Caden's Dilemma (Indiscreet #6)

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Caden's Dilemma (Indiscreet #6) Page 2

by A. C. Katt

  “I have one, but have never used it for anything other than to get in the door, and since I knew I wouldn’t be charging anything until after I was working, I didn’t pay attention to the explanation. How does it work?”

  “Dues, dinners and bar tabs are deducted from a credit card number associated with the account number which is locked in a file in Jamie’s office. The bills are paid to an account named Davis, Ltd,” Reed told him. “Paychecks come from Drummond Real Estate.”

  “I better get going, if I’m not going to incur Bull’s wrath.”



  Johnny Nguyen, aka Masato to those who knew him at Indiscreet, worked in his home office in Jackson. At sixteen, Johnny invented a computer application that brought advertising and news personalized to the reader. He took it to a venture capitalist. By the time he was eighteen, he owned his company free and clear. When he turned twenty-two the company went public and he stepped down as the Chief Operating Officer and at twenty-three he sold forty-nine percent of his stock and became a billionaire, walking away while retaining a controlling interest. Thus, at twenty-four, Johnny was officially retired. He wanted to explore a facet of his personality he never shared with anyone. Johnny Nguyen was a submissive. Then, just a week ago, he’d received a call from his former office.

  “We need you to come back and take care of business,” his new Chief Operating Officer begged. “You’ve spent just over a year on this secret endeavor of yours, it’s time for you to come back. We’re working on several projects that could use your input.”

  Johnny sighed. They spoke via Skype and Harvey Thomas looked pissed. “You can handle anything that comes up and I am available via Skype for emergencies—and this, Harvey, is no emergency.”

  Johnny could see the steam coming out of his COO’s ears. “You said you’d be back.”

  “You sound like you’re two. Save the hissy fit for Marion, she’s more amenable to them then I am. I’m not coming back right now, and I may never come back. You have a competent software division. I know, I hired most of them myself. They can do the job if you let them.”

  The call ended on a rather sour note but Johnny was determined to take the time he needed for himself. He’d missed out on most of his childhood because he was writing code. He didn’t want to be a bystander in his own life. Last year when he retired he was determined to find the real Johnny Nguyen and he thought he was well on his way to doing so.

  He’d spent the last year as a submissive at Indiscreet and found he really liked the lifestyle. If he could find a Dom who wouldn’t run away from his money, Johnny would be a happy man.

  Johnny, who was one-quarter Vietnamese, one-quarter Japanese, one-quarter Irish and one quarter German, had joined Indiscreet one year ago this month. He took the first name of his Japanese grandfather and used it at the club. Johnny did his research. Indiscreet was the best D/s club in the state and had strict admission and confidentiality systems in place. They also ran the best training facility, and members didn’t talk about what went down at the club, except among themselves and never outside of the club walls.

  Johnny didn’t want a Master who was interested in his money, whether they lusted after it or were repulsed by it. So he was very careful to keep his identity a secret as he searched for a Master with the kind of integrity that could handle the fact that his sub was among the super rich. It had been a difficult journey this past year; he played at least three times a week, although he had few sexual encounters. Yet he hadn’t found someone special, someone with the kind of strength Johnny needed to support him in his private life. Johnny could take pain—he was Bull Raleigh’s go to guy for his intense demonstrations until Bull finally got together with Jamie. He craved the discipline even if it was delivered via a cane or cat. But he wanted the deeper connection the other subs had found with their Masters; that soul-to-soul joining that he observed in the five pairs of D/s he sat with on Friday nights. Masato held himself aloof from the sub club because he was afraid that someone would look too closely and find out what he was trying to keep hidden, but he liked his fellow subs and was envious of the love they’d found, that seemed to elude Johnny.

  He kept a low profile while looking for a Master. Lucky for Johnny he looked nothing like the pimply faced kid with braces who was plastered on the covers of Forbes and Newsweek. His skin was a tawny golden color and now pimple free due to the ministrations of an excellent dermatologist. He no longer sported braces and his teeth were bleached. He wore his thick chestnut brown hair in a short pony tail as opposed to his former crew cut. In other words, no one would recognize Masato as Johnny Nguyen. He agreed to give Caden the tour of the club because he was curious about Danny’s brother. He’d watched the man since Danny and Gary’s wedding and liked what he saw; he thought that there could be something there.

  As far as Johnny was concerned, there wasn’t a sub in all of Indiscreet who had Danny Donovan’s innate sense of fair play and integrity. In his few interactions with Caden he saw the same character traits. Caden certainly wasn’t hard on the eyes either. Johnny was five foot nine, not tall but a respectable height. Caden was well over six and a half feet. Caden was tan instead of golden like his brother and had mesmerizing green eyes. Now that Caden was going to be around more often, maybe he could entice him to play and get to know him better.

  § § §

  Friday night

  Caden arrived separately from Gary and Danny on Friday because he was about to be introduced as Indiscreet’s new Director of Security. Unlike Bull who wore his leathers to work, Caden decided to wear a suit, specifically the one he bought to wear to Danny and Gary’s wedding. He thought that the Director of Security should appear professional to the membership. He brought his leathers with him, in case he wanted to play, but for an introduction to the members he preferred to wear the suit.

