Fifty Shades Of Dark - Damon Salvatore

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Fifty Shades Of Dark - Damon Salvatore Page 3


  "Can I get you anything else?" She asked lightly touching her notepad.

  "Food, no." Damon shook his head. "But I would like for you to sit and join me if that is possible."

  And without hesitation as if he was hypnotizing her, she joined him at the other end of the table.

  Chapter 5: True Intentions

  Elena sat with her back firmly pressed against the chair and she placed her hands under the table and out of view. Her nerves were taking control of her and she desperately felt the urge to fidget with her hands. With his hand still grasped around the cool glass of whiskey, Damon squinted his blue eyes studying her. His thin lips curled up into the smile she was growing fond of and she inhaled slowly.

  "So Elena, you've lived in Mystic Falls all your life?" He asked seeming curious.

  "Yes," she answered.

  "And that boy you were talking to, he is your boyfriend?" He tilted his head toward Matt, who was cleaning a table. His gaze flickered up at her giving her look of judgment. She tried to communicate to Matt through her stare, but he turned away and walked back to the kitchen.

  "No." Elena replied wondering why he was prodding into her personal life. Maybe it was payback for the interview. "Matt is just a friend."

  Her response sent his stone cold expression at ease and he took another gulp of his drink. Damon pushed up his sleeves of his shirt and gave her his intense stare of approval.

  "Do you have a boyfriend?"

  Why so concerned with her relationship status? The chances of him actually being interested in her in a romantic way were not likely she told herself. This had to be payback and she knew the perfect way to answer. Mirroring his posture, she cocked her head to the side and said, "I don't disclose my personal life, Mr. Salvatore. I think you out of anyone would understand that."

  His smirk brightened and he finished the last of his whiskey.

  "But no, I don't have a boyfriend." She lowered her voice and released the tension in her shoulders. The thought of disclosing her relationship status to him was risky, but she felt the need to despite her clever answer before.

  "Would you mind getting me another glass of whiskey, Miss Gilbert? And feel free to join me." Damon slid the glass over toward her and Elena glanced up at him.

  Major mood changes were beginning to be noticeable with him. One moment he could be sexy and luring and the next he was serious and demanding. She could never tell when he would switch. Taking the glass, she left the table knowing as much as she would like to join in for a drink after her awful day working she couldn't. She was still on the clock.

  "Elena, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Her boss scolded her in a near whisper from behind the bar. The bartender filled up the glass while Elena realized her boss must had been watching her the entire time.

  "Helping a customer." She replied lowering her head.

  "It looks like you're doing a little more than that. I don't mind you flirting with customers to get more business, but it is out of line to sit with them." The words declined her somewhat good mood that had been lifted from seeing Damon in the restaurant. However, her boss was right. Flirting to an extent was fine, but what she was doing was desperate and she felt the blood rush to her cheeks. She was embarrassed.

  "I'm sorry," she said. "Can I please have my break now?"

  "Excuse me," his voice startled her as Damon approached her from behind. He was close to her as he lingered around her cautiously. "I just came to get my drink."

  Elena glared at him knowing his comment did not make matters any better. Her boss's angered face at her poor waitressing skills made her feel foolish for the first time in forever since she had started. Taking the glass and handing it to him, she wanted nothing more than to sink into a hole and disappear.

  "I am sorry, Mr. Salvatore if our service is not up to par for you." Her boss apologized digging the knife in Elena's heart deeper. She was amazed that even her boss recognized Damon. His popularity around town was a given, but it was fascinating to her considering she had no encounters with until the past two days.

  "Oh, no. Miss Gilbert here has been great." He praised her work. Elena felt herself smiling on the inside and her boss gave her a sideways glance of confusion. "In fact, I do hope you don't think she was on poor behavior. I invited Miss Gilbert to join me. I had a few questions to ask her."

  "Oh," her boss stated dully. "Well, I'm glad…Miss Gilbert is meeting your expectations."

  "Very much so." Damon smiled. His eyes grew big and her boss froze staring at him. "Please make sure you allow her some time to relax. She seems to be overworked."

  Watching as her boss blinked longingly and turned to her, she could sense something was off. Just as Damon requested her boss agreed to let Elena to not only rest, but to take the rest of the day off and head home. Surprised, she didn't argue.

  "Thank you for coming in Mr. Salvatore." Her boss's voice showed no emotion and turned around and walked toward the kitchen.

  "Elena, can I have a word with you briefly." He was now requesting of her presence away from the bar. She followed reluctantly.

  "Yes, Mr. Salvatore." Elena said sarcastically.

  "I wanted to give you my business card. Here," Damon withdrew his wallet and gave her a small square card. She took it letting her fingers trace the edges. Very few words were printed on the card. His name, Damon Salvatore, with this title underneath, CEO of Salvatore Corporation was large and in smaller text his phone, fax, and email was provided. "Please let me know if Caroline needs anything else from the interview or if you need anything.

