Time and Space

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Time and Space Page 6

by Pandora Pine

  Cadence’s lyrical giggle stopped Donnall’s tirade in its tracks.

  “Ah, you were jesting with me.”

  “Yes. Just don’t use this as an excuse to look up my dress.” She put her booted left foot into the cup of Donnall’s hands and he boosted her into the saddle.

  “I would not dream of peeking, my beauty. You will show me your treasures in the fullness of time.”

  “Cocky bastard!” Cadence yelled after him as he gracefully mounted Atlas.

  “Who told you?” Donnall dropped a sexy wink. “You may want to hold on, little mouse.”


  Donnall clicked his tongue and both horses took off like a shot.

  “Bastard!” Once Cadence got used to the strange sensation of feeling the horse move beneath her, the ride was exhilarating. They were flying through the Irish countryside which was nothing more than a blur of greens and golds.

  An hour later they were racing through a meadow when a fat drop of rain splashed Cadence’s face. She had been so busy watching the way Donnall’s ass slapped the saddle she hadn’t even spared a look to the sky, which was now leaden gray with more clouds rolling in. She saw Donnall slow in front of her and assumed he was stopping because he felt the rain too.

  “This is all my fault, my beauty.” Donnall’s voice was serious, his eyes filled with guilt.

  “What’s all your fault?”

  “Getting caught in the rain like this. I was spending far too much time watching you enjoy yourself with Starburst that I did not pay attention to the weather. There’s an abandoned cottage three miles east of here. We will head there to wait out the storm.”

  “Why can’t we ride for Moone?”

  “The castle is about fifteen miles to the southwest of here. We would be riding straight into the teeth of the storm. Follow me and I’ll try to get us there as quickly as possible.” Donnall leaned toward her in the saddle, his hazel eyes blazing burnished gold. “You are going to get wet.” He winked and clicked his tongue to set Atlas to gallop.

  Promises, promises. Cadence snorted and took off after him.

  Donnall wasn’t kidding. Only a few minutes into their ride lightning forked across the sky and the heavens opened up, soaking her to the skin almost instantly. Autumn in Ireland was similar to Boston where the cold November rain chilled to the bone. Her woolen gown was quickly sodden and weighing her down. She hoped they’d get to the cottage soon. Hypothermia could be a real concern in this weather.

  After what seemed like a lifetime, the small stone cottage came into view. “Thank you, Jesus.” She bent low over Starburst’s back. “We’re almost there, sweetheart.”

  Donnall was dismounting when she brought her mare to a stop under a copse of trees. “Hurry inside. I’ll secure the horses. Can you start a fire?”

  “N-No.” She couldn’t stop her teeth from chattering.

  “Go inside. I’ll be there shortly.”

  Cadence did as she was bid. The door to the cabin opened when she put her shoulder to it. Being out in the elements had warped the wood. She was grateful to be out of the storm, but it wasn’t much warmer inside. Walking to the cold hearth, she noticed a tinderbox on the mantle similar to the one in her room. In all the time she’d been in 1433, she’d never asked anyone to show her how to start a fire. The disappointed look on Donnall’s face had been obvious when she told him she couldn’t help them get warm and dry.

  “It’s colder than a whore’s heart out there.” Donnall set down a small bundle on the rough-hewn table and blew into his hands. “Let’s get the fire going.” He kicked out of his boots and carried them to the fireplace.

  Cadence followed suit, intent on watching what Donnall did to start the fire.

  “I want you to watch closely. We can practice this once we’re back at the castle if you like, but I’m too cold to let you give it a try now.” Donnall removed the piece of metal from the box that looked like the letter “C” and placed it over the knuckles of his left hand.

  The device reminded Cadence of a primitive set of brass knuckles. She watched as he took a piece of rock and set out what looked like a small square piece of black cloth. He struck the stone against the metal which made a small spark that lit on the black fabric. Donnall blew on it to make it grow and set it against the kindling left in the fireplace. Soon, tiny flames were licking at the dry wood.

