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Mad About You

Page 32

by Bond, Stephanie

  On the drive home she laid her head back and smiled up at the stars. "You know, Bailey, we had a lot of good times."

  He smiled and nodded. "It's human nature, I guess, to dwell on the bad, but you're right—we had fun before…. before."

  She turned her head and studied her ex-husband's face, still incredibly handsome, but older and perhaps wiser since their ordeal eight years earlier. "We were young," she murmured. "Perhaps we gave up too quickly."

  Nodding again, he held out his hand in invitation to hers. "I was too young to realize how much I was giving up."

  She smiled and offered her hand in a slow, intimate clasp. He raised her fingers to his lips for a soft kiss, then lowered their hands to rest between them on the seat.

  For the remainder of the drive, her midsection pulsed with desire, her need for him almost tangible. Their evening had been deceptively casual and friendly. She desperately hoped he wouldn't ask to spend the night, because tonight she would say yes. And as much as she knew they wanted each other, she wasn't sure if they were ready for the emotional plunge. Her heart pounded faster when he pulled into her driveway.

  He turned off the engine and said, "I'll walk you to your door."

  She stopped rummaging in her purse. "You aren't coming in to wait for Chad?"

  Bailey shook his head. "I told him I'd see him in the morning."

  "Okay," she said, hiding her disappointment.

  She led the way to her door, her heart pounding. Would he at least kiss her good night?

  Unlocking the door, she quickly stepped inside and dismantled the alarm. Bailey remained on the stoop, his hands in his pockets.

  "I had a great time," she said, laughing nervously.

  "Good, because I did too." His eyes shone in the semidarkness, the angular planes of his face alternately shadowed and highlighted. "You surprise me sometimes, Ginny."

  She swallowed. "I sometimes surprise myself."

  "Can I have a kiss?"

  Her throat went completely dry. "Since when have you become such a gentleman?"

  His grin was slow and warm as he leaned forward. "It's my new strategy."

  She raised her mouth to his and he kissed her, soft and teasing at first, then with mounting urgency. His arms circled her waist to pull her closer, and she looped her arms around his neck, tangling her fingers in his hair. Their moans mingled and echoed into each other's mouth, fueling the fire between them. Virginia felt her resistance dissolve as he lowered his hands to press her against him. If he asked right now, she'd give him anything she had to offer.

  Suddenly his embrace loosened, and his kiss relaxed.

  He raised his head and stepped back from her, his breathing ragged, his lips pressed together. "I think it's time for me to go." He inhaled deeply, then gave her a slow, heart-stopping grin. "I'll swing by around ten in the morning, okay?"

  She nodded.

  "Good night."

  "Good night," she murmured, her nerves still quaking, her muscles still tense, her mouth still burning.

  After closing the door she walked into the darkness of the living room and peeked out the curtain. Bailey started his car, then slowly pulled out of her driveway, only to stop at the curb. He looked toward her house, and Virginia debated whether to turn on a light or give him some other signal, but then he shifted into gear and drove away.

  She didn't have long to ponder the events of the evening, because her parents arrived soon afterward with a well-fed, well-entertained Chad. It warmed her heart to see him accept their good-bye hugs and kisses. They asked Ginny if he could go camping Monday night, and she agreed.

  After her parents left, Ginny decided to confront Chad about the locket right away, because it didn't seem right to pretend that everything was okay.

  "Chad," she said after he'd told her about his evening, "I've lost something and I hope you'll be able to help me find it."

  His eyes narrowed slightly, then he shrugged, a little too casually, she thought. "What is it?"

  "It's my locket with your baby picture in it."

  "I haven't seen it," he said too quickly, reaching for the television remote.

  She stopped him with her hand, covering his fingers with hers. "It's very special to me and I hope if you find it, you'll bring it to me. I might have lost it outside when we were washing the car."

  "Okay," he said in an annoyed voice. "What's the big deal anyway? It's just a necklace with a dumb old picture in it."

  "It means everything to me," she whispered.

  "Kind of like my game?" he asked, convincing her he'd taken it.

  "Please give it back to me,” she said.

