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The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 2

Page 34

by Maxim Jakubowski

  “Is it hot in here or is it just me?” Carol piped up, laughing at her own cliché. Bob and Ted laughed too – but then the sound dropped away to a compressed silence as Carol lifted off her T-shirt and theatrically mopped her brow.

  Bob’s mind bounced from Carol’s beautiful breasts, and her obviously very erect nipples, to Ted’s rapt attention on them. He was proud of Carol, proud that she was so lovely, so sexy. He wanted to reach out and grab her, pull her to him. He wanted to kiss her nipples as Ted watched. He wanted to sit her down on the couch, spread her strong thighs, and lick her cunt until she screamed, moaned, and held onto Bob’s hair as orgasm after orgasm rocketed through her while Ted watched. He wanted to bend her over, slide his painfully hard cock into her, and then fuck her till she moaned and bucked against him as Ted watched. He wanted Ted . . .

  Carol’s shorts came off next. Naked, she stood in front of them. Like a goddess, she rocked back and forth, showing off her voluptuous form. But even though he loved her, and thought she was probably the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, Bob turned to look at Ted.

  Ted, with the beautiful Carol standing right there in the room with him, was, instead, looking at Bob.

  Bob felt his face grow flushed with . . . no, not with what he expected. It wasn’t embarrassment. Dimly, he was aware of Carol walking towards him, getting down on her hands and knees again, and, in a direct repeat of only minutes before, playfully tugging his cock out of his shorts and starting to suck on it.

  Still watching Ted watching him, and Carol sucking his own cock, Bob smiled at him. In Carol’s mouth, his cock jumped with a sudden influx of pure lust.

  Carol, breaking her hungry relishing of his dick, said, “Bob, I really think Ted would like you to suck his cock.”

  Now Bob was embarrassed, but not enough to keep him from silently nodding agreement.

  “I’d love that,” Ted said, his voice low and rumbling. “I really would.”

  “Take your pants off, Ted,” Carol said, stroking Bob’s cock. “I want to watch.”

  Ted did, quickly shucking his shirt as well as his thread-bare jeans. He stood for a moment, letting Carol and Bob look at him. Bob had seen his friend’s cock before, but for the first time he really looked at it. Ted was tall and thin, his chest bare and smooth. His cock was big – though maybe not as big as Bob’s (a secret little smirk at that) – but handsome. It wasn’t soft, but it also wasn’t completely hard – but with Carol and Bob watching, Ted’s cock grew firmer, harder, larger, until it stuck out from his lean frame at an urgent, 45-degree angle.

  “Bob . . .” Carol said, her voice purring with lust, “. . . suck Ted’s cock. Please, suck it.”

  Ted crawled up on the sofa, lying down so that his head was on one armrest, his cock sticking straight up. His eyes were half-closed, and a sweet, sexy smile played on his lips.

  Bob reached down, turning just enough to reach his friend and not dislodge Carol from her earnest sucking of his dick, and gently took hold of Ted’s cock. It was warm, almost hot, and slightly slick with a fine sheen of sweat. He could have looked at it for hours, days, but with Carol working hard on his own dick, he felt his pulse racing, his own hunger beating hard in his heart.

  At first he just kissed it, tasting salty pre-come. With a flash of worry that he wouldn’t be good, first he licked the tip, exploring the shape of the head with his lips and then his tongue. As his heart hammered heavier and his own cock pulsed with sensation, he finally took the head into his mouth and gently sucked and licked. Ted, bless him, gave wonderful feedback – gently moaning and bucking his slim hips just enough to let Bob know that he was doing a good job.

  As Carol worked him, he worked Ted. They were a long train of pleasure, a circuit of moans and sighs. Time seemed to stretch, distance to compress, until the whole world was just Ted’s dick in Bob’s mouth, Bob’s dick in Carol’s mouth – all on that wonderful afternoon.

