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Between 2 Bosses

Page 9

by Samantha Twinn

  “I don’t know,” he says. “We’ll just have to see where this goes.”

  Reaching across the table I clamp my hand on his forearm and lean into his line of vision. “Don’t hurt her,” I say, my voice like a stone.

  He gives a short nod in reply before his eyes refocus into the distance. I let him go and turn to see Kira approaching, her bright red dress seeming to glow in the dim restaurant, the sight of her making everything else fade away.


  Kira: Endless, Amazing, Everything

  The urgency of our encounters has made them more exciting. I love the urgency. But after our dinner together, I learn that taking things slow can be even better.

  We go to my apartment again, where I lead the men directly into the bedroom. Though we didn’t have much physical contact at dinner, it somehow all felt like foreplay, and I’m nearly aching for them by the time we arrive.

  They surround me, hands and mouths seeming to touch me all over, all at once. Though the room is dim and our limbs are soon entangled, I can always tell who’s touching me where, with Hale’s skin burning against my own, and Pierce’s touch cool and soothing.

  By some unspoken agreement, they begin undressing me simultaneously, with Hale slowly unbuttoning my blouse, and Pierce unzipping my skirt. They work at a deliciously slow pace, caressing and kissing as they go.

  I stand and watch them and my desire ratchets higher and higher at the sight of these two beautiful men bent over me, light and dark, hot and cool, both so passionate as they peel away my clothing.

  As Hale slides a strap of my bra off my shoulders, he bends to take a nipple into his mouth. His eyes meet mine, and the corners of his mouth curve up in a smile as he sucks the hardened peak into his mouth. He flicks his tongue over it, then lets his teeth drag softly over the sensitive skin as he releases it to repeat the action on my other breast.

  Chill bumps of pleasure break out on my skin and my breathing goes shallow.

  At the same time, Pierce slides my panties off of my hips and then I feel the rough stubble of his face at the top of my inner thighs. His cool hands wrap around my legs and hold me steady, and it’s a good thing because my body goes weak when he suddenly thrusts his tongue into my pussy, gathering the arousal that’s been building there over the past several hours.

  I widen my stance and hold onto both men as they work together to make me feel things I’ve never felt before. Hale uses his thumbs and forefingers to circle and pull at my nipples, triggering heat from the top of my head to my toes. His mouth finds mine and we kiss as Pierce takes my clit between his lips and sucks it into his mouth.

  “Oh fuck,” I gasp, my mouth next to Hale’s, his hand running through my hair, supporting my head as my lower body goes numb with pleasure.

  “That’s it, baby. Come for us,” Hale whispers. “Come for us. I want to see you come on his face.”

  “Oh god!” The dirty talk, the thought of Hale watching me, the idea of letting go with Pierce’s tongue inside me, his face pressed between my thighs. “Oh fuck!” I grind against Pierce’s mouth and dig my fingers into Hale’s shoulder as I squeeze my eyes shut and see stars.

  “That’s it, baby. That’s it,” Hale says, his breath hot against my cheek. “Keep it coming, babe.”

  I shatter, crying out both their names before I lose my words, and before I even start to come down from the first peak of pleasure, Pierce brings me up again, gripping my thighs tighter, spreading me open wider and pressing his face into my pussy. I explode again, stars turning to fireworks, as his tireless tongue takes me over and over and over.

  I’m not completely aware of time or space when I feel hands lifting me, and then I’m flat on my back, cool sheets beneath me, heavy forms pressing into the bed around me.

  “I need in on this,” I hear Hale grunt. Then the tongue burrowing into my folds is burning hot. Two hands, both warm and cool grasp my thighs and keep my legs spread as Hale takes over for Pierce.

  I’m afraid I sound delirious, a strange laugh and cry emitting from my throat as I’m overloaded with sensations racing one after another, each threatening to undo me. I struggle to catch my breath as Hale flicks his tongue over my clit, over and over and over.

  “Ahhhh!” I scream, needing another outlet to release the buildup of pleasure.

