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Buckskins, Boots & Bondage (Cowboy Kink)

Page 5

by Holt, Desiree

  Twice a day they filled the multiple feeding pens with sweet coastal hay and then at four o’clock came the tedious work of putting out the specially mixed grains. Each of the workers carried a handheld computer with codes for each group of cattle and the feed they were getting. Finally, at the end of each week—tomorrow—came the backbreaking, ball-busting job of weighing each calf and recording the weight gain.

  But that’s what we get paid for, dirty work and all.

  “Daydreaming, bro?”

  Justin dropped into the chair on the other side of the desk and lifted his booted feet to the surface.

  Tucker ran his fingers through his hair. “Hell of a thing for a grown man to be doing, right?”

  “You’ve been staring at that computer since the last time I walked past here, which, best I remember, was more than an hour ago. Why don’t we go get some lunch? Maybe that’ll get your mind back on business.” He chuckled. “And off a certain very hot female if I’m not mistaken.”

  “You can’t deny she’s stuck in your mind.” Tucker just wished he could get his brother to loosen the chains of the past. He’d let go a long time ago.

  Justin’s face sobered. “Yeah, she is. The hot sex was mighty fine, Tuck, and I have a feeling it’s going to get even better. If we let it.”

  “If we let it?” Tucker repeated, frowning. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You know exactly what I mean.” A muscle ticked in Justin’s cheek. “There seems to be something very special about our Angel girl. But I’ve learned if something seems too good to be true it usually is.”

  “Goddamnit.” Tucker pushed back from his desk with a rough shove of his hands. “Is this about Holly again? Are you ever going to wipe that fucking female out of your mind? You planning to let her ruin the rest of your life? She isn’t worth it.”

  He blew out a breath. Anger wasn’t his thing, especially with his twin, but he was getting fucking sick and tired of the ghost of Holly hovering over them.

  “You always want to jump in with both feet,” Justin growled. “Maybe if we’d taken more time before…”

  “We may have to have a very long talk, bro,” Tucker pointed out. “We finally found a place to play right around the corner and a woman who might just come to be more than a playmate to us and you’re all ready to back out. Angel is nothing like Holly. Get it through your head that Holly was a self-centered brat and what you felt for her was not even close to love.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Justin said with bitterness.

  Tucker turned back to his computer, determined not to let his twin’s attitude affect his attitude toward Angel. “I’m not getting much done here. In fact I’m about to turn this whole thing over to you. Let’s take a few minutes and check out the law firm where Angel said she works. Find out a little more about our playmate.”

  He swiveled his chair around and tapped Martinez and Devlin into the search box.

  “Wow!” He stared at the screen. She sure looks different when she’s not naked and being fucked.”

  “Of course she does, you idiot. Let’s see.”

  They studied the picture. Angel’s luxurious black hair, instead of hanging down her back in a smooth tail, was wound into some kind of sleek knot at the nape of her neck. Gone was the smoky eye makeup and the hot pink lipstick, replaced by subdued coloring. Although the photo only showed her from the waist up, what they could see was a tailored jacket and a triple string of pearls. But sex still radiated from her.

  “It says litigation attorneys,” Justin commented. “I think that’s a fancy word meaning they sue people.”

  “Yup. Look here.” Tucker tapped the screen with his finger. “Civil law suits, personal injury, and white collar defense. I think you have to be real sharks to succeed in that area of the law.”

  Justin frowned as he read everything on the page. “They’ve got her entire bio and all her credentials listed. No wonder she said her career was important to her.”

  “Yes, she did.” Tucker nodded. “But that doesn’t mean she’s not ready to settle down. A woman whose sexually vibrant and interestingly intelligent sounds like the ideal combination to me.”

  Come on, Justin. Let go of the past.

  “We just met her last night,” Justin pointed out. “You know what happened last time we didn’t take it slow. Anyway, we might not have more in common with her than very kinky sex.”

