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Stay With Me (The Montgomery Brothers)

Page 9

by Chase, Samantha

  “Well,” Jason countered, “you did sort of badger me about my time at the office.”

  “That’s different and you damn-well know it! I didn’t ask for any details of your relationship and I would appreciate it if you showed me the same respect.” He leaned back in his chair and slouched a bit. Taking another long drink from the iced bottle of beer in his hand, Mac thought that the discussion was over.

  “Here’s the thing,” Lucas said, leaning forward with his elbows braced on the table; “Emma and Maggie weren’t close family friends. If you are just having your usual three-date fling, that could make things awkward. I mean, she’s staying at mom and dad’s! What are you thinking?”

  “Emma and Maggie were both employees of Montgomerys or have you both forgotten that?” He felt vindicated when they both had the grace to look a bit sheepish. “I know that Gina and her father have been part of our lives for what seems like forever but,” he paused, “I can’t explain it. I saw her in the airport and before I even knew it was her, I was drawn to her.”

  “And you don’t think this is dad playing at matchmaker with the two of you?” Jason asked.

  Mac shrugged. “I doubt it. He told me from the get-go that he didn’t think I was right for Gina because I don’t have staying power. I mean, what the hell does he know?”

  “He knows that he’s been married to mom for almost forty years,” Lucas responded. “He’s not blind, Mac; he knows that you don’t date long-term and that your position with the company is your whole life. Why? Are you pissed that he’s not matching you up with anyone like he did with me and Jace?”

  “Hell, no! I don’t want him interfering in my life. As it is he’s been on my case because I work too much. He’s been threatening me with a forced leave of absence. I think if he’s going to play matchmaker he probably feels like he’s got to get me out of the office first.”

  “Maybe,” Jason said, unconvinced. “He’s sneaky. I mean with Lucas and Emma it was just a matter of giving them a little nudge but with me and Maggie? I was blindsided.”

  “Well, he’s not going to blindside me,” Mac said confidently. “I watched the both of you fall and now I know what to look for. Dad’s not going to snag me a wife; I’ll find her myself without anyone’s help, thank you very much.”

  His brothers laughed and although Mac joined them, he suddenly felt like the joke was on him.


  Gina helped Maggie and Emma set the large dining room table and found that she felt really at ease with them; as if they could be good friends. “So how is Arthur feeling?” Emma asked as they worked together folding napkins and putting out plates and silverware.

  “He has good days and bad,” Gina said, trying to not get choked up. “His doctors have all been wonderful and they seem pleased with how he’s been responding to his treatments.”

  “Will he get to come home any time soon?” Maggie asked.

  Gina shook her head. “It’s not likely. I talked to one of his doctors yesterday and he said that they may allow him to go home at the end with a trained, live-in staff if that’s what dad wants but I haven’t discussed it with him yet. I’m trying very hard to not think about the end and just focus on the time we have together now.” As much as she tried to stop them, the tears began to fall and she suddenly found herself embraced by the two women.

  “I cannot even imagine what you must be feeling,” Emma said quietly. “We shouldn’t have brought it up. I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sorry.” She squeezed Gina a little more.

  “It’s okay; it’s sort of like the elephant in the room. I know that I can’t ignore what’s happening and I have to learn to deal with talking about him, especially to the people who are so close to him, without breaking down.”

  They released her and Maggie reached for a napkin and handed it to Gina. It was at that moment that Mac walked in. “What the hell’s going on here?” He immediately stepped to Gina’s side. “Are you all right?” he asked gently. When her big green eyes looked up at him he felt his heart squeeze tight in his chest; a feeling that was becoming far too familiar whenever he was near her.

  “We were just talking about my dad and I got a little emotional.”

  He looked at both Maggie and Emma accusingly. “Maybe you can find something a little more cheery to talk about?” His tone was firm and both women were a little bit shocked to hear it directed at them.

  “We already apologized, Mac,” Emma said defensively, crossing her arms across her chest. She was married to a stubborn Montgomery man and she knew how to stare one down when needed. It didn’t take long for Mac to cave.

  “Lucas said the steaks are just about done,” he said as he exited the room.

  Maggie and Emma looked at each other knowingly and then looked at Gina and saw her staring at Mac’s retreating back. Maggie leaned toward Gina. “So, you and Mac, huh?”

  Gina blushed. “What? No…no…um…yeah, no.” The two women in front of her did not look convinced. “I mean, I used to have a massive crush on Mac when I was younger but he never even noticed me.”

  “I’m pretty sure he’s noticing you now,” Maggie said, placing the last of the silverware on the table. “You don’t need to hide it; I think you would be great for Mac. He never dates a woman more than a handful of times but I think you could be the one to make him consider the long-term.”

  “It’s not like that,” Gina said, her blush heating up even more.