  The last part said, or if you need anything made her feel uncomfortable and giddy at the same time. Was Damon Salvatore coming on to her? At work? She shoved the card into her pocket of her apron and she nodded her head.

  "And here, this for you." He withdrew a rather large bill from his wallet and pushed it into her hand. "For your excellent service."

  Fifty dollars! "I can't accept this. I didn't really do anything beside serve you a drink." She shook her head and handed him the money back.

  "No, it's yours. You earned it." He insisted and pushed her hand away. There was his touch. His electrifying touch and it sent chills down her spine.

  "No!" Elena argued and tried to give it back to him.

  "Yours, Miss Gilbert."

  His generous and unnecessary tip made her feel filthy. It made her feel like she had done something wrong to deserve a tip like this. Never had she ever seen a tip in this amount and even the big spenders that did come to the grill usually tipped normally. "Seriously, I can't take this. Anyways you haven't paid for your two drinks or even finished your second whiskey." She pointed to the glass on the table next to them.

  Damon picked up the glass and drank all of it in one gulp. He slammed the glass down and took out a twenty-dollar bill and placed it on the bar. "There. All done. All paid for and I will not let you leave here empty handed."

  "A two dollar tip would be fine. It would be more reasonable. It's usually what most people with your order give me." She said and set the money on the table next to the empty glass.

  "Well, I'm not like everyone else." His voice became stern and his icy blue eyes locked in on her. "Take it!"

  Still refusing to accept his money, Damon snatched up the fifty-dollar bill and as she thought he was going to take it back, he yanked on her apron and shoved it in the front pocket. It startled her. His force, his touch, and him being so close to her all of a sudden was a bit much. Her cheeks were growing warm and she pulled away.

  "Fine." She finally gave into him.

  "Good." That smirk of his was back and he put away his wallet. "Miss Gilbert, I do hope to hear from you. See you around."

  Left speechless, Elena watched him until he was out of her sight. She glanced back at the kitchen. No sign of her boss or Matt, she dug her hand into her front pocket and pulled out the fifty dollars. She was angry with him. Furious. How could he just throw away fifty dollars on a mediocre waitress like her?<
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  In the process of taking out the money, the business card he gave her fell out and she bent down to pick it up. It was flipped over and there was scribbled handwriting on the other side.

  It read, Elena, here is my cell. Hope to hear from you!

  Her heart raced and she was left motionless wondering what Damon Salvatore really wanted from her.

  Chapter 6: Hooked

  The light from the living room from the small white home indicated to Elena that Caroline was inside. After her day, she wanted to avoid Caroline knowing she would somehow find out her run in with Damon Salvatore again. She didn't really want to talk about it, yet it was still fresh on her mind as she held the folded business card in her hand. He was beginning to consume her and it was drowning her in the process.

  Quietly entering her home, she spotted Caroline sitting on the couch with her laptop open. Her fingers stroked the keys violently and she could only assume she was writing up an article, probably the Damon Salvatore article.

  "You're home early. I thought you were working a double." Her voice chimed not once looking up from her computer screen.

  "It was a busy day. My boss felt like I needed to rest." Elena mentioned slyly not mentioning conversing with Damon Salvatore.

  As she threw her keys down on the table, she held the business card tight in her palm. She plopped down on the couch and stretched out her body. It felt good to relax and her skin tingled at the thought of seeing him again. Her lips fighting gravity drew up into a small smile and she squeezed the card in her hand.

  "So what's his name?" Caroline asked peering over the top of her laptop.

  "What?" She replied and ceased her smile.

  Shutting her laptop, Caroline leaned forward propping her elbows on her knees and glared at her. "Spill the beans Gilbert. I saw that smile on your face and I know it's not because of work. Who is he?"

  How did she know? How could she read her like an open book? Caroline had a sixth sense for knowing when something different about someone. In her case, she could sense she had talked to a guy. Elena bit her tongue not wanting to get on the topic, but she didn't know how to avoid it.

  "Damon Salvatore came into the grill today," she told her watching Caroline's jaw drop.

  "Woah! Damon Salvatore was at Mystic Grill." Her voice squeaked. "I'm sorry Elena, but if that isn't a sign he is interested in you I don't know what is."

  "You always assume things, but do you ever wonder it was just a coincidence he stopped by for a drink." Elena shook her head and gripped the business card again.

  Caroline rolled her eyes at him. "So you served him a drink?"

  "Are you really going to keep nagging me about this, Car?" She rolled over and propped herself up on her arm. "Damon Salvatore is not interested in me."

  That was lie. He had given her his cell number. If that wasn't a sure sign of he is interested then she didn't know what was. She didn't want to assume things though like Caroline was. Maybe he just gave it to her for future contact on a business level? However, something was telling her that was not what he meant by it.

  "But you're interest in him. I can see it your face. You're so into him." Caroline said pushing the excitement in her voice.

