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The Fountain of Infinite Wishes (Dare River Book 5)

Page 21

by Ava Miles

  “Are you going to say the words?” he asked, aware of how she lowered her eyes to break their gaze.

  “I thought it might be too soon. Oh, good heavens, I need to sit up. I can’t breathe.”

  He rearranged them on the couch and watched as she sucked in air, her hand pressed to her brow.

  “You don’t have to make love with me, Shelby,” he said. “I’m not pressuring you.”

  Her eyes shot to his. “I said I wanted to, didn’t I? And I know you’re not pressuring me. Thank you for that. Maybe I want to. All right?”

  When she started to feel like she was coming undone, as she liked to say, she always stoked up her internal fire. He’d paid attention. “I’m glad you want to. I want to too. So, let me understand. You aren’t going to say the words just yet?” He could feel a slow smile cross his face.

  The look she gave him was coupled with a head shake that would have put the fear of God in some. Not him.

  “Oh, you’re an odious man,” she said, shoving him away from her on the couch.

  He clasped her to him. “I told you I’m falling in love with you too.”

  She stilled in his arms. Her gaze latched on to his. “Well, I’m not falling. I am in love with you.”

  “Leave it to you to quibble over the right way to say it.” He bit his lip to keep from smiling.

  She glared at him. “Why I love you, I couldn’t tell you. Part of me wants to talk myself out of it. Say it’s too soon. Say I’m just making excuses to get naked with you.”

  He didn’t dare laugh. “But it’s not that simple, is it?”

  “We should go,” she said, trying to pull away.

  He brought her to his chest. “I thought it was too soon too, but I promised myself I wouldn’t be blind to how I feel. Shelby, I love you. I love pretty much everything about you, from the way you say ‘oh poo’ to how brave you are. But mostly, I love how big your heart is and how you keep throwing coins into Gail’s fountain and wishing for things.” He still didn’t believe in wishes, but he liked that she did.

  She reared back, her eyes wide and sparkly. “You really mean it? You’re not still in the falling-for stage?”

  “Would I say something like all that without meaning it?” he asked.

  She studied his face before shaking her head. “No, you wouldn’t. You always tell the truth. I love you too.”

  “I know,” he said, cupping her cheek. “You wouldn’t have decided to make love with me if you’d felt otherwise.”

  Her chest rose with a huge breath again. “I’m a little nervous about it all. I…don’t have much experience. I want to please you.”

  He kissed her gently on the lips. “You don’t need to worry about that. We’re going to be incredible together. Can’t you feel it?”

  That made her smile. “Wait a minute. You said you pretty much love everything about me. What don’t you love?”

  “Are you kidding me?” he asked, laughing. “It’s a turn of phrase, Shelby.” But he knew she liked to turn phrases until they couldn’t turn anymore. She was Southern like that.

  “Are you sure about that?” she asked, poking him in the ribs.

  “I’m sure,” he said, tugging her off the couch. “Of course you would tell me you love me and want to make love with me right before we leave to meet your family.”

  Her grin was pure mischief. “Gives you some incentive to get through this evening, doesn’t it?”

  “You had a strategy?” He shook his head. “How could I not love you when you think like that?”

  “Stick with me, honey,” she said, smoothing her dress down her body like it was a meditation. “You’re going to learn even more ways you love me.”

  He gulped. “For a woman without a lot of experience, you sure as hell know how to bring me to my knees.”

  She waggled her brows. “There’s a lot of ways to learn things. There’s book learning, and then there’s actual experience. I might be a little heavy on the former, but I plan to change all that. Can you take off work tomorrow?”

  He thought through his schedule. His calendar pretty much boasted back-to-back meetings with clients. Would it be irresponsible to cancel everything? He could call in sick. Hah. No one would believe that, least of all Charlie. “Sure. Why not?”

  “Really?” Her grin sailed across her face. “Great, I’ll call Gail and tell her I’m taking the day off too.”

