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Duty to Love

Page 6

by Morgan King

  “What was that?”

  James lowered her body to the bed, while Arthur answered her question “You found your pleasure, and you climaxed. It happens with a man when he releases his seed, and for some women there is also a moment of true pleasure.”

  “Just one?”

  Arthur and James both let out a burst of laughter.

  Amelia was sure she should feel embarrassed. She was lying on the bed naked while both Arthur and James were fully clothed. She'd just lost control of her body. Instead of mortification her mind felt strangely lazy, disconnected from her body, almost like a river, her thoughts the water flowing freely past her body, the stones and plants of the river bed, connected, sharing sensations, distinctly different, yet one with the other. A small laugh burst from her as she realized how fanciful she was being.

  Her body shifted as James rolled next to her on the bed. Stretching his tall frame out beside her, he rested his head upraised upon one hand, tracing the other over Amelia's body. Highly sensitized, Amelia felt the roughened surface of James's fingertips as they passed over each of the hairs on her arm.

  “I can't believe I'm finally touching you”

  Amelia couldn't really believe it either. James was touching her, and Arthur (not for one moment could she forget), Arthur was there, too, was watching them, his eyes following the movement of James's hand as he lifted his own to untie his cravat. No concentration was given to the task, the knots of silk sliding free agonizingly slowly.

  Amelia was mesmerized as the cloth was slowly lifted, revealing a hint of Arthur's chest. She watched as he slowly slid the buttons free of their holes. She watched as he undid each cuff. When the shirt was parted, she released the breath she'd been holding and looked her fill.

  Arthur was glorious. Maybe she would have felt this way whatever his body looked like, but Amelia was inclined to believe that Arthur was supremely male and therefore supremely beautiful. His skin was naturally a shade or two darker than hers, not that that was difficult given her pale white, freckled skin tone.

  It looked as if his skin would be smooth to the touch, not soft and giving like hers, but polished and inviting of pressure to test its resilience.

  The dusting of dark hairs created fascinating patterns, drawing the eye to small brown nipples, and creating a trail down to the groin.

  Oh my God! While Amelia had been admiring the view revealed by the removal of Arthur's shirt, he had unfastened his trousers and dropped both them and his underclothes.

  His privates were on display. Oh my God!

  Amelia gasped. Did all men look like this beneath their trousers? She risked a look at James. There was a significant bulge there, too. Well, at least she now understood how her husband's “manhood” was going to go inside her. Wait a minute. That was going inside her?

  Fear must have shown on her face as James leaned over to kiss her, whispering that everything was going to be all right, so good, perfect in fact.

  “I can't wait.” Amelia wasn't sure if Arthur was speaking to her or James. No response was needed as Arthur climbed onto the bed, gently eased her legs wider apart and settled between them. This was it then.

  She felt his weight ease down onto her body, the heat of his skin a warming comfort.

  He placed a few kisses randomly across her face and upper body, and then he was pushing forward, his arousal seeking entrance to her body. It seemed awkward, and she felt Arthur sliding his hand down to part her folds and align himself.

  There was the pressure again. Tension began to fill her limbs as the pressure mounted for something to give.

  Where before the sound of Arthur and James breathing in the quiet of the room had seemed part of the excitement, now it added to her nervousness.

  Amelia knew that it was supposed to hurt, at least the first time or the first few times, but the pleasure she had experienced to this point had made her forget, and the surprise of the mounting pain intensified her panic.

  Arthur was groaning repeatedly. Was there a problem? He must know it was hurting.

  “It hurts.” No harm in letting him know.

  Arthur froze.

  “What should I do?” There must be something she could do to help.

  “Let me help.” James interrupted them. “Arthur, kneel up. Can you hold back while I give Amelia something else to focus on?”

  Arthur moved position.


  James could feel Amelia's distress. The tension gripping her limbs was plain to see as her arms pulled tight, fingertips curled into the bedclothes, the sheets no longer smoothly ordered.

