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Duty to Love

Page 8

by Morgan King

  Collapsing forward, Amelia smiled to herself. The win was definitely hers, and she was going to be keeping both her prizes. “I think I'm going to like being Lady Hentonbury. Riding astride makes me think you're going to allow me to do whatever I want.”

  “As long as it pleases us in the process you might be right.” Arthur teased back. “Don't forget you've got two husbands to please—it's your duty”

  “And I intend to be very well pleased,” James said.

  Chapter Seven

  Arthur, Amelia, and James’s return to the house was uneventful. None of the servants indicated by word or deed that they found anything amiss with their Masters’ behaviour.

  They each attended to their own horses in the stables, removing their saddles and harnesses and rubbing them down. This was nothing new though. Arthur had always held that no work was beneath him if it was an efficient use of his time. Time spent with Amelia would always meaningful and therefore appropriately efficient, he decided.

  Arthur also felt it best that they established a degree of normalcy within the house and their shared lives. Each of them would need to find a routine and establish their own interests. He of course had the ongoing upkeep of the estate to attend to. Perhaps now he would be able to share some of the burden. He would retain ultimate authority, but he wanted their shared relationship to be a true partnership.

  As they made the short walk back to the main house he suggested as much to the others. “Will you resign your commission immediately, James? I’d like to show you around the estate. I know you are familiar with the land, but you can help me determine priorities for work. You might be able to spot improvements and savings I have missed.”

  “Would you miss me if I had to return to the Army first?”

  Arthur guessed James would retain insecurities about his position in the household for some time. He sought to reassure him. “I’ll send a telegram today and arrange to buy you out. You have no need to return unless you wish to.”

  “Oh please do that, Arthur. Won’t you let him, James? I would certainly miss you.”

  Arthur doubted James would be able to resist Amelia when she phrased her words so prettily, and looked up at him with wide imploring eyes.

  He was right.

  “My regiment will be quartered at Portsmouth for some time. I can make a visit in a few weeks to say my goodbyes. I’m in no rush to leave you now,” James said looking on Amelia fondly.

  “Good,” said Arthur smiling. He’d smiled more in the past day than in the last five years. He still felt the pull of rarely used muscles working.

  “I’ll seek out Mrs. Cleaver. Get her to give me a tour of the house. See what improvements I might be able to make,” Amelia said, as if she had anticipated that he would hope she might find something to occupy her time while he and Arthur were busy.

  “We’ll find the house full of flowers, James,” Arthur said to his brother.

  Amelia swiped her hand at him playfully. “Flowers would be nice! And I’m already thinking we could do more to make use of all the space you have in the kitchen garden. It’s practically empty. We should plant lavender to scent the rooms and herbs to make our own remedies and soaps.”

  “We’re not that poor, Amelia,” Arthur said, his pride a little torn.

  “Oh, no of course I didn’t mean to imply … I’m sorry. I just thought it would be fun.”

  Now Arthur was worried he’d hurt her feelings. Luckily James saved him from having to offer his own apology.

  “We’ll have to make sure we do our best to get Amelia with child as soon as possible, so then she won’t have time for too many projects,” James whispered.

  “Indeed. Tonight,” Arthur said in a similarly lowered voice, then louder, “Come, James, we’ll look at the maps in the study, and I can show you what each area of land is used for these days. Then after lunch we can ride out again.”


  Amelia went to find Mrs. Cleaver, the cook and housekeeper. She might have known some rooms and features of the house all her life, but there were huge areas where she’d never been, let alone the nooks and crannies. One day she’d have to explore on her own. It would be an adventure, but for now she wanted to see each room as Mrs. Cleaver did, in terms of what it meant for the maids and where they had to clean, in terms of how many rooms there were for guests if they were to host, where some love and attention might desperately be needed.

  She’d never had these kinds of responsibilities before, and she rather liked the idea. There was no reason she couldn’t be a good wife to Arthur and James and be a good Countess at the same time.

  Unfortunately not every minute of their lives could be dedicated to passion. During the day she would put her effort into helping run the house and ensuring the staff were happy. There would definitely be satisfaction to be had from that, especially making others happy and helping preserve the house for future generations. Then by night she would be free to follow her instincts and Arthur and James’s desires.


  James enjoyed spending the day with Arthur. They were able to get to know each other again as brothers, and it looked like there would be plenty to occupy him. Arthur seemed to have a good head for numbers, and James would be quite happy not to have to touch the books. It made sense for Arthur to continue dealing with all the correspondence as well.

  James rather fancied being in charge of the grounds staff. He got on well with others even when giving orders, and the stables would be a good challenge. At the moment they had sufficient animals to meet their needs, but there was definite potential to get into horse breeding, especially if they wanted to race them at Newmarket, or sell them to those interested in doing so.

  Amelia may not have realised it, but when her father had purchased Snail he’d acquired a fantastic thoroughbred that it would well be worth trying to get with foal.

  The days ahead were looking promising, nearly as promising as the coming night. James couldn’t help but feel hungry for Amelia again. Though busy during the day his thoughts would frequently drift to Amelia and what she might be doing.

