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Italian Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

Page 16

by Lambert, Lucy

  Instead of going to get a taxi right away, I went over to the waiting area and stood by the window. The glass kept misting with my breath.

  I watched Flight 713 take off.

  My stomach twisted, and I didn’t know whether it was from relief or fear.

  I did know that I probably would have been on that plane at that moment if I’d remembered to put my phone on silent, if I hadn’t heard Liam’s calls.

  The phone chirped again. A text, not a call.

  I pulled it out of my pocket.

  Please tell me you weren’t on that.

  He was here, at the airport. I looked around, my heart pounding against my ribs. However, it had seemed a few inbound flights had begun disembarking and the terminal had flooded with passengers and I could see nothing but a steady flow of people.

  Suddenly I needed to see him. The impulse came on so strong that I almost left my luggage by the window.

  I’m here still, I texted back, joining the surge of people through the terminal, almost running into a slow-moving older gentleman with a cane in front of me.

  My stomach tightened up as I cast my eyes about, searching for his familiar features. I wanted to see him so badly, but I also felt embarrassment, too. Would he be disappointed in me? Would he tell me that I’d been foolish to try and leave?

  Then the flow of people began parting around something ahead of me, like water around a rock in the middle of a river.

  It turned out to be Liam. As soon as I saw him, I knew it had been right to stay, to not run away.

  And there was nothing on his face but relief. I let go of my luggage and ran to him. He caught me up in his arms and lifted me off the polished floor.

  People must have thought we were lovers reunited after a long parting. I didn’t care what people thought.

  “I thought you’d left me,” Liam said, his breath hot against my cheek, his stubble tickling and prickling me.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. It was all I could say.

  “I came here thinking I’d be able to stop you at security, but there was so much traffic on the A91. Then I checked the flight list and saw yours taking off and I thought…”

  “I know, I’m sorry,” I said as he set me down. The crowd still parted around us. Just another happy reunion. Nothing to see here.

  “I was about to go charter a private flight and come after you,” he said. He had his arms wrapped around my waist, hands clasped tightly at the small of back as though to keep me from trying to escape again.

  “I told you not to come after me,” I said. My heartbeat hadn’t slowed, and warmth flushed my cheeks. My eyes felt wet, making me blink more. Don’t cry. Please don’t cry.

  I held the tears back, somehow. This was the right thing, I could feel it. That I’d been just about to leave now seemed like a dream. A nightmare, more like. All the reasons I’d given myself looked hollow and overblown.

  “You couldn’t have seriously believed I would have let you get away that easily,” Liam said. He squeezed me harder for an instant. He kissed me again, his relief palpable. It was a vigorous kiss, a wanton kiss, a Thank-God-I-Found-You kiss.

  “Now what?” I asked.

  “Now I’m going to take you away from here before you can change your mind again.” He grabbed my luggage with one hand and draped his other arm over my shoulders and then started leading me towards the exit.

  We passed by the roped lines where I’d stood not so long ago, waiting to buy my ticket out of here. My steps grew more hesitant the closer we came to those sliding doors.

  “What is it?” Liam said, pulling us to a halt beside a pillar festooned with TVs.

  “Are you sure this is the right thing? You’re certain you’re not making a mistake? That I’m not a mistake?”

  “Emma, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes in my life. But you’re not one of them. I’ve never felt more right about anything in my life. I know because I’m scared. More scared than I’ve ever been.”

  “Scared?” I said. That was an emotion I thought Liam could never feel.

  “Yes, of what I’ve been feeling for you. Scared of how much I need you, scared of the pain I felt when I read your note and I thought that I’d lost you. Scared of what might happen if I give myself over totally to what I’m feeling for you.”

  “What do you feel?” I said. I noticed then that I’d begun to tremble. I could see in his eyes what he meant. Those eyes of his that never lied. Those eyes of his that had fascinated and beguiled me from the first moment they’d met mine.