  “Now that the fire is growing, you need to strip.”

  Cadence raised an eyebrow in challenge. “Now isn’t the time to flirt with me.”

  Donnall hauled his soaked tunic over his head, his back and shoulder muscles bunched and flexed as he moved. He dragged the two chairs in the cottage over to the fireplace and draped his shirt over the back of one and set it near the fire to dry. “You are soaked to the bone. With the battle drawing nigh, we can’t afford for you to catch a chill. Strip. Now.”

  Her teeth still chattering, she tried to make her fingers work to pull the dress up over her knees. The material was wet and heavy and her numb fingers weren’t having much luck shifting it higher.

  “Here,” Donnall came up behind her and pulled the dress up her body and over her head. Turning it right-side out, he moved back to the fireplace to drape it over the other chair. “I’ve got a mostly dry blanket and some oat cakes and apples from my saddlebag. Come sit by the fire and cuddle with me. We will both warm up faster if we share body heat.”

  Cadence found her fist smile in what felt like hours. Rubbing her frozen hands over her frozen arms she moved to stand near the fire. “I bet you use that line on all the damsels-in-distress you come across.”

  “You are the only damsel who matters. Now let’s sit in front of the fire so we can get warmed up.” Donnall turned from the table where he was setting out their meager feast to see Cadence wearing the strangest and most provocative under garments he had ever seen in his life. He knew he was staring and had to stop himself from taking a step forward. The need to touch her and those lacy under things was too much to handle.

  “What are you staring at?”

  “Your under things from the future.”

  Cadence blushed turning her skin almost the same pink as the lacy bra and panty set she was wearing. “They’re from Victoria’s Secret.”

  “I’m sorry, my beauty, but Victoria appears to have shared all of her confidences.” Donnall wrapped the blanket around his shoulders and pulled it around his front to hide the growing bulge in his soaked breeches. He knew it would take them longer to dry this way, but he didn’t have enough willpower to keep his hands off Cadence when they were fully dressed never mind when she was standing there showing almost all of her creamy, freckled skin.

  Donnall turned from her near-naked form to settle himself on the floor in front of the fire. His feet were frozen solid but he made sure he kept himself far enough back so his skin wouldn’t warm too quickly. “Get your arse over here. You won’t like what happens if I have to chase you.” His voice held a hint of danger.

  Cadence walked over to the fireplace and knelt down to hold her hands over the fire.

  “Come here, my beauty. You run the risk of burning yourself if you sit that close.” Donnall opened the flaps of the blanket.

  “You’re soaking wet. I’m not sitting in your lap if you’re wearing wet pants. Take them off so you can warm up too.”

  “I would not dream of offending your delicate sensibilities.”

  Cadence arched an eyebrow. “Well that would certainly be a first.”

  Donnall sighed, knowing he wasn’t doing either of them any favors by keeping his wet pants on. He would have to dig deep for the self-control to keep his hands to himself. “Turn around, please.”

  “Why? I’ve seen a naked man before.” Cadence winked and did as Donnall asked.

  Donnall was dumbfounded at first. “Well of course you and Carter bathed together when you were children.” He thought he saw Cadence roll her eyes before he turned around. As hard as he tried, he was still having a hard
time coming to grips with how different things were in the future. It was a bit of a struggle, but he finally managed to get out of his wet pants. After he draped them over a chair, he grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around his lower half. “I am now presentable.”

  “Well thank God for that. What are you doing now?”

  Donnall was searching through cupboards and chests searching for more supplies. “People who use this cottage are refugees like us, needing a place to get out of the bad weather or a place to spend the night if it’s grown too late to keep traveling. Sometimes they leave supplies behind for other travelers. Aha!” He pulled a soft green blanket out of the last chest and tossed it to Cadence.

  At least now he would be able to keep a barrier between Cadence and his raging erection. He settled himself on the floor in front of the fireplace, determined to keep his hands to himself.

  “I thought you said we needed to huddle for warmth?”

