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Lord Hunter (Secrets & Scandals Book 6)

Page 20

by Tiffany Green

  Her words had Sean turning from the window. He gave a nod. “Beneath the lid was a carving. Box one of three it read.”

  Emma nodded. “The box was small enough for each to carry one from the ship.”

  Sean leaned forward. “They must have hidden the others along the map route. How many areas did you explore?”

  She shook her head. “Just the first and last. There are two…” Her brows rose. “That must be where the other boxes are.”

  Excitement flashed in Sean’s eyes. “Yes.”

  Emma’s mind whirled with plans the entire way back to London. She was eager to begin the search for the other boxes. Even Sean’s mood had improved with discussions of where they should start.

  As the coach stopped before Lucian’s enormous town home, a horse raced to them. Lucian handed her down, and she turned to see Jeremy sliding to the ground. He grinned at them. “Congratulations.” Then his grin slid away and he glanced to Lucian. “I must speak to you in private. It’s important.”

  Emma hated secrets. She planted her knuckles on her hips. “If it is that important, Jeremy, you must tell me as well.”

  Lucian flashed her a smile. “She is right. I will not keep secrets from my wife.”

  Jeremy shook his head. “You will think differently once I tell you,” he grumbled.

  Now, Emma had to know. “Tell us, Jeremy.”

  With a slow breath, Jeremy squared his shoulders. “Renfield has escaped from Newgate.”

  Chapter 22

  In excruciating detail, Lucian saw Emma get struck on the dinghy. The blood drenching her clothes as her eyes rolled white and she collapsed in his arms. For seven days, he worried himself sick, unable to help her. The loss of blood combined with the high fever could have taken her at any moment. For the first time since his mother had been so ill, Lucian prayed. He got down on his hands and knees and begged God not to take Emma.

  Now, that bastard Renfield had escaped. Would the man take a ship, leave and never return? Or would he seek revenge and come after Emma?

  Lucian would take no chances. He pulled his wife close to his side, gazing from the dark street to the manicured lawn beside the drive. “Come, we must get you inside.” He did not recognize his low, rough voice.

  Emma glanced up, about to argue, no doubt, but snapped her mouth closed when she saw his face.

  Evans held the door open, waiting for them. Butter yellow light spilled from the front door, outlining the man’s form in the entryway. He bowed as they neared. “Lord and Lady Hartford. Welcome home.”

  Lucian spared the man a brief nod, his mind whirring with plans. He would have to fortify the house, triple the security, and see to it Emma did not step one foot outdoors until Renfield had been recaptured. The last thought made him grimace, for he knew that was the hardest task of them all.

  He stopped at the stairs, Sean and Samir a step behind. The servants had formed a line on each side, waiting to receive their new mistress. Evans would see to the introductions. Now, he had more important matters. He glanced to Jeremy and nodded to his study down the hall.

  Inclining his head, Jeremy moved away.

  Lucian glanced at Emma, watching the scowl build on his wife’s beautiful face. “After Evans makes the introductions, he will show you to your room. Rest before dinner. I will not be long.”

  “I would like to hear what you and Jeremy plan to do,” she said.

  He took her hands. The show of affection in front of servants was improper, but so was arguing in their presence. His lips twitched at the thought of how soon they’d come to learn of Lady Hartford’s unconventional ways. “I will tell you.” He squeezed her hands. “After you have rested. You look tired.”

  “I should be there to help you plan.”

  He settled a finger against her lips, knowing many eyes were bulging. “Hush, minx. Rest first, we will talk later.” Then he turned her to Evans and inclined his head.

  After a low bow, Evans stepped forward. “Lady Hartford, I present you to the staff.”

  While the introductions began, Lucian moved away. Hearing heavy footsteps behind him, he turned and groaned when he saw Sean following. “You didn’t think I would stay out of this, did you, Hartford?”

  One stubborn Wickham was more than he could stand. But two? Lucian shook his head and stepped into his study. Jeremy, cradling a brandy, did not seem surprised to see Sean. He took a sip, then narrowed his eyes when Lucian closed the door. “I was certain you’d not talk Emma out of coming.”

