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Buckskins, Boots & Bondage (Cowboy Kink)

Page 2

by Holt, Desiree

  “Lord, no. But single dating when we really want to share just doesn’t cut it and it’s not like we can put an ad in the paper here. It’s been…difficult.”

  “I can believe that.” Reece leaned forward, set down his cup, and added a little more whiskey to it. “Let’s get something out of the way first, Tuck. You might be shocked to find out that I don’t see anything strange about your…sexual preferences, and—”

  “You don’t?” Tucker’s eyebrows flew up. It appeared his instincts about Reece had been right all along.

  “No. As a matter of fact, you’d be surprised at what actually goes on in our tight little community here.”

  “Like what?”

  “There happen to be other people in our neighborhood who prefer an alternative lifestyle and can still satisfy themselves out of the local public eye.”

  “You’re shitting me.”

  “Not a bit.” He rubbed his jaw. “Let me tell you a little story.”

  By the time, Reece had finished relating the details about himself and Katie, Tucker wondered if he’d landed in an alternate universe. Not only did the Hallidays’ lifestyle astound him, but the existence of Rawhide…well, what a well-kept secret that was.

  “It’s extremely private, Tuck. I mean very. And members pay for that. All of them are thoroughly vetted, and everything is properly monitored. For some members,” Reece went on, “club play is all they want. Others, like you and Justin, are looking for more long term. And we do our best to provide it. You’d be surprised at the familiar faces you’ll see there, if you decide to come as a guest one night.”

  “So.” Tucker fiddled with a pen on his desk. “You’re saying my brother and I don’t have to hit clubs all over the country or expose ourselves at public munches to hook up with a woman who is, say, like-minded?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying. But I think it would help to know what you guys are really looking for. Something occasional? Rotating combinations? Something more permanent?”

  Tucker shrugged and finished off his drink. “We want what everyone else has, Reece. To be settled with someone we both love, who loves both of us, and who’ll make a family with us. But you know what this community is like.”

  “Yes, all too well. But there are some of us who’ve made our own private social group that interacts really well. I’m not saying that if you and Justin meet the right person it wouldn’t take a strong backbone to make it work here. But you’d have lots of help and support. If that’s what you want, we can help you make it work.”

  “That would sure be great.”

  “Meanwhile, let’s get you guys a guest membership and see what develops.” Reece rose, lifted his hat, and resettled it on his head. “You talk it over with Justin when he gets back. If you guys are interested, give me a call and we’ll set up a visit.”

  The two men shook hands, and Tucker walked Reece out to his truck. After his friend had driven away, he leaned against the fence rail for a long time staring at nothing, his mind revving like a jet engine. He had plenty to discuss with his brother now, including the fact that Justin needed to leave the past behind once and for all.

  If he could get him to Reece’s club for one night, maybe they could move on from there.

  Chapter Two

  “Are you going to fill out the damn papers or what?”

  Justin looked up at his brother and frowned. Tucker’s impatience was beginning to irritate him. Joining the private bondage club was not a step to be taken lightly. Just because they were sitting at a table in the office of Clint Chavez, Reece’s partner, didn’t mean he was going to rush into something.

  “I want to make sure this is right for us,” he said. “I don’t jump into things with both feet the way you do.”

  “You don’t even jump in with one foot,” Tucker complained. “We talked and talked about this at home until we discussed it to death. I thought we were in agreement on this.”

  Clint rose from the table. “I think I’ll just check on what’s happening out in the club and let you guys figure out what you want to do.”

  “We know what we want to do,” Tucker insisted.

  “Thanks, Clint,” Justin said, ignoring his brother. “Just give us a few minutes, okay?”

  When the door closed after him, Justin put the pen down and gave his brother a dark look. “Just listen to me, okay?”

  Tucker shoved his chair back and stretched out his legs, hands shoved in his pockets. “Seems like all I do is listen to you these days.”