  He desperately sought to make eye contact, looking to reassure her, but her eyelids were fastened down tight. Only her mouth lay open, her breaths coming short and quick.

  He could only imagine the agony Arthur was experiencing, desperate to be inside her, his body urging him to break down every resistance. Not wanting to hurt her, yet drawn to her slick heat. Tight, too, if the struggle he was facing was any indication.

  Holding back and allowing Arthur to take the lead was also stretching James’s patience. Amelia's pleasure had been like a soothing balm to his impatient need, but now there was little sign of her enjoyment. He stroked his hands up and down her arms, having paused when Arthur moved over her, not sure his advances would have been appreciated at that point. Now he allowed himself free reign to caress the breasts that fascinated him. His hands might have left them earlier, but he hadn't been able to pry his eyes away.

  He danced his fingertips across her nipples, watching them contract tightly as they had earlier, tracing the patterns of puckered skin in delight.

  Watching other officers fuck whores and the brief gropes he had managed in his haste as an eager lad were nothing compared to the experience of savoring Amelia's breasts.

  As she gave a low moan his heart soared. He knew without a doubt that in this moment he was the one giving her pleasure.

  Unable to resist, he leaned forward to rub his cheek along the plump curve of the breast closest to him. Her breasts were so beautifully firm that they retained a gently peaked shape even with her body lying on the bed.

  She shuddered as he grazed his stubble against her soft skin. James did it again and again, loving how responsive she was. Once she was distracted her tension had all but vanished. James glanced down to see Arthur pressing his cock forward again.

  James had been surprised to discover how much he enjoyed watching others fuck. He'd been faithful to Amelia in body, experiencing little temptation to partake whilst he could indulge in voyeurism. Being this close to the action, though, and knowing it was Amelia he watched, was threatening his control. He actually feared his seed might spill before he got to discover if Amelia would let him also consummate their relationship fully. He had to squeeze his groin muscles tight as he watched Arthur rock his hips forward and back in short increments. The first couple of inches of his cock were now lost to sight, with the remaining six or so inches visibly pulsing.

  Determined to lend Amelia the relief of pleasure, James never let his hands stray from her breasts. As Arthur's movements appeared to grow more forceful James slipped a nipple into his mouth and began to suck with gentle pulls. It was heavenly until he was jolted by Arthur thrusting and burying himself to the hilt in Amelia.

  “Ah God, no ... Damn it! No, no, no.”

  It looked like Arthur wasn't going to be able to get a rhythm going at all. Shocked, James watched as Arthur lost control, shuddering and jerking in the throes of orgasm. If he'd had any doubts as to the intensity of Arthur's feelings for Amelia the sight of Arthur losing control dispelled them.

  Arthur rolled to the side and collapsed, breathing rapidly while visibly trying to recover.

  “I'm sorry, Arthur, I'm sorry.” Amelia’s mumbled words were barely audible.

  James dimly registered that Amelia felt herself to blame. Did she think that Arthur hadn't enjoyed making love to her, that something had gone wrong? A quick review of the scene that had playe
d out before him led James to believe that Amelia must have misinterpreted Arthur's curses.

  “It's all right, love. Arthur isn't angry. Well if he is, it's only with himself. He would have wanted it to last longer. To make it good for you.”

  “Oh, so it's not always like that? There's something more?”

  “ Yes, there's more.” James was very pleased there was more, “I'd really like to show you, if not now, then when you've had some sleep, although first I think Arthur might like to try and make things up to you.”

  At James's words Arthur drew away the arm covering his eyes. He looked a little confused, although that could just be that he was still dazed from orgasm.

  “If it were me I'd want to soothe any tenderness, preferably with kisses.” James tried to be reasonably subtle without shocking Amelia. When Arthur still didn't he move he got up to fetch a wet cloth himself, returning to clean Amelia. She moved to shut her legs, obviously uncomfortable with being tended to.

  “Shh, let me. I want to look after you,” James soothed Amelia as he wiped away the visible signs of her pain. Was it wrong that he was aroused not just by the sight of her plump folds and crevices, but the evidence of her virginity?

