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The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 2

Page 23

by Maxim Jakubowski

  Alex strokes her breasts when she leans over him, then just lets her go. She dances over to the stereo and puts on Mickey Hart’s “Planet Drums,” and begins to dance and caress her body in the middle of the room as he watches.

  “God, Alex, this music always makes me just want to lie down and be fucked hard.”

  “No. But you may touch yourself all you want while I watch.”

  He feeds her the rest of the champagne. She begins to perform a dance that involves fondling herself everywhere. She has no idea where this comes from, but she continues until she collapses in front of him and reaches an overwhelming orgasm while he watches.

  “God, Alex.”


  They spend the rest of the night teaching each other every dance they know, from the tango to the Sugar Shack dance to an elegant waltz.

  In the morning, Alex says, “Don’t leave.”

  “I must.”

  “Never leave me.”

  “I won’t.”

  Rikki calls him late that night at home at midnight.

  “I need you.”

  “Meet me by the fountain in the Quad. Ten minutes.”

  She’s there when he arrives, and he wraps her tight in his arms and holds her.

  “Alex, this scares me. I need you so much.”

  “And I need you. We need to move forwards. We need to complete our story.”

  The following Thursday Rikki calls him. “It’s your turn tonight, Alex.”

  She enters promptly at six, wrapped in a long trench coat.

  “You look rather like a secret agent, baby,” he says, smiling.

  “I have a surprise for you, Alex.”

  “I’m ready.”

  She closes the drapes and comes to him in ritual fashion. “You sure you’re ready for this?” she asks.

  “Yes, Rikki, I’m ready for everything.”

  She strips off her coat, and Alex sits back in surprise and admiration. She wears thigh high black suede boots, a red and black corset with matching garters and black stockings. The corset pushes her breasts high. She also wears a red and black lace collar.

  “Rikki, you look like every man’s midnight wet dream,” he says, regaining his composure. “You actually drove here like that?”

  “Yes.” She’s amazed how far she’s going, how little she cares about anything in life but pleasing him.

  He lifts her up and carries her across the room, laying her down in front of their candle.

  “No, Alex, it’s your turn.”

  He’s fascinated by the tone in her voice.

  Rikki undresses him slowly and guides him to lay down in front of her. She ties his hands above his head with one of her red silk scarves.

  “How does that feel?”

  “Rikki, I don’t know about this.”

  “Just give in to it, you’ll love it like I do.”

  She stands over him in her high-heeled boots with her legs spread.

  “Watch me.”

  He watches as she strokes herself, trying to reach up and touch.

  “You need something more, I think. You’re much less well-behaved than I am.”

  She ties the ends of the scarf to the leg of the coffee table. “Don’t pull too hard or you’ll tip the candle over and we’ll be on fire.”

  He holds still.

  “One more thing.” She wraps another silk scarf around his eyes. “Do you like that?”

  “I don’t know, Rikki, it’s strange.”

  “Yes, it is. When you’re deprived of two of your senses like that, though, the seeing and the touching, everything else gets more intense. You’ve taught me that.”

  Rikki lowers herself until her bare pussy rests on his chest.

  “Now, Alex, tell me a story.”

  “Oh, man.”

  “Make it a true one.”

  “All right.” Alex breathes deeply and tries to relax.

  “Let me help you relax.” Rikki starts to stroke and kiss him starting from his toes.

  “Yes, yes, I’ll tell you about Paris.”


  “Yes, Paris. I was there when I was in graduate school, just for a summer. There was a woman. She was pure sex. Pure abandonment. In fact, sometimes you remind me of her.”

  Rikki laughs. “I have nothing that exotic in me, I’m afraid. In fact, I’m only French in my kisses.” She kisses him long and deep.

  “God, Rikki, how can you ever tell stories and do this at the same time?”

  “You’ve made me an expert.”

  “Anyway, I met her in a cafe one afternoon. She had dark short hair, she was very tiny, and not terribly pretty. But there was something about her that fascinated me.”

  “What was it?” Rikki moves down to his cock and begins to lick slowly.

  “I didn’t know when I met her, but I can tell you now. She lived in her senses. She was totally impractical. There was nothing she’d rather do in life than fuck.”

  “Yes,” Rikki whispers, her face buried deep between his legs.

  “And she wanted me. But she wasn’t aggressive at all. She just let me know. It started out fairly normal, as young love affairs go. Lots of time in bed, lots of late nights. Then one night she told me what she really desired.”

  Rikki spreads his legs wider and starts exploring down the inside of his thighs.

  “I need to see you while we do this, Rikki.”

  “No, you don’t. Go on with the story. What did she want?”

  “She wanted me to command her. To possess her, to own her. To tell her what to do. To use her, to abuse her. To completely dominate her.”

  “That sounds right up your alley,” Rikki says with a kiss.

  “It may be now, but I wasn’t sure then. I loved it, but it felt bad. You know what I mean? The things she asked me to do shocked me. She was older, maybe 30, and she’d had experience with this.”

  Rikki straddles him above his hard cock. “What did she want you to do?”

  “She wanted to call me ‘Sir’ all the time. She wanted to serve me. She wanted to be on her knees for me. She wanted me to spank her. She wanted me to hurt her.”