  "I don't have your stupid necklace." He pulled his hand from underneath hers. "Leave me alone."

  Later when she stepped into his shadowed bedroom to soak in his sleeping form, her eyes swam with tears. Would she ever make peace with Chad and Bailey at the same time?

  One step forward, then two steps back. And now she was going to spend the entire weekend with both of them.

  Chapter Twelve

  THE SHENOWAY FARMHOUSE was quiet as they unlocked the front door. "Would you mind getting the picnic together while I feed the cattle?" Bailey asked. "It shouldn't take more than forty-five minutes."

  "Not at all," Virginia said, only a little apprehensive about rattling around in the house by herself.

  "Can I help?" Chad asked Bailey.

  "Absolutely," Bailey said. "I expect you to pitch in when you're here."

  "Sure!" Chad agreed.

  "I'll take the luggage upstairs," Bailey said. "You help Ginny take the groceries to the kitchen."

  Chad didn't argue, but she could tell his heart wasn't in it when he thunked the bags down on the counter.

  "Thanks," she said.


  He turned and walked out, then she heard Bailey come back downstairs. "We'll be back soon—be sure to put on your bathing suit," he called from the living room, the screen door slapping closed.

  "Whatever," she mumbled, hands on hips, eyeing the mounds of groceries. Her son had made it perfectly clear all morning that as far as he was concerned, she didn't exist. She'd woken to ear-splitting music coming from his room, which he reduced to just plain loud when she pounded on his door. He'd refused to come out of his room or answer her until he heard the doorbell signaling Bailey's arrival, then he'd ridden over with Bailey leaving her to follow behind in her car, solo.

  And her locket hadn't shown up, but she still held out hope it would turn up soon.

  At least Bailey was cheerful and friendly this morning, which meant he hadn’t lost as much sleep as she had over their good-bye kiss. Sighing, she began to pull out food and assemble sandwiches.

  Once she'd packed the basket with as much food and drink as possible and straightened the kitchen, she felt restless, and decided to unpack the clothes she'd brought. She peeked into the guest rooms alternately to see where Bailey had placed their bags. Chad's duffel sat just inside the first room. She frowned when she saw Bailey's gym bag in the room next to Chad's room. She chewed the inside of her cheek as realization began to dawn. Sure enough, she found her bag sitting in the room she and Bailey had once shared. A large vase of cut flowers sat on the dresser, and an envelope propped against it read Ginny.

  With one eye on the card, she changed into her bathing suit, then pulled on black knit shorts and a pink T-shirt. She picked up the envelope, her heart pounding in anticipation, and sat on the edge of the bed. With trembling fingers she loosened the flap and withdrew a card covered with muted watercolor designs. The inside had no preprinted message, only a few lines in Bailey's handwriting.

  Thanks for such an enjoyable evening. I look forward to the day when I don't have to leave you after kissing you good night. Bailey

  Her smile extended all the way to her toes. Her skin tingled and she felt as giddy as a teenager. Hugging herself, she lay back onto the soft bed, suddenly wishing Bailey was stretched out beside her. She looked around the roo
m and sighed. It might not be so bad sleeping in here after all.

  The screen door slammed downstairs, and Virginia shot up. She smoothed the covers and tucked the card back into the envelope, then walked to the staircase landing.

  Bailey stood alone at the bottom. The sight of him sent jolts of sexual awareness through her limbs. He'd traded his polo shirt for a snug white T-shirt. His face and arms glistened with sweat, and bits of hay stuck to his skin. His jeans were tucked into a pair of old workboots. He dabbed at his forehead with a bandanna. She stopped on the next to last step, a couple of feet above him, her body tingling.

  "Hey," he said, smiling up at her.

  "Hey, yourself. Thanks for the card."

  He wet his lips. "You're welcome."

  "And the flowers."

  He nodded.

  She gazed into his eyes, and descended one more step. "You look... hot."

  He studied her carefully. "I am... hot."

  "Where's Chad?"

  "He found Jean Ann's tire swing. I thought I'd take a shower before we go on the picnic."

  Her fantasies whirled free. "A shower?"

