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Nowhere to Run: A Dark Paranormal Villain Romance (Midnight Renegades Book 1)

Page 5

by Imani L. Hawkins

  Spanky was alive again.

  I'm not sure if I smiled or not before I lost consciousness but I did know the feeling that swelled within me as I fell.



  The first thing I was aware of was something cool and wet brushing along my forehead. Slow and steady. The feeling wasn't unpleasant, but it was unfamiliar.

  My eyes snapped open even as confusion smothered my brain. My heart beat an unsteady rhythm. Green eyes met mine and it took a moment for me to recognize them.


  My body hurt and my thoughts seemed to be moving slowly as I tried to remember what was going on.

  The thugs.

  It all came back to me at once. The thugs breaking into the house. Blue and Knox helping me fend off the threats. Spanky running into the middle of the fray and getting hurt, getting killed. Blue helping me bring him back. It'd all gone according to plan just like I wanted it to.

  Except the part where I was more drained than I intended to be afterwards. I'd known using so much magic would take a toll on me but not to the point of where it felt like my body had been taken through a grater and my brain was moving at half the speed as usual.

  "Are you okay?" Knox asked softly, his hand just moving out of my peripheral. My gaze dragged to the towel in his hand as he placed it on the nightstand next to my bed. He must have carried me to my room after I collapsed, because Blue would have been in just as bad a shape, so it couldn't be him.

  I cleared my throat before placing a hand to it. I wish I could say it was all an act but my throat actually was burning. "Just need some water," I told him.

  He nodded before getting up and disappearing. With him gone from the room, I begin to take a better examination of my body. The pain was quickly fading, except for my thirst which still felt like it had a pile of trash shoved down it. Fortunately, my brain was finally catching up.

  Fuck, didn't expect this.

  My skin felt overheated, so I tossed the covers off my body as I pulled myself up to the top of the bed, relaxing my body against the headboard. I blew out a deep breath, trying to decide what to do next. The actual toll on my body had been a surprise but I couldn't allow it to keep me from moving forward with my plan.

  The thugs were a success and I'd put my money on Blue drifting closer to my side. Using Spanky turned out to be a good idea. The plan had been oh so perfect, even with it being last minute. And I owed a lot of the credit to Spanky, who I'd never actually put in real danger. He hadn't really been dead, just close to it and I'd known I could bring him back. Feigning to have been drained and desperate to save my pet, that's how I'd baited Blue. And when our hands had joined as I channeled my power through him and into Spanky, I hooked him.

  Maybe he wasn't going to be completely on my side just yet, but we certainly were moving in the right direction. And it had only taken a couple of hours to make it happen.

  The door creaked, bringing my attention to Knox as he made his way back into the room. His face was pinched into a grim expression, his shoulders full of tension.

  A glass of water rested in his hand, and he held it out to me without a word.

  "Thank you." I brought the glass to my lips, continuing to concentrate on the vampire at the same time. Once I'd drained the glass completely and my throat was feeling better, I set the glass on the side table.

  "How is Blue?" I asked. I knew he was okay, but I figured it would earn me even more brownie points with Knox to ask about his best friend.

  His brows pulled together for a moment before he let out a deep sigh. "He's going to be okay. He was just a little tired the last time I went and checked on him. He's resting." He took a step closer to the bed. "You were out a lot longer than him, though. How do you feel?"

  I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm fine as long as Spanky is." I glanced around as if searching for him.

  "He's in the room with Blue," Knox said before sitting on the edge of the bed, twisting his body to get a view of me.

  I nodded my head, twining my fingers together. "Thank you for taking care of me." I let my eyes dart to the side table where the towel still rested. "I haven't had someone do that in a long time." Our eyes met.

  "It's nothing." He waved a hand. "You worried me a little, though." He rubbed a hand along the back of his neck. "I'm just glad you're okay."

  A tense silence filled the room, neither of us quite knowing what to say.