  Leave it to Cadence to remind him. “Come here and sit in my lap.” It was either going to be the best or worst decision of his life.

  Donnall was looking about as uncomfortable as she felt. His eyes were darting around the room and looking everywhere but at her half-naked body. Whereas all she could look at was a shirtless Donnall. His chest was a solid wall of muscle covered in a thin matt of dark fur which tapered down his abs. A fine line of hair led from his navel down to his… She stopped herself. It was best not to think about what was beneath his blanket.

  Donnall was seated cross-legged in front of the fireplace. She seated herself on the edge of his right knee and reached her still cold hands out to warm them. She didn’t make eye contact and instead focused on the dancing flames.

  Donnall chuckled low in his throat. “Afraid I’ll bite, little mouse?”

  She was afraid he’d bite. And lick. And kiss. And… “Of course not,” she huffed.

  “Then get over here.” Donnall wrapped his thick arms around her and pulled her back against his chest.

  Cadence bit her bottom lip to avoid moaning out loud when her bare shoulders collided with his chest. His crinkly hairs tickled her sensitive skin. “I thought you were frozen solid.” She could feel the heat of him against her back.

  “I am always hot when I am around you, my beauty.” Donnall smirked.

  She wanted to laugh and come back at him with a clever line, but she couldn’t think of one. The only thing she could think of was the way Donnall felt against her, all hard planes and angles.

  “You know it is true,” Donnall whispered against the shell of her ear.

  She turned to look at him over her shoulder. His eyes were darkened to almost black and he looked hungry.

  Pushing her still damp hair over her right shoulder, Donnall pressed a kiss to the sensitive hollow behind her ear. “You are so cold.”

  “And you plan to warm me up with your kisses?” Her voice was low and seductive.

  “Do you know a better way?”

  Yes, she did, but she wasn’t about to tell him that.

  “Your silence speaks volumes, sweet Cadence.” Donnall pressed a series of kisses down the column of her throat.

  Tired of fighting the need thrumming through her body, Cadence threw off her blanket and turned in Donnall’s arms so she was straddling his hips with her legs.

  Donnall wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her closer still, his hands rubbing warm circles into her chilled skin.

  She closed her eyes and relaxed into his touch. Being in Donnall’s arms felt heavenly, but she didn’t want him to know how he was affecting her.

  “Why do you hide yourself and your reactions from me?”

  Cadence’s eyes popped open.

  “I know you like the way my hands feel on your skin. You love the way my lips feel against your own. Why do you fight your feelings? Surely you know I would never hurt you.”

  Liam had once promised to never hurt her and look where that led her. With a little time and space, she could see Liam was all wrong for her while being this close to Donnall felt so right. “I know you wouldn’t hurt me.”

  Donnall’s brief smile was brilliant. He brushed his hot lips against Cadence’s, waiting patiently for her to respond to him. He could see the fear and insecurity in her eyes and more than ever wanted to find this Liam and hurt him like he’d hurt his little mouse.

  When Cadence started to kiss him back, he couldn’t help smiling against her lips. He lashed his tongue against the closed seam of her lips needing to taste and possess her. “Open for me.”

  Cadence obeyed, moaning when his tongue swept inside to mate with hers. Wrapping her arms more tightly around him, she shifted her body to more closely straddle his.

  Donnall growled when Cadence shifted and her sex slid down his own. It was almost as if his sweet, innocent Cadence knew exactly how to tease and torment him. Once she was settled, he kissed her again, his hands fingering the strange, yet lacy, contraption hiding her full breasts from view. “What is this torture device?” Donnall slipped his fingers under it, his fingers skimming against the soft underside of her breasts.

  Cadence giggled. “It’s called a bra. It provides lift and support to my girls.”

  “I would very much like to do the same thing.” He placed tiny kisses down the column of her throat until he reached the creamy flesh at the top of her bra. He kissed all of the visible skin while teasing her nipples through the lacy pink fabric.

  Cadence humped herself forward, rubbing her sex against Donnall.

  “I know exactly what you need, my beauty,” Donnall whispered.