  Then, before he was even aware it was happening, Bob felt his orgasm pushing, heavy and wonderfully leaden: down through his body, down through his balls, down through his cock, and – in a spasming orgasm that made him break his earnest sucking of Ted’s cock – to moan, sigh, almost scream with pleasure. Smiling at his friend, Ted followed quickly behind, with only a few quick jerks of his cock as Bob rested his head on Ted’s knee.

  Bob felt . . . good, like something important, magical, and special had happened. The world had grown, by just a little bit, but in a very special way. Resting against his friend’s knee, Carol kissing his belly, he smiled. Everything was all right with the world.

  Later, the sun set, and as everyone was very much exhausted by many more hours of play, Ted stumbled to the front door, Carol helping him navigate through the dim house. “Thanks for coming,” she said with a sweet coo, almost a whisper, so as not to wake the heavily slumbering Bob in the next room. She kissed him, soft and sweet, smiling to herself at the variety of tastes on his lips.

  “I was happy to – very. Thanks for asking me to . . . come,” Ted said, smiling, as he opened the front door.

  Carol smiled. “Thank you for giving him such a wonderful gift. Next weekend, then?”

  “Definitely. Next time I’ll bring Alice.”

  Another gentle kiss, a mutual “Good-night,” and the door closed.

  The Back of the Store

  Nola Summers

  I took the afternoon off and drove all the way to the next county as a precaution against anyone seeing me. The farther from home, the better. I even waited until the store was about to close, so there would be fewer people to see me, or – my biggest fear – to know me.

  We were bored, Jack and I: same positions, same time, same place. He didn’t seem disinterested yet, but I knew it was getting to that point. I didn’t really want someone new as much as something new.

  The store was on a side street, off the main run through town. I parked down a few doors so I could watch people coming and going from the store. Some people came out with nothing at all, and some with discreet black bags. Nobody had secretly taped signs on their backs saying “I’ve Been to a Sex Store”. They all looked as if they were just out shopping.

  I was on the verge of chickening out and driving home when I thought of Jack – of me on top of him, and Jack watching the TV while I bounced around on him. That had actually happened last Saturday night. Dammit! I wanted Jack to watch me, not the TV.

  Already red-faced and horribly self-conscious, I got out of the car, took a deep breath, and walked towards the store. The little bell that went off when I opened the door sounded deafening, but the one shopper inside didn’t appear to have heard it at all. The store clerk looked like the girl next door. She smiled at me. I grinned like a fool and then marched to the back of the store as if I knew exactly what I was looking for.

  I found myself facing a wall of vibrators and dildos. I had no idea I’d have such a wide choice. So many colours, shapes and sizes! I heard the little bell ring again, and hoped it was the man at the checkout leaving. I couldn’t bring myself to look at anything or even to turn around until he did. When Janice – that turned out to be her name, Janice – asked if I needed any help, I dropped the rubber cock I was holding. She bent and picked it up for me.

  “That’s a pretty big one,” she said, placing it back on the shelf. “You seem a little nervous. Is this your first time here?”

  “It shows, doesn’t it?” I said.

  She just smiled and walked away.

  Janice brought me a glass of wine and told me to relax and look around. The store was closing in 20 minutes, she said. She’d lock up and we’d have the place to ourselves. She’d help me find what I wanted. A few more people came and went. I managed to avoid them all. I heard the bell ring as the last customer left, and then the turn of the lock.

  Janice brought out a glass for herself and refilled mine. “Ready for the big tour?” she asked. “Let’s start here.”

  She explained how the store was laid out. Novelty i
tems up front, cards and things like that. As you walked to the back, the merchandise became progressively more hardcore. The furry handcuffs were in the middle; the real ones were at the back.

  I told Janice why I had come to the store and admitted I didn’t really know what to get. I was open to any suggestions.

  She said we should go back to the lingerie rack and see if we could find something that might tear Jack away from the TV. She picked out two items: a red, lacy bustier-style teddy and a white babydoll nightgown. She handed me the white one and told me to try it on. Two glasses of wine and no one to see me. Why the hell not?

