Caden's Dilemma (Indiscreet #6)

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Caden's Dilemma (Indiscreet #6) Page 3

by A. C. Katt

  Reed introduced the new subs and Doms and said, “Before you go to interview our new submissives, I would like to introduce our new Director of Security, Caden Donovan. Caden will be in charge of background checks, the bouncers, and any security breaches that occur outside of the Dungeons.”

  Caden walked up to the platform to a light round of applause. He waited for the applause to stop and then went to the microphone. “I will try and make sure that there are no major changes that affect the membership. However, as the club grows, our staff needs to grow in order to guarantee the same level of security and service you’ve come to expect at Indiscreet. I hope to be able to eventually meet all of you and if you have a security concern, please do not hesitate to come to me. My office door will always be open.”

  A man in the back raised his hand. “Some of us are here under an alias. Will you have the records giving you access to our true identities?”

  Johnny lifted his head to hear the answer to the question that also troubled him, but for a different reason.

  “I have asked Reed to retain those records in his office for three months. This will give the membership time to get to know and hopefully trust me. However, since I am the one who will be doing the background checks for new members, I will be aware of who they are and I swear that their true names and situations will never leave my office.” The gentleman who asked the question seemed satisfied with the answer.

  Reed took the microphone and asked, “Are there any further questions?” No one stood. “I will then consider this matter closed. Now let’s get to the original purpose of this evening,— the introduction of the new submissives and Doms.”

  Johnny was glad that Caden wouldn’t have access to his information for three months. From watching the man since Danny’s collaring and wedding, and with the insight he’d gained this evening, Johnny thought that Caden might be the Dom for whom he’d waited for over the last year. He intended to find out.

  Caden came back to the table and motioned to Johnny. “I would like that tour now if you will.”

  Masato gave a short bow to the Masters still seated at the table and turned to Caden. “I would be delighted, Sir.”

  Caden walked behind the beautiful man with the chestnut hair and the fair skin. The slant of those eyes betrayed his Asian ancestry and of course, his name gave that away, but the fair skin said there was a further unique mixture of culture and heredity. He also had a nice high, tight ass. Caden would bet he could bounce a quarter of that ass. Masato walked with a slight sway to his hips that enticed without being obvious. This was a man, not a lovable twink like his brother. Yet he seemed very reserved, almost as if he were hiding something.

  Masato took Caden to the bar area and showed him where the submissives gathered when they weren’t working, or in Masato’s case, playing. Caden noticed that although several of the subs greeted the boy, they didn’t seem to know him well. For that matter neither did Danny.

  § § §

  Caden had acted as best man at Danny’s wedding and throughout the dinner he was partnered with Masato because everyone else was paired off. Caden remembered their conversation.

  They stood drinking champagne while the waiters passed around hors d’oeuvres on silver platters. “So you came to Indiscreet at the same time as my brother.” Caden grabbed some canapés for both of them.

  “Yes Sir, Danny and I were in the same sub class along with Jamie and Greg.” Masato eyed the tray of hors d’oeuvres.

  “May I feed you or would you like to feed yourself?”

  Masato cocked his head. “You please, Sir if you don’t mind.”

  “Why are you here alone?” Caden wondered how this beautiful boy, with his rich, thick, shoulder length hair and his creamy skin, hadn’t caught the eye of some Dom in the past year.

  Masato let Caden feed him a canapé. “All the others have paired up. I’m still waiting for my Dom to find me.”

  “Although you present as a submissive, you don’t strike me as passive. I think when you find the Dom you’re looking for you’ll put yourself in his way so he can’t help but notice you.” Caden passed Masato a glass of champagne.

  Masato’s eyes sparkled, “You’re right. I won’t be able to help myself. Although I am a submissive, I’ve never hesitated to go after what I want, Sir.”

  Caden smiled and fed Masato another canapé. “In that respect you are like Jamie.”

