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Mercury Going Down

Page 23

by Brambach, C. S.

  After twenty minutes of talking softly, in a very soothing voice she leaned back and gestured at the Chief. Her eyes were glued to a monitor behind and above Pete.

  “He is ready, ask your questions.” He went right for the throat.

  Pete confessed to sending the hired goons after me. He copped to the gaming scam, the money laundering, the smuggling, the payroll rip off, and the Robot hustle. Finally after another thirty minutes he spilled the beans about killing Jim Simpson. But only Jim.

  “I asked him to meet me at the new park, because the monitors aren’t functioning there yet. He started to give me shit about the Bot’s, said we had over reached, and that maybe it was time to pack it in. What with the RT scam busted, the end of the smuggling route, and Hugo dead and the gaming scam exposed, he just thought we should straighten out the Bot tally and cut our losses. It pissed me off. Then he said he was thinking of staying for another tour, when he had been telling me for months that he was off the planet after the end of this tour and I snapped. There was a spanner laying on the bench where we were talking and as he got up to walk away, I grabbed it and smacked the back of his head. After he collapsed on the grass I dragged him over and buried him in the mulch pile. He got in my way and he paid the price, the candy assed puke. I’m glad he’s dead.”

  His head rolled from side to side. Lynette who was focused on the monitor, gave the thumbs up as if to say he was telling the truth.

  “I killed Jim, that’s all, he’s the only one I killed. Cause the shit deserved it.” In a minute he was snoring. Lynette, after replacing the injection gun in the black box, closed it and nodding to the Chief said,

  “All indications are that what he said was true. If that’s all?” The Chief speaking to his implant said,

  “Did we get all that?” He nodded to the Doctor after receiving an answer on his implant.

  “All done, thanks Doctor.” She nodded and left. Waved to me after a brief kiss on the cheek on her way out.

  The Chief looked at the two guards and said,

  “Keep an eye on him till he comes to, then escort him to the detention center. He’s headed for rehab on the next available ship out.” They both nodded their acknowledgment of the command. He entered the anteroom where I was waiting.

  He smiled a rueful grin.

  “Well, that wraps up that part of it.”

  “Pretty much. Now we just have to figure out who committed the first four murders and we’re done.” He just looked at me then looked at his sneaks.

  “We’re going to have to check the tapes on your wife you know.”

  “Well, I know she has an alibi, but as I’m checking that, all I can say is, it’s your move.” The Chief asked me then if I played chess. I told him no.

  “I play backgammon, the perfect mix of chance and skill. Like life, you play the roll of the dice with the best of your skill and make of it what you can. Chess is tough, cause you have to read what the other guy is thinking, and plan for every contingency, and it just becomes too complicated for me, as if life was a competition, when for me it‘s just going with the flow. In gammon, you aren’t so much competing against an adversary as competing against the dice.”

  “Could it be you just hate to lose?” He asked, a wry smile crossing his face.

  “Yeah, I do hate to lose.” I said, scowling.

  “Didn’t Einstein say, ‘God doesn’t play dice with the universe?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “I’ll have to get back to you on that.”

  I met Jazz on my way to check on Ashley. She was pushing the chair ahead of her.

  “She’s sleeping right now. She has an attending Med Unit too, so I thought I’d meet you with the chair.” Bots never called themselves or each other Bot, they were always ‘units’. I slumped into the chair, thankful for it.

  “Perfect. Home Jazz.”

  At home, Jazz helped me out of my coveralls before going to the guest bedroom to recharge her power supply while I lay in bed in my sarong and a t-shirt, trying to doze. Which I did, fitfully for an hour or so.

  Something was gnawing at me. Could Karen have tried to kill me? I got up and started to pace. I know she wasn’t head over heels about me, but shit, what would motivate her to try and kill me, and ultimately to kill Dave, and the Rev, his wife, and Hugo?

  After a half hour of mental self flagellation I started to tear apart the bedroom, looking for any clue that might point me in the direction of a motive.

  Nothing in her clothes.

  Nothing in her beauty products.

  Nothing in her collection of arty personal trinkets.