  They had lunched together, a simple fare of sandwiches and soup, but a vast improvement on food around a camp fire or even the Army dining hall. Seeing Amelia again only built the anticipation for later.

  James and Arthur had had one particular conversation that day that put James on edge. James hadn’t been able to resist talking about Amelia and had dared to broach the subject of fully sharing Amelia.

  “I can’t believe how lucky we are,” James had said. “I know I am lucky in the first place that you were willing to share Amelia with me, but every time I think back to our night, and morning, together I am amazed at the liberties she allowed. I have never been so fortunate with another woman. Not that I could have felt the same about another woman, even if they had been so willing.”

  “I feel the same,” Arthur had said.

  “It makes me wonder.”

  “Wonder what, James? I know you. You are fishing for something.”

  James had laughed. “Maybe. It’s just that I’ve heard of other men sharing women, oh not like us on a permanent basis. But sharing a whore, when there weren’t many to go around”.


  “And well they both took her at the same time, one in her pussy and one in her ass. And before you say anything, I’m not just thinking about me and my pleasure. I’ve heard that a woman can find it intensely pleasurable.”

  “I never took you for one to listen to soldiers’ gossip. Not that I’d object to anything if Amelia was enjoying it,” Arthur had said in conclusion.

  James fully intended to test out whether Amelia might enjoy it. He was honest enough to admit, to himself at least, that it would give him immense satisfaction to feel bound to Amelia in a way no one else was, to connect with her by being her first in this way, to introduce her to a particular pleasure. He would have to see how she responded. This would be new for him, too.

r />   That evening they all retired to the library. It felt like a room where they could all be themselves away from their titles or the roles they inhabited, for it wasn’t a space that was normally associated with any one of them, although it was a room Arthur was particularly fond of. He had sold off ornaments, artwork, and pieces of his mother’s jewellery, but the library had been left intact.

  There were two leather armchairs facing the fire. Arthur confidently strode to the one on the left and with a flick of his eyes indicated to James to take the other.

  Before Amelia could protest he drew her along with him and settled her onto his lap, eliciting a small squeak of surprise.

  James laughed. “After the last day, does anything still shock you, my love?”

  It gave Arthur a thrill to hear James being so affectionate with Amelia. She was indeed their love.

  “I think she blushes still, James.” Being able to tease her together—that was a fine pleasure. “Shall we see how far this delightful colour spreads?”

  Arthur’s fingers toyed with the lace edging along the neckline of Amelia’s dress. He watched her eyelashes sweep upwards and found himself staring into the depths of her eyes. The dark centres rapidly expanded for him to lose himself in.

  It was still too soon for all of this to seem real. The weight of Amelia, her skin against his fingertips, even the scent of her so close for him to inhale all had a touch of magic enhancing it. Arthur indulged himself, undoing the delicate buttons holding the bodice of Amelia’s dress together slowly, sliding one hand inside to capture the generous weight of a breast. He wanted to savour her this time, tease her to the edge of pleasure if possible. If her breathy moans were any indication his plan was progressing well.

  Should he pinch her nipples yet? The little buds were calling to him, but gently squeezing and releasing her breast was already having such an effect. He was tempted to tarry.

  James was clearly not unaffected either. With his legs splayed wide a growing bulge was prominently displayed at the apex of his trousers.

  “Would you like it if James stroked himself for you, Amelia?” Arthur wondered what visual and verbal stimulation Amelia might enjoy.


  “Is that a yes?”


  “Yes?” In pursuit of Amelia’s enhanced pleasure Arthur enjoyed gently exerting his control.

  “Yes, please!” Her immediate response was everything Arthur could have asked for, without needing to.

  James appeared eager to oblige, taking his eyes off the scene in front of him to look at what he was doing. He was unfastening his trousers and releasing his erection.

  Amelia was watching every movement, and Arthur took the opportunity to jolt her attention back to him by pressing forefinger and thumb together with her nipple trapped between.

  “How about you, James? Do you like what you can see, or would you like to see a little bit more?”

  “Definitely … a little … bit … more.”James’s words were carefully enunciated in time with the movements of his hand wrapped tight around his cock.

  Moving carefully, so as not to break the intensity binding the three of them together, Arthur lifted Amelia up and away from him, clasping her shoulders gently to ensure she was steady on her feet. Once he was sure she’d found her balance he bent forward to grip the hem of her dress and began lifting it, one slow centimetre at a time.

  James flashed a cheeky grin. “Now that’s a sight for a sore cock.”

  Arthur faltered in his movements as an involuntary chuckle burst from his chest.

  “Why do I think you’re not talking about a bird?” Amelia asked.

  Still laughing Arthur responded to Amelia’s interjection. “Quite right, my love, men like to call their manhood a cock on occasion. “


  Both men groaned as Amelia tested the sound of the word, which clearly only inspired her to try it again. “I like looking at your cocks.”

  “Get her back under control, Arthur.” James’s tone was teasing, but Arthur sensed an undercurrent of urgency to it, especially when James then turned to Amelia, “or you’ll become the chicken to my pouncing fox.”

  In one swift move Arthur lifted Amelia’s dress over her head, leaving her in a significantly more transparent and accessible chemise and stockings.