  The bed shifted a moment before I felt Knox's warm fingers wrap around mine. Sparks shot up my arm where we touched and I slowly allowed my gaze to wander up to the vampire's face. An unexpected intensity in his eyes jolted my senses, making me become more aware of my senses. The thick musky scent that clung to Knox and was growing familiar. The way his hand clutched onto mine tightly was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. It was intimate, yet comforting. I couldn't help but to shift slightly, moving my body closer to his.

  I bit down on my bottom lip and when Knox's eyes followed the movement, warmth flooded through my body. My skin flushed and my heart pumped a little quicker in my chest.

  Knox's grip on my fingers tightened.

  "You know you don't have to stay any longer. I'm perfectly fine," I told him even as I moved closer.

  He nodded. "Yeah, I know." He released his grip on my hand as his fingers began to trace a path up my arm. "But I want to."

  I don't know which of us moved closer first, but in the blink of an eye the space between us was eliminated. Our lips found each other as if the act was something that happened often. A spark shot down my spine and heat attacked my body almost as furiously as Knox's lips attacked mine. My hands drifted to his shirt, roughly pulling on the fabric to get him closer to me. Knox's hands wrapped in my hair, tugging hard enough for pressure to race across my scalp.

  I let out a soft moan when his hands left my hair, moving to my hips and hoisting me over into his lap.

  I moved my body against his, enjoying the sensations that shot through my core. His lips pulled away from mine, dancing along my neck. My spine arched and my hands wrapped around his head, pressing his mouth against my skin harder. When his teeth grazed against my skin, I ground down harder on him, my breath rushing out of me quickly.

  As my hips picked up, I could feel the hardness of him pressed right into my core, making my pussy throb. I pulled my lips away from his, pushing on his chest until he fell flat against the bed. I let my lips trace along his skin, from his neck to those soft lips. My tongue swept into his mouth. When it traced along one of his fangs, a thrill shot through me.

  Knox's hands wrapped in my hair, tugging hard enough for pin picks to shoot across my scalp, the sensation mixing with pleasure. The room spun for a moment before I found myself on my back, our positions reversed as Knox hooked my leg around his waist, pushing his hips forward.

  A curse flew from my mouth just as I felt his fangs again, this time at my neck. Sharp and hard, they trailed along my neck and my heart beat quicker in anticipation.

  Only for Knox to pull back.

  Frustration took over until his lips touched mine again, but they were moving too slow, slowly fanning the flames in my body instead of adding lighter fluid to it.

  Letting out a groan, I dug my fingers into his shoulder, pulling him against me.

  "I need to go check on Blue," he muttered against my lips.

  His hands remained on my body and the reluctance in his voice was clear.

  Biting back a curse, I allowed my tongue to run along his plump lips once more before pulling back, my lips twitching at the corners. "Go and check on him then. You can always come back." I knew the odds of him returning that night were probably slim, but I wanted it to be clear my door was always open,

  His lips pinched together as he gave a sharp nod, his face flushed. "I'll remember that."

  His body left mine and I instantly missed the warmth of it, but I ignored the feeling.

  He r
etreated to the door, pausing in the frame and giving me a smile before disappearing, closing the door behind him.

  I allowed my body to collapse back against the bed, placing a hand against my forehead. The rush of what we'd done didn't appear to be fading anytime soon.

  That's fine, I'll just use the adrenaline to plot the next phase in my plan.


  Being stuck in the house with two delicious men should have been the highlight of my life right now, but....

  I wanted to play. A giddy tremor worked its way up my spine as I thought of all the trouble we could get into together. We could ravage the city each and every night until it was nothing but broken rock, cement, and buildings crumbling at our feet. The devastation would be great and I'd bask in the glory of it all with those two by my side.

  Damn it all. The thought of destroying shit had my juices flowing and for a moment I wanted to call Knox back to finish everything he'd started. But that could wait. I had other things to worry about, one of them being Blue and strengthening the connection between us. The next, finding the next person on my list.

