added, “But what surprises me the most is that the Heavenly Daos’ strength is increasing gradually, it is so much stronger than before. This is not necessarily a good thing….”

  Feng Yuhuan, who understood nothing about what she said, decided to remain silent.

  All of a sudden, Feng Tian Origin Lord gave her a warm smile, but the words coming out of her mouth did not make Feng Yuhuan feel warm at all “Your Junior Martial Brother Mingshan is very outstanding, not long ago, when I was away, he took the chance and left with quite a few of your junior martial brothers and sisters. He then set up his own clan and called it the new Tian Feng Sovereign Race. This boy is really is one of a kind, I treated him with kindness and generosity and he repaid me by betraying me! This time, I want you out there and bring his head back to me!”

  Feng Yuhuan’s expression changed hearing this and she tremblingly said, “Teacher! Mingshan will never betray! I will bring him back here and have him explain to you his foolish actions….”

  Feng Tian Origin Lord waved her hands and smiled, “Hush, there is no need to speak for him, I know very well about the little thoughts running in his little mind. It’d be good if you brought him back but if he refused to come back, I’d be happy to talk to his head as well. Right now, all the powers in this universe are starting their little movements, no longer satisfied with what they have right now. But it would be difficult to compete with everyone with only Six Paths Reincarnation. Stay here for a moment and summon Yuyu, Mingjin, Yuqiao, and Mingtian. Once they arrive, I will use the saint herb to open up your seventh secret realm, teach you the Seven Paths Reincarnation and you will all be dispatched after learning it.”

  Feng Yuhuan was happy and surprised, previously, only Feng Mingshan gained the favor of Feng Tian Origin Lord because of his talents, hence, the saint herbs were prepared for Feng Mingshan, which ignited the jealousy and envy of others.

  But now, Feng Tian Origin Lord was going to help her, Feng Yuyu, Feng Mingjin, Feng Yuqiao, and Feng Mingtian to open up the seventh secret realm, which was something they should be more than happy about!


  Ancient universe, Demon Monarch Palace.

  After returning from Returning Ruins, Innate Demon Monarch frowned slightly and with a wave, Million Demons Banner flew into his hands and he examined the hole on the Million Demons Banner before letting out a sigh.

  He then summoned all his disciples, who were mostly serving under Demon Monarch Yang Hou. Upon receiving the order, the disciples all showed up in the main hall.

  Innate Demon Monarch looked at his disciples and his voice rumbled, “Now, the universe is experiencing drastic changes, more and more individuals are achieving the seventh secret realm and Seven Paths Reincarnation gradually. As for you who walk outside most of the time, you all represent the Demon Monarch Palace. Your elder Senior Martial Brother Yuanlie was killed by King Yi because of the lack of seventh secret realm not long ago, which led to a new decision I just made. From now onwards, I will select five disciples to help them open up seventh secret realm and teach them the Seven Paths Reincarnation. Now, show me what you can do.”

  The disciples were all dumbfounded by the happy news.

  Innate Demon Monarch continued, “The Demon Daos only bow before the strong. I will spread out the Million Demons World with Million Demons Banner and you will all enter the Million Demons World. Whoever walks out from there first will be selected as my heir.”

  With a flick, the banner flew into the air, turned into Million Demons World, where Demon Daos thrived and horrendous demons scattered around.

  “Teacher, if we run into each other in Million Demons World, are we permitted to kill each other?”

  “Permission granted,” nodded the smiling Innate Demon Monarch.

  The disciples beca
me excited and flew right into the Million Demons World.


  At the same time, Innate Celestial Monarch summoned his own disciples and announced, “The universe is a mess now and the Celestial Monarch Palace who acts as the source of all Celestial Dao is bound to shine brightly in this chaotic world. Your senior martial brother was killed by King Yi and I decided to select five more disciples to inherit my heritage. I will teach them the seventh secret realm and Seven Paths Reincarnation, to strike down all evil, purge all demons and enforce justice to the universe! Now, I will allow you to enter Innate Celestial Dao Sacred Ground, whoever improves the most after hundred days will become one of my heirs!”

  The disciples all bowed and thanked their master.


  As for the Evil Monarch Palace, after erasing the Heavenly Dao marking in Xie Yang’s soul, Innate Evil Monarch summoned his disciples and announced, “Now its the time for us to show our fangs. Xie Yang, Xie Feng, Xie Ding, Xie Yue, and Xue Qu. Come forth, I will help you all to achieve seventh secret realm and teach you the Seven Paths Reincarnation!”