  “And did you?”


  “Tell me about it while I fuck you.” She lowers herself down slightly, so that just the tip of his cock enters her pussy.

  “I don’t know if I can talk about it.”

  She slides down all the way, and holds him inside of her.

  “Oh, man, Rikki. That’s wonderful.”

  “Tell me what you did. I want to know all the good and the dark things about you.”

  Alex tries to move his hips up to meet her, but she holds him still.

  “OK. She would kiss my feet. At first because she wanted to do this. Then because I wanted her to. And finally because I made her do it. You know The Story of O? It became very much like that.”

  ‘And you loved it.”

  “Loved, and hated.”

  Rikki slides slowly up on her knees until just the tip of his cock remains inside of her. “Tell me more,” she says as she slides back down and leans over to kiss him deeply.

  “I don’t know, she just found something in me that I didn’t know existed. The need to dominate. The need to be cruel. I often didn’t want to even see her again, but I would. It only lasted a few months or so.”

  “What happened?”

  Alex takes a deep breath as Rikki begins to ride him slowly to the rhythm of his words.

  “It scared me to death.”

  “What happened? You can tell me.”

  “It just went too far.”

  Rikki leans over and unties his blindfold and his wrists. “God, I need your hands on me . . .”

  He reaches for her breasts, then slides his hands down to her hips and raises her up. “Come with me, Rikki. Ride me hard. Come with me.”

  “God yes.” Rikki reaches her climax at the same time that he explodes deep inside of her, and they collapse together on the floor.r />
  Entwined together by the light of the melting candle, Rikki asks one more time. “Will you please tell me what happened?”

  “No. I’d rather show you.”


  “Next weekend we’re going away. We’re going to break all the rules.”


  “You don’t need to know. I will take care of everything. And I will take care of you.”

  The following Thursday Alex calls Rikki in the early afternoon.

  “Meet me tonight, on time, at El Chapultepec. Wear that red short dress with the black leather belt.”

  “Yes, I will.”

  She arrives to find Alex and his friend Jonathan in a back booth in the jazz bar, deep in conversation. Rikki begins to slide into the booth, but Alex stops her.

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

  Rikki laughs. “What? – there are no drapes here.”

  Alex looks at her with that look that Rikki thinks he must practise in front of the mirror. It makes her melt every time – it’s a look of absolute passion, yet absolute control.

  “Lift your skirt.”


  “Do it.”

  “Alex! Not here, not with him . . .” She looks at Jonathan and blushes. He seems to just be sitting back relaxed, expecting this. “What can you be thinking of, Alex!”

  “Look around you, Rikki. Not a soul is watching you. Except for us. Do it.”

  Options float through her mind like the jazz riff she hears in the background – fright, fight, freedom, flight? All seem like a dream, for she knows that this act is in her story and that she is caught hopelessly in the descending rhythm of her own writing.

  “Yes, Alex.”

  Rikki looks one more time over her shoulder, avoids Jonathan’s eyes, looks directly at Alex, and slowly slides the front of her red linen skirt up her thighs.

  “Isn’t she beautiful, Jonathan?”


  Alex reaches out and touches her soft lips gently, making her flinch. “You may lower your skirt, Rikki, and join us.” Alex rises to let her slide in between them.

  Rikki knows there isn’t enough wine in this place to help her get through what she suspects is coming. She hopes perhaps he will alter her story and head in a different direction, as he has occasionally done in the past.

  They chat about the blues singer in the spotlight, and Rikki tries to look at Jonathan and talk as though she hasn’t just bared her pussy directly in front of him.

  “I have a gift for you, Rikki,” Alex says. He pulls a jewellery box out of his jacket pocket and presents her with it.

  Rikki opens it slowly, and there it is. It is so close to what she described in her story that it brings tears to her eyes. “Oh, thank you, Alex.” She lifts the choker up to examine its beauty, and finds her name inscribed elegantly in script across the golden underside of the heavy clasp.

  Alex takes it from her and lifts it up toward her throat. The delicate filigree chains shimmer in the shadows and the candlelight.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “It was designed just for you, Rikki. There’s another piece that matches it, which you will receive this weekend.”

  Rikki kisses him with passion. “Thank you.”

  “Jonathan has read your story, Rikki.”

  “He has?”

  “Yes, and he knows exactly what this means. When I place this on your lovely neck, there’s no going back.”

  Alex pulls the intertwined chains snugly around her neck, and fastens the heavy gold clasp beneath her hair.

  “You are mine, Rikki. You are never to take this off without my permission.”

  “God, yes, Alex, I do belong to you.”

  Rikki dances with Alex, and then she dances with Jonathan, losing herself in the music of the evening.

  Sandwiched between the two men back at the table, she feels warm and safe and loose and free, almost ready for anything. “It’s time, Rikki. Jonathan’s going to be so kind and lend us his cabin in the mountains for the weekend. I think we need to repay him for his generosity. Tell her about the cabin, Jonathan.”

  “It’s pretty small, but comfortable,” Jonathan responds, “and very, very isolated.”