  The sun was still high in the sky, shedding its glorious rays into the house as I made my way upstairs to seek out Blue. As usual, he was doing his best to stay away from me, perhaps trying to manage the intensity of the connection between us. What he didn't know was I would do anything to strengthen it. So what if that meant he'd be bonded to me until one of us died? While he was busy trying to stay a good little boy, I could take my time tainting every righteous part of him until his soul was as dark as mine. And there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

  I pointed my feet towards his door, walking with purpose until I came to his door. My mind reached for Spanky and sure enough he was perched on the wooden headboard of Blue's bed, watching over him like he used to watch over me. Jealousy flared within me but I stamped that down. I could deal with that later, but right now, I had a plan.

  I balled up my fist and tapped it against the wooden door to his room. Moments later when he didn't respond, I knocked on the door again, this time much harder than the first. Again, he didn't answer. I searched our bond and annoyance stretched between us as I knocked on the door for a third time. He didn't want to talk to me. Hell, he didn't want anything to do with me and though I understood why, I couldn't help the feeling of remorse that flooded me. This stupid bond was taking a hold on me in ways I hadn't anticipated already but I wouldn't let that fact stop my plans.

  I allowed my magic to spill from me, blasting the door until nothing was left but glowing shards of wood that wasted away into cinders as they fell to the floor.

  "What the Fuck is wrong with you?" Blue asked, shoving himself from the bed and standing to his feet.

  I cocked a brow at his tone, while my eyes feasted on the man before me. He was shirtless, boasting a hard chest and rippling abs that made me want to lick them. His jeans hung low on his hips, showcasing a muscular V that pointed directly to the treasure he hid beneath them. Smooth brown skin covered him, soft velvet stretched across hard muscle and in that moment, I wanted nothing more than to run my hand over every single inch of that man.

  I sank my teeth into my bottom lip as visions of what I'd do to him if given the chance flooded my mind, creating a pool of heat between my thighs. With the bond, I could manipulate him into giving me that chance but that was a line I couldn't cross. Fuck my morals and their propensity to make me act a certain way. I'd be a queen without them.

  Ignoring his outburst, I sauntered over to his bed, allowing my hips to sway with each step. A smirk played on my lips when those rich blue eyes traveled down my body, letting me know he was just as affected as I was. This was going to be fun.

  I sat at the edge of his bed and ran my hands through my thick, colorful hair before allowing my hand to trail innocently down the slope of my breasts. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

  There was an innocent lilt to my voice and I could see that affected him, by the size of the tent in his jeans. He adjusted himself quickly, but not quick enough. I was getting to him and that thought spurred me forward.

  "I'm bored," I frowned, casting my gaze upward.

  "And I'm tired. So, if you have something to say to me, get it over with and leave."

  Growl. He was feisty. If only he'd put that attitude to better use.

  "I was thinking we should get out of here," I began, flipping my hair. "There's this place I've always wanted to go. Maybe we could all try it out?"

  "Not interested."

  He jerked his chin toward what used to be a door, dismissing me, but I had no intentions of leaving until I'd gotten my way.

  "It's a petting zoo. You'll be able to interact with every animal there. And Knox will be able to hunt. You do realize Knox hasn't hunted in days, right?" His brow shot up as he pinned me with a nervous stare. I fought to keep myself from smiling. "Figured we could tackle all birds with one stone. It would give us some time to get to know each other."

  I could see the wheels turning in his head at that, and I knew I had him.

  Getting Knox to agree has been as easy as I thought it would be. He liked to play and the poor man was nearly starved for blood. I would have offered him some of my own but that exchange might have proven to be detrimental if I wasn't able to control the flow of information between us during the feeding. Vampires often had a knack for reading minds while feeding, a gift in most cases, but not after I'd just scammed his best friend.

  I wondered if he'd ever taken blood from Blue. Perhaps he had and it was one of the reasons they were so close. It would only make sense, after all. But that was, again, the least of my concerns. My skin itched with anticipation of the night before us, and right now, I just wanted a good time.