  Throwing the cloth aside, he was just bending to kiss Amelia intimately when Arthur nudged his side. “Let me make amends.”

  James didn't hesitate to move. Yes, he was still unbearably aroused, desperate for relief, but he also felt privileged to be sharing this wedding night with Arthur and Amelia. Once he had seen them together, and realized that Amelia was not the girl of his imagination but a woman in love with another man, he knew that his best hope for his own happiness was that Amelia would prove to have enough love for two men. He appreciated that they would all have to do a degree of accommodating. He hoped Arthur might know what he was doing and leave Amelia pleased and ready to receive him.


  Arthur settled himself between Amelia's thighs, still feeling a little shaky. He couldn't quite believe he'd lost all control like that. In that moment of entering Amelia, it had felt so right, as if everything he'd ever wanted was wrapping itself around him. The pleasure of his heart had overtaken his body. He only hoped he could now make it up to her.

  He caressed the delicate skin of her thighs, working his way slowly to her apex. He was determined to tease and to take his time. It was no hardship; her soft curls made for ideal play. He twined them around his fingertips, giving an occasional tug. He gently pulled apart her lips to reveal the soft pink bud standing out for his attention. Juicy, he'd never seen anything so juicy.

  There was already a slight sheen once again coating the softly textured skin of her vulva, the smoother skin of her hood and glossy jewel nestled beneath. Arthur felt a wave of relief wash through him. He hadn't scared or hurt her so badly as to stop her from becoming aroused.

  Unable to resist any longer, Arthur gave Amelia a first lick full of intent, determined to give her pleasure, determined to fulfill the anticipation of that first taste.

  “Mmmm, her cream is delicious.” No harm in sharing the wonder with James.

  He stroked and rubbed his tongue against the skin that must be sore, around her entrance where he'd forced his way in so roughly. Plunging his tongue in felt nearly as good as driving his cock in. Better, emotionally. Amelia was whimpering in time with each thrust, and her cream was pouring onto his tongue. He needed to swallow, take a breath.

  Could she climax like this? Arthur was prepared to worship at her all night, but more than anything else wanted to give her pleasure again. Replace any lingering memories of pain with the anticipation of rapture. Focus on her hot spots, not get distracted—that's what he needed to do.

  He concentrated on his hands, currently curled around her thighs, holding her open to him. He released one leg, sliding his right hand up, inserting a finger at her gate as he laved her clit. She clenched on him. God, she was tight even on just one finger. It was a squeeze to fit the second one in. In and out, forward and back, it was as much as he could do to concentrate on a rhythm. There was no steadiness to the movement of his hips grinding his once-again rock hard cock into the bed. Soon. If Amelia didn't peak soon he was going to lose it before her. Again.


  It was surreal, so surreal. Amelia could hardly believe what was happening to her. Being bedded she'd expected, even if she hadn't know precisely what to expect, but this... Arthur was licking her like a cat lapping up cream, and James was there, too, watching. Her body certainly liked the idea: where Arthur caressed her was a riot of sensation, but every time she thought of the three of them doing this together she felt close to bursting, as she had before.

  It was building within her, the expectation swelling; she was going to climax—that's what they'd called it. It was coming. Her climax was coming.

  “Please.” The word fell from her lips uncalled for.

  “Please what, my love?” Arthur broke from his attentions, clearly desperate to hear what she needed.

  “Don't stop, oh please don't stop.” Amelia could barely breathe straight.

  “She's nearly there, Arthur, so beautiful,” James said.

  “It's coming!” Immediately she said the words her body was racked with tremors as a powerful climax overtook her. It seemed like long minutes of pure feeling before her body went lax. Arthur continued to stroke her, James, to praise her. Telling her how pretty she looked, with her body all flushed, how they loved that she let go of herself for them, how he couldn't wait to be inside her, too.

