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Thrilled: Reckless Desires (Dragon Mates Book 2)

Page 17

by J. K Harper

  Momentarily dazzled, Gabi shielded her eyes and peered upward. It seemed as if the entire ceiling was one enormous skylight, through which the sun came in to wash the room in as much brightness as if it were outside, although thankfully the heat didn't come in with it. "It's gorgeous, Kai," Gabi breathed, her gaze sweeping over the tall white columns around the edges of the open room.

  Her grandmother said in a reverent voice, "Ah. Your beautiful treasure hoard."

  Gabi's head snapped around. In the center of the room, on a small dais, lay the sparkling treasures of the Santa Maria. Even though Gabi had seen them before, even though she had seen them in situ at their original place on the ship, she still couldn't help her own small gasp of appreciation. The very air seemed to shimmer, as if motes of gold and jewel dust floated in the air, sending out tiny brilliant little sparkles of light as well.

  Despite the enormous beauty, she felt a sense of sharp disappointment. “Kai,” she said with some hesitation, looking at him. “Is it all here? All yours?”

  He seemed to understand exactly what she meant. “What's mine is here, yes.” His voice was soft as he looked back at her. “But I know what you're asking. About letting the world be able to experience the history of the treasure that the Santa Maria carried. That's why the portion of the gold that did not belong solely to me has been donated to an outstanding museum that will keep it on display for the world, forever.”

  The portion of the gold that did not belong to him... Gabi started to shake her head. Then, clarity dawned. “Oh,” she said in an even quieter tone. “You mean—the part that belonged to her. To your mate.”

  The smile on Kai's face spread into a soft joy that uplifted her. No pain remained in his expression.

  “Yes. It was no longer mine to keep,” he said simply. His smile was peaceful. “There are some pieces of history that should be visible to all people,” he added. “So it's at the Bernal Center. Where, I believe,” and now his smile broadened even more, “you have an excellent job offer waiting for you. In addition, the Center's owner would like you to set up that particular display. You and everyone on the Ancients Quest team will receive full credit for its discovery.” His smile filled with something light and joyous and open, he added, “And you have my blessing to do the honors of handling it all, Gabi.”

  The kindness and forgiveness in those simple words staggered her. She couldn't say anything for a moment, feeling her throat clog up. She looked around, grasping for something else so she could regain some composure. Then her hand tightened on the heavy gold nugget in her pocket. Pulling it out, she held it toward Kai. “This is yours.” Her voice cracked a bit. Nervous, almost shy, she waited for his reaction.

  Kai's eyes never left hers. “Place it onto the rest of the treasure, Gabi.” His voice was as strong as the sea, yet as gentle as a ripple in the water. “It's waiting for your touch.”

  The room felt breathless. As if everything waited for her to do this one thing. Slowly, Gabi walked to the sparkling gold and jewels of Kai's hoard. Reaching out, she felt her hand pass through something that felt warm and comforting, though with a tiny bit of a spark. Startling a little bit, since she saw nothing but air, she carefully nestled the gold nugget into the shining hoard.

  Something deep and true settled over her as she did it. It felt inexplicably right. As if a missing puzzle piece had been snapped into place, and all was well in the world again.

  As her eyes examined the dais, she faintly creased her brow. Everything on it was completely in the open. Exposed.

  "Wait. Anyone can get to it," she started to say. But to her surprise, it was her grandmother who shook her head.

  "Gabriela, can't you feel it? Your dragon man has a spell around his gold. A protective one. A safe one." Abuela looked at Kai with a pleased smile on her face. "A spell that he created himself. One that protects his treasures from anything and anyone that would try to take them away. A spell that allows you into it as well." She looked at Gabi, her face softening into a smile of such joy and satisfaction that Gabi stared. “Because it is attuned to you now, too.”

  Speaking to Kai though her eyes remained on Gabi's confused, blinking expression, abuela added, "She doesn't quite understand everything happening here. This is new to her."

  "Yes. But you understand the truth of a dragon's treasure, don't you, Valentina? The power it opens up in me." And even though Kai spoke to her grandmother, his eyes were also trained on Gabi. Just as pleased, but also hopeful. She thought she even detected the slight hint of nervousness in them as well.