  “As much as I respect Jamie, Sir, I can’t agree. I’m much more subtle and less inclined to overtly chase a man and set myself up for almost certain rejection. I would try to be quieter in my pursuit, let the Dom know I’m interested, but back off immediately if he didn’t reciprocate. I couldn’t make the spectacle of myself or the man I chose, like Jamie and Master Bull made while they courted.” Caden smiled at Masato.

  “Yet I can tell that you’re not passive. You will find a way to let the man know that you want him without drawing attention to either of you.” Caden took a spanakopita off the tray as the waiter stopped to serve them. Caden raised his eyebrow looking at the pastry and Masato nodded his head.

  “I love spanakopita, thank you, Sir.” Masato took a bite of the pastry from Caden’s hand.

  “You will, of course, join me for dinner. I believe Gary had Bear set up the subs that are in Danny’s wedding party up at the front table, and put a pillow next to the chair of each Dom. May I?” Caden put his arm under Masato’s elbow and escorted him to his seat.

  “Shall I get us something from the buffet?”

  Masato said, “Yes please,” as he arranged himself on his pillow.

  “You may kneel back.” Masato was on his knees with his ass resting on his heels. “Is there anything you don’t eat?”

  Masato said, “Sushi.” Caden threw back his head and laughed.

  Masato sat with Caden throughout the festivities and paid obeisance to Caden just before the party wound down. “You’re leaving?” Caden sounded a bit disappointed.

  The mysterious Masato nodded his head. “I have to be in the city tomorrow at seven and it’s already past midnight.”

  “It’s been an interesting evening,” Caden said as he kissed Masato’s check.

  “Yes, Sir, it has,” Masato said enigmatically.

  § § §

  Late Friday Evening

  This was the first time Caden had seen Masato since the wedding, although after he purchased his membership he was at the club every Friday night for dinner with his brother’s friends and their Masters. He’d been too busy with the academy and getting settled in Bear’s cottage to spend more than the Friday evening dinners at the club. He was also strapped for cash, and although the others were always quick to pick up the tab, Caden needed to pick it up when it was his turn. His pride would let him do no less.

  He was more settled in his house now, with the small items such as new sheets and kitchenware that Danny had given him, and his own small appliances from storage. Caden also had a few nice pieces of furniture and he placed them around the house, but the rest of his things he left in storage until he got a house of his own.

  Now he found himself doing a one-hundred and eighty degree turn from his original plan. Instead of becoming a policeman, he was about to start working at Indiscreet and this lovely boy was giving him the tour.

  “Sir, you haven’t seen the back of the house.” Masato took him to the kitchens. Because it was a busy Friday night, Caden just stuck his head in and introduced himself.

  He followed Masato up to the Dungeons. “They won’t see much use tonight because the new members and subs are being introduced, so I’ll be able show you all of them.” The various Dungeons were well equipped. There was a room with a medical table and instruments, a room with a swing that was large enough to use a whip. Every room had a spanking bench and most a Saint Andrew’s cross. He also noted the rooms with specialty items like old fashioned stocks.

  Caden also noticed that every room was spotless and equipped with condoms of various kinds, even th
ough members were required to be tested monthly, lube, surgical gloves and a shower. Six rooms had Jacuzzi tubs.

  “Is there any Dungeon that Sir would like to examine more closely?” Masato asked as they finished the tour of the wing that contained the playrooms. “The ones in the new wing are almost finished if you’re interested in seeing them.”

  Caden insinuated himself into Masato’s space and gave him a hard but brief kiss stating his intentions. “I’m interested, but it would have to be next week. Tonight I need to make myself available to the membership to allay any fears that their information is at risk because there is a new Director of Security.”

  Masato, with special permission from Reed, took Caden to the office wing. His office would be upstairs near to Reed’s. Jamie and Bull were given new offices down the hall and Jim now had an office of his own near the kitchen.

  Masato introduced Caden to any bouncer he knew and by the end of the tour Caden realized how large the operation was about to become, and understood the need for a Director of Security. The first thing he intended to bring to Reed’s attention on Monday was the lack of security upstairs and around the perimeter of the club.

  They were in Caden’s new office. He noticed that all of the office supplies he would need were already on the desk, in addition to a brand new laptop. Caden was impressed.

