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Trusting Jay: (A Chicago Suits Romance) (Loving Jay Book 1)

Page 14

by Simone Sowood

  My life was over. No matter what I did.

  I was still sitting on my sofa days later, stuffing my face with Snickers bars, when my phone rang.

  “Hi Marla,” I said.

  “Hi sweetie, how are you doing?”

  “As you’d expect.”

  “Well I have great news, I’ve lined up a job interview!”

  I swallowed my chocolate and sat up. “Really?”

  “Of course really. And it’s a great job at a great company, CQ Francis. It’s the same level as your most recent one. And a similar role. You’d be in charge of all investigative reporting.”

  This was it. My chance to move on with my life.

  “Thank you so, so much Marla.”

  “Anything you need Abbie, I’ll help you anyway I can.”

  I hung up the phone and relaxed back into the sofa. Maybe life would be okay.

  I walked out of CQ Francis and punched the air like a sports star. I’d been to three interviews over the span of two weeks, but now I had a signed employment contract tucked in my bag.

  Immense relief that poured over me. I didn’t realize just how severe it was until it had lifted.

  My new boss, Laurie, seems nice and friendly and didn’t once ask why I had left Force McAllister. Presumably she knew, which was probably better because that awkward revelation is out of the way from the start.

  I texted Marla, Jenny and Sam

  I got the job!!!!! I even had two weeks to relax and get my condo back together before I start!

  They all texted straight back. Every day I remembered how lucky I am to have them.

  Drinks on me this weekend. We’re going large Friday.

  It was the least I could do after everything they’d done for me. Besides, I could always hock the diamond earrings Jay gave me. I’d never given the gifts to Sam to throw on Jay’s desk. Somehow it had always slipped my mind.


  The three arrived at my condo straight from work to prepare for our big night out. My rebirth. I’d been riding high ever since I signed the employment contract, and tonight would be the icing on the new life cake. I’d met them at the door with wine glasses and a couple of bottles of Sauvignon Blanc.

  “You totally have to wear this one,” Sam said pulling the black halter dress from my closet. It was the dress I had worn on my first dinner date with Jay.

  I shrugged. “Why not,? It’ll be putting the whole Jay phase of my life behind me for good. Show I’ve moved on.”

  “Plus, you look super hot in it,” Jenny said.

  “Yeah, shows off those perfect tits of yours,” Sam said and we all laughed.

  “You three are nuts,” Marla said, rolling her eyes.

  Once the four of us were in our dresses, we turned our attention to our hair and make-up. We were falling all over each other in my tiny condo, still crammed with vases full of flowers.

  Sam had opened the door of my entrance closet, trying to carve out some real estate to do her hair. She pushed aside the various coats, revealing the stack of gifts from Jay piled on the floor.

  “You are totally wearing the Louboutins tonight,” She said picking up the box and opening it, revealing the glorious shoes inside.

  “Let me see,” Marla said elbowing Jenny and I out of the way.

  “Those would look perfect with your dress,” Jenny said, peering over Marla’s shoulder.

  “What else is in this pile?” Sam said, turning her attention back to the closet.

  “Um, I have to give all that back to Jay,” I said.

  “This smells so beautiful, fresh yet sexy,” Sam said, squirting the perfume on her.

  “That’s a real diamond you know,” I said, pointing to the diamond on the bottle.

  “Get out. That’s insane,” Jenny said.

  “I know right?” I said.

  “Well, we’ve used it now, you can’t send it back,” Sam said grinning at me. She squirted the air, until all four of us were engulfed in an overpriced cloud of perfume.

  “I can’t,” I said, protesting.

  “Screw him, he’s got so much money, this is like me giving you a pot of Ben & Jerry’s,” Marla said.

  “More like a spoonful. Or even a lick of the back of the spoon,” Sam said. She continued to rifle through the gifts.

  “I can’t wear the shoes out, I’m not ready to dance in five-inch heels,” I said.

  “How’d he know your shoe size anyway?” Marla asked.