  After a while, frustrated, I went to the kitchen and searched there, and, after finding nothing, popped a beer out of the fridge and gave the living room a quick once over.

  Once again, nothing. Which left the extra bedroom. Her studio. Where Jazz was recharging. I left her in peace and went into my room and, finally, lay down and conked out for an hour.

  I dreamed of spinning around, slowly. There was Karen, nude, bright blue, with an extra set of arms climbing up my naked body. She was looking at me with lust in her eyes. Her upper set of hands grasped my cock as her mouth found its way to the tip of my dick. Her lower set of hands grasped a whirring vibrator and a Porters tool.

  “What,” I gasped, “are you going to do with those things?” Her face just left my cock.

  “Wait and see, darling.” My head went back and my eyes screwed shut as the feeling of her wet mouth on my cock intensified.

  I came awake with a start to find Jazzes mouth wrapped around my raging boner, her hands gently cupping my balls. I was covered in sweat.

  I pulled her head off my dick and said,

  “Help me to the toilet.” My whole body was stiff and creaky. After I relieved myself, I jumped into the shower and rinsed off.

  Then with Jazzes help I ransacked Karen’s studio.

  “You watch the door.” I told her. She pointed at a stack of paint boards on a table in the corner.

  “You might look under those.” She said, facing the door. I went over and lifted them up.

  “Jackpot.” I said on finding a sketch book with a red pastel heart with an arrow through it on the cover. I sat down and started looking through it.

  It was mostly pictures of Susan licking her pussy. Susan sucking Dave’s cock. Susan sucking my cock. The theme seemed to focus on Susan. Susan sucking her tits. Susan doing it doggie with Dave and later, with me. Susan riding a dildo in the cowgirl. Susan getting tittie fucked by Dave. Susan kneeling. Susan lying with tousled hair asleep.

  “She seems to be fixated on Susan.” I muttered to myself.

  Then I hit real paydirt.

  In the margins around a sketch of an arm fisting an obviously squirming Susan, it made her look like a giant human popsicle, was the word password. Repeated over and over.

  Password, password, password.

  If I were an old cartoon, you would have seen the old incandescent light bulb go off over my head.

  I sat down at her computer and powered it up, pulled up her login and put the word ‘password’ in for her password.

  It worked. Access granted.

  I went right for her daily diary.

  It didn’t take me long to discover her obsession with Susan.

  Going back to around the time she started therapy with Susan, the entries started out extolling Susan’s virtues. How funny she was. How smart she was. How attractive she was. How kind and caring she was.

  As time went on, Karen’s entries showed a level of frustration as Susan rebuffed her attempts at seduction. It wasn’t till she had introduced the idea of worship practices involving Sarasvati, the Hindu goddess of fertility, wisdom and riches that sucked Dave in to the mix that she had been able to induce Susan to sleep with her.

  Her entries took on a blissed out tone, tinged with sadness at their inability to entice me to take part. She loved Susan, that was obvious, but she wasn’t willing to give me up, not at first. I was a connec
tion to her past, I was warm and comfortable. I was a known quantity. I was of a known quality. She hadn’t been too sure of Dave. Not from the start. Definitely not at the end.

  She found Dave lacking in the more outstanding qualities she prized. Particularly in me. He had a selfish streak. He tended to focus more on Susan during ‘worship’. Also he was lacking in the ‘junk’ department. It was a struggle sometimes for him to get it up.

  But he was easily manipulated.

  Then, a month or so prior to the day I was reading in, the entries took on a more ominous tone.

  Dave was an idiot. Dave was a fool. Dave was a good for nothing idiot and fool. Dave was a tool. And a worthless one at that.

  I took some pride from the entry that mentioned that Susan couldn’t work her G-spot as adroitly as I could. Karen felt that with time Susan would get better at it.

  Then I read hints that she might have to ‘do something’ to have Susan to herself.

  Susan was a goddess. Susan was all that was great and good about humanity. If only Dave and I were out of the way, she knew they could be supremely happy together.

  If only Dave and I were ‘out of the way’.

  Then I noticed some disturbing references to the ‘Plan’.