  The sub club and their Masters were having dinner at their usual table along with Caden when Masato approached him, presenting himself for inspection. “I take it that you’re here to give me the fifty cent tour,” Caden said to the man on his knees before him.

  “You know everyone here. Come and have dinner with us and then you can take me around.” Caden signaled for a waiter to bring a pillow for Masato.

  Johnny bowed to Caden and put two fingers on his arm. “You have my permission to speak freely.”

  “Master Caden, Masters Bear and Reed asked me to be your guide this evening. If Sir permits, I’ll also act as your sub.” Johnny gave Caden another slight bow of the head.

  “As I said, you’re welcome to join us. Please order whatever you wish and put it on my tab. You have my permission to speak freely to anyone at the table.” Caden looked down into Masato’s eyes which, although showing a slight slant, were a chestnut brown, a lighter hue than he’d noticed at Danny’s wedding. The waiter brought the pillow and Masato sat on it and waited as the group placed their orders.

  § § §

  The other subs were chattering on about their Masters. Masato was content to lean up against Caden’s long legs and listen to what they had to say.

  “I’m so glad that Caden came to his senses and took the job Masters Bear and Reed offered.” Danny said.

  Jim and Brian whispered their agreement.

  “Is Master Caden going to Greg for a consult?” Brian asked Danny in a semi-whisper.

  “Don’t know.” Danny shrugged.

  “Anyone who did three tours in a war zone should get some counseling when they get home, even if they think they have no issues,” Jim told the assembled group. “Everyone has issues. We’re not special in that respect because we’re gay, although being gay does tend to bring more issues because of the attitudes of the bigots out there.”

  Johnny was inclined to agree with Jim although he said nothing. In his head he could see Caden charging ahead and protecting those around him. Caden’s natural inclination to protect enticed Johnny. He’d been protecting himself since he was sixteen and w
rote his first software program. The idea of someone being there for him to defend him against all comers turned him on. He snuggled closer to Caden’s leg. His interest had definitely been piqued. How do I get this man to notice me as both a potential sub and a desirable partner?

  Johnny felt Caden’s hand fall to his head and Caden began to run his fingers through Johnny’s hair. Johnny practically purred with pleasure. On the outside, Caden was everything Johnny looked for in a Dom. What was on the inside remained to be seen.

  Dinner arrived. The subs all decided to go with finger food that they could eat by themselves or have their Masters feed to them. Johnny wondered what Caden would do in this situation. Johnny was Caden’s sub for the night. Would Caden treat him like a real sub or a throwaway? To Johnny that would provide an insight into this man’s character and tell him whether Caden was indeed the first man Johnny had found that he might want for a Dom, and a deeper connection.

  As the meals were served, each Master was asked if he wanted to feed his sub or whether the staff should set up the small benches next to the sub pillows that allowed them to eat from a plate without difficulty. All of the Masters elected to feed their subs save Caden. He asked Johnny.

  “What do you prefer? To eat from my hand or have your own meal? Since this is the first time I’ve visited the club and procured a sub for the evening, I don’t know the proper protocol. It was different at the wedding— we just did what everyone else was doing. Feeding you is more meaningful now.”

  Johnny was impressed. Here was a man who was unafraid to admit ignorance and willing to work with him to facilitate their joint satisfaction. “I’d like it, Sir, if you treated me like the others.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.” Johnny watched as Caden prepared bite-sized morsels for him from the array of dishes on top of the table.

  “Masato, what brought you to Indiscreet?” Caden popped a garlic shrimp into Johnny’s mouth. Johnny took the time to think of an appropriate answer while he chewed.

  “I want to serve but I also long for a sense of safety. I feel that all of my life I’ve had to make all of the hard decisions for myself and by myself. I’d like someone to make decisions for me. To take care of me, not financially—there I can take care of myself—but emotionally and spiritually. In return I’d give him all that I am and have.” Johnny shook his head. He hadn’t meant to give that much away.

  Caden looked down at Johnny. “I need someone to care about, someone who needs me to take away his burdens and who, in return will let me be the Master in my own home.” He fed Johnny some more shrimp. “I want someone who is content with me making the decisions and running our lives as I see fit. I need the assurance that my sub will accept my decisions as final once I decide that the discussion is over. I require complete control. In the Army, I felt I had little control over anything and I’ve found that is something I now require.” Caden stopped speaking for a moment as if deep in thought. “I’ve always been a Dom, but after the Army, control has become a necessity in my life. I need a sub that is comfortable, who won’t balk at my being completely in charge of our lives.” Caden reiterated as he slipped a stuffed mushroom into Johnny’s waiting mouth.

  Johnny licked his fingers. Johnny thought, It’s almost as if he is trying to warn me how it would be.