  The changing room was small but mirrored, and I thought I looked pretty good. Very risqué. The bra had holes for my nipples and the panties were crotchless.

  Janice asked me through the changing room door how I looked. “I don’t need the other one,” I said. “The white one is fine.”

  She said, “Let me see – just to make sure it fits right.”

  I opened the door.

  I was stunned. Janice had put on the red teddy. The blonde hair that had been tied back now flowed over her bare shoulders. The bustier left her breasts completely exposed. They were full and heavy with deep pink tips. The legs on the bustier were cut high, leaving the lacy front pointed south like a red arrow, drawing attention to her obviously shaven pussy. She wore red gloves and matching high heels. She stood with her legs apart and her hands on her hips.

  “Would you like to see the back?”

  I nodded dumbly.

  Janice turned around and bent over. A thin red line snaked up between the white cheeks of her round ass. “Do you think Jack would like this?” she asked.

  “Uh-huh,” I said. I sure liked it. I wasn’t thinking of how it would look on me. I liked the way it looked on her.

  Janice walked towards me. “Let’s see if this fits right.” She walked around me, adjusting the sheer material. “It needs to hang right,” she said.

  I couldn’t speak.

  She smoothed the material over my breasts.

  I couldn’t breathe.

  She gently pulled my nipples through the holes in the bra top and I felt them harden under her fingers.

  Janice turned me around to face the mirror. I closed my eyes. She stood behind me and separated the two halves of the panties between my legs, barely touching me. “That’s better,” she said.

  I felt her move to adjust the front. I couldn’t look. She pulled the lace to the side, exposing my dark curls. I still don’t know if she opened my legs herself or if I helped. So much easier to say that she did it: made me want her, made me start getting wet.

  She knelt and held my hips in her soft hands, and slipped her tongue between my downy lips. My head fell back. I gasped, shocked at the heat of her mouth and the depth of my own desire.

  “Look in the mirror,” she said.

  If it was a turn-on to feel a woman between my thighs, it was overwhelming to see it. She knew the effect it was having on me. I saw her beautiful ass framed in red lace. I saw her head bobbing as she sucked on me and I did what anyone else would have done. I took two big handfuls of her long blonde hair and held on.

  Janice looked up and asked if I wanted her to stop. I shook my head no. She parted my outer lips, exposing my hardening bud. Her tongue flicked back and forth with a directness and purpose I had never experienced before. It was as if she knew my body, as if her mouth knew its way.

  This was for me. Nothing was expected of me but to accept pleasure. I felt the waves start deep inside me, washing down my shaking legs. My eyes did close, but not before I saw myself in the mirror. I watched myself coming with a woman.

  I watched myself liking it.

  I never touched her that time, besides the handfuls of hair, and I didn’t kiss her. I changed and bought the red teddy right off her body. “It will help you remember,” she said. “Come back any time. If you need any more help.”

  I realize now how smooth she was. Is, I suppose. I have been back to Janice’s store lots of times.

  We play the same game each time. I go late, and pretend it’s my first time. I don’t need to act nervous, because I still am. Each time, it’s the first time for something. We’re working our way back to where the real handcuffs are, but we always end up in front of the mirror. “You need to have a clear image of us in your head,” Janice says. “It will help you remember. Jack can have the benefit of that.” She likes to teach me things that Jack has asked for.

  Janice brought out some pillows one time and piled them in front of the mirror. We had a little picnic there on the floor. We lay naked in each other’s arms, giggling like children as we fed each other. I painted trails of melted chocolate around her nipples, over her flat stomach, and down between her pouting lower lips. I had paid attention to what she did when she licked me and wanted to return the favour, so for the first time I centred myself between her thighs and eased her legs up and out, exposing her sticky chocolate mess. I knew what I liked when she was washing me with her tongue and I wanted to make her feel as good as I felt on the receiving end.

  “Taste me,” she said.

