Book Read Free

Time and Space

Page 18

by Pandora Pine

  “What if the moonstone strands you in 2015? What if we used up all of its magic getting you back?” Fionn’s eyes glittered with unshed tears.

  “If I am not back in two days, come get me with your stone.” Carter hugged Fionn. “I will come back. This is my home and you are my life.”

  “How do we know the stone will work time and time again?” Fionn’s voice was barely above a whisper.

  “All we need it to do is work this last time.” Carter pressed a kiss to Fionn’s trembling lips.

  One day turned into two. Donnall stayed busy caring for Cadence who he feared was getting worse. He and Islynn followed Carter’s instructions about putting Cadence in cold baths. Cadence would yell and scream, flailing her arms weekly in an attempt to get out of the cold water. He was at his wits end. What if Fionn had been right and Carter couldn’t get back to 1433?

  “He’s back!” William shouted from his perch in Cadence’s window. “One minute Fairy Hill was empty and the next Carter was there.”

  “Is he alone?” Donnall felt a spark of hope glimmer in his chest.

  “No, there is blond woman with him and they are both running toward the large wooden door to the castle.”

  “Hold on just a little longer, my beauty. Carter and Bree are back.” Donnall brushed a kiss against Cadence’s sweaty head.

  “Where is she?” Bree McCann asked when Donnall opened the door to Cadence’s chamber.

  “Over there.” Donnall pointed to the bed and was surprised when Cadence’s tiny sister pushed him out of the way to get to her. Donnall watched in awe as Bree went to work poking and prodding Cadence.

  “I need a pole.” Bree said to no one in particular. “Something that stands tall enough to hang the IV bag from.”

  Donnall looked helplessly at Carter not understanding what Bree meant.

  “Donnall, go down to the great hall and get one of the standing candelabras. Get a tall one.” Carter was standing back giving Bree all the room she needed to work.

  Grateful for something to do, he ran out of the room, nearly colliding with Islynn who was running toward the room.

  “Is my Breena here?” Hope danced in Islynn’s eyes.

  “Yes,” Donnall yelled and kept running. He knew Islynn was anxious for her reunion with Cadence’s sister, but the only thing on his mind was helping Cadence. He grabbed what Carter asked for and raced back upstairs, the metal candelabra banging against the walls as he ran.

  “Here it is.” Donnall was panting when he ran back into the room.

  “Thank you. Carter tells me you and my sister are lovers?” Bree seemed to be studying him.

  Donnall blushed. “We are in love with each other. She means everything to me. Bree, are you going to be able to save her?”

  “I’m going to do my best. It wasn’t easy getting all of this equipment and medicine from that hospital in Dublin. Thankfully, I was able to pull some strings with a sister hospital in Dublin.” She brushed the hair off her sister’s forehead. “Carter, I’ll need you to hold her down. We all know how much Cadence hates needles.”

  “What are you going to do with a needle? Her wound is already stitched shut.”

  “Yes, I saw that. Whoever it was that stitched the wound did an excellent job. This is a special needle that will deliver medicine right into her bloodstream.”

  “I do not know what that means, just help her.” Donnall felt tears pricking at his eyes. Islynn slipped an arm around him and he hugged her back.

  Carter walked to the other side of the bed and climbed up on the bed next to Cadence. He looked ready to jump into action if Cadence started to thrash around while Bree bent low over Cadence’s left hand. “There, all set.” Relief flooded Bree’s voice.

  “What happens now?” Donnall didn’t understand how something as small as a needle could help Cadence, but he was willing to trust in Bree.

  “I’ll keep a close eye on her for twenty-four hours. If she’s not any better by then, I’m taking her home. If you ask me, staying here is a bad idea, but I promised Carter I would try. Now, where’s this great big brother-in-law Carter told me so much about?”

  Donnall stayed by Cadence’s bedside while Carter took Bree off to meet Fionn and the kids. “Come back to me, my beauty. I will not make it without you. You are my Anam cara, my soul friend.” He dashed tears from his eyes and kicked out of his boots.