  I raise up to see Hale’s dark head between my thighs, moving up and down with the motion of his tongue. When I drop my head back down to the mattress, Pierce is there, hovering over me.

  “You okay?” he asks.

  I nod but say, “Not sure I can take anymore.” My words come out in fragmented gasps.

  I wanted to be with two men, but suddenly I’m feeling outmatched. Overwhelmed. Outnumbered. “Too much,” I manage to say.

  “Breathe,” he says, with a sexy smile. He kisses me quickly but deeply, like he can’t help himself, before settling next to me on the mattress.

  As Hale’s relentless, delicious, mind-blowingly talented tongue continues to lavish attention on my pussy, Pierce talks to me, his voice a low rumble in my ear. “You’re so beautiful, Kira. So amazing. I love watching you come. I love watching you lose control.”

  I get lost in his words and fall into a daze, the two of them hypnotizing me with words and action, pushing me past the limits of known pleasure. The sounds coming from me are whimpers, pleas for mercy and cries for more.

  As he talks, Pierce trails his fingertips lightly across my breasts, stomach and arms, back and forth, barely touching me, yet multiplying what already felt like infinite sensations.

  Slowly, but so steady and so sure, I feel another orgasm coming. I focus on my breath, try to control it, try to keep it from overwhelming me. It builds and builds, and the sounds coming from me come faster, as Hale and Pierce increase their rhythm to match the pace.

  “Let go, baby, let go, let go, let go,” Pierce urges. I reach for his hand and grasp it tightly, as Hale sucks and flicks, sucks and flicks.

  And then I’m coming, unable to hold back even if I wanted to. Coming like I’ve never come before. My vision goes white, my eyes squeezed shut so tightly, my back arching off the mattress, my body covered in a sheen of sweat. I moan, I cry, and I yell, and the pleasure just keeps coming.

  I never knew anything like this was possible. I’ve never come so hard and so long. They’ve brought me past anything I could have ever imagined. It feels endless, and amazing, and it’s everything.


  Kira: Barely Holding Myself Together

  They’re on either side of me when I resurface. Attentive and tender, they make me feel worshipped. It’s the exact opposite of the awkward moments after our first time together.

  When I reach for them, Pierce wraps his arms around me while Hale soothes my hair back from my forehead. “Rest,” he whispers. And I do.

  We come together again later that night. We shower, we cuddle, and later we do it all over again. Eventually we sleep, a blissful tangle on my well-used bed.

  We spend the next night at Pierce’s, and a few nights later we convene at Hale’s penthouse, making excellent use of his walk-in shower with massaging jets.

  By unspoken agreement, we keep things professional at the office, though there are lingering glances and stolen touches when we’re absolutely sure we won’t be caught. We spend more nights together than not, and I wonder if they feel the pressure of time passing as I do.

  I’m now halfway through my time at Walker Industries, and though I’ve been preparing for my new venture, my excitement for the future is somewhat dampened by the realization that I’ll miss Pierce and Hale when I’m gone. There’s a chance we may still see each other, but I need to accept the fact that what we have going on is most likely a temporary relationship of convenience.

  We see each other every day at work and we have sex most nights. I have no illusions that any of it means anything more, but if I’m being honest, I have to admit that sometimes I wish it did.

  I want to keep emotions out of t
he equation; I just want to have fun and focus on the physical pleasure, but that’s not as easy as I expected. I was attracted to their bodies, but I can’t deny that there’s so much more to them. And there seems to be so much more to us.

  There’s a connection between the three of us that is so rare and so natural, and I worry that I may never find something like it again. But I also know that no matter how great they are, and how great we are together, a three-way relationship is not a long-term plan.

  And I won’t be surprised if once I’m out of sight, I’ll also be out of mind. I try to steel myself for that reality and put all my focus into my future as I draw up the business plans that will take me away from them.

  I scope out available office space, I price suppliers, and dig further into market research. I estimate that if I’m able to find the right people and the right vendors, I could have a limited product line ready to launch in as little as nine months, if my plans stay on track.