  Amelia jolted. “James, I'm really sorry. I want you. It's not that I don't. I'm just not sure I can take anymore. I don't mean to be cruel.”

  Everything had been so perfect, apart from the physical discomfort, that was, and Amelia couldn’t bear for James to feel unwanted, but her body felt wrung out. Relieved of tension, sated, too sensitive to receive more attention.


  “No, no it's all right.” James tried to make the lie as convincing as he could. He could take care of his own needs for tonight. It would take little more than a minute of reliving the sight and sound of Amelia in the throes of orgasm. The main thing was that Amelia had been open to the three of them together. Lost in thought James was sure he'd missed something vital when he caught Amelia's next words.

  “So maybe I could please you in that way?”

  “Sorry, please me in what way?”

  “I . . . I just thought because Arthur did it that maybe you might like it to, that it might mean that it was something I could do in reverse. I should never have said—forget I said anything.”

  “Do you mean you want to pleasure me with your mouth?” said James, finally comprehending what Amelia had been alluding to, yet not quite able to believe it.

  James loved Amelia for many reasons, but he could never have anticipated how openly, uninhibitedly sensual she was. If he had, he would never have been able to leave for the army. He definitely would have begun a campaign to seduce her and convince her to elope. “I think I might die and go to heaven, if that is what you meant.”

  For answer Amelia came to her knees beside his hips and sank forward to place kisses on the tip of his cock.

  “Oh yes, love, kiss it ... lick it ... suck it.”

  “Like this?” Amelia leaned farther forward opening her mouth to envelop James's cock, before vigorously sucking it.

  “Oh yes, perfect. My balls, touch my balls.”

  Amelia's movements faltered. Had he gone too far? Then he felt her dainty hand guided to his testicles by Arthur's larger hand, which was quickly removed once he has shown Amelia what James had meant.

  After all that had gone before, there was no way he was going to last. Desperately, he pulled his cock through the exquisite torture of Amelia's sucking lips. Just in time. His seed spurted out, landing in splatters across his belly as he let out a rough groan for what seemed like minutes as the pleasure of orgasm went on and on.

  “Oh.” The feel of Amelia's fingertip gently dippi
ng into the milky white liquid caused his cock to twitch and pulse.

  “You can taste if you like. Not quite as sweet as you taste, but try.” James felt free to suggest his darker desires with this unrestrained version of Amelia knowing how much it would excite Arthur as well as himself.

  Amelia swirled her finger round slowly, scooping up the milky white fluid, before lifting it to her mouth. James held his breath. One lick, a thoughtful expression, then. . . Oh, God! She was licking him clean. He felt intimately acquainted with heaven.


  Arthur palmed his cock as he watched Amelia. As soon as he'd tasted her, his blood had begun to head south again. Watching her minister to James had him beyond hard. The sight of her tongue lapping up James's seed inflamed him so, he couldn't resist touching himself, tugging his flesh to relieve the pressure.

  If she actually liked the taste, as her actions indicated, then he knew exactly what he wanted to happen next.


  No response to show she'd heard him.

  “Amelia, sweetheart.”

  She raised her eyes, taking a second to refocus, her gaze caught by his cock in hand.

  “I could do with some assistance.”

  She gave one last lingering lick to James, who lay replete, completely unmoving, before climbing over to kneel before Arthur.

  “In my mouth?”

  “Yes. Please.”

  Arthur guided his staff in, careful not to drive too far. He rubbed the head against the soft roof of her mouth. She licked the underside with her tongue.

  “Good girl.”

  Arthur restrained himself from plunging in. Surely this time he could enjoy the sensation of being within Amelia. The feel of her little tongue swirling over the head of his cock. The suctioning pressure of her soft lips. The increasing wetness as she worked him over.

  Surely she was showing her trust in him, her love for him.

  It was too much. He was going to climax. He hoped the flow of seed would be limited by his earlier release.

  “Amelia.” He needed to know she heard him. He waited ‘til she paused in her actions, before instructing, “Suck, and then you’re going to need to swallow.”


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