  If everything went according to the ‘Plan’ then in less than a year, Susan and her could settle on any one of the colonized worlds and set themselves up in business. Susan could open her own private therapy practice and Karen would open a little coffee shop/art gallery. Maybe in Portland. Maybe in Tegucigalpa. Maybe in Bush City on Mars.

  She hinted that she would miss me. She would not miss Dave, she kind of despised him. If the ‘Plan’ worked, they would have the credits to be set for life.

  How happy they would be. Just the two of them.

  When I found a reference to ‘insurance settlements’ I really started to worry.

  As the entries delved into how and with what kind of dildo’s she was going to work Susan over with I lost interest. She had flipped over Susan.

  I nearly jumped out of my skin when Karen called me on my implant.

  “Coming to Services honey?” I bit back my condemnation of her as a fruit loop.

  “Sure baby, when?” I heard her laugh.

  “Whenever you get here.” She said, happily.

  “On my way.” I called Fonagy as soon as she hung up.

  “Chief, I think Pete might have been right, I’m gonna e you some info from my wife’s diary that you and Doc Barber need to go over. I’m gonna go and meet with her and Susan and as soon as I can get Susan alone, I’m going to confirm Karen’s alibi.” I wired him the password to her diary and attached some of the more pertinent entries.

  “All right, just got them, I’ll get Doc Barber on this shortly. Are you going to meet with her?” He asked concern plain in his voice.

  “Yeah, you might want to have some men ready to back me up if the shit hit’s the fan.”

  “We’re still stretched kind of thin, but I’ll try to be there myself if need be.”

  “We’ll be at Susan’s. Say, I meant to ask, did you get your thrills, confronting Pete face to face? I mean, how was it?”

  “It was excellent, thanks.” He was a natural born hunter seeker. Proud of his ‘kill’.

  I just hoped his skill level was up to this final catch. Karen was some wily prey after all.

  We arrived at Susan’s to find the girls eating chips, dip, and sipping some wine. As soon as Jazz wheeled me in the girls came over, leaned down and kissed me on opposite cheeks. The lighting in the unit was subdued, there were pictures of various Hindu deities and a sprinkling of originals by Karen in her neorealist style on the walls.

  Susan sat me on the couch and Karen poured my some wine. The colony news was on the screen of the vid, muted, while some light techno music played softly over the stereo channel. Susan pointed at the screen.

  “So they’ve arrested Pete Simms for the murder of Jim Simpson, huh?”

  “Yeah, it took a while, he left quite a twisted trail, but we were able to track it down, untangle the damn thing and come up with enough evidence, and once he was in custody, a confession was forth coming. He’s in detention now, headed for Rehab.”

  “Dr. Barber played a part I bet. Getting the confession.” Said Susan.

  “She was on top of her form. She came in, juiced him up and with in an hour, he was spilling his guts.” She nodded to Karen.

  “Drug induced hypnosis, works like a charm.”

  “He confessed to everything?” Asked Karen.

  “Well, to Jim’s murder anyway. He tried to pawn the other killings off on Pete, put the blame on him. The Chief is trying to verify the evidence trail, just to close this whole deal up, nail it down, finish it off.” I took a hit of my wine. A tasty synthetic Merlot.

  “So, it’s all over.” Said Susan.

  “Yup, it’s all wrapped up. All but the odds and ends.”

  “Odds and ends?” Asked Karen.

  “Yeah, you know, picking up his accomplices, here on Mercury, Luna and Earth.” I replied, keeping a tight rein on my distrust of Karen.

  “It’s only a matter of time, right?” Asked Susan.

  “Oh, yeah, Security has a whole team combing the computer files and records.”

  “Speaking of time.” Karen said rising and walking to the kitchen.

  “Oh, yes.” Said Susan, a smile crossing her face. She took my face in her hands and kissed me long and hard. We broke as Karen came up bearing three small cups.

  “Imaginex?” She said, handing us each a cup.

  “Mmmm, yeah.” Said Susan, downing hers in a single gulp.