  “Do you happen to know if these things were purchased specifically for me or were they purchased for the new Director of Security?” Caden picked up the stapler.

  “In general, members are not privy to that information but I happened to be here early today and saw them bring the computer upstairs.” Masato smiled at Caden. “You gave them your answer yesterday and you start Monday, I would have assumed that they’d set you up today. It was just around the time that Master Reed asked me to show you around the club, Sir.”

  Caden opened the desk drawers and noted the pens, pencils, pad and empty manila and hanging file folders. Masato continued, “The subs do gossip within the confines of the club. That’s something you can’t stop. The waiters also have access to the whole bottom floor except for the cigar bar which, I personally think we no longer need as so few of the members smoke. So they also gossip about the members and the staff. In general, I don’t believe there are any disgruntled employees that you have to worry about, although there is one waiter I don’t like.”

  “Who would that be?” Caden wondered what club employee earned Masato’s wrath.

  “I think it’s better if I keep my prejudices to myself for the time being and let you form your own opinion. Jim is in charge of the wait staff and splits responsibility with Bull when there is an issue with the subs. There is little Jim can do about an unruly sub who is a paid member as he is a sub himself. Bull and the bouncers usually handle that and I think that would fall within your purview. But the subs are thoroughly vetted, so the situation doesn’t occur often.”

  “Why do you think he asked you to do the tour? Why not Jamie or Bull? They work for the club.” Caden put the stapler down then sat and looked at the computer. It was state of the art.

  “I think they wanted you to see the club through the eyes of a submissive accompanied by you, a Dom, so you would get both perspectives, Sir.” Masato backed out of the office to the doorway and waited for Caden to explore his space. “You can bring in some things to personalize the office. Jamie brought in plants and a rug. I saw him cart them over to the elevator and helped him bring them upstairs.” Caden pushed his chair back, got up and walked toward Masato who moved from the door out to the hall.

  As they went downstairs and rejoined the table, Caden thought about how much he’d enjoyed the part of the evening spent with Masato. He wondered if Masato felt the same.

  § § §

  Their Masters were drinking their coffee and aperitifs and the subs were enjoying dessert. Jamie, Brian and Danny were eating fruit because all three of them got bouncy with too much sugar. Jim and Greg had a slice each of dense chocolate cake. Greg liked it and asked Jim for the recipe.

  This gave Brian the chance to question Danny about Caden. Brian leaned in and spoke in an undertone, “How do you think Caden views Masato?”

  Danny finished his piece of pear. “I think Caden finds him attractive, but Caden plays his cards very close to his chest, it’s hard to tell.”

  “Masato looks interested, though. I’ve never seen him get that close to another Dom unless he was doing a scene. I don’t think that he has much sex here either,” Brian said. That seemed to get Jim’s attention. Jim poked Brian in the ribs.

  “How would you know? And if you do know, it’s none of our business. Masato is a private person and I don’t think he’d like us speculating on his sex life.” Jim sat on his pillow primly while Brian went into full pout.

  “I wouldn’t speculate on his sex life, but I think I saw signs of his interest in Caden. He leaned against his legs and let Caden feed him. He’s never let anyone do that before and I’ve seen him eat dinner with many Doms. He also let Caden feed him at the wedding, although he didn’t get so comfortable as to lean back.” Greg said. Greg was usually pretty quiet during their gossip sessions, so the subs were surprised that Greg spoke up.

  “Masato is the last one of us who hasn’t found his Dom. If he and Caden are attracted, maybe we should help them along before Caden gets to know the new crop of subs, who could catch Caden’s interest.” Jamie finished his pear and put the core on his plate for the waiter to remove.

  “Caden isn’t fickle. If Masato has caught his interest, then Caden won’t look elsewhere unless his interest isn’t reciprocated.” Gary reached down and ruffled Danny’s curls. Danny blushed and moved between his Dom’s legs.

  Greg shifted his legs and said in an abrupt change of subject. “If there get to be any more of us we’re going to have to go for a regular table. I’m hitting my head on the bottom of this one.”