  Tucker shook his head. “I’ll say it again. There’s something special there. I felt it right away. We just need to find out if it’s real.

  “And we have to be real careful about where we take this,” Justin said again. “No mistakes this time.”

  “You think I don’t know that?” Sometimes Tucker was very frustrated with his brother. “Enough is enough already. You don’t need to keep reminding me. You need to get over it. Take the cure. The Holly cure.”

  Justin waved a hand at him, dismissing the topic.

  He never wants to discuss it. Sooner or later, we have to or we’ll end up being lonely old men.

  “So what else does it say about her?” Justin wanted to know.

  “She’s the lead junior associate for one of the partners. Obviously she’s very sharp.”

  “Okay,” Justin said. “So she needs to be cautious, too. I’d think law firms like this might not be too excited about their associates living unusual lifestyles.”

  “I think that depends.” Tucker studied the screen. “If she’s in the top echelon, writes a lot of billable hours, and has a top position with the firm, she becomes almost untouchable. People like that close ranks around each other.”

  “Yeah, but first she has to get there,” Justin pointed out.

  “Well, at least we know a little more about her than we did.” Tucker shut down the page. “Let’s go get some lunch. Maybe we’ll be lucky enough to run into Reece or Katie and they can fill us in.”

  “You know they don’t give out information on clients. Reece was very specific about that when he gave us the guest membership.”


  “Still nothing. Let’s go get some grub and let this drop for the moment. We can talk about it with Angel on Friday night. Get to know her a little better.”

  “I’d like to do more than talk,” Tucker grumbled. “I’ve had a hard-on since I got up this morning that isn’t going away any time soon.”

  “Then you ought to be real primed for Friday night.”


  Angel hung up her suit, stripped off the rest of her clothes and tossed them in the hamper. Masterson had insisted she join the meeting with the clients and, by the time she left the office, her head throbbed and her eyes ached. But as the meeting finally broke up, he’d complimented her on her work and indicated there would be something good coming her way soon.

  Junior partnership. Please. Security so I can get on with my personal life.

  It wasn’t often that junior associates were bumped directly into a partnership position. They usually moved to senior associate then to the partnership track. But Angel had accomplished some outstanding things since transferring to this office and it put her on the radar of the senior partners.

  As she stood under the hot steaming spray of the shower, she let her mind fall back to the night before with the Davis brothers. And that faint magical zing she’d felt the moment she walked over to them.

  Easy, Angel. You know nothing about them except they’re into threesomes, they have a ranch in La Mirada, and they rocked your world. You don’t know what they’re looking for or if they want anything beyond a hookup now and then at the club. Box up those daydreams or you’ll get hurt.

  Still she couldn’t stop herself from imagining what it would be like at home with the two of them. Maybe she’d cook for them wearing nothing but an apron. Or they might wait on her. Cater to her. Sharing a bed with them, curled between those hard masculine bodies.

  She’d only been hoping to find two compatible men she could play with on a regula
r basis. But holy shit! The Davis twins were a lot more than compatible. From the moment Clint had introduced her to them, a powerful connection had zinged between them. She was sure they felt the same thing, although she got the feeling they were as cautious as she was.

  Even soaked as she was from the shower spray, she could still feel the imprint of their hands on her body. The touch of their mouths and the warm strokes of heated tongues. The soft breeze of hot breaths on her skin. And those magnificent cocks, filling her front and back. She shivered as the memory made the pulse in her cunt ratchet up. Eyes still closed, she slid a hand down over her tummy through the carefully trimmed curls on her labia to find her hungry clit.

  Pulling the little bundle of nerves between thumb and forefinger, she pretended it was Justin touching her while Tucker slid his well-lubed fingers into her ass. She was pleasantly surprised they were into spanking. The smack of hand or paddle on her buttocks always ramped up the arousal factor for her. She rubbed her clit harder and faster as she recalled the rush of heat down her thighs and into her cunt. She hoped there were a lot more things they were into.