  “Better, James?”


  While Amelia stood before him Arthur took the opportunity to unfasten his own trousers. They had been getting damn uncomfortable. Even at this stage of the affair, before any extensive physical contact, Arthur found himself fully engorged. He shouldn’t be surprised. His life had never been so sexually or emotionally exciting before.

  “Amelia, do you remember how you rode James this morning?” Arthur asked as a reminder. He didn’t for one moment think she’d forgotten; her willingness and obvious enjoyment of their sexual interludes spoke of it meaning as much to her as him.

  “How could I forget? It was only this morning.” Amelia teased, before confirming Arthur’s belief in how much their physical acts meant to her. “It was remarkable, James inside me, but also the excitement of moving up and down him. I felt so free, my heart nearly left my body, and yet at the same time so safe with my body and heart tethered to you both.”

  “I would love it if you rode me,” Arthur said guiding her backwards, “just a little different, so James can join in, too. If I tuck my legs together can you kneel with your legs either side? No don’t turn. Keep facing James.”

  “Like this?”

  Using the sturdy arms of the chair, which was accommodatingly wide, Amelia had managed to follow his instructions.

  “Perfect, now comes the slightly tricky bit.” Arthur gripped his cock in one hand and rested the other on the indentation of Amelia’s waist, pulling down gently to help coax her into position. She moved slowly. It was agonising. She was still so tight, and yet her downwards momentum was forcing her beautifully slick flesh to stretch around him.

  Arthur resisted lifting his hips upwards, despite the fact that this made his legs tense and a light tremble invade. The groan rising in his chest could not be held back, and with an exhalation of relief he let the deep sound erupt.

  Amelia responded with a more delicate, breathy and less guttural, moan of her own as she sank the final distance, seating herself and bringing them tightly flesh to flesh.

  With hands eagerly out of control Arthur pulled Amelia tightly to him and felt her up and down, stroking the smooth swell of her stomach, squeezing the swells of her breasts , giving her nipples a moment or two of attention with the pull and flick of his fingertips and sending them down to part her folds and rub her little nubbin. Her panting and wriggling urged Arthur to increase the speed of his movements, and he worried that once again he would climax before establishing any thrusts or rhythm. He just wanted it to last a little bit longer, just a little.

  James interrupting gave him a much needed pause from the vigorous lovemaking it had become.

  “So where’s the part where I get involved, as if I have to watch this much longer I’m going to spill all over myself,” James said.

  “Move … your … chair closer.” Arthur’s breathing was laboured.

  James quickly dragged the heavy item forward, rucking up the rug in the process. Arthur didn’t care if it was damaged and spared it less than a glance. He was quickly moving to lean forward, pushing Amelia forward as he did so. Resting one hand on her back he continued to put pressure on her back. It didn’t take her long to understand his intentions, and she took over lowering herself forward, moving her arms to rest on James’s thighs. With a little bit of shifting, so that they were all at the edges of the chairs, and some sensuous stretching on Amelia’s part, Arthur could still feel all the benefits of being embedded in Amelia whilst her mouth hovered just above James’s cock.

  Arthur watched as James sent his hands sliding into Amelia’s tresses. He felt a closeness among the three of them
that eclipsed all the previous feelings of connectedness he’s experienced in the last day. With Amelia at the centre this was a level of sharing and giving pleasure to Amelia that even Arthur had not anticipated. He truly wouldn’t mind if James wanted to experiment further.

  The focus was very definitely Amelia though, and now Arthur could begin to slide her forward on his cock, guiding her with his hands and pushing her with his hips. There seemed no impediment, so although he could not quite see because of the angle, he assumed Amelia had taken James into her mouth. With groans of mingled pleasure and relief he established a rhythm.

  It didn’t last long, but Arthur decided to take pride at how much longer that the first time it had lasted. “I’m nearly there,” he said.

  “God, yes, me, too, she’s so fucking beautiful.”

  James threw his head back, neck tendons stretched tight, groaning his completion. Arthur assumed Amelia swallowed.

  He gave one last thrust forward and held himself still inside of Amelia, on the very precipice of pleasure. Then he reached one hand round, feeling his way to the centre of her pleasure, and her little bud in particular and began sliding and rubbing his fingers around it feverishly and with as much coordination as he could muster. It was enough. Amelia began to tremble in his arms. She lifted upwards, back bowing as she keened her pleasure. Arthur felt her inner contractions and let go, his seed pulsing into her body in rhythm.

  Sitting with Amelia curled in his arms, and James seated not far away, the part of Arthur’s mind still functioning revelled in the thought that he had what he had always wanted, and a happiness he had always dreamed of could be his. He would be able to do his duty, to his family, his title, his brother, his wife, his people, and he would have love. He was glad he could do his duty to love.


  James wondered if Amelia was completely sated. Lethargy was stealing over his body, but if instructed by his thoughts he knew it could become animated once again.

  The scene that had just played out had been intensely erotic. James hadn’t wanted to wrest the role of director from Arthur. Now, though, he fancied his own turn in charge, if Amelia was receptive.


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