  Jim looked around to see why Greg had redirected the conversation so quickly. Danny pointed in the direction of the stairs where the subs could see Caden and Masato making their way through the Dom’s dining room and back to their seats. Caden guided Masato by his elbow. Danny looked at Masato with some speculation.

  § § §

  Caden sat back down at the table and was surprised that Masato, having given him his tour, sat back down leaning against his legs. He thought about it. I want to get to know this man. I feel a connection to him that I haven’t felt before. I think he needs me. Caden leaned down and whispered to Masato. He called a waiter over and ordered some vanilla ice cream with salted caramel sauce.

  “You don’t get bouncy with sugar, do you?” Caden asked with a smile.

  “I guess we’re about to find out, Sir,” Masato answered, smiling. Caden barked out his laughter. The waiter brought the sweet dessert and Caden began to feed it to his sub for the evening.

  Caden leaned down to speak to Masato. “I intend to stay after work and do a scene on Monday evening. Would you be available?”

  Caden watched and saw a twinkle in Masato’s eye. “Yes, Sir, I think I will enjoy playing with you.”

  “Good, then, shall we make an appointment for a scene on Monday at say, seven, and I’ll reserve a room with Bull?” Caden’s green eyes focused in on Masato’s light brown ones.

  “I’d like that very much, Sir.” Masato looked away and Caden ran his fingers through the boy’s thick hair as he had done earlier in the evening. I could get used to this.

  § § §

  Johnny had to admit it, if only to himself, he was definitely intrigued. Caden pushed a number of his buttons. The one problem Johnny could discern was Caden’s pride. He’d demonstrated it several times this evening. When one of the more affluent Doms offered to buy everyone’s dinner, Caden refused and paid for his dinner and Johnny’s. Johnny knew his money was going to be a problem if he decided to pursue Caden; he’d have to think on how to deal with it.

  In the meantime Johnny leaned back and enjoyed Caden while he still could
because he knew once Reed gave Caden the security files which would tell Caden that Masato was really Johnny Nguyen, the reclusive software genius whom the press dubbed the baby billionaire, there would be many questions to answer. Was it possible to win Caden over in the three months before Reed gave the security files to Caden? Johnny certainly hoped so. As the evening wore on and Caden continued to run his fingers through Johnny’s hair giving Johnny light touches on his shoulders and cheeks, Johnny looked forward to his Monday play session.



  Caden was over at Gary and Danny’s helping to install the new eighty-inch television. Caden knew Danny acted the part of submissive husband most of the time but became a tiger over Gary’s health. There was no way he would let Gary haul around that television with his barely mended rotator cup. Gary bitched and moaned about Danny babying him but Danny was immovable.

  It didn’t take long for the new television to grace the great room. They were giving the sixty-inch television to Caden and Caden was taking his thirty-seven incher over to one of the new subs at Indiscreet who, according to Danny, didn’t have one.

  After the job was done, Danny made some coffee for Gary and Caden, accompanied by his now famous coffee cake.

  “You spent quite a bit of time with Masato Friday night. He’s always been quiet and a little stand-offish.” Danny prepared Gary’s coffee.

  “You’re butting into your brother’s business again, Danny. Do you want strokes?” Gary’s question elicited a small pout. He fixed Caden’s coffee and put it in front of him.

  “Thanks, Squirt.”

  Danny’s face crunched up in annoyance with both his Dom and his brother as they laughed.

  “Yes, I spent quite a bit of time with Masato, Friday. I like him and want to get to know him better. Does that assuage your curiosity, Squirt?” Caden lifted his eyebrow.

  “That is a Dom’s trait, the lifted eyebrow, it’s like genetic or something. The only sub I know that can do it is Jim and whenever he does it, it makes Brian crazy. I asked because the subs were talking. We were thinking of inviting Masato to Monday tea at Jim’s. He is after all, one of us. He came up in the same class as we did, and Jamie, Greg and I think that we should make the overture.” Danny cut the cake and served one piece each for Gary and Caden.


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