Book Read Free

Cleats in Clay

Page 35

by Jackson Cordd

  Bobby shrugged. “Who knows?”

  Tuck looked over the sleek lines of the gorgeous green automobile. He decided this beautiful vehicle should never be referred to as a mere “car.” This was a work of art on wheels. “Can I drive it?”

  “Sure,” Bobby said. “I guess I’m too practical at heart. Never did get a hard-on over it the way Nate did.”

  Tuck could hardly take his gaze away as Bobby walked over to the wall and grabbed another tarp.

  “Might as well see it all,” Bobby said, and he uncovered the blue motorcycle.

  Tuck glanced over at the bike and then did a double-take as his jaw dropped open. “Is that a fuckin’ Timmin’s Cycle?”

  “Yeah,” Bobby said as he looked down at the blue machine. “That name sounds right.” Something about that blue nagged at him. That sky blue. And the green car. That grass green.

  “You’ve gotta be shittin’ me,” Tuck muttered as he approached the motorcycle. “Do you know how rare these are? Each one is individually custom-made, by hand,” Tuck cooed as he ran his fingers along the pectoral-like curve of the upper tank. “The guy even had his own reality show for a while.”

  Bobby looked up into Tuck’s eyes as he admired the motorcycle with the car framed behind him. Then that worming thought suddenly burst forth into the light. The car was the same color as Tuck’s eyes. He looked over at the bike again. That sky blue was the color of Odis’s eyes. “Oh fuck me,” he muttered, trying not to laugh again.

  “What now?” Tuck asked in an almost exasperated tone.

  Bobby pointed over at the car. “Don’t you ever look in the mirror?”

  Tuck’s brow furrowed in puzzlement as he glanced back at the Maserati. “Of course.”

  “Nothing familiar about that green?” Bobby hinted.

  Tuck still looked puzzled.

  “Or maybe that blue?” Bobby asked as he pointed to the Timmin’s.

  “Not really,” Tuck said as he shook his head.

  “Eyes,” Bobby hinted more strongly, but Tuck still didn’t seem to get it. “Odie’s eyes.” He pointed back at the Maserati. “Your eyes.”

  “Oh,” Tuck said as the realization and its implications crept over him. “Loki’s nuts.”

  Bobby laughed. “So I guess you can drive your car home, but what should we do about Odie’s motorcycle?”

  Tuck glanced over at the Prius. “You sure ya want that one?”

  “I like my car,” Bobby said with a firm nod. “Not giving it up.”

  “Well,” Tuck thought aloud, “I suppose we could rent one of those smaller trucks with enough room for the Timmin’s Cycle and whatever personal things ya wanna bring. Then get a car dolly and bring the Prius along behind it.”

  “That could work,” Bobby agreed.

  Tuck grinned as he glanced around the garage. “So what other treasures ya got hidden away?”

  Bobby grinned. “You haven’t seen the Blu-ray collection yet. Or the library.”

  “Fuckin’ library?” Tuck teased as he followed Bobby back into the house.

  Going across the living room to another short hall, Bobby led Tuck to a smaller room. All four walls were lined with neatly arranged bookshelves.

  Tuck looked around at the array of books. “Gods, have you read all these?”

  “Only about half,” Bobby said from the doorway. Tuck looked back and noticed the calendar hanging on the wall next to the door. It displayed January of 2010, which drew Tuck in for a closer look, since it seemed odd they would have such an out-of-date artifact displayed in the room. Then he saw the picture at the top showed Bobby sitting on a dugout bench, his chest shirtless and glistening as he pulled his leg up as if he was preparing to tie his cleat. The angle also showed off his firm ass hidden in the tight baseball pants.

  “We did those for the children’s hospital every year,” Bobby explained with a shrug. “Kind of a fund-raiser thing for them. Nate saved that one because I was the ‘cover boy’ that year.”

  “Really nice picture,” Tuck complimented as he waggled his eyebrows.

  Bobby grinned. “If you like that one, you should see July.”

  Tuck grinned. “I’ll come have a closer look tomorrow,” he said as he stepped past Bobby into the hall. “It’s getting late. We should call Odie and get to bed.”

  “Sure,” Bobby agreed, taking Tuck’s arm, and pulled him farther along to the end of the hall, where it opened up into a glass-enclosed room. “And this is the solarium.”