  “Dunno. He must have looked at my shoes when we were at the hotel. Or here.”

  “Holy fuck,” Sam said opening the jewelry box, “This is insane.”

  “I know,” I said, blushing.

  “Wow, you’re sure you don’t want to get back together with him?” Marla asked. Jenny smacked her back.

  “No way in hell. Not after the way he lied.”

  “That’s fine. Onwards and upwards, right?” Jenny said, rubbing my back.

  “You need to wear this necklace out tonight. That dress is made for it,” Sam said, dangling the necklace from her fingertips.

  My eyes widened at the thought. It would be perfect for this halter top, the diamond would sit just above my cleavage. Pointing the way. For days I’ve been longing to be wrapped in the arms of a man. Not Jay, but almost anyone else.

  “Good idea,” I said, taking the necklace from Sam’s fingers.

  “Really?” She said in disbelief.

  I looked her straight in the eyes, smiled and said, “Absolutely.” We all burst into a fit of giggles. Jenny helped fasten it around my neck, and I rushed into the bathroom to examine myself in the mirror. Jay would approve. More than approve.

  “Let me try walking in the shoes.”

  “You go girl,” Sam said, bringing them to me.

  Hair and nails done, we left an hour later. I teetered down the hallway and out onto the street, latched onto Jenny and Sam for support, wrapped in the Burberry trench-coat.

  We hailed a cab to take us to Luscious, the hot, exclusive night club of the moment. One of Jenny’s many exes manages it and put us on the guest list as a favor to her. Though I suspect it meant she would hook up with him by the end of the night.

  The four of us crammed into the back seat, I was last to get in. As I ducked my head, I noticed a man in a Cub’s hat looking straight at me.

  We pulled up in front of Luscious and were met with a huge line up of people shuffling their feet to keep warm as they waited for a chance to get in.

  Jenny led us across the front of the line and straight up to the bouncer. She rested her hands on his arms and went up on tiptoes to whisper something in his ear. He put his hand in the small of her back and we followed as he ushered her to the entrance. The music was pounding before we’d even gotten inside.

  We stepped inside, into the care of a private concierge. Jenny was pulling all the strings for tonight. As I passed him my coat, he looked me up and down and settled his eyes on my cleavage. I smiled and walked away, feeling more confident in the heels. The effect they were having on sculpting my calves was going a long way to boost my acceptance of them.

  The place was already busy and a lot of those people would be standing out in the cold for a very long time. A circular dance floor was in the middle of the room, with several curved bars and a few tables and stools around the outside. Upstairs was a gallery, with several men hanging over watching the dancers.

  “Let me pay,” I said to Jenny as we approached the bar.

  “No need, Collin is comping us the entire night.”

  “Score,” Sam said.

  “Collin sure will be, when he calls in this favor,” Marla said.

  “Okay, but you have to promise me you’ll let me treat the three of you to dinner next week”

  The concierge arrived at our sides with a bucket of champagne and glasses. We each took a glass, and he poured us a drink.

  “I’ll open another bottle for you and leave it on that table,” he pointed at one of the tables. “I’ve reserved
it for your use.”

  “Thanks. And make sure you tell Collin thank you for us,” Jenny said.

  After he walked away, I raised my glass and said, “I owe you all such a big thank you for how you’ve all helped me. To friends.” We chinked glasses and had a sip, and I gave them each a little hug.

  My throat was already getting sore and raspy from shouting over the music I took another big gulp of bubbles and herded Jenny, Sam and Marla to the dance floor.

  I was self conscious at first, worried about toppling over in my shoes and making a fool of myself on the dance floor. But I soon forgot my inhibitions, and the music took over. It felt amazing to forget myself and have fun after my self imposed confinement in my condo.

  Endorphins coursed through my veins as I waggled my hips and waved my arms. Strong hands clasped my waist, and I jolted. He moved with me to the music, and I spun around in time to the beat.