  "Maybe. I don't know." Elena knew the truth of how she felt for him. She was interested in him, but it would never be more than a crush. The chances of her and Damon ever furthering anything besides casual conversations were about it. "So I'm like every other girl out there that thinks he's good looking. Is that a crime?"

  "No, but you're not like every other girl Elena. Damon Salvatore is subtly telling you he is interested and why wouldn't he be. You're cute! Why are you so keen on denying the obvious?" She chuckled to herself and tossed her shiny blonde hair over her shoulder.

  Elena never found herself attractive. She wasn't repulsive, but when you're friends with Caroline Forbes it is hard to compete. Caroline was the epitome of gorgeous. She was thin, tall, and her long blonde hair was a bonus. Guys were constantly drooling over and always giving her their number. The relationship department came easy for her, even if it left her heartbroken more than it should. So her feeling attractive enough for Damon Salvatore was terrifying? What if Caroline had been the one who went to the interview? Would Damon be popping up into her life unannounced? She didn't like the thought of it.

  "Well, so what if he is. It's never going to happen." She sighed. "As much as it is a nice thought, I rather we just get off this Damon Salvatore ship now, please?"


  "Thank you." Elena rolled on to her back again.

  "Well, if Mr. Salvatore poofs back up again for some reason," Her voice trailed giving Elena a smile of hope, she opened up her laptop again. "Ask him for a small favor of doing a photo shoot. I have been working on the article and it's turning out really well. I just really wish I had some better photos of him."

  The business card scratched her palm and Elena thought about what Damon had said to her back at the grill. He had given her his card in case Caroline needed anything else for the interview and not to mention he freely gave her, Elena his cell number. It made her uneasy.

  Closing her eyes, she knew she was only going to start the Damon banter again, but she wanted to help Caroline. She had the solution of how she could get those desired photos. Elena sat up and opened up her hand revealing the wrinkled card. "Damon gave me his business card at the grill." Her eyes were bigger than ever and for once she thought Caroline was left speechless.

  "Were you not going to mention this to me?" She nearly screamed. "Elena Gilbert, you were withholding important information."

  "He said if you or myself needed to reach him for anything else pertaining to the interview we could." Elena explained.

  "This is perfect!" Caroline clasped her hands together. "I can definitely find someone to take the pictures, all we need is Damon to agree to it and I know just the person to convince him…"

  "I am not calling him!" She barked.

  Her voice became stern. "He gave YOU his business card, Elena. You're calling him."

  "Well, I doubt he is in the office right now." Elena argued and flipped to the other side of the card, where his cell number was written down. "I could just do it tomorrow."

  "What is that?" Caroline stretched her neck and looked at the card in Elena's hand. "Oh my god, is that his cellphone number?"

  Here we go again, Elena thought waiting for the explosion.

  "No, yes." She cringed knowing she couldn't avoid this situation.

  "And you're going to deny it still that he isn't interested." Caroline raised her eyebrow at her. "I'll save the fight and just tell you, CALL HIM!"

  She really didn't want to call him. This was too awkward and she knew hearing his voice would only send the friendly reminders of what she lusted for. Not that those feelings weren't good, she just knew it was too good to be true. Staring at the desperately awaiting Caroline, she pulled out her phone and stormed out the room.

  "Thank you!" Her voice called as she ran up the stairs and shut the door to her bedroom behind her.

  Her hand was shaking as she examined the business card and slowly punched in his number. Raising the phone to her ear, she breathed slowly trying to stay calm. Maybe he wouldn't answer, but that meant she would have to try again.

  The sound of ringing met her ear and she sat down on her bed and fell backwards. It rang three times before the husky and smooth voice of Damon Salvatore greeted her. The beating of her heart picked up and she sat up fast causing all the blood to rush leaving her dizzy.

  "Damon Salvatore." He answered.

  "Hi," she spoke feeling like a schoolgirl speaking to her high school crush for the first time. "It's Elena…Gilbert. Elena Gilbert."

  "Miss Gilbert, what a pleasant surprise." He said knowing he was smiling on the other side. "I'm glad to hear from you so soon."

  "Really?" She asked and realized she was getting off task. "Actually I called cause Caroline…Forbes wanted me to ask you if she co
uld set up a photo shoot? For the interview."

  Damon replied, "I would be happy to. I do have to ask why Miss Forbes did not call me about the matter? Has she tricked you in to dealing with me again?"

  "I guess you could say that." Elena stated feeling a girlish smile come over her. She caught glimpse of it in her mirror and immediately it vanished.

  "Well, I have to admit I am glad you called and not Miss Forbes."

  There it was again, him messing with her emotions. He made her feel special when she really wasn't and her thoughts wandered to Caroline's accusations of him being interested in her. No, she told herself. She was sure Damon was like with all the girls he met. Turning on his charm to get them to do whatever he wanted. To make them feel like they were the only ones he wanted to be with. It was in his nature. He was a predator.


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