  Tuck gaped at the huge solar space. One side was cluttered with weights, machines, and other workout equipment. On the other side, he saw the narrow pool, which seemed to be shaped for swimming laps. Tuck thought it seemed like the kind of space you might find in a fancy hotel.

  “To bed,” Bobby said as he tugged at his arm again.

  Tuck followed him through the house and back up the stairs. “Ya sure you wanna leave all this? Seems like a helluva house to me….”

  “I’m sure,” Bobby said as they approached the guest room. “I can’t look anywhere without seeing Nate.”

  “Oh. Right.”

  Bobby went over to the phone and the business card before remembering Odis was probably at Tuck’s apartment. “Your number’s not on here,” he remarked.

  Tuck stepped over to the nightstand and grabbed the receiver before dialing his number and handing the phone to Bobby. While Bobby chatted with Odis, Tuck went down the hall to the bathroom.

  WHEN he returned a few moments later, Tuck found Bobby already off the phone and undressing. He leaned against the doorframe and watched as Bobby slid off his T-shirt, and enjoyed the slight ripple of the muscles along Bobby’s bare back and spine as Bobby bent down and removed his left sock. The man was hot enough to melt the cover of any calendar he posed for, and he didn’t even seem to know it.

  Bobby quickly yanked around like he sensed an audience. “Hey,” he said playfully as he bent down and slipped off his other sock, wriggling his ass a little this time and drawing a smile from Tuck.

  Maybe the man did know it. “So how’s Odie?” Tuck asked, not trying to hide the appreciative happiness growing in his boxers.

  “Sounded chipper. They came out and took measurements for the glass and are installing it tomorrow. Said the studio is fine and he spent half the day there, but power’s still out.” Bobby glanced down at Tuck’s bulging boxer-briefs.

  “That’s promising.”

  Bobby playfully smiled. “You plan on sleeping in the doorway?”

  “No,” Tuck said without moving as he fought a grin. He looked down at the jogging pants Bobby still had on. “Maybe I need some enticement.”

  Looking back at the growing boxer-briefs, Bobby grinned. “Looks like you’re pretty enticed already.”

  “Not totally,” Tuck teased. “Still needs more work.”

  “Yeah.” Bobby smirked. “Forgot you’re an old man.”

  Tuck smirked back. “Better be careful what ya say, young’un. I noticed another bedroom across the hall,” he said, peering back over his shoulder for emphasis. “I might just end up in there.”

  Bobby chuckled. “Well, guess we couldn’t have that,” he said as he walked up. “Wouldn’t be very neighborly for me to make ya sleep alone.”

  “Not the least neighborly at all,” Tuck agreed, trying to keep a firm face.

  Bobby held Tuck’s gaze as he stepped closer and reached out both hands, using his fingertips to ever so lightly tease along the pectoral lines under Tuck’s nipples. The excited little inhaling sound Tuck made sent a shiver through Bobby. “Have I ever told you what a great chest you have?”

  “Once. Or twice. I think,” Tuck replied with rapid breaths as Bobby teased his fingers around his nipples and across the top of the muscles to his armpits. As he felt Bobby gently explore, Tuck held his gaze. “Is that all ya like? My chest?”

  “Top three, or maybe top five,” Bobby said as he looked into Tuck’s eyes. “Somewhere on the list.”

what else? Is on this list?” Tuck asked as he relaxed further back against the doorframe, bringing his head a little closer to Bobby’s eye level.

  “Your eyes,” Bobby said as he peered into them and glided his hands back to the front of Tuck’s chest. “Your ass, those little dimples in your buttcheeks.”

  Tuck reached out and brushed his hands down Bobby’s sides all the way down to his hips. “And what about my prick?”

  “Way too big to be called a prick,” Bobby said as he brought his hands together and lightly slid his fingers down the center of Tuck’s abs. “That word always makes me think of a needle.”

  “No,” Tuck said nearly in a hiss as Bobby’s hands slid farther down. “Not a needle.”

  Still holding Tuck’s gaze, Bobby spread his hands and moved them under the waistband of his boxer-briefs, carefully avoiding the pubic area. “It’s a very ample cock,” Bobby said without touching it.

  “Would ya like? To feel how ample?” Tuck asked with ragged breaths as Bobby’s hands teased down his thighs inside his boxers.

  “I would.”

  Tuck slid his hands inside Bobby’s jogging pants and lightly massaged his glutes. “I’d like to show you.”