  I came face to face with a gorgeous blue-eyed blond. He smirked at me as his eyes raked over my body then zeroed in on my jiggling tits. Even though he wasn’t my type. And even though I was still hurting from Jay. The man’s attention surged the endorphins throughout me and in a moment of madness I reached out and ran my hands down his arms.

  Hard, defined muscles bulged underneath his shirt. The culmination of so many factors, Jay, the new job, the way I felt in my outfit, the champagne, caused me to want this man. I wanted him to take me home and rip my clothes off. Then Jay would be well and truly gone from my life.

  We danced together for several more songs, our hands roving over each other as we moved. I was sweaty after a few songs, and needed a drink.

  “I’m thirsty,” I shouted into the blond’s ear.

  “I’ll get us some drinks,” he said, kissing my cheek. His lips warmed me.

  I followed him off the floor and went to our reserved table to rest. Jenny had disappeared ages ago, I assume with Collin. Sam and Marla were busy dancing with what seemed to be twins.

  The blond appeared carrying two glasses of bubbles, and I eagerly took one off him as he arrived at the table. He sat beside me and we clinked glasses. My throat was so parched I drank half of it in one go. I sipped at the rest while we rested. My feet hadn’t hurt, or at least I hadn’t noticed the hurt, until I sat down.

  “I have access to the VIP area,” he said, pointing upstairs.

  Wow. Jenny had described the club’s legendary VIP lounge. Even she couldn’t get us in there. But my new friend could.

  “Sounds great, let’s go.”

  He stood, and I followed him across the room to an elaborate staircase. A bouncer was standing in front of it, but the blond flashed something and he stepped aside.

  “After you,” the blond said, motioning for me to go first. I climbed the stairs, the heat of his eyes on my ass as I went.

  The VIP lounge was quieter, with sofas and low tables. It overlooked the dance floor, and I looked down in search of Sam and Marla. The action gave me sudden vertigo, and I had to shut my eyes.

  I hadn’t realized how drunk I was until I got in the relative calmness of the lounge. I moved to sit down and had to put my arm out to catch myself.

  “Come, my table’s over here.” The blond put his arm around me and guided me to a sofa away from the edge of the balcony.

  I collapsed onto it like a rag-doll. The blond sat beside me, put his arm around my shoulder and held me tight to him. I kept opening and closing my eyes, trying to stop the room from spinning. Each time I closed them, I got more and more tired until I could barely re-open them.

  The blond held me tighter, and I opened my eyes to see him touch the diamond on the necklace, then move his finger down between my cleavage. I was so out of it, I felt like I was in a dream. Except I didn’t feel anything. I wasn’t at all excited by the man’s attention. My skin barely registered his touch.

  I tried to move, to wiggle my body away form him and clear my head with some water, but I couldn’t move. My limbs were not responding to my commands. I opened my eyes again to see the blond slide his hand up under my skirt. I think he was saying something but I couldn’t be sure.

  A movement caught my eye, and I watched a man walk over to us. He yanked the man from the sofa, from me. I tried to utter thank you, but couldn’t. The man looks familiar. I was searching my mind, trying to figure out who he was.

  He punched the blond. In the face. And again. And in the stomach. And the nose. Blood streamed down the blond’s face, reddening his pale shirt. Then my eyes were too heavy to hold open any longer, and I closed them.


  My head throbbed, as though my brain was sliding around and ricocheting off my skull. I wanted to sleep. Sleep more. Sleep forever. But my stomach churned and I went staggering from the bed, looking for a spot to throw up.

  Through a headache so bad I couldn’t see straight, I managed to locate an ensuite, just in time to vomit in its toilet. I knelt, sank my behind into my ankles, and rested my head against the coolness of the toilet seat.

  A flash of heat hit my body and I cozied up to the toilet to get any coolness I could from the porcelain. I vomited again, and stayed in my spot. My eyes closed from exhaustion. It must be the middle of the night. I had to get back to bed.

  I rinsed my mouth in the sink, splashed some of the water on my face and in a moment of lucidity, wondered where the fuck I was. Alarm bells started ringing on top of my already sore head. My heart pounding, I moved to the door to get out of here. Flee. Something was wrong, and I needed to get help.