  “Oh yeah?” Cadence pulled her arms from around Donnall’s neck and walked her fingers down over his massive arms before trailing up again and running across his chest.

  Donnall loved the way her hands felt against his skin exploring him. He trailed a hand down from her left breast to the garment shielding her sex.

  Cadence gasped and bucked against him.

  “Do not worry, my beauty. I will not take your virtue. Let me show you what it can be like between a man and a woman.” He slipped his hand down her outer folds and moved to the very heat of her. He wasn’t surprised she was moist against his fingers. “I told you you’d get wet.”

  Cadence snorted and rested her forehead against his.

  He brushed a finger past her sensitive nub, loving the way Cadence jumped against him and he moved lower to her entrance. She was wet and ready for him. Heedless of the consequences of his actions, he slipped one finger inside her and stroked her clit with his thumb.

  Cadence gripped him tighter, hitching her hips in rhythm with his finger. “Donnall, please,” she begged, clenching her muscles around him.

  “Do not worry. I will get you there.”

  “Where?” she asked breathlessly.

  “To paradise.”

  Cadence cried out against Donnall when the first ripple of her climax crashed around her. She yelled his name while his magic fingers continued to wring wave after wave of pleasure from her body. She’d been with Liam for four years and he’d never once made her feel like this, like she was flying apart at the seams.

  She whined when Donnall pulled his finger from her body. She was shocked when he sucked the digit into his mouth. He looked like a cat with a saucer of cream. Liam had always told her she tasted bad, but Donnall acted like he was tasting expensive caviar. “How do I taste?”

  “Like sunshine. Did you enjoy yourself?”

  Instead of answering, Cadence pulled the blanket away from Donnall’s obvious erection. The head was smeared in pre-come and his cock was huge. Swiping her thumb through the puddle of Donnall’s nectar, she winked at him and licked her thumb, enjoying the salty flavor of him.

  “Cadence, what?” Donnall’s hazel eyes were glazed over with passion. “What are you doing?”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t take your virtue.” She giggled at repeating his earlier line back at him. She pushed back a bit and took his hot tool in her hand, slowly stroking him from r
oot to tip and back again.

  “Cadence,” Donnall panted.

  “Hmmm?” She smiled sweetly at him and went back to stroking his velvet shaft. She looked up at him and Donnall was lost. He was watching Cadence’s hand work over his flesh, his eyes nearly black with need. His chest was heaving and she could tell he was struggling to hold on to his control. “Come on, Donnall. Come for me.”

  Donnall snapped his eyes up to meet hers and growled low in his throat.

  Cadence felt his cock get a bit harder before pulsing in her hand. Shot after shot of sweet cream ripped from his cock to coat her hand and his stomach.

  “Fuck, fuck!” Donnall blew out a harsh breath and fell backward to land on the cold floor of the cottage. He threw his arms over his face.

  “Donnall?” Cadence called sweetly.

  “Yes, my beauty.” He moved his arms to look up at her.

  “Yum.” She rasped in a low, sexy voice and licked out at his cream drying on her fingers, watching as his eyes went wide. She did it again and Donnall’s deflated cock started to rise. Liam had only been good for one go a night, but it seemed her barbarian was up for extra innings. She reached out to take him in hand when the door to the cabin slammed open.


  “What in the name of the gods is going on here?” Fionn roared.

  Donnall scrambled to sit up and wrap the discarded blanket around Cadence’s near-naked form before wrapping his arms protectively around her.

  “Take your hands off my sister, Donnall,” Carter said in a low, menacing voice.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, Carter. Calm down.” Donnall rolled his eyes.

  “We have been looking for the pair of you for hours and you have been here all along stealing Cadence’s innocence?”

  “I’m not innocent,” Cadence pouted.

  “The fuck you’re not!’ Donnall yelled, pulling himself away from Cadence. He wrapped the spare blanket around himself and moved to shield her from Fionn and Carter. “I did not steal her virtue, Fionn. We just…”


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