  Looking from Kai's tall, broad body filled with health and vitality to her small, somewhat frail grandmother's form, Gabi shook her head at them both, trying to figure out what on earth was going on. "It's really time the two of you stop speaking in riddles." She gave them each a stern look.

  Her grandmother simply smiled at her, then looked at Kai. "Your dragon man is going to start healing me. It is one of his gifts. Being near his treasure—all of his treasure,” she added with a soft, elated look at Gabi, which again totally flummoxed her, “allows his gift to shine. So. Shall we begin?"

  Gabi watched as Kai nodded and turned to her grandmother. Reaching his hands out, he said in a soft voice, "Hold my hands. Simply be. It will feel a little strange, as if the ocean water is rushing through you and washing you clean."

  Abuela nodded. Somehow, Gabi knew not to speak.

  Long, quiet moments passed. Even Gabi could sense something enormous stirring in the room. Something huge, powerful, and filled with such gentleness and blessing that she literally felt a tear tracking down her cheek. Kai and her grandmother stood there, near the rich sparkle of his treasure, Kai's head slightly bowed and eyes closed as he concentrated on—whatever it was he was concentrating on. They remained like that for just a few moments. Then it was over. Gabi's grandmother blinked open her eyes, smiling. She gently squeezed Kai's hands before releasing them.

  Looking at her carefully, Kai said, "How do you feel?"

  Gabi stared at the two of them, still puzzled but also touched by a soft, gentle feeling of peace. Whatever just happened between them, it made her feel soothed. She looked at her grandmother. Her eyes seemed to sparkle, her cheeks were rosy with a slight flush of health, and something about her seemed more firm. More solid.

  Her grandmother smiled at Kai. In a delighted voice, she whispered, "I feel a little younger." She looked at Gabi and laughed, the sound itself seeming more vibrant than Gabi had heard in years. "I feel younger. Better."

  Kai nodded, a smile of relief and gratification on his face. "There's a ways to go," he warned. “Full healing doesn't happen overnight. I'm not a magician. But I am stronger, thanks to your granddaughter, and thus able to use my natural healing ability to its full potential.” Softly, he added, “Valentina, your cancer will be gone. It will take a little while, but it will be completely gone."

  Abuela nodded. “Yes,” she said simply. “Your strength is good. Just like his was.” The wistful smile was back. “You will heal me. I feel it working already.”

  Gabi clapped a hand to her mouth, eyes suddenly overflowing. Kai looked over at her, the green flecks of his dragon's eyes whirling in his dark brown irises. Despite her confusion, she simply laughed with joy through the tears. Taking her hand away from her mouth, she quietly said, "Okay. Finally, will you tell me?"

  Her grandmother answered, smiling at Gabi before she looked back at Kai again. "Your dragon man, corazon, is a healer." She said it simply. As if it were the most natural thing in the world. "Like his great uncle before him. Maleko. Another dragon man whom I loved very much and lost far too young.” Her voice softened. “But enough of that." She appeared to brush any lingering sadness off of her. "The two of you have much to talk about. I wouldn't mind taking myself on a tour of this house again, and enjoy how my body feels a little better now than it has in a long time. Would that be okay with you, Kai Long, master of this lovely mansion?"

  Kai smiled and gave a small b
ut very courtly bow to Valentina, who giggled and blushed. Just for a split second, she looked like she must have when she was a young woman. Touched, eyes still watery, Gabi just smiled.

  "Of course you may. And she will be perfectly safe here,” he added to Gabi as she started to open her mouth to ask just that. "There is of course a great deal of security on the entire house.” Then, a question apparent in both his voice and on his face, he said, "Let's give your grandmother some space. I want to take you up onto the roof, anyway. It has the most amazing view."


  Heart booming in his chest, Kai led Gabi up to the roof of the house. On the occasions he chose to fly rather than swim in the ocean, he launched himself from this spot. The roof was really a giant deck, surrounded by astounding three hundred and sixty degree views. Most dragon shifter homes had such places, which served as takeoff and landing zones for the occupants when in their dragon shapes.