  Storming to the liquor cart, he poured himself a brandy. “Had she not been so tired, I would have lost the argument.”

  Jeremy flashed a grin. “Without doubt.”

  Lucian turned to Sean and lifted the brandy decanter in silent offering. The man’s eyes went wide and he shook his head. Emma spoke of their father having a problem with liquor, perhaps the son suffered the same affliction. He set the decanter down and brought his drink to his desk, nodding the others take the leather seats on the other side.

  “What do you know?” he asked Jeremy as soon as the man sat.

  “Renfield was in his cell when they brought his morning meal. Checking on him two hours later, he was sleeping on his cot. But when he didn’t rouse when the guards brought the evening meal, they grew suspicious.”

  Lucian leaned forward. “What did they find?”

  Jeremy sipped his brandy. “Turning him from the wall, they found one of the morning guards, knocked unconscious, dressed in Renfield’s clothes.”

  Lucian gritted his teeth. “The other morning guard?”

  Nodding, Jeremy confirmed his suspicions. “Was paid a good amount of blunt. Found the man at London dock, trying to board one of Kenbrook’s ships. He confessed to helping Renfield escape.”

  Lucian’s fist came down hard on the desk. “Does he know where Renfield is hiding?”

  Jeremy shook his head. “The man watched Renfield secure a hack and that was the last he saw of him.”

  Scooping up his brandy, Lucian took a large gulp. The stinging warmth numbed some of the turmoil within. “We must watch everyone Renfield knows.”


  Lucian lifted his gaze, his heart settling back into place. How did England’s most notorious rogue ever become so competent? He shook his head. The man was a complete mystery.

  “What should we do now?” Sean asked.

  “I’ve sent men to watch Renfield’s estate.” Jeremy frowned. “Although I do not think he would return, knowing that is the first place we will look.”

  Sean shifted in his seat. “Surely, the man will leave the country. He cannot be stupid enough to stay here and get caught.”

  Lucian leaned back in his chair, a terrible thought occurring. If Renfield never got caught, Lucian would always look over his shoulder and wonder if that was the day the bastard would return. He’d worry himself into knots each time Emma left the house. He’d have to have her watched every minute of the day, which she would hate. Her life would turn into a prison.

  Would she come to regret their marriage? Would she be like Rebecca and never be happy?

  With an unsteady hand, Lucian reached for his brandy and took a long pull. Then, another thought occurred and he lowered the snifter to his desk with a thump.

  Jeremy glanced up, eyes sharpening on him. “You thought of something. What?”

  Lucian slid a glance to Sean and back. “There’s more gold. Renfield would not miss the opportunity to come for it.”

  Jeremy smiled. “We can set a trap.”

  Sean narrowed his eyes. “How do we let Renfield know without telling half of England about the gold?”

  “It’s the only way,” Jeremy said.

  “But, if word gets out, everyone will come,” Sean said.

  “Not if we find the gold before telling half of England.”

  Lucian’s shoulders stiffened at the sound of his wife’s voice. He glanced around Sean’s wide shoulders to the doorway. Emma stood there, arms crossed, sc

  Everyone rose to their feet as she closed the door and moved forward.

  “Emma, you should be resting,” he chided.

  Stopping at the side of his desk, she tipped her face up to him, her brows half drawn. “You think I could rest when I knew what you were discussing in here?” She shook her head, that wayward curl caressing her shoulder. “Not a chance.”

  Sean cleared his throat. “I think you’ve come up with an excellent plan, Em. We find the gold before telling anyone else. Then set the trap for Renfield.”

  Emma nodded. “I will let Samir know we leave at first light.”

  Lucian’s hands balled at his sides. “You aren’t going anywhere.”

  Emma turned, rebellion sparkling in her eyes. “I am not staying behind. You need me in case the coordinates require adjustment.”

  “Must you be so stubborn?” He leaned forward. “No. That is my final word on the matter.”

  Emma arched her brow, turned to her brother, then marched for the door.

  Confused, Lucian glanced from the open doorway, to Sean, then to Jeremy. He crossed his arms. “Will someone please explain what just happened?”