  I took a hot bath, letting the water calm my aching muscles. Yes, I could have healed myself and I'm sure they both knew I had that ability, but playing the weakling was far more beneficial for me. It would play upon Knox's protective instinct while making Blue think I was far weaker than I was. Too many benefits to ignore. Instead, I left the tub, quickly tugged on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt that clung to my curves just right, and ran a brush through my hair. Once I was done, I met the two men in the foyer.

  Blue and Knox both stood there, looking every bit as hot as they had the first night I saw them, only Blue wore an expression that told me to stay as far away from him as possible. That wasn't going to happen.


  We pulled up to the petting zoo and parked the large van beneath a large tree. Blue was the first to get out, taking Spanky with him, perhaps a bit eager to put some distance between us. I frowned. Forcing that bond between us should have made things a lot easier, but I was beginning to think I'd done nothing but make it worse.

  "Don't worry about Blue," Knox said, opening his door before turning to face me. "It takes him a bit to warm up to new people. Just give it a few days."

  I gave him a smile I'm sure didn't quite reach my eyes. I didn't have a few days. I could feel the anxious thrum of my dark magic already beginning to grow within me, demanding my next kill. If I didn't find my next target soon, there was no telling what kind of trouble I'd get myself into.

  Knox exited the vehicle and I followed behind him, closing the door on my way out. The cool night air caressed my skin as we made our way to the entrance, Knox walking beside me while Blue maintained what he considered a safe distance from me.

  I curled my fingers around Knox's hand and gave him a light tug. He returned the gesture, taking my hand in his and shifting closer.

  "So, big man, who do you want to eat?" I asked with a grin. Scanning our surroundings, my eyes fell upon a thin blonde seated near a booth, picking at a salad in her hands. I grimaced at that. She was far from my type, her small frame lacking even the gentlest of curves. Hell, her breasts weren't large enough to even fill my hands.

  I pointed her out, my eyes still on her as she stood and disca
rded what was left of her salad. I couldn't blame her. There was no way I'd force myself to chomp on rabbit food when surrounded by the best fried foods in Hell's Point. So what if I gained a few pounds. I didn't need to squeeze into a pair of size five jeans to look good.

  "How about a snack?" I asked, turning my gaze to Knox.

  I looked at the girl, his lip curling in disgust.

  Okay, so the man had standards. Interesting.

  I continued to scan the crowd until my eyes landed on what I thought would be the perfect meal for him. A small waist, round hips, and a nice rack. Her dark skin shone in the fluorescent lights of the food booth she stood in front of, her braids pulled back into a ponytail to rest against her back. She tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for the fat ass in front of her to finish his order. Once his arms were filled with various offerings of fried food and Twinkies, he shuffled away allowing her to take his spot at the window.

  When she glanced behind her, probably getting the feeling she was being watched, her deep brown eyes nearly held me in a trance. She was fucking gorgeous. Perfect. I could watch her all day.

  I thrust a finger in her direction, watching a salacious smile spread Knox's full lips as he studied her.

  "How about her?" I already knew what he was thinking. How could anyone not like such an amazing offering. "Hell, I'd eat her if you're not up for it."

  He quirked his brow at me, "I would love to see that."

  I considered it for a moment before a voice sounded in my head. It was Spanky, letting me know the trainer was up to his old tricks and, though I hated his timing, I was happy he'd done so.

  Giving Knox an encouraging shove, I smacked his ass. "Maybe next time. Go get her."

  With a chuckle, he ventured after the woman, leaving me alone to find Blue. I followed the bond and wasn't the least bit surprised to see he'd ventured away from the crowds to stand before a large wooden fence. He could sense it too, the suffering of the poor animal on the opposite side at the hands of a trainer I'd known all too well. I'd had my own dealings with him before after seeing him strike his wife in public. A little magic and few deep cuts that would scar him for life was enough to ensure he'd never made that mistake again.


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