  But you know what they say about the best-laid plans.

  “Kira, are you in there? Are you okay?” Lucy’s knocking on the door of the stall. I’m somehow still standing, barely holding myself together, staring without blinking at the stick in my hand.

  She knocks again and lowers her voice. “Kira, just let me know if you’re okay. Do you want me to call someone?”

  God, no. I do not want that. Panic over what that could entail pulls me from my paralysis. “I’m okay,” I manage to say, my voice breaking.

  “Do you need help?” she asks. When I’m silent again, she says, “I’m going to lock the outer door. You can come out and talk to me. No one will be able to come in.”

  I hear the click of the lock and Lucy’s shoes tip-tapping on the floor as she returns to me. “We’re alone, sweetie. Take your time.”

  I grab a wad of toilet paper, blot my eyes and blow my nose. I’m too numb to think of a lie fast enough, and maybe confiding in someone will help me pull myself together. I open the door of the stall, hateful little white stick still in hand.

  “What’s the matter, sweetie? What happened?” Her eyes trail over me and then, “Oh! Oh.” She lifts my arm and reads the results. Two lines mean pregnant. I double-checked the box at least ten times.

  Lucy pulls me into a hug and rubs my back, and I let the tears flow. Somehow I’d thought that taking this test at the office would help keep my emotions in check. I also just couldn’t deal with the stress of worrying anymore. I bought the kit on my lunch break and couldn’t wait until I got home. I’ve never had a late period before, but last month’s never came at all.

  “I take it from your reaction that this wasn’t what you were expecting?” she says kindly, after my sobbing subsides.

  “How can this be true? I’ve been on the pill for years.”

  “Well, you’ll want to see a doctor to be sure, but those tests are pretty accurate. Are you having symptoms?”

  “I missed my last period, and …” I sniff … “I’ve been a little queasy the past three mornings.”

  “Oh, sweetie.” Lucy pulls me back into a hug. “The pill isn’t one hundred percent effective, and if you forgot a couple, or took other medications, or had a stomach virus or something … well, the test is probably right. But don’t worry. Everything will be okay.” She rubs my back and I wish I could believe her.


  Kira: The Fallout

  Citing stomach problems, which is more or less true, I cut my work day short. Lucy helps me make an exit without anyone seeing my puffy eyes.

  I call my gynecologist’s office but their earliest appointment isn’t until next week. They confirm Lucy’s assessment that the test was most likely accurate, but they’ll verify the results when they see me.

  I allow myself about an hour to wallow, worry and cry some more, but then I pull myself together. I need a plan — a new plan. It will take some time to gather information and formulate options, but falling apart isn’t going to help.

  For sure, I will wait until I’ve seen a doctor before I tell anyone besides Lucy. When I do get confirmation … well, then what? How soon can a paternity test be taken? I have no idea, but I imagine that’s further down the road.

  Should I tell Hale and Pierce and make them both as worried as I am? They deserve to know, but I don’t want to panic them. I remember how shocked they both were when they realized they’d forgotten to use condoms. Neither of them looked eager to be a dad, that’s for sure.

  I spend hours on the internet with Doctor Google, then turn in early, though it’s hours more before I fall asleep.

  The next morning, I spend extra time on my hair and makeup, hoping that if I look cool and collected, I will behave that way. Aside from taking better care of myself and my potential unborn child, my plan is to try to forget I’m pregnant so that I can get through the next several days until I see the doctor.

  I should learn to stop making plans.

  Mid-morning, Daddy Dearest phones my office. “Hello, Kira dear, how are you?”

  Oh, if he only knew. “Fine, Dad,” I lie. “How are you?”

  “Fine, dear. Fine,” he says.

  What’s up?” I say impatiently. How like my father to happen to call today, of all days.

  “I’m just calling to say hello. Can’t a father do that?”

  Yes, I think, a father can, and most do, much more often than you do. I know of at least four conversations he’s had with Hale since I’ve been working here, but this is the first time he’s contacted me. “What’s up, Dad?”