  “Just need to be slow. I haven’t ever bottomed anyone quite your size.”

  Still holding Bobby’s gaze, Tuck leaned forward and kissed him with tenderness and warmth. “I’ll give you whatever you need,” he breathed into Bobby’s ear.

  Holding firmly to Tuck’s hips, Bobby pulled him toward the bed while sharing another kiss. When he neared the edge, Bobby slid his hands over Tuck’s legs, pushing the boxer-briefs down to his knees as Tuck worked the sweatpants past his butt. Each man took over removing the rest of his clothes. Bobby sat on the edge of the bed, using only his tongue to tease at the swelling and protruding head of Tuck’s cock, pushing the foreskin further back.

  “Oh, stud,” Tuck moaned as he grinned at Bobby. “You make me want you right now.”

  After a teasing nibble at the tip of Tuck’s very ready member, Bobby grabbed the lube off the nightstand and slid back onto the bed. He pulled up his knees and used his own lubed fingers to open and loosen himself.

  “Gods, you don’t know how hot a sight that is,” Tuck told him as he kneeled onto the bed.

  “Not trying to be hot,” Bobby said as Tuck took the lube from his hand.

  Tuck chuckled. “Ya don’t hafta try at all,” Tuck complimented with a gentle coo as his larger fingers took over the job of preparing Bobby’s sphincter before he slathered up his swollen prick.

  As Tuck lined up and pushed his cock in, Bobby tried not to wince. “You’re so damn big,” he said with a relaxing exhale.

  Tuck pulled back. “Ya don’t hafta prove anything.”

  “Don’t stop,” Bobby nearly begged with another deep breath. “I’m just commenting.”

  After lining up again, Tuck pushed inside and paused before sliding farther and submerging the whole head of his cock within Bobby. He hesitated when Bobby took another deep breath.

  Bobby lifted his feet and started to wrap them around Tuck’s waist just below his ribs before he remembered the Easter-egg bruise. He lifted his right leg further, nestling back into the bed as he placed his right ankle over Tuck’s shoulder.

  “Limber,” Tuck commented as he leaned forward and slowly pushed himself deeper into Bobby.

  “You don’t have to be that slow,” Bobby urged as he pulled Tuck closer with his feet and brought his ass up to meet Tuck.

  Tuck slid his knees forward and, with a quicker thrust, buried himself the rest of the way into Bobby.

  Looking into Tuck’s eyes, Bobby panted as he grinned. “That’s more like it.”

  Putting his hand on Bobby’s shoulder, Tuck tried to lean down enough for a kiss, but the pangs from his bruised side made him stop short. Bobby curled his neck up enough for their noses to brush together.

  “Sorry, I can’t get close enough to kiss you,” Tuck said.

  Bobby smiled as he nestled back. Just feeling Tuck so amply inside him was more than enough. “I’ll pretend like you are, then. Giving me one of those sparking kisses.”

  Tuck pulled back and slid forward calmly and carefully a few times while watching Bobby’s eyes. Bobby put his hands on Tuck’s thighs and rubbed firmly, urging him on. Surprised at himself, Tuck already felt near the edge. Tuck asked, “How much do you need?” as he slid back in at a higher angle, searching for the sweet spot.

  “Oh shit,” Bobby whispered when Tuck found it on his next stroke. “Not much.”

  Angling down for two harder and longer thrusts, Tuck brought himself closer, then pushed back up for Bobby’s spot again. A fervent moan and the sparkle in Bobby’s eyes let Tuck know his aim was true. He watched Bobby’s face as he alternated his longer and shorter strokes, working himself and Bobby closer. He saw the veins in Bobby’s neck start pulsing as his eyes began glazing over.

  “Oh, now,” Bobby nearly begged. “I’m—”

  Tuck punched at the sweet spot twice as he wrapped his hand around Bobby’s cock, but he had to let go when he couldn’t brace himself properly on his casted arm. He tried to reposition, but his orgasm wouldn’t wait and overwhelmed him with little warning. “Oh fuck,” he choked out as his cock swelled and his body stiffened, his spewing spasms squirting inside Bobby, one after another. His back muscles loosened and turned to jelly, tumbling him forward and almost collapsing him on top of Bobby.

  “Shit, Tuck. Oh God,” Bobby hissed out as he jacked himself one quick stroke and came, gushing all over his own stomach.

  Tuck managed to roll them sideways instead of squishing on top of Bobby as he continued pulsing inside of him. “Shit,” he whispered again.