  “Not here,” Liam said, glancing at the emotionless, warehouse-like stylings of the airport terminal, “Not like this.”

  That frustrated me, but I also understood it. I managed to get a grip on myself. “Okay.”

  “Now, no more interruptions from you. I don’t want to see this place in anything but my rearview mirror while I take you back where we both know you belong.”

  “Stop,” I said, brushing the pad of my thumb beneath my eyes.

  “Stop what?”

  “Being so good to me. I don’t think I can take much more of it.”

  He started wheeling my luggage forward again. “I’d get used to it if I were you. If I want something, I don’t stop until it’s mine. No matter what’s blocking my way.”

  Then I couldn’t wait to sit beside him in that BMW, to see the hills of Rome appear as we crested the hills.

  Except when we got outside his BMW wasn’t there. No, it had been towed. We watched the truck wheel the sleek coupe away, the beams of sunlight running like liquid over its panels.

  “I guess I deserve that for double parking it. Don’t look at me like that! I was in a hurry.”

  We both laughed, me harder than I should have. It was just that I thought there wasn’t anything in my life worth laughing about anymore. No one in my life to share a laugh with.

  But of course I was wrong on both counts. And glad to be.

  So instead the billionaire CEO waved down a cab as it dropped off its fare. And he even held the door for me as I clambered in. He piled in beside me, our thighs touching. His hand found mine and he clutched it tightly.

  “Dove?” (Where?) the driver asked, looking over his shoulder at us. He didn’t blink an eye at young couple sharing the back seat, and I liked that. To him, we looked normal, we looked like we belonged together.

  Liam gave him the intersection nearest my flat. My pulse started pounding again when I wondered if Mrs. Rosselini had found the letter to her that I’d taped to the outside of my door.

  I’d have a lot of explaining I didn’t look forward to if she had. Though I suppose I deserved it.

  “Lots of traffic on the highway, yeah?” the driver said, “It will take longer. Multo.”

  Liam waved the driver’s concern away. The man put the cab into gear, the transmission shifting much more roughly than the BMW, and we lurched away from the curb.

  He was right, though. Traffic had snarled on the A91, turning it into a parking lot. The reflection of the sun off so many roofs and windshields made the road look like a glittering river.

  “So that was some goodbye kiss,” Liam said.

  My cheeks heated. “I thought I’d never see you again.”

  “There was something about it I couldn’t figure it. At first I thought that maybe you were a little drunker than you let on.”

  “Hey! I can hold my alcohol,” I said, nudging him with my elbow, “I resent your implication.”

  “But if you really hadn’t wanted me to follow you, you shouldn’t have kissed me like that. You’ve got me hooked.”

  “Well now I just have to kiss you,” I said, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him close. We both couldn’t stop smiling, though, so it was something of a funny kiss. Still nice, though. I still couldn’t quite believe I was here in a cab with him rather than sat beside some stranger on a plane somewhere over the Mediterranean by now.

  I ignored the way the driver adjusted his mirror.

sp; Liam pulled something out of his pocket after leaning back. It was my letter, I saw. The envelope had been sliced neatly along the top. “Now you’re going to tell me about this.”

  I did. I told him about seeing him at the gelato shop, about my conversation with Abigail and about what had really happened in that lecture that had set off the whole chain of events. I told him how I didn’t think I belonged with him. I even told him about my leaving the letter with the concierge.

  Liam stayed quiet for a while. Long enough that I took notice of the slight forward movement in traffic, like ice on a warming river breaking up.

  “I haven’t told you anything about who I was before I started Mass Systems, have I?” he said finally.

  I shook my head.

  “I’ve never been a good storyteller, so I’ll keep it short. Ten years ago I didn’t know who I was. I’d never owned a jacket worth more than $50, never drove a car worth more than a couple grand. I drifted. Delivering pizza. Jockeying a cash register. I knew things could be better, I wanted them to be better. I just didn’t know how to get there.