  Justin bit back the retort that bubbled up to his lips. “I just want to make sure this isn’t a mistake. I want you to be prepared for disappointment. Just in case.”

  “Is it me you’re worried about or yourself?” Tucker demanded. “Are you afraid you keep that wall up around you so high that we’ll never get a woman to agree to let us share her? To create a permanent relationship?”

  “That’s bullshit.” But Justin had a sinking feeling Tucker might be right. Was he going to let the past screw up the future for both of them?

  “No it isn’t.” Tucker sat up and leaned forward. “Get your head out of your ass for once. Any woman we might be interested in will take one look at the scowl on your face or maybe get chilled by that idea falling off your body and that will be the end of it. If you can’t make an effort here we might as well go home.”

  Justin swallowed his quick retort. He hated to admit it but Tucker was right. And he didn’t want to ruin things for his brother. Ultimately they both wanted the same thing—a woman they could share who would want the ménage relationship and maybe—just possibly—they could fall in love with each other. But they had to take that first step.

  And he certainly wanted sex as much as Tucker did.

  Silently he picked up the pen and signed the membership form.

  “All right!” Tucker slapped his hands together. “Let’s get to it, then.”


  Angel Cruz smiled at the man checking people at the door of Rawhide and headed toward the main lounge. After six months, she was a familiar member. Recognized both by the dungeon masters and many of the members, she felt more and more comfortable with each visit. And she’d certainly met some interesting and provocative men.

  Starting in a new club was always tricky. Learning who went for threesomes. Which men had already established signals with others and were trolling either separately or together. Who was compatible and who wasn’t. What extremes each of them required and how they could satisfy her appetite. Over the years, she’d learned the routine well enough, figured out who to move away from after a few minutes and who would be worth pursuing or being available to.

  But lately, the nights of heated erotic passion without an emotional connection didn’t seem to quite do it for her. Not that she didn’t enjoy it. It just seemed to her something was…missing. Although just barely thirty-three, Angel had established herself as a top litigator in her firm and was on the fast track to partner. To the extreme jealousy of associates who had been there longer than she had. Her career was solid. But it wasn’t much to curl up with at night when what she really wanted was two pairs of strong arms around her.


  What if she was lucky enough to find the two right men? And all of them agreed to make it permanent? No way could she keep it secret, and she worried about the fallout and its effect on her career. She hadn’t the faintest idea how she’d manage it. She just knew she was ready for more than she had and, if she’d found what she was looking for, she would somehow find a way to make it work.

  Once before she thought she’d found it. Her pussy still creamed when she remembered the intense emotional connection the three of them shared as well as the incredible erotic sex. But they’d eventually decided they weren’t ready for permanence. Or at least the men had.

  “We’re just not ready to settle into forever,” they’d told her on their last night together. “We love you, sweet Angel, but—”

�s okay,” she’d told them. What else was she supposed to say?

  The parting had been poignant because they’d also become good friends as well as exciting lovers. Although she’d picked up the tattered shreds of her soul and put on a brave front, it took Angel a long time to get over the breakup. Only by filling her nights at private clubs with mindless encounters had she been able to get past the emotional pain.

  Finally, after a lot of soul searching, she had to admit to herself that she was more than ready to continue her journey. To find the right combination of two men already completely in tune with each other who were into no holds barred sex and looking for a long-term commitment.

  Tonight, after several months of one-night play with a variety of partners, she was again wearing what she liked to call her hunting clothes—a very short skirt and tight vest made of the softest buckskin, her long raven black hair tied back with a decorated buckskin thong, and intricately-designed buckskin boots. No bra and no panties. Not even a thong.

  She was primed and ready for action.

  Although it was a Monday night, the main lounge was surprisingly full, especially so for a weeknight. The air was filled with the muted hum of conversation and the soft clink of ice cubes against fine crystal tumblers. Nearly every seat was taken, so Angel just stood slightly to the side, scanning the area, looking to see if there was someone she might be drawn to.