  "Uh-huh," he said just as slowly. "A hot shower."

  She stepped down again, coming to stand within inches of him. "A hot, soapy shower?"

  He reached for her and crushed her into a deep kiss. She tasted the salt from his skin and felt the heat from his mouth. She inhaled the musky scent of him, and her legs weakened. Her tongue swirled over the smooth surface of his teeth, then probed deeper. Their kiss became more urgent as their hunger for each other escalated. She clenched at the muscles on his back, feeling the soaked, flimsy shirt beneath her fingers. She tore it from his waistband and raked her nails against the moist, warm skin of his back.

  Behind them, the screen door slammed. "Oh, brother," Chad said loudly.

  They parted quickly, both breathing hard, and stared at their son.

  Bailey shoved his hand through his hair. "I thought you were on the tire swing," he said raggedly, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

  "I thought you were going to take a shower," Chad said, just as annoyed.

  "I was," Bailey sighed in exasperation. "I am." He climbed the stairs in long strides.

  Her chest rose and fell as she fought to regain control of her breathing. Chad stared at her with narrowed eyes until she started to squirm. "You got hay all over you," he said, then turned and walked back outside.

  She looked down and saw bits of straw on her arms and clothing, then stepped out on the front porch to brush herself off. Chad sat in an old metal glider a few feet away. She walked over and leaned on the rail near him.

  "It's a great day for a picnic."

  "Yeah, if we ever get there."

  After a few seconds of silence Virginia tilted her head and asked, "Chad, does it bother you when Bailey kisses me?"

  He looked at her and rolled his eyes. "No."

  "Then why did you act so mad just now?"

  He looked away and said nothing.


  He jerked his head toward her. "Because," he yelled, "you're always in the way, that's why! I want to spend time with my dad, and every time I turn around he's kissing you instead!"

  She flinched. "Chad, I—"

  "I don't want to hear anything you have to say!" He jumped up and leapt off the porch, then disappeared around the house.

  Virginia sat down on the porch steps and contemplated her next move. Sighing, she rolled her head back and closed her eyes. Even a fool could see where this flirtation with Bailey was leading. The question she had to answer was whether she believed he'd become a man with staying power; otherwise, she couldn't afford to invest any more of her life and love in Bailey Kallihan.

  The one thing she was sure of was that Chad needed to be with Bailey. Maybe it was his age or maybe it was his genetic tendency, but he flourished around his father and Bailey benefited from Chad's company as well.

  She opened her eyes. So where did that leave her?

  The door opened and she sat up. His hair still wet from the shower, Bailey walked out wearing navy swim trunks, a pale gray T-shirt, and low-top athletic shoes. He smelled like soap and carried the picnic basket in one arm, an old quilt and three faded life jackets in the other. "What are you thinking about?"

  "You," she said.

  He sat down beside her. "What about me?"

  She looked him in the eye. "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

  His eyebrows knitted and he toyed with the frayed thread of a life jacket. "I plan to be right here at Shenoway, but I don't think that's what you're asking."

  "No, it isn't."

  He lifted his gaze to hers. "Ginny, I can't imagine any other woman in my life except you."

  Tears gathered in her eyes.

  "Uh-oh, the tears I can't handle." He leaned over to kiss her nose and she smiled. "That's better—are you ready?" He stood up and offered her a semi-free hand.

  "Yeah." She pulled herself to her feet and took the life jackets. "I don't know where Chad's run off to, though."

  Bailey put two fingers in his mouth and whistled shrilly. Chad burst out of a grove of trees, carrying his slingshot.

  "Can we go now?" he yelled, running toward them, making it perfectly clear the adults had been the holdup all along.

  "If you carry your weight." Bailey tossed him the quilt.

  The walk to Milton Creek, the Kallihans' west property line, took about thirty minutes, but it was well worth it. They were lucky enough to have a family of persistent beavers on their land who'd dammed up a portion of the creek, just enough to form a deep swimming hole.

  Virginia's cheeks warmed when she saw the shady blue-green pool. She and Bailey had skinny-dipped there on more than one occasion when they'd dated. She caught his eye, and from his smile knew he, too, was remembering. In fact, she suspected that Chad might have been conceived on this very bank.