  “I know now that I was afraid. To try, to put myself out there. Afraid of what people might say, afraid of what might happen if I failed. It kept me up at night. There was the guilt, too. Knowing I could be better but always putting it off or dismissing the possibility…”

  I tried to imagine Liam as anything but the high achieving man who sat beside me and failed. “What happened?”

  He nodded, giving himself permission to continue. “My mom got sick. So sick she couldn’t work anymore, and since the last time I saw my dad was when I was five and he’d gone on a smoke and beer run, she had no one to take care of her.

  “I certainly couldn’t do it on delivery tips. So I quit my jobs.”

  “Quit?” I said.

  He shrugged. “I knew it was time to man up, and I also knew that as long as I could feel even somewhat comfortable doing what I’d been doing, I wouldn’t be able to stop. So I quit. And it was tough, at first, working out of the old garage in the house where I’d grown up. So hard that sometimes it seemed like I could have been making more money picking up empty beer cans off the lawns of frat houses.”

  “Weren’t you still afraid?” I said. I’d hardly noticed that traffic had begun moving faster and faster, or the way the trees and grass along the median had turned into a green blur.

  “Almost as afraid as when I thought I’d lost you,” he smiled, his fingers tightening around mine for a second before he continued, “I wanted to quit. I even told myself it was okay to quit, that I’d tried. But I didn’t. I realized that true success comes from being willing to put in the work, to fail and to get back up and try again. I realized that you can only truly be brave when you’re afraid. Anything else is just pride. So when the world pushed, I pushed back. And then I noticed how it began to give.

  “And then Mass Systems really started taking off. Any time I feel like I want to give in and give up, I remember where I came from and what it took to get me from there to here.”

  “That was beautiful,” the cab driver said, glancing at us in the mirror.

  “Thanks,” Liam replied, one corner of his mouth crooking up in a smile.

  “He took the words right out of my head,” I added. I leaned over and tried to plant a sweet kiss on his cheek, but he turned his head at the last moment so that it landed on his lips instead.

  “But do you understand what I’m trying to say? Like I said, my storytelling hat doesn’t fit very well.”

  “I do,” I said. I meant it.

  “Well, I believe you, but if you want something a bit shorter so that can remember it better, let me put it this way: Don’t quit. Don’t quit on me and don’t quit on yourself.”

  “Got it.” I slipped my hand through the crook of his elbow and pulled his arm against my body, resting my head against his shoulder.

  “Oh, I’m going to have to sneak you back into my hotel. The concierge who gave me your letter, he looked, well, the best way I can put it is vexed. I felt like it had something to do with a copy of a painting that used to hang behind his desk. The Mona Lisa, I think.”

  I sucked in a breath through my teeth. “I may have had something to do with that…”

  He grinned, but his phone started ringing before he could drag the details out of me. He shifted to pull it from his pocket. “Yes?”

  My head so close to his, I recognized Abigail’s voice on the other end. Before I could help it, I tightened my grip on his arm as a hot and cold mix of anxiety and anger bubbled inside of me.

  “That’s fine, Abigail. Stop whatever it is you’re doing. I no longer require your services.”

  There was a pause on the other end of the line, then she started talking again. Liam waited for her to calm down, moving the phone away from his ear to avoid some of the shrillness.

  “This is not a joke. You’re fired. You’re good at your job, but I can’t work with someone when they’re trying to undermine me, and don’t pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about.”

  Another pause. Another burst of shrill anger from the other side of the conversation. Liam hung up on her.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” I said. I felt terrible, a little sick. I hadn’t liked Abigail, not at all. But I hadn’t wanted to cost her her job. Still, there was also a bit of devilish delight in the mix. Hey, I’m not perfect.

  “I did. I should have done it as soon as I’d learned she’d confronted you.”