  “I’m just wondering how work is going. I heard you’re doing really well there.”

  “Work is fine,” I say. “I’ve appreciated this opportunity. I’ve been learning a lot.”

  “That’s good, dear. Because I’ve been courting a new client. A firm with locations throughout North and South America. I’ve got them close to biting, and when they do, I want you to head up the account.”

  “Me?” I say. “That’s nice, but that doesn’t make any sense, since I’ll be leaving in a little over a month.”

  “Leaving?” He sounds like I’ve just told him the sky is green.

  I take a deep breath. “Yes, leaving. Remember our agreement? I’m here for three months and then I’m starting my own business. With your assistance on a loan,” I add. It pains me to need his help, but my research has confirmed that getting a business loan on my own would be much more difficult. It wouldn’t be impossible, but it also wouldn’t allow the kind of capital I’m counting on.

  “Your business? Are you still playing around with that little idea?” He chuckles like I’ve just told him I want to build a hospital for my dolls or a restaurant for my stuffed animals.

  “It’s not a game, father.” I bite my tongue to hold back anything rude that might try to push its way out of my mouth.

  “Well, even so, I’m in no position to give you a loan, Kira. I’ve just invested in a new golf course. Do you know how much those things cost? And some of my other ventures haven’t been doing so well lately. Why do you think I’ve been working at bringing in new accounts for Walker Industries?”

  My vision goes red.

  “Maybe we can talk about this again next year,” he says.

  Shaking with rage, and afraid my tongue-biting will not hold, I hang up on him.

  I’ve got to get out of here. A mental health break, though I can’t imagine how long the break would need to be to improve my current mental state.

  I grab my purse and stalk out of my office. There are two ways I can reach the exit, and because my luck is so incredibly bad all of a sudden, I happen to opt for the route that passes by Hale’s and Pierce’s offices.

  Pierce’s is empty, but Hale’s door is open and they’re both in there. And they’re not alone. In profile, I can see a beautiful young blonde sitting at the desk. Pierce is next to her, leaning in, looking interested, and Hale is standing, smiling. Even from a distance, I can see that his gorgeous face in full-on charm mode.

  The do
or is open; there’s nothing sinister going on, but it’s my heart that betrays me. My heart hurts, as if Hale and Pierce are cheating on me, even though I know there’s no real “us” to cheat on. No commitments; no promises.

  I know my jealousy is completely irrational, and it’s very likely the woman in the office is just there for a job interview. It’s not so much what they’re doing that’s upsetting; it’s my reaction to seeing them with someone else.

  I care, so much more than I should. Maybe it’s baby hormones taking over my brain, but I’m physically hurting at the mere thought of them with another woman.

  My dad has let me down yet again, and I’m pregnant with a baby from one of two potential fathers, neither of whom wants to be a dad, or even wants a real relationship. And what if they did? What if it’s Hale’s baby? Sorry, Pierce, I can’t be with you anymore; I’m having Hale’s baby. Or vice versa. My heart aches as I walk faster out of the office.

  Sadness and anger fight for dominance. I’m sad to realize that even if Hale and Pierce weren’t busy at the moment, I couldn’t exactly go in and look for their sympathy about my shitty father. I’d sound like a poor little rich girl, crying because I can’t get money from Daddy.

  And now what do I do? Am I going to be stuck working at Walker Industries because I need money for my child, and I’ll have to see Hale and Pierce and face the fallout from this unintended pregnancy on a daily basis? Do I get a job somewhere else? Maybe I can still start my company somehow, but then what will I do when the baby comes?

  My head is so full of tangled thoughts, I don’t even recall driving home. The next thing I know, I’m jamming clothes in a suitcase and making reservations.

  I may not have money to start a business, but I have savings, and what’s a couple thousand in the grand scheme of things? I know running away doesn’t solve anything, but I need some time alone to clear my head and make new plans — not that planning has worked for me so far.


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