  And the happy disciples bowed before their master.

  Chapter 1130: In Debt |

  Zi Wei, Imperial Star.

  King Zi Guang walked out of the Qinghe Clan, with Di Xiuluo following closely behind him, from the front, Feng Wuji was walking towards their direction, also seemingly trying to convince Qinghe Clan to their side.

  “Mister Wuji,” greeted King Zi Guang politely.

  The approaching Feng Wuji greeted back right away in response, “Mister Zi Guang! Mister Zi Guang, are you perhaps here to convince Monarch Qing He to help Mu Xiantian in the war?”

  King Zi Guang calmly replied, “This is how this world works, everyone is after the profit, if there is great profit, I suppose Monarch Qing He wouldn’t mind siding with our Xian Tian Palace.”

  Hearing this, some sort of light flickered in Feng Wuji’s eyes and he replied, “Then, is this trip of yours a profitable one, Mister Zi Guang?”

  “It is a promising one indeed.” replied the happy King Zi Guang.

  Feng Wuji smiled, “Heh, if Mister Zi Guang could convince Monarch Qing He with a certain amount of profits, then Wuji can also do the same to convince Monarch Qing He to drop the alliance with Xian Tian Palace. Mister Zi Guang, you tasted an ultimate defeat before Mister Mo Yin, your name you spent so much effort to maintain was destroyed in one day and now, you might even taste defeat in my hands.”

  With a prideful laugh, King Zi Guang started walking away, and when he was about to pass Feng Wuji, he shook his head and sighed, “Foolish child, you are a fool….”

  Killing intent sparked in Feng Wuji’s eyes instantly, he smirked and placed his hands behind his back, “Do you know who I am? I, come from a monarch race, apprentice to a renowned existence, bearer of 17 sovereign races’ diplomatic markings, wherever I go, I will be treated as an honorable guest. No one dares to humiliate me and I have friends everywhere, how dare you insult me like this!?”

  King Zi Guang however, ignored Feng Wuji and left without stopping.

  Feng Wuji then transmitted a voice message to his companions, “This guy, he is Mu Xiantian’s favourite servant, is it possible for us to take him out right now?”

  The two innate gods exchanged a glance and shook their head in sync, “Don’t even think about it, Mister Wuji. That man, yes, him, that man who is following beside King Zi Guang, he is the strongest in Bi Luo Palace, Di Xiuluo.”

  “Who is this man? How strong is he?”

  One of the innate gods replied, “We’re not sure about the details, he’s already here when we arrive in Bi Luo Palace and back then, there was only Mister Bi Luo and him. He was already there, earlier than Nine-Five and he stood at a position higher than Nine-Five.”

  Feng Wuji’s heart pumped quickly, the thought of taking the risk to remove King Zi Guang disappeared in his mind, An existence together with Mister Bi Luo? Even if he is not an innate god, he would be on par as well! Such an existence is most likely the messenger of Heaven, just like Xuan Ji! How fortunate this King Zi Guang is, to be able to recruit someone like Di Xiuluo!

  As for King Zi Guang, just right after he left Qinghe Clan’s territory and was about to head towards Heaven Breaching Fortress, Di Xiuluo stopped for a second and started looking around.

  King Zi Guang was puzzled by this sudden stop and when he traced towards the direction Di Xiuluo looked at, he saw a tiny hill ahead of him, with a worn-down temple sitting on it. For some reason, this hill and the temple that appeared in front of them and King Zi Guang failed to notice them.


  He flew up, headed towards the outer heaven and not long later, the scenery in the Imperial Star started appearing in their vision; without them knowing; instead of flying towards Heaven Breaching Fortress, they were heading straight towards the Imperial Star and were on the way to descending into Imperial Star.

  And what King Zi Guang saw later left him frowning, in front of them were the exact same hill and temple.

  [Demonic Chant of Reincarnation]? Where are the smithing noises? King Yi can’t possibly turn hostile right now.

  The confused King Zi Guang changed directions and not long later, the Imperial Star appeared again and along with it, the temple and the hill!

  He looked towards Di Xiuluo and received a reply from Di Xiuluo, “Nope.”

  King Zi Guang understood it right away, Di Xiuluo was telling him that the temple posed no threat and the ones inside the temple bore no ill intentions.

  Trusting Di Xiuluo greatly, King Zi Guang started hiking the hill and stopped before the temple.