  She nodded and smiled at some of the members she knew, exchanged wicked grins with a few of her previous partners, but in some way, she felt disconnected from the scene tonight. As if she’d shown up at the wrong party. Maybe she’d just have a drink and head home.

  “I have some guests tonight I think you might find interesting.” The heavy male voice beside her startled her.

  Angel turned to see Clint Chavez, the club’s managing partner.

  “Your middle name should be stealth,” she teased.

  “The sign of a good manager,” he grinned. “Lets me get a good handle on what’s happening without disturbing our guests.” He touched her elbow and nodded toward a couch at the far end of the lounge. “Prime merchandise tonight, Angel. Brand new. And I think they may be what you’re looking for.”

  Angel followed his glance and every bit of liquid in her mouth dried up and shot immediately to her cunt. A bolt of electricity jolted through her body and the very core of her that she’d worked so hard to protect began doing a happy dance.

  Oh. My. God.

  Lounged carelessly on a couch across the room in their seats were two men hot enough to make any woman crazy. Tall, with lean muscular builds and long legs, both dressed in casual slacks and soft linen collared shirts. One was as dark as midnight with hair almost as black as hers. Dark eyebrows and lashes accented a brooding face. The other was the opposite side of the coin, sun-streaked blond hair curling neatly to the collar of his shirt. His mouth was quirked up in a smile, and his face had mischief written all over it.

  Except for their coloring and expressions, they were mirror images of each other.

  Sometimes you connected with someone on a most elemental level. Other times on a more complex, emotional one. But rarely did the physical and emotional slam at you with such force that you knew this was something very, very special. One look. That’s all it took. Just that one look. Her entire body clenched with the force of the impact.

  Angel cocked an eyebrow and did her best to sound casual. “Twins?”

  Clint nodded. “They’re here tonight as guests of the Hallidays. I understand they’re friends with Katie and Reece.”

  “Are they from this area? I’ve never seen them here before.”

  Clint chuckled softly. “Born and raised in the Hill Country. They actually live in La Mirada not far from Reece’s place. They run a pretty big feedlot, and he’s one of their longtime customers.”

  Angel studied them curiously. “If they’re from around here, I’m surprised I haven’t seen them before. Are they new to the scene? Dipping their toes in the waters, so to speak? Trying it out?”

  Neophytes could be either exciting or a pain in the ass. Angel wasn’t much in the mood to play instructor at the moment.

  “No, they’ve been in the scene for some time. But they’re very cautious, always took their action out of town. Like the rest of us who live in this area, they keep their sexual preferences a closely guarded secret.”

  “But they’re here tonight,” she pointed out. Watching them was like seeing two graceful jungle animals scanning the available prey, poised to strike at the appropriate moment.

  “I think they got tired of having to run all over the countryside for their activities,” Clint told her. “Tucker, the blond, finally unloaded on Reece the other day, and we gave them a guest membership for a month.”

  “They certainly look tasty,” Angel mused.

  “Come on. Let me introduce you.”

  Hand at her elbow, he guided her across the room. As she approached the couch, both men rose. She caught the instant spark of heat in two sets of eyes as they studied her leisurely from top to bottom and back up again. She had the sudden itch to pull her skirt down a little and adjust her vest.

  Come on, Angel. It’s not like you’re a novice here.

  “Angel Cruz, meet Tucker and Justin Davis. Guys, I think you and the lovely Angel will have a lot in common.” He smiled as they made room for Angel to sit down between them. “Enjoy your evening.”

  She crossed her legs, smoothing her skirt over the tops of her thighs and smiled at each of them in turn. “I understand you’re new to Rawhide.”

  Justin, the dark one, nodded. Tiny sparks of gold flickered in black onyx eyes fringed with thick lashes as his gaze raked over her. Already she could see the heat simmering there. A dark heat.

  “First night,” he told her. “What about you?”

