Fifty Shades Of Dark - Damon Salvatore

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Fifty Shades Of Dark - Damon Salvatore Page 4


  "Sorry, Miss Gilbert I have business to attend to. Would you email the day, location and time for the photo shoot?"

  "Sure. I can do that." She responded flipping the business card over and peering at his email.

  "Thank you." Damon said in a business like voice that quickly changed tone. "I look forward to hearing from you, until then goodbye, Elena."

  "Goodbye, Damon." Her daring side broke through and she left him once again calling him by his first name. There was pleasure in saying it and she wondered if it bothered him by using his first name freely without knowing him. That would be left to find out.

  The phone went silent and she threw it on her bed. She opened her door to find Caroline waiting at the bottom of the steps. Her eagerness to find out if the photo shoot was in progress beamed off her and Elena gave her the good news.

  "He agreed. You just have to set it up and I'll email him the details." She yelled down to her.

  A squeal erupted from Caroline. "Yes! Thank you thank you thank you. You're a miracle worker!"

  Shaking her head at her, she went back to her room and replayed the conversation in her head. His voice was sensual and seductive. The thought of knowing she would get to see him again and hear his voice sent her over the edge.

  Damon Salvatore had her hooked.

  Chapter 7: Photo Perfection

  Dear Mr. Salvatore,

  The photo shoot will be tomorrow, Friday 12 p.m. at Mystic Falls Inn.

  I assume you know of the location.

  Let me know if this will work.

  - Elena Gilbert

  Hitting send, Elena pushed away from her desk and went to the conjoining bathroom to freshen up before bed. Her hair was still tied back in a ponytail and she splashed warm water on her face. As she closed her eyes, the image of two bright blue eyes stared at her. Her hands gripped the edges of the counter and she looked startled at her reflection in the mirror.

  He was everywhere.

  No matter if he was present or not, she saw him. The thought of him consuming her minute by minute was frightening. One person having so much control over another without even making much of an effort astonished her and Elena turned off the faucet. Control. He had mentioned he like to be in control. Damon Salvatore was a mystery to her and even despite her startling revelation of him beginning to sink deeper into her thoughts she still was fond of him.

  Was that right? How could someone make you feel on edge and safe at the same time?

  The sound of a ping came from her bedroom and Elena recognized the sound as her e-mail alert. A new e-mail had surfaced in her inbox. She bent down to read who the e-mail was from and to her surprise it was Damon. Such a quick response at such a late hour made her ponder the idea he had been waiting for her to get back to him all night with the photo shoot details. Once again she was getting her hopes up on some guy who was toying with her emotions.

  Opening the e-mail, it read:

  Dear Miss Gilbert,

  Tomorrow at noon works fine. Please let Miss Forbes know.

  - Damon Salvatore, CEO of Salvatore Corporation

  p.s. Hope to see you tomorrow.

  Her heart fluttered at the last line. Caroline was right, he was into her. There were too many signs to say he wasn't and even if she was wrong she didn't care. She didn't know him well enough to be hurt and a part of her was preparing to get squashed like a bug. This flirtation between the two of them would not last long, he would move on to someone else. She wasn't particularly exciting. Damon Salvatore would find her boring eventually and then she would be back to square one, boyfriend less.

  Closing her laptop, she went toward her bed and threw back the blankets. She crawled into bed molding into the mattress. Working double shifts were tiring her out and maybe she did need to take a break from work, but the hope of running into Damon again made her forget about the stress of work. He just happened to be at the right place at the right time. He was pretty amazing. Elena let her eyes shut and soon she was fast asleep off dreaming about her mystery man.

  "Elena!" Caroline Forbes voice called from the other side of her bedroom door.

  Mixed in the blankets and pillows of her bed, Elena tossed around awaking from the same reoccurring dream she had since she had met Damon Salvatore. Her breathing returned to normal and she looked at the clock. It was nine o'clock in the morning.

  "I'm up." She replied and pushed herself up so she could wake up.

  Caroline turned the knob of the door and poked her head in. "Nice hair." She teased her and Elena felt the wild beast that had formed upon her head. "Did Salvatore get back to you about today?"

  "Yes, he said it was fine." Elena ran her hand through her hair.

  "Great! Well, I am going to head over there in an hour to help set up." She asked. "You want to come?"

  In the e-mail Damon had said he hope to see her tomorrow. She wondered if he would be disappointed when he showed up to not find her. Her wicked thought pleased her, but the thought of being able to view him from a distance and soaking up his beautiful existence made her want to go just for that reason alone.


  "Of course you'll go." Caroline sang. "Your eye candy will be there."

  "Shut up!" She growled at her. "I don't have to go."

  "No, please come." She pleaded. Begging from Caroline Forbes? This was a side of her she had never seen before.

  "I'll come, but no sassy comments while we are there." Elena pointed at her and got out of bed.

  Caroline held her hands up and said, "Promise. See you downstairs."