  “Have you told Gail about us yet?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No. I wanted to…”

  “Give it a little more time,” he finished for her. “You might want to tell her this week. There’s something I need to share too. Gail has been jokingly coming on to me for years. I’ve never thought she was serious, or I wouldn’t have continued a professional relationship with her.”

  “Coming on to you, huh?” Shelby said, sauntering over to him. “Well, she certainly talks about what a man you are. I’m glad you said something.” She ran her hands up his chest and twined her arms around his neck.

  “We really need to go, Shelby,” he uttered in a deep voice, visions of them tangled up in the sheets later tonight playing in Technicolor in his head.

  “I know,” she said. “I’m prepared, by the way.”

  “What does that mean?” he asked.

  She flushed. “I bought a selection of condoms.”

  He bit his lip to keep from laughing. “A selection, huh?”

  Her fist punched him in the gut. “Do you have any idea how many choices there are? I had no idea what you liked. I mean, seriously! There are as many choices of condoms as there are types of yogurt. I had no idea!”

  “Yogurt,” he managed, but he couldn’t keep a straight face. “Oh, Shelby, you’re so funny sometimes.”

  “Don’t you dare make fun of me,” she said, giving him another playful swat. “I thought everyone in the drugstore was looking at me, judging me. Vander, I’ve made an appointment with my doctor, but it takes—”

  “Time,” he answered, holding her in place when she tried to push away from him. “I’m clean, by the way.”

  “I thought you would be,” she said, “but thanks for telling me before I asked. I haven’t been with anyone since college. I suppose you should know there was only one guy, and his attention waned pretty soon after we’d… With him, I never felt like I was…oh, heavens, this is embarrassing…eager to do it every time. I’m rather hoping I feel that way with you.”

  Since she was beet red to the roots of her hair, he took his time kissing her softly until she relaxed against him. “I don’t think we’re going to have any trouble in that department. Shelby, you can trust me to make it hot for you.”

  She shivered all over. “Oh, I like hearing you promise that. Now, we’d really better go. I’d call and say we got caught up, but Mama will be on me like a swarm of angry bees. She’s determined to meet you and make sure you’re not a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

  “The sooner we get there, the sooner we can come back here,” he told her.

  “Just promise…” she said, taking his hand.


  “That you won’t change your mind about wanting to be with me after meeting Mama. I’m afraid she’s going to put you through the wringer. You just…stand your ground and tell her the truth. Mama believes in church-going and community, but I think she’ll respect your beliefs. She’s generally open-minded.”

  Except where it concerned her children. He’d seen it a thousand times with clients. They treated the rest of the world differently than they treated their families. He had a feeling Louisa was going to be the same.

  “I won’t change my mind about you, Shelby,” he said. “I can’t imagine not wanting to be with you. That’s how I knew I loved you. I’ve never…longed for anyone’s company like I do for yours.” And no one else had ever lessened his grief about his father. Not even Charlie.

  “I long for you too,” she said in a hushed voice, her brown eyes shining. “I’m glad we found each
other, Vander.”

  “Me too.”

  Chapter 25

  Shelby felt like she was coming out of her skin in the best way ever as Vander drove them out to Jake and Susannah’s house. He loved her. He really did! And he’d opened up even more about his daddy. Her heart felt like a wine skin ready to burst.

  Oh, she couldn’t wait to be with him tonight. It was going to be delicious.

  They just needed to get through the next couple of hours.

  When they arrived, Rory and Annabelle were waiting for them in the driveway. Annabelle looked pretty as a peach in a purple dress decorated with ice cream cones. Rory was riding a bright blue bike.

  “Hi!” Annabelle said, running over. Shelby realized there was a butterfly catcher clutched in her small hand. “Are you Shelby’s boyfriend? Folks have been talking about you. I’m Annabelle. I’m six. I’m going to be in first grade when we go back to school.”

  “Good to meet you, Annabelle. I’m Vander.” He crouched down and smiled. “Catch any butterflies yet?”

  She held out the catcher. “I think it’s broken. Every time I get one inside, it manages to sneak back out. Uncle Rye said he’ll help me later, but he’s keeping an eye on Aunt Tory. She’s working too hard even though she doesn’t live here. Uncle Rye says no woman about ready to have a baby should cook. What do you think?”