  Jeremy shook his head, failing to hide his grin. “That, old man, was you losing an argument.”

  He almost gasped. Turning to Sean, he said, “Tell me Jeremy is wrong. Emma isn’t planning to go, is she?”

  Sean cleared his throat. “I am afraid I must agree with the marquess.” He walked around the desk and slapped Lucian on the shoulder. “I’ve known Emma all her life. When she sets her mind to something, there is no stopping her. That is why Jonah and I had to sneak away from Hartford before dawn.” Then he turned to the door. “I will inform Samir,” he said as he walked from the room.

  Jeremy threw back his drink then set the empty snifter on the table. “Evie expects me for dinner. I should go.” He stopped at the door and glanced over his shoulder. “We will keep her safe, Lucian. See you in the morning.”

  Lucian mopped a hand down his face. He had promised to keep her safe once before, and look how that turned out. Setting his shoulders, he would try again to dissuade her from going. With a deep breath, he marched from his study, up the stairs, and to the door before his own bedroom. With a shaky hand, he knocked.

  How ridiculous to knock on a door within his own house, but Lucian stood there, waiting for his wife to permit him entrance.

  Instead of calling to enter, Emma opened the door. From her raising brows, she hadn’t expected him. Then her eyes narrowed. “You aren’t changing my mind, Lucian.”

  “May I come in?”

  Something flickered in her eyes as her hand tightened on the wood, then she stepped back.

  He closed the door behind him, his gaze sweeping the pretty room. Ivory silk wallpaper with painted lavender orchids, a carved marble fireplace, and delicate furnishings that matched the wallpaper. Lucian hadn’t seen the room in years. Rebecca refused the room from the onset, having her own apartment at the other end of the house, of course. Most often, though, he remained at his cousin’s house while Jack fought false murder charges. Was easier to manage Ravenwood from there. Of course, Rebecca would follow him there to gloat about her newest lover. She had to have an audience for her hideous behavior.

  Unlike his current wife, who moved to the window, arms wound around her body. She did nothing for attention. His lips quirked, remembering how she disguised herself as a boy.

  Something pulled him forward. Like a moth drawn to flame, Lucian went to Emma. He wrapped his arms around her and breathed in roses.

  She stiffened in his arms. “You are not changing my mind.”

  Lucian turned her around. His thumbs slid back and forth across her shoulders. “I cannot lose you,” he said, his voice raw with emotion. He swallowed hard. “It would kill me.”

  Her eyes softened, losing some of glinting rebellion. Emma lifted her hand and settled it against his cheek. “You will not lose me, Lucian. Now or ever.”

  “I don’t want you…” His words trailed away when she rose up on her toes and pressed her lips to his.

  Something exploded inside him. With a low groan, he pulled Emma to his chest and kissed her with all the love he felt for her. She returned his kisses, hot and wild. Long and deep. Urgent. Her fingers slid into his hair, driving him to the brink of madness. Making him hard as marble.

  His hands worked the tiny buttons of her dress, tearing away the last few. He had to feel her skin against his. Had to sink into her heat. For so long, he’d dreamed of this moment. At last, he would make Emma his. His cock strained against his pants, pulsating in time with his pounding heart.

  As he worked to shed her clothes, she peeled his away. Lucian shrugged out of his coat and kicked away his shoes. She unbuttoned his waistcoat and shirt, then slid her cool hands against his heated skin. He squeezed his eyes shut, hissing out a sigh.

  Emma stilled. “Am I hurting you?” she whispered.

  He popped open his eyes and swallowed back a groan. Seeing Emma in the translucent material of her chemise with the lamplight behind her had him itching to throw her on the bed. Her breasts were full and round, the nipples hard, begging for his mouth. He drew in a breath. Slow. He had to go slow.

  “Lucian?” Her hands fell to her sides.

  Clearing his throat to get his voice to work, he reached for her hands. “You are not hurting me.” He settled her palms against his skin. “I am rather enjoying your touch.”

  Her lips spread into a long, slow, saucy smile. “That makes two of us.”