  The familiar knot low in her tummy uncoiled, sending lust surging through her. Almost there. Almost. Almost.

  And then, oh god, it grabbed her, tremors racing over her. She slid three fingers into the hot well of her pussy, riding them, pretending it was one of the twins. Spent, she leaned against the wall of the shower and raised her hand to her mouth, licking her own juices from her fingers.

  Friday night couldn’t come soon enough for her.

  Chapter Five

  Justin did his best not to watch the clients entering Rawhide and check his watch every five minutes. Of the two brothers, he was by far the more self-contained. More reticent. The one who always looked at everything from every possible side before making a decision. But he was also the one whose passions ran the deepest and whose desires were the most erotic. When he and Tucker began experimenting with BDSM, he made sure the clubs they visited had a trained Master to teach them every nuance, every skill. Every possible way to bring pleasure to a woman.

  Fifteen years ago, if someone had told him tying a woman up and fucking her senseless would incite an intense orgasm, he would have said they were crazy. But life had certainly changed, beginning with the realization that the real happiness he and his brother sought depended on a woman to share who accepted both of them as Masters. Who wanted to build a life with both of them.

  Meeting Angel Cruz had been like stepping into the middle of a fireworks display. Usually, he was the one who held back. Who tested the waters. Put up the caution flag. Especially after what happened when he and Tucker had tried a permanent relationship once before. With Holly, who had tossed them out without a backward glance. And now he needed to be extra careful since they were playing in their own backyard, something they’d never done before.

  But Angel was lightning in a bottle. Exotic. Erotic. Unbelievably responsive. And that crackle of electricity was more than sex. He knew it down to the soles of his custom Lucchese boots. He kept reminding himself to maintain a slow pace, regardless of Tucker’s enthusiasm. But after the other night, he was hornier than a teenager and almost salivating at the things he wanted the three of them to do.

  He was the one who told Clint exactly what he wanted in the room the three of them would share tonight. He also made it clear that he expected them to have the room overnight. Tucker had pestered the shit out of him so okay, he’d try to go along with his brother’s instincts. His body certainly wanted to.

  Tucker clapped him on the back. “Glad you’re getting into this a little more, bro. ‘Cause I swear she’s what we’ve been looking for. And tonight we’ll find out exactly how compatible she is sexually.” He sipped his drink. “I’m getting tired of just the two of us in that big house, and we aren’t getting any younger. I want us to be settled.”

  Justin gave him a tight smile. “We’ll see. I said I’d try to have an open mind. That’s the best I can do.” His face sobered. “But I don’t intend to let my reservations get in the way of off the wall sex.”

  But first she had to show up. What if she’d changed her mind? What if she’d decided he and Tuck weren’t what she was looking for?

  Stop it. This isn’t you. You’re the level head here, just like Tucker said.

  They almost hadn’t come tonight. Reece Halliday had called just as they were closing the office for the day with some disturbing information.

  “You guys having trouble with any of your clients?” he asked.

  “No,” Tucker, who’d taken the call, answered him. “Why? What’s up?”

  “I don’t know much, but I heard someone’s out for your asses big time and they’ve hired a high-priced law firm to do it.”

  “Are you sure?” he frowned. “I really can’t think of anyone.”

  “Well, maybe I heard wrong. I’ll nose around and see what else I can find out.”

  The lure of seeing Angel had been too strong, so they’d put their worries aside and showed up as they planned.

  About the time he was ready to tap his watch to see if the battery was dead, he saw her enter the lounge and the sight of her made his cock harden painfully. She was wearing buckskin again tonight—a short skirt that left nothing to the imagination and a vest with all but one button open. Her breasts were exposed to the nipples and bounced slightly as she walked. The boots tonight were chocolate brown, and her wonderful thick black hair was braided with strips of buckskin woven into it.