  “Aren’t you afraid she’ll try and get back at you? Doesn’t she know important things about Mass Systems, or you?” The delight it’s strange mixture of sickness turned to worry as I thought that he may have just cost himself a great deal of money and public favor to do that.

  “She’s bound by a pretty strict NDA. If she does try anything, she’s going to be digging herself out of that avalanche of litigation for a long time.”

  “Just be careful,” I said, remembering the feline malice in Abigail’s eyes.

  Then the taxi ride ended and we’d arrived back at the flat I thought I’d never see again.

  Chapter 15

  My letter was still taped to the door, undisturbed. Thank God. Before seeing it, I’d experienced a mounting dread at having to explain myself to Mrs. Rosselini and that ubiquitous rolling pin of hers.

  I had to take the letter down and open it up to unlock the door. I’d put the key to my flat in there along with the note.

  “How many of those did you write?” Liam said. He stood behind me on the landing, letting my luggage rest on the step beneath him.

  “You didn’t have to do that, you know.”

  “I wanted to.”

  “Are you sure you just wanted to make sure I didn’t make a run for it as soon as I left your sight?” I said, sliding the key into the lock. My pulse quickened when the deadbolt clacked.

  “No. I trust you. Maybe I just want to see as much of you as I can, because an hour ago it seemed that I’d never get to look at you again.”

  I twisted the latch and put my shoulder into the door and we stepped inside. This feels right, I realized, looking at the room I’d spent the last several months considering my home.

  Of course, I wanted to unpack everything right away, put everything back where it had been so that it once again felt lived in. I didn’t like how bare the desk looked, or the mattress. I went right over to the window and opened the curtains, wanting to absorb everything I saw out on the street.

  “I could get you set up somewhere nicer, you know,” Liam said, setting my luggage down.

  I got a whiff of Mrs. Rosselini’s baking, then. Rich and homey and even better than I remembered, even though I’d last smelled it that morning. “Don’t you dare.” I emphasized the point by prodding my finger against his very firm chest.

  He caught my hand and pressed my palm flat over his heart so that it thumped against my gently. “We’re alone, now.”

  I knew what he meant. I’d been thinking
the same thing. I wanted the same thing. But you can’t always get what you want. I learned that from the Stones. “I know. But I have class coming up.”

  “What if I asked you to cut class today? What if I said I want you to spend it all with me?”

  I leaned up on my tiptoes and planted a sweet, chaste kiss on his lips. He wet those lips after, and I could see the pulse quickening in his throat.

  “I’d say that sounds good.”

  “It sounds good, but…” he filled in.

  “But won’t doing that make that speech you gave me in the cab a lie? Isn’t this the part where I push back against the world and see if it gives, like you did?”

  He pulled me close, our hips touching so that I knew just how badly he wanted me. All the blood and heat in me all seemed to concentrate at one point, and I came so achingly close to giving in.

  “It was all a lie. I made it up,” Liam said, grinning. His eyes told me the truth, though.

  “Funny. You have no idea how good that sounds right now…”

  He sighed, “No, you’re right. We need to control ourselves, see the big picture.” Except for us there was no big picture at that moment, only the two of us.

  “But you’re not backing out of the museum visit,” he said, “We still have that wing to explore.” He pulled back, still holding my hands. “I should go, leave you to it.”

  “Yeah, you should go,” I said. Except I couldn’t let go of him.

  “I’ll leave. I’ll call a cab and leave,” he said, nodding his head at the door to his back. His fingers tightened around mine instead of loosening.

  “Good idea. Do that.” I gripped him just as hard.

  “Bye,” he said.


  Then he yanked me forward, right against him. He pinned my hands behind me, my back arching, my head tilting back, a little groan escaping through my lips.

  He cut it off by placing his molten mouth over mine.

  You get what you need. That’s what the song says. I thought I needed to get ready for class, to put my mind on solving this thing with Dr. Aretino.

  Except my body knew better. My body knew I needed to feel Liam’s touch, his warmth, and his desire.


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