  Bobby rolled onto his back without dislodging Tuck’s still swollen cock. “Damn, Tuck,” Bobby muttered between panting breaths as Tuck’s cock spasmed again.

  “Sorry,” Tuck replied meekly. “I was having a little trouble with the cast,” he said as he shifted on the bed to get a more comfortable angle.

  “Shut up,” Bobby teased. “Not talking about that. Do you always come like that?”

  Tuck withdrew his softening self and scooted up next to Bobby’s side. “Like what?”

  “Like—shit,” Bobby whispered. “I’ve never felt somebody come like that before. I swear, you got twice as big. And the pulsing. Like a frantic heart beating.”

  “I guess not,” Tuck said with a silly sideways grin. “At least, nobody ever said such a thing.” Tuck gazed at Bobby. “Must all be your fault, sexy stud.”

  Bobby leaned over and kissed him with such electric depth Tuck felt like he might come again. Tuck pulled back. “I hope it was okay for you, that I wasn’t too clumsy.”

  “Clumsy?” Bobby asked. “I didn’t notice anything like that,” Bobby chuckled as he scooted off the bed to find a towel. “If that’s you being clumsy, bring it on.”

  Chapter 32

  TUCK awoke the next morning alone in bed. At least, he assumed it was morning. He stretched out with a yawn, feeling so rested, like he’d slept for twelve hours. Maybe it was afternoon, he thought with a grin.

  Thinking about the solarium and all that workout equipment, he climbed out of bed and retrieved some clean jogging shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt from his suitcase. After pulling on the clothes and his grubby high-tops, he headed downstairs in search of Bobby.

  Rounding the corner of the kitchen, Tuck found Bobby sitting at the counter bar, reading Nathan’s note as he ate his breakfast. It looked like he was on the last page, so Tuck hung back to give him time to finish. When Bobby set down the papers, Tuck strolled into the kitchen. “Mornin’, stud.”

  “Morning,” Bobby replied with a smirk. “You didn’t tell me about the attic,” he said as he got up and went to the freezer. “Frozen waffles okay?”

  “Oh,” Tuck apologized, “fergot to mention it. Waffles would be great.” Tuck sat at the counter. “You sleep well?”

  Bobby’s grin wa
s all the answer he needed. “Just got up a few minutes ago. It’s almost noon already.” Bobby popped the waffles into the toaster and got a plate and mug of coffee for Tuck as they warmed up. “Wonder what surprise Nate has now?”

  Tuck shook his head before sipping at the coffee. “With Nathan? Who knows?”

  “Guess we’ll have to go look in a minute,” Bobby said as the toaster popped.

  Tuck just grinned, watching Bobby as he fished the finished waffles out of the toaster with a fork and brought the plate over to the counter.

  Bobby smiled at the silly expression on Tuck’s face. “What?”

  “Oh, still tryin’ to wrap my head around all this. That it’s real.”

  Bobby nodded in confirming silence as he cleaned up his dishes and watched Tuck eat.

  “Yer starin’ at me,” Tuck said as he took his last bite.

  “Sorry,” Bobby said with a smile. “Guess you’re just worth looking at.” He took Tuck’s empty plate and put it in the dishwasher. “Let’s go check the attic before I lose my nerve.”

  “Okay,” Tuck replied. He followed Bobby back upstairs and down the hallway. At the end of the hall, Bobby opened a door Tuck had thought might be a closet, but inside was a half flight of stairs that led over the garage area. He stepped inside as Bobby turned on some fluorescent lights.

  At the top, they found a half dozen tall, neat stacks of folded moving boxes, a few cases of rolls of the clear wrapping tape, and two of those handheld tape gun dispensers next to a box of Sharpie markers.

  Bobby chuckled. “No excuses, huh, Nate,” he said out into the attic space. He turned back to Tuck with a smirk. “Guess he wants us to pack.”

  Tuck chuckled along. “Seems that’a way.” He looked over at Bobby. “Anything else ya want to do today?”

  “Guess not,” Bobby replied as he picked up the top case of tape and the two dispensers. “Grab some boxes. Might as well start in the library.”

  After grabbing as large a stack as he could carry and the box of markers, Tuck followed Bobby back downstairs to the library. While Bobby folded up a box and taped the bottom closed, Tuck looked around at the shelves. “Did you want to take all of these books?”


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