  Between starting the healing process on her grandmother and the simple joy of being here with Gabi, his entire body was in a state of nervous anticipation. Inside, his dragon rumbled with equal excitement, ready to greet his new mate with the respect and love she deserved. First, though, Kai had to be utterly certain that she wanted this, too.

  Gabi stepped out onto the deck and looked into the lowering sun as it slanted its gorgeous light across the ocean. "This is stunning, Kai." She turned to look at him as he moved up beside her. "Why didn't you show me your house before?"

  Kai looked at the magnificent woman standing beside him as she gazed at him with honest curiosity. But before he could even open his mouth, she figured it out.

  "Oh. Because—because this was your home with her. Your first mate." Her voice was very quiet.

  But he was already smiling, easing the moment and assuaging her fears. "Yes," he admitted with thorough ease. "Yes. Leilani was her name.” It felt good to share that with Gabi. As if he was sharing a piece of his painful past in a way that put it into the light, and made it once again beautiful. Open, free, and no longer hurting. A memory to be treasured, rather than hidden away.

  Like he had done with his actual treasure hoard for so many years, carrying on a family tradition that didn't need to be. His gold deserved to be in the light as well.

  Sighing, he went on. “I feared bringing you here would hurt too much. But as it turns out, she gave me an enormous gift when she died."

  Inside, his dragon quietly roared in approval. "She gave me the gift of loving me enough that she knew she wanted me to be able to love again, to allow myself to be loved in return again. She was right," he said in a low voice, closing the distance between himself and Gabi. He gently stroked her cheek. "She was right. I froze my heart against the pain, but then you came along and cracked it wide open again."

  He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened them to look directly at her. "I thought you had betrayed me because I was too scared to want to allow that sort of love back into my life again. It was far, far easier to simply push you away by making you the bad guy." He paused to clear his throat, knowing his voice was about to crack a bit. “I am so terribly, abjectly sorry for how I treated you, Gabriela.” His voice whispered into the air, trembling with the intensity he felt. “I was a fool, and I was cruel to you by walking away, instead of listening to your side. I'm sorry, Gabi. Please forgive me for being blind and stupid.”

  He gently slid his hand through her gorgeous, thick hair to cup the back of her head, groaning slightly as her full lips parted a little bit as she looked at him. "Gabi, I am more than ready to open my heart to you. I want you in my heart and with me forevermore. You're my mate." The sheer power of that truth rocketed through his words as he spoke them. "Will you allow me to be yours?"

  The golden beams of sunlight lit Gabi's skin and her stunning eyes as her mouth trembled open into a smile. "Yes, Kai. Yes, of course I forgive you!” Tears made her eyes shine. “Forgive me too for just not understanding. For also being stupid.”

  “You are forever forgiven, my beautiful Gabriela.” He whispered a kiss across her cheek, enjoying the softness of her body so close to his.

  She giggled suddenly. “What a pair we are, huh?”

  He simply stroked her cheek in answer, smiling.

  Firmly, she went on. “And yes, I am ready. I want to be your mate, and I want you to be my mate as well." She laughed again, shaking her head as she reached her hands out to wind them together behind his neck. "I don't even know exactly what that means. I just know that I am yours, and you are mine. Forever." She said the word with such fierce possessiveness that Kai's dragon roared within him in sheer joy.

  Kai let his happiness blaze through his entire body, spilling out through his smile and his words. "Then, woman," he growled, "Kiss me. Mate."

  In answer, Gabi allowed him to pull her toward him and meet his hungry lips with hers, playing and teasing and loving and shortening his breath at the pure pleasure of holding his gorgeous mate in his arms while he kissed her senseless.

  But there was one more thing he wanted to do for her. One amazing thing he knew her thrill-seeking heart would adore. After allowing a long, luxurious moment of kissing and touching to happen in the beautiful sunset light, he said, "Gabi. Do you trust me to keep you safe?"

  She nodded, her eyes dark with her desire even as she smiled at him with an intensity he suspected reflected in his own face. "Good. Because I want to take you somewhere."