  I was as nervous as a first kiss. The one you want but are afraid to take. I bent down and gently licked her inner thighs. I worked my way closer to her.

  Janice stopped me and pointed to her face. “Just pretend you’re kissing me up here,” she said.

  I bent down again and she opened like a mouth accepting a lover’s tongue. My taste buds enjoyed her salty chocolate flavour. Question answered: she tasted good.

  I wanted more. Janice pushed a pillow under herself and pulled her legs apart. I took my time exploring, pulling the folds back and exposing her hard little clit. I watched the juice ooze out of her, catching it with my tongue just before it ran down between the divide of her soft, white backside. I felt in control and enjoyed playing with her, bringing her to the edge and back several times before letting her come.

  I lay there with Janice, thinking that we were equals at last. I had done something for her.

  She waited until she had caught her breath before re-arranging the pillows. I thought it was my turn next, and it was. “You did really good,” she said. “I moved these pillows so you’d be more comfortable. Lie down.”

  I lay back as if I was going to get my blue ribbon for coming in first, all proud of myself.

  “You need to turn over.”

  I was a little confused but Janice helped me turn and pushed the pillows underneath me, forcing my ass up in the air.

  “It’s a good day for first times,” she said, as she moved around in front of me. She knelt and tied my wrists with a silk scarf, then tied the end to a ring set in the floor by the wall. She tied both ankles the same way, leaving me exposed and vulnerable.

  “I’m not going to gag you because I’m not going to hurt you. You won’t have any reason to cry out,” she said. “But I want to hear you when you come.”

  Janice knelt behind me. I thought that she was going to take me from behind somehow. She let me think that as she fingered me and I found myself pushing back to meet her thrusts.

  “Nice, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” I managed to gasp. “You’ve never tied me up before.”

  “Oh, this isn’t the new part. That’s coming now.”

  I felt my cheeks pulled apart and Janice’s tongue probing my rear.

  I was tied down, so I wasn’t going anywhere. She told me I was very pretty back there. “Has Jack ever had you here?” she asked.


  “Good,” she said, “because I want to be the first. You can be my virgin.”

  Janice took her time that day. She started with her tongue. Licking and sucking me until my ass was covered with her spit. She took some lubricants from the shelf and brought them to me.

  “Pick one.”

  I told her which one I wanted and she moved behind me and greased me. It was cold but I could feel it warm with my body heat. She knelt in front of me and began
to grease the fingers of her hand. She held her hand in front of my face.

  “Pick one. You’re going to feel them all, eventually, but which one do you want me to start you with?

  I said I didn’t want to pick. She said I had to. They all looked big to me. I felt myself tightening. Her red lacquered nails glistened obscenely with their layer of grease.

  “The thumb,” I said. It seemed like a good choice: it was shorter. I didn’t realize, that first time, how much thicker it was.

  Janice moved behind me again. I felt her thumb resting at my opening. She began to exert a steady pressure to ease herself in, circling inside me. I could feel her widening the arcs, stretching me slowly open. I watched in the mirror as she began to move her hand back and forth, violating me further. Janice withdrew for a moment, but only to insert a different finger. First one, then two, and sometimes three. She never left me empty longer than it took to decide which combination she would use, or to apply more grease. She used her other hand to cup my pussy and play with my swollen bud. She had been truthful about not wanting to hurt me. Tying me down was just to make me feel helpless.

  True to form, she made me look when she felt me start to come. I still had chocolate on my face from being between her legs. My ass was up in the air, so I could see her fingers disappearing between my cheeks. I looked like a bad girl that had been caught in the cookie jar. Offered up for punishment. There was nothing I could do but give in to Janice as she filled me front and back with her thumb and fingers and stroked me till I came.

  Janice wants that part of me. She says it’s hers now. My ass. No room for Jack there.

  That was last time and now I’ve come back again. I hear the bell tinkle as the last customer leaves, and hear the lock turn.

  We stroll around the aisles and stop at the wall display that still amazes me with all its shapes and sizes.


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