  Spending more time on her appearance then usual, Elena fixed her hair and wore her favorite pair of jeans with a coral top that accented her skin tone. The whole being girly thing was never her style. She knew how to be presentable, but dolling herself up was never her thing. She was simplistic and boring. Oddly, she was okay with that.

  Elena offered to drive to the shoot and Caroline piled in the car with her. She drove a beat up two-door Toyota and as it clunked down the main drag of Mystic Falls she could tell people were staring. It was probably about time to get a new car, but she didn't have the money for it. Her car got her from point A to point B and that's all she needed it for. It wasn't like she was trying to impress anyone.

  Once they were at Mystic Falls Inn, one other car was parked in the lot besides the owner's car. It must have been the photographer. Caroline on the drive over talked her ear off about how she worked with the guy who was going to be taking photos and was apparently a cocky son of a bitch. She sensed she wasn't fond of him and it meant it would make for an interesting photo shoot. Hopefully, both of them would be on their best behavior considering Damon would be present.

  "Hello," Caroline answered her phone and rolled her eyes mouthing, Derek, the photographer. "Yeah, we are here. Okay we will be right in."

  Hanging up the phone, she made a disgusted looking face. "Ass. He said he is on the first floor in room four setting up. Don't worry though, I may want to rip his throat out, but I know how to put on the charm."

  "I never doubted you for a second." Elena shook her head and followed her.

  Mystic Falls Inn was a small hotel in the middle of town. Not many people ever stayed, but because of it's historic value people adored the inn. It was the perfect setting for the photo shoot in her opinion. In room four, Derek, who Caroline made a face at when his back was turned to them was setting up his equipment. Right away, Caroline went to work finding different settings for Damon to pose in. She sat back and watched, as she knew she was in the zone.

  An hour later, the bass of a sporty looking car pulled into the lot. It was Damon. The expensive car suited him being rich and all. Caroline heard the car door slam and her eyes met with Elena's. "Can you go…."

  Without even the need for her to finish her question, Elena knew what she wanted from her. She nodded her head and left the room. It wasn't a far walk from the main entrance and Damon Salvatore stood outside looking at his phone. She got a good l
ook of him before approaching. He was in black dress coat with a white shirt underneath. His dress pants fit him to perfection and she closed her mouth knowing she was gazing too much.

  "Miss Gilbert." He said noticing her in the doorway and walked toward her.

  Even his walk was sexy, she thought. He gave her his sly smile and pushed his phone into his pocket. "Please lead the way." Without saying a word to him she escorted him to room four. Heads turned as he entered the room and she could see Caroline's eyes flickering between the two of them. She promised to not say or do anything relating to the two of them and so far she was doing her best.

  "Thank you for coming on such short notice, Mr. Salvatore." Caroline offered her hand to him and he shook it firmly.

  "It's my pleasure, Miss Forbes." His sultry voice filled her ears as she stood next to him. The electricity radiating from him was bouncing off her and she felt as if she was going to fall. Elena steadied herself and released the air she had been holding in.

  Why was it so easy for her to forget to breathe when she around him?

  "Where do you want me?" He asked directing his question toward Caroline, while giving off a secret vibe only Elena could feel.

  "Right over here," Caroline said.

  Finally, he had stepped away from her bringing her back down to Earth. Elena kept silent as she gazed at the sexy Damon Salvatore from a distance as he sat on the arm of the chair. He locked his eyes with the camera and the sound of the camera clicking proceeded. With every snapshot, he charmed the lens and he would flash his wicked smile with caution. As she licked her lips enjoying the sight of such a beautiful man, Caroline joined her.

  "These are going to turn on out so good!" She whispered and clapped her hands together.

  "Mhmm." Elena had to agree and she crossed her arms tilting her head to the side examining every inch of that wonderland before her.

  A change of position and setting with a minor wardrobe change, Elena moved so she was still in the background letting herself soak in the sight of Damon. Just in his dress shirt and pants, she caught herself drooling over him. He was absolutely gorgeous and as he leaned up against the bare wall she wanted to push him against it.

  Damon Salvatore, what are you doing to me? She asked herself and at that moment his eyes met hers. Even from a distance she could still see how blue his eyes were and how intense and mystifying they undressed her. Giving him a shy smile his stare grew stronger and she felt her skin growing hot. Something inside of her squirmed and she felt dizzy. He was doing it again.

  "Alright, I think we got enough." Derek spoke up and called over Caroline and Damon to review the photos.

  Deciding to stay out of the way, Elena laid her eyes upon his backside. She couldn't get enough of him and just as she expected, he peered over his shoulder and smiled at her. She didn't care anymore. Damon Salvatore was definitely interested in her. The fact that he was giving her sex eyes during his photo shoot was enough to confirm it.

  "These are fantastic!" Caroline exclaimed. "Mr. Salvatore, do you approve of these?"

  "Yes, Miss Forbes." He said turning back to her. "Use whatever you feel is best."

  Elena could see the satisfaction in Caroline's face as she continued to scroll through the images with Derek. Damon excused himself and walked straight her way. She perked up and let her arms drop to her side.