  She wet her lower lip with her tongue. “I’ve been a member for a while. I, um, moved here from Dallas about two years ago but didn’t find out about Rawhide right away.” She smiled. “Lucky for me that I did.”

  “Lucky for us.” Tucker, the blond with startling blue eyes, brushed his fingertips across her bare shoulder. Oh, yeah, he was born for mischief. “We’re sure glad you showed up tonight, too. Right, Justin?”

  His brother nodded. “Do you come here often to play?”

  The verbal dance, she realized. How much into the scene am I? Am I a regular? An occasional visitor? “I’d say at least once a week.”

  Justin idly stroked her cheek. She had the feeling, in the arena of play, he would be the one to take the lead. “I’m guessing it would be safe to say ménages are your style? I mean since Clint brought you over here and he knows what’s on our menu.”

  “That’s right.” The familiar thrill of erotic stimulation coursed through her. Already she could imagine these two pairs of strong hands caressing her body, cupping her breasts, probing her. Stroking her with their cocks. She closed her eyes for a moment and centered herself with a deep breath.

  Not too fast, Angel. Take it slow. Choose wisely.

  But that dual impact of the physical and emotional had only strengthened as she sat with them. If she agreed to be with them, she knew without reservation it would be something beyond casual. She just hoped she wasn’t misreading the situation.

  “And looking for a new hookup?” Justin made it as much a statement as a question.

  She nodded. “If the right one comes along.”

  Fingers skimmed over her inner thigh, and she looked down to see Tucker’s hand beneath her tiny skirt, inching its way up to her pussy. Her pulse beat ratcheted up along with her heart rate as Justin’s fingers explored from the other side, his knuckles gently nudging her thighs apart.

  “We like buckskin,” Tucker murmured, smoothing one lean hand over the soft material of her skirt. He winked. “It makes good handcuffs.”

  Angel tilted her head. “Handcuffs?”

  “Yeah.” He nibbled her earlobe. “And ties. You like to be tied up, Angel?”
br />   Oh yeah!

  “Yes. I do.”

  “Maybe a little spanking?” Justin asked. “And a few other things?”

  She nodded, her pussy aching with an unfulfilled need.

  “See how nicely that works out?” Tucker grinned.

  A server set three glasses of tonic water in front of them, and Angel picked hers up, using the drink as a diversion to distract herself from the sensations skimming through her.

  “Nice,” Tucker murmured as his fingers finally reached the trimmed hair covering the lips of her pussy. “Very nice. Soft.”

  “I agree.” Justin lightly pinched her clit and leaned over to run his tongue around the shell of her ear. “Wouldn’t you like to touch us, too?”

  Angel brushed a stray hair back from her face, set her drink on the low table, and nudged their hands aside. Reaching toward each male groin, she cupped two thick cocks, one in each hand. And ohmigod, they were more than impressive. She gave each of them a soft squeeze then sat back so the brothers could resume probing her cunt.

  “Well.” Tucker’s voice was husky with lust. “We could sit here and make polite conversation a little longer. However, darlin’, you think you might be interested in joining Justin and me in one of the private rooms? Indulging in a little play to see if this chemistry we’re all dancing around is real?” He exchanged a look with his brother and nipped lightly at her bare shoulder then soothed it with his tongue. “After all, that’s where it starts, right?”

  Would she want to? Join them? Were they kidding? As a matter of fact, at that very moment, Angel wasn’t sure she could restrain herself until they left the public area.

  Suddenly, her self-admonitions scattered like smoke in the air and she wanted the preliminaries over with quickly. She couldn’t remember the last time two men had turned her own so quickly and to such a degree. Maybe the twins wouldn’t turn out to be the men of her dreams, but they were definitely about to be the stars of her fantasies. “That…would be very nice.”

  As soon as they removed their hands from beneath her skirt, Tucker looked around the room. When he spotted Clint leaning against a wall, he motioned him over.


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