  “Minx,” he whispered before his lips came down on hers.

  Lucian drew the pins from her hair. The thick, soft mass spread over his arms. He drew back to see her. A goddess. Her red-brown hair spilled down her shoulders in shimmering waves to her tiny waist. The light of the lamp drew out the red, making ruby tresses dance with her every move. Thank God she did not walk around with her hair down. If men didn’t get hard looking at her before, they would if they saw her like this.

  Her right brow arched. “You are overdressed, my lord.”

  His cock jumped. He shed his shirt and watched fire leap to her eyes.

  Lucian gave her chemise a pointed look. “Your turn.”

  She hesitated for a moment then pulled the thin material over her head and let it slide from her fingers. Seeing her in naught but her stockings made his mouth go dry. Then his eyes found the red scar low on her belly and his breath caught. Guilt stabbed him in the heart.

  Emma frowned. “What is wrong?” She tried to cover her body with her arms. “Am I that hideous?”

  “God, no.” He stepped to her and pulled her arms away. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

  “Then what…?” Her eyes widened. “The scar.” Her hand rose to his cheek. “You must cease with the guilt, Lucian.” She rose up and pressed a kiss to his lips.

  He groaned when her arms folded around his neck. The feel of her breasts plastered against his bare chest had him hot and hard, throbbing against the barrier of his pants. She made a sound of encouragement and he could not help but rub his swollen shaft against her.

  Out of breath, she pulled away. “Your turn,” she said, nodding to his breeches. “I want to see all of you.”

  He tried to keep his fingers steady as he worked the buttons. When his cock sprang out, Emma’s eyes went wide, but she said nothing. He stepped out of his pants and stood before her naked, letting her drink in her fill. It was bloody torture. But he wanted her to set the pace. Else he’d throw her on her back and rut like a stag.

  Cheeks flushed, eyes aflame, she gave him a siren’s smile. “I think you should take me to the bed now.”

  God. He closed his eyes a moment, trying to cool his ardor enough to keep from hurting her, but it was damned difficult. His feet moved on their own. His arms reached for her and pulled her to him. Silk wasn’t as soft as her skin. She was made for him.

  She gasped when he lifted her into his arms and carri
ed her across the room. “Where are we going?” she asked when he walked by the bed.

  He opened the door that connected this room with his. “My…” He stopped and shook his head. “Our bed.” He turned and gave her a pointed look. “You may dress in the other room, but here is where you will sleep.”

  Emma gave him a tremendous smile. “I would like that very much.”

  He settled her down on the center of his bed. Slow. God, this would kill him. With shaking fingers, he drew off her stockings. Then Lucian moved beside her on the bed and pulled her to him. His hands explored everywhere. Emma made little chirps and sighs when he found the places she liked most. He slid his lips from hers and moved down her neck, nipping and kissing. When he came to her breast, she gave a long groan. He drew one hard nipple in his mouth, his tongue flicking against the pebbled tip. She went still, then raised her hands, weaving her fingers in his hair.

  God, the feel of her massaging his scalp drove him to the brink.

  Lucian grazed her hip with his fingers then went lower. He had to feel her. As he continued to suck on her breast, he inched between her legs. He could hear her pants and moans, urging him to keep going. When he met her curls, already drenched, his cock bucked hard, demanding fulfillment. He moved to her other breast, and when he drew the nipple into his mouth, he slid a finger into her hot core.

  Emma gave a soft cry and spread her legs. She wiggled, wanting more. He pulled out and slid back in, her hips moving to the rhythm he set. Lucian knew she was on the brink. He could feel the way she coiled like a clock spring. Her hands stilled and fisted in his hair.

  Wanting to please her above anything else, he pressed his thumb to her tender nub and rubbed, then slipped a second finger into her. She stiffened for a moment, then cried out as her inner muscles tightened around his fingers and began to pulsate.

  Lucian lifted his gaze and watched her face. Head thrown back, she drew in a shaky breath and opened her eyes. Dark with passion, sensual, exquisite, she stared at him a moment. Then her brow quirked. “Come here, Lucian,” she said in a soft, husky voice.


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