  He climbed into bed with her, careful not to bump her arm with Bree’s special needle. He stared up at the bag filled with yellow liquid and followed the drops of medicine as they flowed down a series of what Bree called tubes. He offered more prayers to the gods and even offered one to the Christian god Cadence worshipped. Kissing her limp hand, he linked their fingers together and gave in to the exhaustion trying to pull him under.


  The room was nearly pitch-black when Cadence opened her eyes. Her injured leg and left hand were both throbbing. She only remembered injuring her thigh. “Donnall?” She shook their joined hands and he let out a soft snore and moved closer to her. “Donnall, wake up.”

  “Cadence? Praise the gods.” Donnall sat up and touched her forehead. “Your fever broke last night and it still seems to be gone.” He brushed her messy hair off her face and tried to finger comb the tangles gently.

  “Why does my hand hurt?” She still felt a big groggy, like a wrung out dish towel.

  “Bree gave you a special needle.”

  “Bree is here?” Cadence’s eyes shot wide in excitement. That explained why she felt so much better.

  “She’s been here caring for you for three days now. It was a near thing, she almost had to take you home.”

  “Don’t be silly, Donnall. I am home.” Moone Castle had always felt like home, she had just been too stubborn to admit it was because of Donnall.

  “Do you mean that, my beauty?”

  “I do. It was foolish of me not to tell you how I felt about you until it was almost too late.” She would spend the rest of her life righting that wrong, telling him she loved him every chance she got.

  “It does not matter when you said the words in your heart, only that you said them. How do you feel?”

  “Tired and thirsty and in need of a kiss from my handsome barbarian.”

  “I’ll go find you a handsome barbarian for you to kiss.” Donnall pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.

  “I love you so much, Donnall. Thank you for saving me and for taking such good care of me.”

  “I love you too, little mouse. I’ve barely left your bedside. Do you remember much of the last few days?”

  “Only bits and pieces, but I know you’ve been here for me.”

  “Fionn and Carter have made me take some breaks. They take me to the stables to see to Atlas and I’ve been showing Jilly how to shoot her tiny bow. She wants to be just like her brave Auntie Cadence, that is when she doesn’t want to be a healer like her Auntie Bree.”

  “How is Bree liking it here in 1433?”

  “She hates it,” Donnall said sadly. Which was actually putting it mildly. “Every other word out of Bree’s mouth is to call something primitive.”

  “Has she met Islynn yet?” It would be interesting to see how Bree would react to hearing tales of living past lives.

  “Only in passing. I think Islynn was hanging back while you were sick.”

  “Maybe Islynn will help her decide to stay. What happened with Fionn and William?”

  “It took a lot of prodding from me, Carter and Fianna, but Fionn finally agreed to let him stay. Surprisingly, he went along with William’s plan to tell the remaining English soldiers he was dead. So now they are bringing news of William’s death back to England.”

  “How is Fee?” Cadence would always feel guilty for allowing Fianna to follow her out onto the battlefield.

  “She is good as new and showing her battle scar off to everyone who asks after her health. You trained one hell of a warrior.”

  “It just goes to show you women can be anything t
hey want to be.”

  “But who would have thought Fianna would become a warrior?”

  Cadence laughed, wincing in pain.

  “Do you want me to go get Bree?”

  “Not just yet. I like lying here in bed with you even if it’s not very romantic.”

  “Lying with you in my arms is always romantic. I would have us stay like this for the rest of our lives.”

  Cadence gasped. “What are you saying, Donnall?”

  “I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. I want to be the father to your strong sons and beautiful daughters. I want to take my last breath safe in your arms. I want you to be my wife.”

  “What if I want beautiful sons and strong daughters?” Her smile was dazzling.

  “You may have anything in my power to give you, so long as you’re by my side. Will you marry me, Cadence?”