  "Enjoying yourself Miss Gilbert?" He raised his eyebrow.

  "Very." She replied trying to play his game.

  The pleasure in her answer was evident on his face as he gave her a half smile and squinted his icy blue eyes at her.

  "What do you say to joining me for a drink after this?" Damon offered her.

  "Um, I don't know if Caroline and Derek would want…" Elena began and he shook his head laughing. She felt confused.

  "No," He spoke. "Just you, Miss Gilbert. I want to get a drink with you and I would be very pleased if you did."

  Elena watched as he gave her big eyes. To be alone with Damon Salvatore, she was unsure. She wanted nothing more than to extend her time with him, but she was nervous. Debating her answer, she left him waiting for her reply.

  Chapter 8: Preferences and A Bit of Gilbert History

  His ice cold lusting blue eyes preyed on her as he waited for her to answer his request. Elena gulped as she debated her answer. If she accepted his offer she feared what was in store considering his constant mood changes and her own inner desires scratching at the surface to get out and wanting to express how she truly felt for him. However, if she denied his offer then she feared she would never see him again and he may take her decline offensively. He didn't seem like he was someone who got many rejections and honestly who would reject him?

  "Elena, you ready to go?" Caroline's voice faded in as she stood still knowing she had to trust her gut instinct.

  She opened her mouth as Salvatore peered his eyes at her drawing a fine creased line in his forehead. Her stalling was making him anxious and agitated. "Take my keys, Caroline." Elena dug into her pocket and threw her car keys at her. Barely catching them, she gave her a confused look.

  "Mr. Salvatore has asked me to get a drink with him." She said with a hint of giddiness.

  A stunned Caroline stood with her jaw unhinged. She gave Elena an unexpected frown and look of worry. After all the praising of how Damon was interested in her and how she was seriously crushing on him she thought Caroline would be happy for her to taking a leap of faith, but instead she seemed unpleasant.

  "How are you going to get home?" She asked loudly and crossed her arms letting her blonde hair sway.

  "I'll drive her." Damon finally spoke giving her the smirk she was beginning to desire from him. "If that's alright with you, Miss Forbes?"

  Sensing the high tension between the two of them, Caroline painted a fake smile on her face and said, "Of course. Before you go Elena I need to talk to you, if you don't mind Mr. Salvatore?"

  "She's all yours," he stepped a side and placed his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

  Once out of earshot, Elena knew Caroline was about to preach to her.

  "What are you doing?" She shouted in a whispered voice.

  "What's wrong? I thought you liked the idea of me and Damon?" Elena asked confused to her mood swing on the situation. She knew someone else who had that in common with her.

  "I know, but I just…please don't get mad, but I don't trust him." Caroline placed her hand on her shoulder and bowed her head. Her eyes shifted over to Salvatore, who was on the phone nodding his head.

  "You don't even know him Caroline," Elena said.

  "And neither do you." She stated boldly.

  Rolling her eyes, Elena tried to remain calm even though she was furious with Caroline's attitude toward Damon. It was a complete 180 from how she was acting earlier and it was strange. Her sudden lack of trust for the man she didn't even know or barely spoke more than a few sentences too was ridiculous. Elena had spoken with him on more occasions and she didn't sense a trust issue. Should she?

  "Well, that's why I'm going to get a drink with him," Elena tried to reason with her. "I won't be gone for long and if I don't come back in a few hours you can send out a search party. All right? I'll have my phone on me the entire time."

  "Fine." Caroline growled. "Well, then you better come home with details."

  "Promise." She said smiling now knowing the irritable and loveable Caroline had returned.

  "I'll see you later, and be safe!"

  Finally escaping her she ran her fingers through her hair and stood patiently waiting for Damon to end his phone call. Glancing over to notice she was ready, he politely addressed his caller he had to go and put his phone in his pocket.

  "Are you ready, Miss Gilbert?" He asked.

  "Yes and please call me Elena." She insisted of him.

  "Okay," Damon smiled. "Elena, then please lets go."

  Like a true gentleman he opened the door for her and Elena exited the room. The hallway was silent and as she walked si
de by side with the dark and mysterious Damon Salvatore she felt the rush of excitement swell up into her stomach. She was so unsure of her decision not knowing what was going to happen over this casual drink with him, but she was ready. She was ready for whatever was about to unveil.

  Once outside and arriving at his very stylish and luxurious sports car, Damon clicked his remote and the car unlocked. He opened the passenger door for her and she thanked him for his gesture. Inside of the car was exactly what she expected. Black leather dressed the seats, while a panel of high tech gadgets embellished his dashboard. She closed her mouth realizing she was gawking at it. Damon slid into his seat and started up the car. Another rush swirled through her knowing this was the closest she had ever been to him. He turned the key and put the car in reverse. His finger touched the screen, where a normal stereo would be and scrolled through a playlist of songs. His selection was "Howlin' For You" by The Black Keys.


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