  She smiled the moment she spotted them and headed right for them. Rather than waiting for Tucker to take the lead as he usually did, Justin rose and, as soon as she was close enough, cupped her face with his hands and gave her a deep, hot, open-mouthed kiss. As if she’d been as hungry for them as they were for her, she opened her mouth at once and welcomed his tongue. He licked every inner surface, drinking her sweet taste. Their tongues danced together in a heated waltz until Tucker’s voice broke into their cocoon.

  “Don’t you think you should leave something for me, big brother?” he asked in an amused tone.

  With a supreme effort, Justin broke the kiss, struggled to get his breathing under control and sat back down on the couch, arranging Angel on his lap. With a flick of his fingers, he opened the button on her vest, spilling her breasts out to where he could palm each one and rasp his thumb across the nipples.

  Tucker shifted on the couch so his hand rested easily on her thigh and slid up beneath her skirt. The nipple Justin was teasing hardened instantly against his touch, and Angel’s breathing hitched unevenly. He wanted to tie her up and fuck her right this minute, but he and Tucker had agreed they’d do a little more talking first. Only damn, it was hard when his cock was shoving insistently against his fly.

  “I have to confess,” Tucker said lazily, “we Googled you this week.”

  Angel tensed.

  Justin nibbled the lobe of her ear. “Easy, darlin’. We just wanted to know a little about you. The public you.”

  “So you saw my profile on the M&D web site?”

  “Uh huh.” He traced little lines with his tongue in the delicate shell of her ear, trying to relax her. “You’re a very sharp lady. Bright. Moving up in the world.”

  She was still tense on his lap. Justin palmed one of her breasts and rubbed it gently. He nodded at Tucker who was working on her pussy. But something was bothering her.

  Justin licked her ear again. “What is it, darlin’? You mad because we looked you up? We liked you so much we wanted to know a little more about you.”

  “And so what did you think? About my being ‘bright? Moving up in the world?’”

  “We thought how lucky we are to have found someone who has a brain to go with her body,” Tucker said. “We might look like dumb cowboys, but both of us have masters degrees in agribusiness from Texas A&M.”

  “I don’t think you’re dumb cowboys at all,” she protested.

  “And brains don’t scare us. So let’s f
orget about all that and think about tonight.”

  “Yeah,” Justin added, “because I’m damn horny. I think it’s time we moved to the room we reserved.”


  Angel had been pleasantly surprised that Justin, the quieter of the two, seemed to be taking the lead tonight. She’d thought Tucker was the dominant partner, but now it seemed they shared that role. Good. That eliminated so many problems and created a good comfort zone in the situation. No one was threatened by anyone else.

  She just hoped they weren’t threatened by her. Their words had eased some of her anxiety, but old hurts had a way of clinging.

  Stop it. Enjoy yourself.

  As soon as Justin locked the door to the room, Tucker flipped the switch to let some soft music filter in through the recessed speakers. A press of a button and a faint aroma of sandalwood drifted into the room.

  The two men undressed her in what seemed to be an orchestrated rhythm, smoothing their hands over her skin as they unveiled each portion.

  “I want to see that beautiful hair loose like it was the other night.” Justin’s voice was husky as his fingers deftly unwound the braid and eased out the strips of buckskin. He kissed her bare shoulders as he threaded his fingers through her hair to spread it out.

  “Take off your clothes,” she pleaded. “I like to look at you.”

  Tucker chuckled. “We can do that. After.”

  “After what?”

  “After we get you arranged the way we want.”

  Justin took the buckskin he’d removed from her braid and used it to bind her wrists behind her. When he finished, his hands smoothed over the curve of her ass before he trailed his fingers through the hot crevice. Angel shivered as he lightly rimmed the puckered ring of her anus. “Tucker got to fuck you here the other night. Tonight, it’s my turn. I’ve been thinking about it all week.”

  Anticipation curled low in her tummy. Justin’s cock was slightly bigger than his brother’s, and she could imagine it filling every inch of her.


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