  Cadence took a shaky breath and reached up to touch Donnall’s face. “I was so happy for Carter when he found his soulmate. It’s been amazing to see how Fionn cares for him and loves Carter with his whole being. I never thought I’d find that kind of love,” Cadence paused to wipe away the tears swamping her vision, “But, I did find it. I found my own Anam cara in you, Donnall.”

  Donnall looked confused. “If I am your Anam cara, does that mean you will become my wife?”

  Cadence laughed. “Of course it does, silly barbarian.”


  One Month Later…

  “Donnall stop fussing over me, I’m fine.” Cadence slapped out at his hands which were tucking a blanket around her. She had been up and out of bed for two weeks now and even though she was getting stronger each day, Donnall still worried over her like a nervous mother hen. He sighed and sat in the chair next to hers.

  Everyone was gathered around the fireplace in the great hall to discuss the best way to celebrate the upcoming winter solstice. The Celts celebrated the day after the solstice to mark the rebirth of the sun after the shortest day of the year.

  “I suppose celebrating Christmas is out of the question?” William winked at Fianna from across the room.

  “You are more than welcome to celebrate Christmas back in England.” Fianna smirked back at him.

  “You wound me, my pretty. And here I thought as your hero you would worship the ground I walked on.”

  “How many more times must we hear about how you rescued Fianna from her tiny scratch?” Sarcasm dripped from Fionn’s tone.

  “Tiny scratch?” Fianna yelled, yanking the neck of her dress down to expose the jagged scar trailing down her arm from her shoulder. “It’s seven inches long and nearly travels to my elbow.”

  “And such a pretty elbow at that,” William gushed.

  “You will stop looking at my sister’s naked elbow this instant,” Fionn roared, startling Cardinn who was lying on a fluffy blanket on the floor playing with a small stuffed lion Bree had brought with her from the future. The little boy started to cry.

  “Poor little man.” William scooped him up and cuddled him against his chest. “You’re Da is so loud, I’m surprised they can’t hear him in England.”

  “Put my son down this instant.” Fionn bit his lip to keep from smiling.

  “Fionn, I didn’t limp out of bed and all the way down the stairs to sit and listen to you yell at William.” Cadence snorted when Will stuck his tongue out at Fionn and started making funny faces at the baby who giggled.

  “That’s right little lad, Uncle Will loves you.” Will dropped a wink at Carter who was trying hard not to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.

  “I think we should have a big feast. We have a lot to celebrate,” Donnall kissed the back of Cadence’s hand.

  “I’m looking forward to getting back to work in the kitchens.”

  “You work in the kitchen?” Bree asked, stunned.

  “I used to bake bread with my mother when I was a girl and started doing it again when I came to Moone. It’s my small way of giving back for all Moone and Fionn have given to me.”

  “Yes, but aren’t you looking forward to getting back home to Boston and the university?” Bree’s tone was serious.

  “Moone Castle is my home now. Donnall asked me to marry him when my fever broke and I said yes.”

  The room erupted into cheers. Carter ran over to hug his sister and his brother-in-law-to-be. Cadence couldn’t help but notice the sad look on Bree’s face and the way Islynn took a step toward her before backing off.

  “Wait, why did you wait a month before telling anyone you were engaged?” Carter looked stunned.

  “I was still recovering from my injury and we wanted a little time alone together to work out our differences.”

  “Cadence told me how our marriage would work and I agreed.” Donnall winked at Cadence.

  “Just as it should be!” Fianna laughed at the shocked look on Donnall’s face before turning to Cadence’s sister. “I wish you would give Moone a chance Bree,” Fianna said with a smile. “I just know we’re going to be fast friends.”

  “That’s exactly what you said to me.” Cadence smiled at her friend, remembering the day they’d met. Fianna had been a lifeline when being thrown five hundred years into the past was threatening to overwhelm her. Fianna had been true to her word.

  “I meant every word then as I do now. Stay with us, Bree,” Fianna urged.