  Chad's expression was dubious. "It looks deep."

  "It is in some places," Bailey said. "Can you swim?"

  Chin jutting, Chad said, "Sure… a little."

  Immediately, Virginia said, "Then you should wear your life jacket."

  "No," Chad whined. "That's for sissies!"

  "Hey," Bailey said, raising an eyebrow. "You heard Ginny."

  "All right," he grumbled, frowning.

  They spread the large quilt on a mossy stretch of bank, the weeping willow above them providing dappled sun and shade as its spindly branches swung to and fro. Within minutes Bailey had stripped off his shirt and shoes and waded into the water. Virginia watched the muscles in his back ripple as he made a series of shallow dives to stake out the depth of the water.

  He surfaced to their far right and threw his head back. "It's deepest here—more than fifteen feet—everywhere else it seems to be running from five to eight feet." He swam back to the bank using powerful strokes, then stood up and waded out.

  Virginia was unable to tear her eyes from his dripping body. The water found every rippling valley as it rushed down. The hem of his nylon trunks dragged, pulling the waistband a half inch beneath his tan line, and outlining his manhood in jarring clarity. He walked over to them and shook like a shaggy dog, laughing when she squealed and Chad jumped up to run out of range.

  Bailey lowered himself to the quilt with a sigh, stretching out his long legs in front of him. "Feels good, doesn't it?" he asked her. "Coming back here, I mean."

  "Yes," she agreed, glad it felt special to him too. She pulled her T-shirt over her head a bit self-consciously. His gaze roved over her body as eagerly as hers had taken in his. To her embarrassment, her nipples hardened, plain to see in the pale pink swimsuit.

  "What's for lunch?" he asked with one eyebrow cocked.

  She reached over and gave his shoulder a playful shove, then he grabbed her hand and kissed the fleshy area between her index finger and thumb. The contact from his tongue triggered head-to-toe responses. Remembering Chad's accusation, she glanced around nervous
ly, then said, "I'll get out the food."

  "I'll take him in before he eats." Bailey grabbed two life jackets as he stood up.

  While she unpacked sandwiches and opened bowls of coleslaw and baked beans, Virginia kept an eye on her men. Chad looked pale and thin in his baggy trunks, but his shoulders were wide and his legs were long, both guarantees that his father's good build would be his destiny. They spent several minutes collecting smooth stones for Chad's slingshot ammunition, tying them up in Bailey's bandanna, then they both waded out into the deeper water. Chad seemed tentative at first, his eyes widening in fright when his feet couldn't touch bottom. But he soon learned to trust the life jacket, and Bailey showed him some basic strokes and kicks he could do while wearing the flotation device.

  "Hey, Ginny!" Bailey called after a few minutes. "Aren't you coming in?"

  "I don't know..."

  He began to make chicken noises and flap his arms, Chad readily joining in.

  Laughing, she stood up. "Okay, okay." She slid her shorts down her legs, a move that earned her a catcall from Bailey. She waded in, strapping on her jacket.

  The water felt wonderfully cool and invigorating to her warm skin, the rocks smooth to her bare feet. She swam out to them in a few strokes, then rolled over on her back to wet her hair. Bailey's fingers grazed her toes, which triggered a tickling match, which triggered an all-out water fight, reminiscent of many.

  Finally they were all exhausted and traipsed back to the bank to refuel.

  Chad and Bailey both ate so much, she began to wonder if she'd packed enough food—she'd forgotten how much food a hungry male could put away. But at last the two were sated, stretched out in the sun, and patting their stomachs as if they'd spent every Saturday of their lives together, dozing away the afternoon.

  * * *

  Bailey opened his right eye and glanced at Ginny. Her eyes were closed, but she wasn't asleep. He opened the left eye and glanced at Chad. Definitely snoresville. Quietly rolling up on his right side, he stared down into her face for several seconds. If ever he'd seen a classic beauty, it was Ginny. But more than beautiful, she was striking—a head-turner—with those huge eyes and full lips... a look all her own... memorable.


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