  Vander’s lips twitched. “I think your Uncle Rye is a smart man,” he said.

  “He’s the smartest,” Rory said, jumping off his bike and propping it up with the kickstand. “Except for our daddy. He’s pretty smart too. Uncle Rye said you must be pretty smart yourself to get Aunt Shelby to give you the time of day.”

  Vander grabbed Shelby’s hand as he stood, and both of them burst out laughing. “Yes, she is pretty particular about who she spends her time with,” he finally said.

  “Women are supposed to be particular,” Annabelle informed him, shaking her catcher dangerously in his direction. “That’s what makes us special. Aunt Amelia says that all the time.”

  “I can’t wait to meet your Aunt Amelia,” Vander said. “Sounds like she and your Aunt Shelby are two peas in a pod.”

  “There are more than two peas in a pod,” Annabelle told Vander seriously. “Mama is growing some in our garden out back. There’s like a whole bunch of peas in one pod.”

  His lips twitched. “You’re absolutely right.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “Are you humoring me because you’re Aunt Shelby’s boyfriend?”

  “Annabelle!” Shelby said, giving her a look. “Of course he isn’t.”

  “I tend to call a spade a spade,” Vander answered. “Seems you do the same.”

  “I do,” she told him seriously. “Uncle Rye says it stops trouble from breaking out.”

  Vander cleared his throat, and Shelby had to bite the inside of her mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

  “Uncle Rye said you did some work for him and that he likes you,” Rory said. “That means you’re okay by me.”

  “Me too!” the little girl agreed.

  “Come on, Annabelle,” Rory said. “Best let them head on inside.”

  “We’ll see you later,” the little girl said, running off with her catcher, slashing it through the air.

  “Those butterflies had better watch out,” Vander said under his breath.

  “Indeed,” Shelby said as they went inside. “She’s a handful. Tammy was in an abusive relationship before coming to Dare River with Rye. The kids act older than their age.”

  “I saw a newspaper article about the concert Rye threw to raise money for domestic violence,” Vander said as they walked toward the kitchen, where Shelby knew they’d find some people. “I recall mention of his sister.”

  “Yes,” she said, reaching for his hand when they were a foot outside the kitchen. “I’m so glad she and J.P. found each other. Now, are you ready?”

  “You don’t need to worry about me,” Vander assured her. “I’m good with people, and I can handle myself.”

  “You haven’t met Mama,” she said, pasting a smile on her face and kissing her finger and tapping it to his lips. “For luck.”

  “I’ll hold out for a better kiss later,” he said as they entered the hustle and bustle.

  Rye was hovering over Tory at the kitchen island as she loaded up vegetables on top of what looked like pulled-pork nachos. “I don’t understand why you won’t let me or someone else assemble the nachos. It’s not like they’re difficult to make.”

  She wiggled around him, her pregnant belly looking like a prize watermelon. “I’ve seen the way you dump fixings. You have no sense of presentation—despite how much you love food.”

  “I love to eat,” he said, his mouth tight with worry. “I’ve never said I love to present. It all ends up in the same place anyway. Tory, honey, won’t you please sit down and let someone help you? You’ll only be tired later.”

  “I’m tired at night because I’m carrying an extra fifteen pounds and your baby, Rye Crenshaw.” She stopped and put her hands out. “Will you please stop fussing over me? You’re driving me crazy!”

  “I love you!” he said, taking her shoulders in his hands. Then he looked over his shoulder and spotted them. “Oh, hi. Sorry you had to hear our little tiff. My wife here is being stubborn. Like usual. Vander, it’s good to see you again, man.”

  While the men shook hands, Shelby hustled over to hug Tory.

  “He makes me want to smack him sometimes,” Tory whispered in her ear. “I’m pregnant, not dying. I swear.”

  “He means well,” Shelby said, to which Tory gave an emphatic, “Humph. But I like the look of your man just fine.”

  “Me too,” she whispered back before releasing her.