  With that, Kai stepped back almost the full length of the deck on top of the house. Then, still smiling at her in what he figured was probably fairly idiotic joy but he didn't care, he allowed the change to come over him, shifting into his dragon shape.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Gabby's breath caught in her throat as her gorgeous, sexy Kai—her mate—turned into an equally gorgeous, incredible and stunning dragon before her very eyes. Huge, long, the aqua blues and greens and pearly whites of his hide seeming to ripple over his body as the last of the sunlight sparkled on it, he was so magnificent she felt her heart beat even harder.

  He stood for a long moment on his four strong legs, each one ending in wickedly curled silver claws that she knew without a doubt would never hurt her. Then, he inclined his head at her, bent his left front leg down onto the knee, and tipped his shoulder at her.

  No way.

  "No way," she breathed out loud. "Really? Can I?" Another thought struck her as she stared at him. "Will I—I won't fall off, will I?"

  Immediately and fiercely, he shook his head at her. She instinctively knew he wouldn't let it happen. Ever. Her entire body quivering with the insane joy of multiple lifelong dreams coming true all at once, she carefully walked over to her magnificent dragon shifter mate. Reaching out a tentative hand, she touched his hide.

  "Oh!" she couldn't help saying again. She'd half expected him to be cold, but he was warm and soft beneath her hand. She gently ran her fingers down his front leg, mesmerized as the color of his hide literally rippled when her fingers gently pressed down against it. "It's amazing," she whispered.

  He made a deep, strange sound from his mouth. She snapped her head up to look at his giant wedge-shaped face.

  "Are you laughing at me?" she demanded, although she couldn't help the fact that her own lips were tipping up into a grin.

  He made the noise again. Yes, it definitely sounded like laughter. Then he uttered a more impatient sound, nodding his shoulder toward her again.

  Wow. Okay, then.

  She was about to ride a dragon. Her dragon. Her Kai.

  Taking a deep breath and thinking of all the other halfway crazy things she'd done in her life, Gabi scrambled up his front leg and clambered onto the spot just below his neck that seemed perfectly made for her to sit. The sharp ridges there extended up the base of his neck to his head, and down his back to his tail, but the space where she sat was free and clear. It seemed perfectly made for her.

  The ridge directly in front of her also seemed to be made for a human hand to hold onto. S
he reached out and found it sturdy but not sharp. It was warm and firm. She realized with renewed amazement that it was still part of him. A part of Kai.

  Holding on tight, clamping her bare legs to his sides and taking several deep breaths, she said, "Okay, big guy. Don't you dare drop me." A touch of nervousness laced her voice. "I think that would definitely make abuela kind of sad. Me, too."

  With what clearly was the rumbling dragon version of a snort, Kai turned his head back on its long, sinuous neck to look at her. His huge, gorgeous jade green eyes, which now were the reverse of his human ones in that they had deep brown flecks glittering within the green depths, regarded her calmly. She couldn't hear him or anything like that, it wasn't like he was talking to her. His expression, however, clearly conveyed the message that never in his life would he let her fall. It utterly erased the tiny snap of fear she felt.

  Kai turned his head forward again, spread his mighty wings, and gently vaulted into the air with Gabi on his back.

  "Holy shit!" Gabi's yell spiraled through the air as the deck of his house, then the whole house, then the hillside, then the tip of the ocean lapping up onto the land just below his house all fell away below them as they launched into the sky.

  They were flying.

  She was flying on the back of a dragon. On the back of her dragon mate. Her Kai.

  The Pacific Ocean rolled out long, flat, and blue to the western horizon where the golden ball of the sun sank behind it. The shoreline of the mainland rose and tumbled to their left as Kai gently banked and flew south, his wings flapping with tireless energy. Gabi held on to the strong green-blue spike on his neck, feeling the warmth and strength of his body emanating through her legs where she tightly gripped him.

  She was flying on the back of a dragon. An amazing, indescribably perfect dragon shifter who was her mate. This was incredible. It felt as natural as if she had been doing it her whole life. Laughter escaped her in warbling bubbles of joy.


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