  “It will be perfect for us,” Alex says with a smile. “Now, Jonathan, what would you like her to do?”

  “Only one thing. Tell me a story, Rikki. Tell me a story full of sex and romance. Oh, and just like in your writing, raise your skirt and let me watch you touch yourself while you tell it.”

  Rikki blushes until she’s sure she’ll die. “I cant.”

  “Let me help, Rikki,” Alex says.

  He turns her back towards his chest, so that she’s looking directly at Jonathan. “Sit here, move in between my legs, that’s it.”

  Alex slides her skirt up above the black stockings, just above the soft black curls of her pussy. “How is that, Jonathan, do you have a perfect view?”

  Rikki closes her eyes, pretends this isn’t happening. Yet she feels herself on fire.

  “Perfect. Tell me a story, Rikki.”

  By the end of the evening, Rikki’s told several stories, always stroking herself to orgasm at the end of each one. She’s told the story of the teenage finger-fucking episode in explicit detail, and the complete story of the three candles. Nestled safely in Alex’s arms with her legs spread wide, yet discreetly, behind the table, she’s made up a wild tale of a woman named Annie and her dancing and her Daddy. Jonathan’s entranced, and Rikki imagines he wants her to go on through the night this way.

  “Alex,” she whispers, “I’m exhausted, and I need you. Can we go home?”

  “Yes,” he responds, stroking her hair softly.

  They all leave together, and Jonathan hugs Rikki goodbye. “Thank you, Rikki, that was incredible. Take care of her, Alex.”

  “I will.”

  Rikki and Alex barely make it inside the door before they are tearing each other’s clothes off, desperate to make love. They collapse on the floor in passion and wrap themselves tightly around each other and never let go.

  They fall asleep immediately afterwards. Alex awakens her in the early morning with his tongue deep inside of her, letting her come to life slowly as he devours her.

  “Oh God, it’s late, Alex, I have to go,” she whispers after recovering.

  “Twelve hours, Rikki. In twelve hours we’ll be leaving for the mountains. In twelve hours you will be completely mine in the wilderness for three days. Do you remember your instructions?”

  “Yes, Alex. I will bring nothing with me. Nothing.”

  “Close your eyes tight,” Alex tells Rikki as he guides her to the car.


  “Close them.”

  She closes her eyes and lets him seat her in the passenger seat and fasten the seat belt for her. The aroma of flowers is overwhelming.

  “Alex! What is that?”

  “You may look.”

  Her eyes flutter open and the sight outdoes even the smell. “Look at all the roses! I’ve never seen so many roses together! How gorgeous, Alex, what a beautiful thing to do.”

  The back seat is full of roses. Huge bunches of yellow and orange roses, piled high and wrapped several dozen at a time, all tied with pale orange and yellow ribbons.

  “Those are my favourite colour roses. But why so many?” She picks up one small bunch and inhales. “They’re gorgeous.”

  “Because you deserve them. We’ll figure out something to do with them all,” he says with a smile.

  “You are just too good to be true, Alex. I’m going to miss you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She puts the roses down. “Oh, you know my trip to Venice is next month.” She realizes that this is the first time they’ve ever talked about the future.

  “Are your plans all made?”

  “Yes. I have a place rented for the month, and they have the conference all scheduled.”

  He’s silent, and she
peers at him through the dim light, trying to determine his feelings as they travel up the winding pass into the mountains. “We did say we could stop any time.”

  Alex pulls the car to a stop at a visitor observation point.

  “Let’s go for a walk, Rikki.”

  They climb up to the top of the deserted viewing platform. The lights of the city can be seen twinkling in the distance. The valley spans below them beyond the 500-foot drop-off. He guides her close to the edge, with his arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

  “Take another step, baby.”

  “No, it’s too scary.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” She steps forwards.

  “Another one. I’ve got you.”

  She trembles in his arms, but steps forwards, wondering how far she’ll go.

  “I need you, baby. You have to trust me that I know what’s right for us. I’ve reached the edge where I wanted to be. I can never let you go.”

  They stand together and watch the lights. Rikki has no words.

  Driving miles down a private dirt road brings them to Jonathan’s cabin.

  “Wow,” is all Rikki can say when she sees it. A small log cabin with a wraparound porch sits a hundred yards from a small lake that is only discernible by the shimmer of the mist reflected in their headlights. Small groves of aspen trees surround the cabin.

  “Have you been here before, Alex?”


  “This place looks like paradise.”

  “Wait until you see it in the daylight.”

  He guides her inside, where she gasps again. The ceiling soars to a peak of heavy logs, making the single room look huge. A narrow spiral staircase rises in the middle of the room to the loft bedroom above. One entire wall of the cabin ensconces a multi-coloured stone fireplace. The far right side of the room holds an old-fashioned ten-foot-long pine dining table.

  “Sit here at the table, Rikki, and put your feet up. I’ll bring everything in.”

  “I can help. I’m a feminist, you know,” she jokes, feeling rather helpless.

  “So am I. Stay where you are.”

  Alex brings in the groceries and the one large suitcase. It takes him five trips to bring all the roses in and lay them before her across the table. He gets the fire going, lights the candles on the mantle, and puts some music on the CD player.


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