  “It’s good to see you too, Rye,” Vander said. “Congratulations on the baby.”

  “Thank you,” Rye said. “I’d like you to meet my wife. Tory, this is Vander Montgomery, one of the best private investigators in the South. Before I needed full-time support, he used to do some great work for me. Runs a top-notch firm here in Nashville.”

  Shelby expected Rye had already told Tory that and a heck of a lot more, but he was just observing the pleasantries.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Vander,” Tory said, shaking his hand. “We’re glad you could join us today.”

  “Yes, we are,” Rye said, stroking his jaw. “I wish I’d known y’all were seeing each other earlier—not that anyone tells me anything around here.”

  “I didn’t know either,” Tory said, handing him a chip. “Eat that. It might improve your disposition.”

  Rye crunched happily on the chip. “Come with me, Vander. I’ll introduce you around. Shelby, maybe you can talk Tory into letting you help her?”

  “I’d…rather go with Vander, Rye,” Shelby said. “If you don’t mind.”

  “Oh, of course,” Rye answered with a knowing wink. “Your mama has been hot to meet him. I’ve never seen her fret about much of anything. Guess it’s different when it’s your own child. My kid’s not even born yet, and when I think about the baby being a girl and dating anyone, I want to puke my guts out—or take out my shotgun.”

  Shelby swallowed thickly. “Aren’t you just making us both feel better, Rye? Come on, Vander.”

  “Everyone is out back,” Tory said. “The weather isn’t too oppressive for once.”

  Shelby nodded and led Vander through the massive house to the French doors that led to the deck. Sadie was the first to see them and jumped out of her chair to rush over.

  “Hello, there,” she said, her smile as bright as her lime green dress. “Welcome, Vander.”

  Shelby leaned in and hissed, “You’re supposed to pretend you don’t know him.” Apparently, Sadie had forgotten the chat she’d had with J.P. and the rest of them about their “cover.” Heavens, she hated the thought of it.

  Sadie gave a pout. “I’m only being friendly.” She stuck out her hand. “Hello. I’m Sadie.”

nder was fighting a smile. “Hello, Sadie.”

  Amelia Ann bounded over with Clayton in tow.

  “Good to see you again, Vander,” Clayton said before Shelby could make the introductions. “Been a while.”

  “You two know each other?” Sadie asked. “Right, if you worked for Rye…”

  “Goodness, the way people are connected sometimes,” Sadie said.

  “We’re happy to have you join us,” Amelia Ann said. “You have friends here. I for one am pleased to make your acquaintance. Clayton sings your praises, and he’s a tough customer.”

  “Shelby told me about your work at the legal clinic,” Vander said. “I’m always happy to meet someone committed to justice. Clayton is a lucky man from where I’m sitting.”

  She linked her arm through his. “Oh, I like you already. Come, let me introduce you to my parents. Shelby, the rest of your clan is out in the gardens looking at how Tammy has transformed this place. The roses are pretty stunning.”

  After meeting Hampton and Margaret Hollins, who only seemed to get happier with each other as each month of their reconciliation passed, Shelby took a deep breath and walked with Vander to the rose garden.

  Sure enough, the rest of her family was there, exclaiming over the various colors and scents of roses. J.P. caught sight of them first and strode over.

  “Welcome, Vander,” he said, shaking his hand. “It’s good to have you here.”

  Vander put his hand to the center of Shelby’s back and rubbed the tension there, and she realized he was trying to comfort her. Oh, she was going to kiss that man senseless when they got home.

  Everyone else wandered forward, and Shelby made the introductions, saving her mama, who was watching everyone like a hawk, for last.

  “And this is my mama, Reverend Louisa,” Shelby said, giving her mama what she hoped was an easy smile despite the fact that her insides felt like sour cream.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Vander said, shaking her hand when she held it out. “What would you prefer I call you? Reverend? Louisa?”

  “Louisa is fine,” she told him. “Rye speaks highly of you. So does Clayton.”

  “It’s been fun to watch his career explode,” Vander said. “He was just getting hot when he and Clayton contracted my firm.”


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