  “We’re not trying to embarrass you,” Emma said. “We’ve both been there. Those Montgomery boys are irresistible. And I agree with Maggie; I think that you and Mac together would be wonderful.”

  Gina wanted to talk to them about it but suddenly the entire Montgomery clan was piling into the dining room. “We’ll talk later,” Maggie whispered as everyone worked together to get the food on the table and settled in to eat.

  By the time everyone was seated and all of the food had been served, Gina felt oddly overwhelmed. Meals with her family were always quiet and sedate; she couldn’t remember the last time there had been laughter around the table. Lucas and Emma shared how they were adjusting to being new parents and William and Monica talked about their cruise and then Maggie and Jason talked about their plan to start looking for a new home because they wanted to start a family.

  It was all very uplifting and everyone was so encouraging that Gina wanted to just flee. She knew she was overly emotional these days and even when surrounded by happy stories she felt the need to escape. After her earlier reaction at the mention of her father, everyone seemed to silently agree to not bring him up.

  Conversation continued to flow around her and she found herself simply smiling and nodding rather than actively participating. Finally, Monica decided to draw her in. “So I saw you carrying in some canvases yesterday. Are you painting again?”

  Gina nodded. “I am. I hadn’t picked up a paintbrush in years but when I went to pick up some things at my father’s house, he had some there for me as a surprise. I hope you don’t mind that I’m painting in your house?”

  Monica waved her off. “Don’t be silly, sweetheart; you can do whatever you want there. Who knows, maybe we’ll even hang some of them in there. Those walls have always been a little too vacant for me.”

  “I didn’t know you painted,” Emma said with a big smile. “Would you consider doing something for the nursery? We have it ninety percent done but I’m afraid I procrastinated a little too much and didn’t finish before Lily was born. She’s sleeping in our room for now but I would love to have something original in her room.”

  “I would be honored,” Gina said shyly. “But maybe you should see some of my work before you get your hopes up. You may not like it.”

  “Of course she’ll like it,” Mac said without looking at her. “You’re extremely talented.”

  His words would have meant so much more to Gina if he actually looked at her when he said it or if he had said it with a little more gentleness. He was being brusque and for
the life of her, she couldn’t quite understand his change in attitude from earlier today to now. She mumbled her thanks and looked back at Emma with a smile. “We can get together and talk about what you’d like.”

  “You used to really like photography when you were younger, too,” William interjected. “Do you still enjoy it?”

  “Ah, that’s another hobby that I let go after I moved and that I’m rediscovering now thanks to my dad. It’s all on computer now with all of the photo editing software. I’m trying to learn about it and figure it out but I’m not all that tech-savvy.”

  “Funny you should mention that,” William said, “I know someone who could probably help you. He works for us; his name is Todd. If you want, I can give him your number and the two of you can get together and figure some of that software out.”

  Mac was fuming. He had told his father to not try and fix Gina up with Todd and it infuriated him that he went ahead and was doing it anyway.

  “I really could use the help,” Gina said, considering William’s offer. “I just don’t seem to have the knack for anything computer related.”

  “Then Todd is the man for you,” William said with a big smile. “I think the two of you will really hit it off. I’ll give him your number and have him call you. Is that all right with you?”

  Gina nodded but had a weird sense of disappointment. She was sleeping with Mac but she knew it was temporary. Although by temporary she thought it was implied that it would last as long as she was here in North Carolina. Then she thought about Maggie’s earlier comment on how Mac only dated women a handful of times. Was this how he was going to stop their relationship? By having his father set her up with someone else so that she wouldn’t bother him anymore? If that was the case then she’d let him know that she was fine with it. “That would be wonderful, William. Tell Todd that I look forward to his call.”

  Mac continued to stew. Gina wanted to go out with Todd? What in the world was going on? Had he said or done something wrong? He wanted to stand up and tell his father to back off and then tell Gina that she couldn’t see anyone else.

  But he didn’t.

  First, he wasn’t one to make a scene. And secondly, what he shared with Gina was private, just like he had told his brothers earlier. Clearly, however, they weren’t on the same page because she was willing to go out with another man and practically make the date right in front of him! Well, he’d just see about that. When they left later, they would discuss this in the car like rational adults. He’d just have to bide his time and get through the rest of this day without letting anyone know that there was a beast raging within him.

  When lunch was finished, everyone dispersed. The men went back out onto the deck and Gina found herself sitting in the den with Maggie, Emma and Monica. Lily had long-since gone down for a nap and the four of them were happy to have the time to relax.

  “Don’t let William push you into going out with Todd,” Monica began. “He played matchmaker with Maggie and Jace after doing it with Lucas and Emma and I’m afraid he’s making it his life’s ambition to fix people up.”

  “Matchmaking? Seriously?” she said with a laugh. “Why would he want to match me up with anyone?”

  “Maybe to make Mac jealous?” Emma said mischievously and then broke out in a fit of giggles.