  “I’ll be here for a few more weeks to make sure Cadence is all healed and has a nifty battle scar to show off alongside yours, Fee.”

  Carter was about to protest when Aggie came into the great hall carrying a tray filled with food.

  “I made you those meat pies you are so fond of, Cadence. You are nearly skin and bones after your injury. Donnall, make sure she eats at least two of these. The quicker you get your strength back, the quicker I’ll have my best baker back in the kitchen.”

  Donnall hurried over to the table and put two pies on a plate for Cadence returning to her and setting the plate down on her lap.

  The second Cadence caught the scent of the rabbit pies, her stomach turned and threatened to revolt. She put a hand over her mouth and gagged loudly.

  “Are you okay?” Donnall hovered over her, slapping a hand to her forehead, presumably feeling to see if the fever returned.

  “Take these pies away, they’re making me sick.” She held out the plate to him and tried taking shallow breaths through her nose.

  “I thought those pies were your favorite?” Bree asked curiously.

  “They are. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve been asking Aggie to make those for me since I started feeling better. Now the smell of them is turning my stomach.”

  Bree raised an eyebrow. “When was the last time you had your monthly visitor?”

  “Maybe two weeks before the battle. Come to think of it, it’s late. Do you think my injury delayed it?”

  Bree laughed, shaking her head. “No, I think what happened the night before the battle delayed it.”

  “No, that’s not possible. We were only together once…” Cadence looked up at Donnall who was wearing a look of complete confusion.

  “It only takes once, Cadence. I guess that means my trip home will be delayed even longer.”

  “Bree, stop speaking in riddles, what is all this talk about delays?” Donnall shot a look at Fionn who shrugged his shoulders in obvious confusion.

  “Bree is going to stay with us until the baby is born,” Carter said, wearing a goofy grin.

  “What baby?” Donnall looked at Cadence who had started to cry. “Will someone please tell me what in hell is going on?”

  Cadence swiped away the happy tears that wouldn’t stop flowing down her face. “You’re going to be a father, irritable barbarian.”

  Donnall got down on his knees in front of Cadence’s chair. “A father? Me?”

  “Yes, you.” Cadence leaned forward to kiss him.

  “I’m going to be a father!” Donnall stood up and hugged a startled Bree before moving on to hug Fionn and the
n Carter. Cadence couldn’t help notice the happy tears cascading from Islynn’s icy blue eyes. Her friend had nine months to make Bree fall in love with her. She only hoped Islynn wouldn’t run out of time.

  Book three, Time After Time, featuring Islynn and Bree will be available in May 2016. Book four, Time And Chance featuring Fianna and William will be available in July 2016. Send me a friend request on Facebook or follow me on Twitter to find out when these books are available for pre-order.

  If you loved Cadence and Donnall’s story, and are interested in reading Carter and Fionn’s journey, book one in the Out Of Time Series, Time And Time Again, is available on Amazon.

  You can find all of my books here:


  This is the first MF romance novel I’ve written although I’ve been reading them since I was fifteen years old thanks to my liberal-minded mother. Thank you so much for giving me the gift of books. As usual, you edited this book with your usual style and grace as well as serving as my historical advisor.

  It took a while to find my footing with this book. Between figuring out the MF dynamic and working to hear Donnall and Cadence’s voices, I really struggled with this story at times. Dani, you were there at every twist and turn, reassuring me I could do this and you were right! It is a pleasure brainstorming with you. I know you love these characters as much as I do. Thank you so much for loving me and for always knowing how to get my characters into or out of sticky situations!

  I need to thank my father for his help with the archery scenes in this book. He was very helpful with how to stand and fire and with telling me about the use of the archer’s dominant eye.

  I would like to thank Mark Wills and all of the wonderful people at Sinfully Gay Romance Book Reviews. Mark gave Time And Time Again an amazing review on his blog that still has me in happy tears every time I read it. Check out Mark’s blog at:


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