  But each step became harder, my legs so heavy I could barely lift my feet as I zig zagged towards the door. In more a crumple than a fall, I ended up on the floor. And closed my eyes.

  “Abbie, are you okay?”

  “Huh?” I peaked my eyes open to see a man. Jay?

  He scooped me up in his arms, and cuddled me against his body. He smelled just like Jay. I opened my eyes again. In the gray light of the room I could make out his facial features. They were the same I had laid in my bed and traced over with my fingers. Definitely Jay.

  “You sleep more, you’re safe here.” He laid me in the bed, and stroked my hair. Comforted, I fell back asleep.

  I don’t know how much later, I woke again needing to pee. I climbed out of bed and returned to the ensuite. The dizziness wasn’t as bad, and it was a bit easier to walk in a straight line but I felt like I’d been hit by a Mack truck and hadn’t slept in a week.

  More lucid than my earlier trip to the ensuite, I re-entered the cavernous space. Tiles were on every surface, massive walk in shower, granite counter with his and hers sinks on it.

  What had happened to my my clothes. I was wearing a loose white nightie that came almost to me knees. I’d think I’d borrowed it from my mother, except the top was low cut with spaghetti straps. The diamond pendant still hung around my neck.

  I walked back into the bedroom. The blinds were drawn and it was difficult to see, especially with my pounding head. The space was larger than my entire condo, with a sleigh bed as wide as it was long. But I couldn’t remember the night before, or how I ended up in Jay’s bed. Those questions would come later, right now I needed to get back to sleep.

  As I climbed into the bed, I noticed a glass of water and bottle of ibuprofen had been set on the bedside table. Wonderful, though I think I’d need more than one bottle to get rid of the pain in my body.

  I closed my eyes, my mind racing in slow motion with the questions of what happened at the night club and how I got here but it was a blank. As much as I knew I should find Jay and demand answers, exhaustion overwhelmed me and I fell back asleep.

  The next time I opened my eyes, a flash of heat hit me and I flung the covers back to get some relief. I was lying there, like a starfish, when the bedroom door opened.

  “Jay?” I asked my voice almost inaudible. The dizziness returned, my head swimming at the sight of him.

  Jay rushed to my side and perched on the side of the bed. “How are you feeling?” he asked, st
roking my hair.

  “What? How?” I couldn’t get the words out.

  “Don’t worry, your safe now.” My brow furrowed with confusion and I gave my head a little shake. The movement sent my brain screaming in pain, and I reached my hand to my forehead to calm it.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Do you remember anything?”

  “No,” I said. Jay shuffled closer and leaned on his arm, my legs underneath his arm.

  “You were dancing, with a guy. Do you remember that?”

  “Sort of, I think.”

  “He drugged you. Slipped something in your drink.” My heart thudded hard and fast at his revelation.

  “Drugged me?”

  “Yes. And tried to do things to you in the VIP lounge.” None of this sounded familiar to me.

  “Did he…rape me?” I was afraid of the answer.

  “No. I stopped him. You’re safe.”

  “But.” I struggled to put the pieces together. “How am I here?”

  “I brought you here. You can stay here as long as you need to recover. The doctor said it might be several days.”

  “Doctor?” None of this sounded remotely familiar to me.

  “Yes, but you’re fine. She said you would feel terrible when you woke but that each day will be better until you’re back to normal. You will be fine in a few days.”

  “But I might not have been fine. I was…” I started crying at the prospect of what might have happened to me. Except Jay saved me.

  “You rest now. I’ve instructed my house keeper Rosie to keep an eye on you. She will get you anything you need. Are you hungry?”

  The prospect of food churned my stomach and my face grimaced. “No.”

  “I didn’t think so. The doctor has left some medication to keep you hydrated.”


  “You rest now,” he said, and stood. I watched helplessly as he crossed the room.

  “Jenny?” I managed to say as he reached the doorway.

  “Don’t worry, your friends know you’re safe.” He left and closed the door behind him.


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