  “I can empathize with the way you feel about control. All of my life I’ve had to be the sensible one, the one in charge, I want someone else to carry that burden. If you found the right person, what would you offer in return for control of his life?” Johnny leaned in to better hear Caden’s answer over the other conversations at and under the table

  “Everything I am, along with everything I have. I won’t be able to provide for my boy as well as Cisco, Bear or Gary; but with this new job I’ll make a respectable living. We would live well but not ostentatiously. He would live in my home and be subject to my direction. Although I’m not into giving out a great deal of pain, I would want to do occasional scenes and there would be daily discipline to keep him grounded.”

  “How do you feel about protocol?” Johnny asked, knowing he couldn’t spend his whole day bowing and scraping. He rubbed his face on Caden’s palm when he was fed a piece of loaded potato skin.

  “At the club, I would expect protocol to be observed to the same extent that the others in my party commanded from their submissives unless, of course, my sub was in silence as punishment. At home, protocol would be relaxed. I want a submissive for intelligent conversation and companionship as well as service.” Caden fed Johnny some tenderloin. “Meeting his needs as a submissive would become my first priority. I expect to love my sub. Although most Doms will enter into a relationship with no intense feelings on either side and hope they develop later, I’m of a mind that the feelings, or at least the beginnings of such feelings, should exist before the contract is signed.”

  Bear was speaking to the other Doms, and Caden stopped talking to Johnny in order to listen to what Bear had to say, so Johnny turned his ear toward the subs.

  “So how did you convince Caden to give up his idea of becoming a police officer?” Jamie and Bull just joined the party. Jamie was the most curious of the group.

  “I pointed out to Caden that he wouldn’t like being a rookie cop who took orders from idiots. He had enough of that in the Army.” Danny stopped to take a sip of iced tea from Gary. “I also told him that if he thought Indiscreet was a good place to work when he found me the job here, then he should have no objections to working here himself.”

  “Good point.” Brian gave Danny a thumbs up. He attempted to surreptitiously look at Johnny. “Will Caden be looking for a full time sub? Now that his financial situation is stable?”

  “I think so. He said that was his eventual goal. He wants to find a place of his own first. Right now he’s living in that house on Bear’s property that you lived in, Greg, but I’m sure he’ll move as soon as he can get his finances in order, and with the new job that will be sooner rather than later.” Danny gave Johnny a pointed look.

  It was obvious to Johnny that the sub club wanted him as their next member. He wasn’t averse to becoming one. They were all highly intelligent and educated men and he enjoyed their company, but he had to find out if Caden was the right Dom for him, one who would accept him despite his money, not because of it.

  He planned to give lots of it away in the coming years to worthy charities such as St. Mary’s and shelters for homeless LGBT youth, LGBT community centers, AIDS research and various veterans charities. His Master would need to accept that he had the money and be willing to take control of it and help Johnny manage the huge responsibility that came with that kind of wealth. Johnny thought that Caden had, or could learn the skills, necessary to help shoulder the burden of both the charitable work and management of the money. What he questioned was whether the man could put aside his pride and use the funds Johnny earned for their mutual benefit.

  § § §

  Dinner broke up and it was time to introduce Caden as the new Director of Security, the six new service subs and the five new members.

  Reed got up and went to the small stage set up near the bar. Danny described the procedure to Caden just after they arrived this evening. “The subs will kneel next to a table and the interested Doms will visit each sub in turn. Some will get contracts right away, but I think that’s foolish unless you know the Dom prior to this night. You’ll be introduced last. Every one of us waited for the right man to come along. Masato is still waiting, but I think it’s important to know the man who will have ultimate control over your life for the period specified in the contract.”

  Danny took another sip of iced tea from Gary. “I waited six months for Gary to offer for me and had a few close calls. The first night he offered a contract to Greg. I was lucky Greg was determined to contract with Cisco. My worst night was when Gary bid for Jamie after coming to see me three times a week for three months. I thought I had surely lost him then.”

  “Masato, you’r
e awful quiet. What is your take on this subject?” Brian’s eyes were laser focused on Johnny. He would have to be careful here. He thought he could trust the other subs, but he wasn’t sure.

  “I think that it is wise to wait for the right Dom and it was worth it for Danny to persevere as it was for Jamie and Greg. Brian was lucky in that he and Master Bear knew right away they were perfect for each other, and the stories that I heard about Jim and Reed only reinforce my belief that you don’t sign a contract until both parties are sure that they want one.”

  Jim groaned. “You’re right, of course. Reed wouldn’t have taken me for granted if I had held out for more of a commitment.” Johnny sat up straighter and Caden pulled him back against his legs.

  “If I waited until my Sir admitted he loved me, I would have waited a long time. It took me almost getting choked to death for Sir to come around.” Greg said. Cisco leaned down and gave his sub a kiss.

  “I am nothing if not hard headed,” Cisco interjected with a laugh. “But I’m happy I jumped into the pool, even though I’m still not sure I can swim.”

  “So you think it’s okay to sign a contract hoping for more than was originally promised?” Johnny asked the assembled subs.

  “As long as the contract is for a short term, three to six months, if you can’t turn them around by then, it’s best to cut your losses and look elsewhere.” All of the subs agreed with Greg’s statement. “I believe Reed is about to introduce Caden.” The subs, with their Masters’ permission, moved their pillows out from under the table to assemble in front of the banquette to watch.


  Friday, late evening


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