  “Cheers.” I said and drank maybe half of mine. Having drained hers, Karen held out a hand, which I took, and, taking Susan by the other, lead us into the bedroom, with a glance at Jazz and a shake of her head to encourage Jazz to follow us.

  The drug started to take effect as we stripped out of our clothes. I was wasted by the time the girls finished their invocation. All three women, or both women and the Bot, looked like Lynette. Susan was a taller, blonder, Lynette, Karen was a shorter, darker Lynette, and Jazz was a more petite, browner Lynette. It was kinda freaky. Fortunately I was into freaky.

  After both the girls took turns sucking and licking my cock, they moved down the red sheeted mattress to start kissing and groping each other and I started to fuck Jazzes mouth. Then I fucked Karen’s pussy. Then I fucked Susan’s pussy while Karen rode Jazzes face. Karen moaned as she got off. Then while Karen ate Susan’s pussy, I ate Jazzes pussy and it’s hard synthetic clit while I fucked Susan’s mouth.

  She made cute little gagging noises while I thrust away, the sound seeming to echo in my skull like ricochets in a tin can. Then I fucked Jazzes pussy for a while, doggie style.

  Then I switched to pounding Karen’s ass in the missionary, while Jazz worked Susan’s pussy with her hot robotic tongue. Susan almost chirped as she got off.

  Then I worked Jazzes ass from the side. Then back to Jazzes mouth.

  “More attention here.”, murmured Susan. I pulled out of Jazzes mouth and rolled over to where Karen was mouthing Susan’s twat and, kneeling over her face grabbed her hands and put them on my engorged cock. She started to jerk me off onto her face and after about twenty seconds I shot a load of cum onto her outstretched tongue and chin.

  Karen and Jazz crawled up and licked the excess off of Susan’s smiling face.

  I was fixated with Susan’s huge breasts and was playing with them while this was going on.

  “Oh, I have so come. At least twice.” Said Susan, softly.

  “We are just getting started.” Said Karen, rising up from the bed.

  “I have to go pee.” She said, giggling as she got up. Jazz also rose up and knelt on the edge of the bed. I slid down and buried my still throbbing cock into Susan’s sopping pussy.

  “Ohh, yes.” She said, head thrown back as I slid into her. I licked her ear as I started to stroke away.

�So, did you two girls have fun last night?” I whispered into her ear.

  “No, I slept in last night, what did you and Karen do?” Busted. Uh, oh.

  “She wasn’t here?” I whispered more urgently.

  “No, wasn’t she with you?”

  “No, hey, was she with you last Tuesday night, Wednesday morning?” That was the night Hugo had been killed, as near as forensics could tell.

  “Hmm, no, wasn’t she working late that night?” She was getting concerned.

  “Shit!” From behind us. I looked around and out of the corner of my eye I saw Karen shutting Jazz off. I wondered why Jazz hadn’t moved from the edge of the bed before that, like she was frozen in place.

  “OUCH!” I screamed as I felt a sharp object plunge into my right kidney. I rolled off Susan fast as a shotgun blast as Karen came down with all her might and weight with a Porters tool at full extension of her arms right were I had been.

  This action stuck the Porters tool directly into Susan’s lower left chest. I punched Karen as hard as I could in the side of the head. This broke her grasp on the Porters tool and she rolled off the bed. She stood up and grabbing both sides of her face with her now bloody hands screamed,

  “Susan! NOO!” She stumbled back.

  “You’ve killed her you crazy bitch!” I said and then she bolted from the room.

  I looked at Susan and was shocked when her eyes fluttered open and she gasped.

  I had to keep her hands from grasping at the handle of the Porters tool, which seemed to twitch with every beat of the heart it was embedded in.

  “Oh, CHRIST! That fuckin’ hurts.” She shouted, eyes popping out of her head. I called the Chief and told him what had happened and that we needed an ambulance, ASAP.

  He told me they had already put the pieces together and they knew it was Karen and were almost there.

  I talked to Susan, trying to keep her awake, I didn’t want her passing out due to the blood loss. I could feel it leaking down my back from the puncture to my kidney. She told me some of the things that Karen had been saying that had been freaking her out. Especially the last couple of days.


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