  The doors were wide opened, inside sat an old Taoist priest, chanting towards a divine cauldron and King Zi Guang asked as he walked into the temple, “This senior martial brother, may I know what business you have with me by stopping me?”

  The old Taoist priest smiled back, “I am here because I acknowledge your talents. There is not much time left for me so I want someone to inherit my heritage, to be frank, I wish to take you in as my disciple.”

  King Zi Guang burst out laughing and he shook his head, “Senior martial brother, do you even know who I am?”

  Without turning around, the priest answered, “Of course. You are King Zi Guang, you started from the bottom, and later pledge your services to Mu Xiantian. You are one of a kind, handsome, knowledgeable and greatly talented, you are known as a master strategist.”

  “If you know, then you should also know that not anyone can simply become my teacher.”

  Light wheels emerged behind the old priest’s head as a reply, buzzing silently, and in an instant, seven light wheels entered King Zi Guang’s vision, thousands of Dao languages rumbled in his ears!

  King Zi Guang’s vision blurred for a second and when he looked around, seven star rivers split the skies apart and shone brightly at the universe!

  “You entered Daos with your intelligence and the secret realm I developed is the Wisdom Secret Realm. You, however, did not reach my level yet, so now, am I fit enough to be your teacher?”

  Still facing at the divine cauldron, the old priest continued, “After practicing my Dao, you will only be considered as having entered the doors of Wisdom Secret Realm. Back then when Dao Venerate Fu Min was still alive, I was the one that helped him created the three Almanacs of Wisdom.”

  “You are the old era’s remaining evil!”

  “I’m afraid that I’m not.”

  The old priest smiled, “I am not a Fuxi, the Fuxi Celestial Race had been acting overly tough back then and they finally broke in the end. When I first noticed the dwindling fate of the Fuxi Celestial Race, I quickly pulled myself out of their affairs and walked away as a free man, thus, they call me Monarch Xiao Yao. Now that I am getting too old, I need someone to inherit my knowledge and wealth and you are the chosen one. Come with me and a thousand years later, you will be one of the monarchs!”

  King Zi Guang calmed himself
down and bowed, “Elder, I have to help Mu Xiantian win the throne, so I fear that I will not be able to follow you. Once I helped him in succeeding, I will retire and come to you.”

  The old priest kept quiet for some time before he sighed and said calmly, “Fine. I can wait for another thousand years, but you might not be able to last that long. Now, I have two pieces of advice for you before you go, beware of Mu Xiantian and don’t blame yourself.”

  King Zi Guang’s mind went blurry for a second and when he returned back to his senses, the temple and hill were already gone. As for him, he appeared beside Di Xiuluo again as if he never even moved a step.

  Unflinched by what happened, Di Xiuluo murmured, “Ancient great presence.”

  King Zi Guang nodded, “He wants to take me as his disciple. Strange, why would an ancient monarch show himself at this time? The seventh secret realm and Seven Paths Reincarnation… If I became his disciple and cultivated his Daos, it would only be a matter of time until I become a monarch.”

  He started walking towards the Heavenly River in the skies above Imperial Star while Di Xiuluo followed. A moment later, King Zi Guang stopped abruptly as a thought emerged in his head, “I get it now!”

  Di Xiuluo stopped as well, remaining expressionless and King Zi Guang’s expression became unstable, “These ancient monarchs from the Earth Order Era… their lives are coming to an end!”

  Di Xiuluo remained the same, icy cool and unflinched, only King Zi Guang was still mumbling to himself, “The fact that this Monarch Xiao Yao came to me also means that the other ancient monarchs are also looking for their own heirs, so that their heritage would not disappear! If Monarch Xiao Yao has shown himself, then the other ancient monarchs will appear one after another in search of the best heir, which also means that this universe will have more and more existences that cultivated the seventh secret realm showing up! Huh? Why are you not surprised at all, Di Xiuluo?”

  “Knew.” replied Di Xiuluo calmly.

  “What? This is a great matter that will change how this world works! These ancient monarchs were once what Dao Venerate Fu Min called Dao companions! They created the Six Paths Reincarnation and developed the various secret realms. It was thanks to their research that the Daos and arts as we know it have reached such a high level! However, when the Earth Order Era ended and God Order Era begun, they vanished into thin air, there must be some kind of reason behind their sudden disappearance! After Six Paths got established, the knowledge in their brain will only become a priceless treasure that will help them in creating the seventh secret realm!”


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