  “Make Mac jealous?” Monica repeated, completely confused. “Why would he…? Oh, no.” She looked at her two daughters-in-law. “You don’t think that’s what he’s doing, do you?”

  Both women nodded. “It makes perfect sense,” Maggie began. “Mac’s the last Montgomery standing and William clearly loves Gina like a daughter. It just makes sense.”

  Gina was beyond mortified. It was one thing to mention that she used to have a crush on Mac to Emma and Maggie but to talk about it in front of his mother was another story all together. “If it’s all the same to you…” she began.

  Monica interrupted. “Gina, I remember how you used to have a crush on Mac back when you were a young girl and I’m sure that William does, too. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I’ll talk to him when we get home later and make him back off. You have enough on your plate without my husband trying to marry you off.”

  Sagging with relief, Gina relaxed into the sofa cushion. “Thank you, Monica. I appreciate that.”

  “But should you ever want our interference, you just say the word and we’ll gladly do our best to make that stubborn son of ours open his eyes.” They all laughed and soon the talk was focused on babies and houses and Gina sat back and just enjoyed it and secretly hoped that those were topics that she’d get to talk about someday.

  Chapter Eight

  It was after dark when everyone was getting ready to leave. Gina was so thankful to have a day to just relax. She had told her father of her plans for the day and although she felt guilty for missing the time with him, he encouraged her to go. She just hadn’t realized how much she had needed it until now.

  “It’s crazy for Mac to drive you home when that’s where we’re going,” William was saying as he came to stand beside her. “I told him that you’ll ride with us.”

  “Oh,” she said, looking over her shoulder to where Mac was standing a few feet behind her. He hadn’t spoken more than a handful of words to her all afternoon and her heart sank. He was clearly severing ties with her and although their time together was short, it still hurt. Turning back to William, she smiled. “Okay then. Ready when you are!”

  Hugging Lucas and Emma, she thanked them for including her today. “You’ll come for lunch tomorrow, right?” Emma asked. “Maggie will be here and it will be a lot less chaotic and we can discuss the painting for the nursery.”

  “That sounds wonderful. I’ll have to leave by one-thirty to get to the hospital but I think that it will be fine. Thank you again, for everything.”

  “It was our pleasure, Gina,” Lucas said as he hugged her. “It was really good to see you and I’m sure we’ll be seeing you again before you head back to California.”

  “I’m sure of it,” she said. Jason and Maggie came and hugged her goodbye as well and next thing she knew, she was being ushered out the door and into William’s car.

  Mac hadn’t said goodbye.

  The drive back to the Montgomerys wasn’t very long and once back at the house, William and Monica invited her to have some coffee with them. Gina agreed even though she wanted to be alone and think about where she had gone wrong and misread how things were with Mac.

  They were seated at the large table in the kitchen when Gina realized how serious they both looked. “Is everything all right?” she asked.

  William looked at his wife before facing Gina. “I was wondering if you’ve talked to Arthur’s doctors yet.”

  Gina shook her head. “Not at any great length. Honestly, I’ve just been trying to focus on spending time with him and making the most of the time we have together. His spirits have been up and he’s gained a little weight back and from the few conversations that I have had with them, his scans are showing that nothing has spread.”

  William nodded. “That’s all really great news, sweetheart, and I know that your father loves having you here.” He paused and fidgeted slightly in his seat. “There are just some things that you are going to need to start thinking about and maybe now isn’t the time to be having this discussion but I wanted to at least put it out there for you.”

  She reached across the table and placed her hand on top of his. “You’ve always been so kind and considerate and I know that you are looking out for me and I do appreciate it. Dad has already told me that you are the executor of his estate and I trust you.” Taking a sip of her coffee, Gina took the moment to compose her thoughts.

  “Dad and I have been apart for so long and honestly, I didn’t know what to expect when I came back here. We’re getting to know each other again and I spend most of the time trying to ignore the fact that he’s in the hospital.” She looked at the Montgomery’s and smiled sadly. “I’d love to be abl
e to take him out for the day just so that we can have that memory together.” She shrugged. “But the doctors aren’t fully on board with the idea.”

  “I can talk to them,” William suggested.

  “I would appreciate that.”

  “The thing is, Gina, there’s the house, the business…your father wants…”

  Gina cut him off. “I can’t do this right now. I know that we are going to eventually have to talk about it but right now, I’m not ready. I’m sorry. I hope that you don’t think that I’m being selfish or naïve about the whole thing; I’m not. It’s just that it’s been such a wonderful day and it’s been so long since I’ve been around such a joyful family. I’d like to have that memory.”

  William nodded. “Of course. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to just jump into this. I just figured since we’ve been away and you may have questions or concerns…”

  “I’m good; really.” She finished her coffee and gently pushed the cup aside and smiled at the two people who she always wished for as parents. “You are so blessed to have such a wonderful family. I really enjoyed watching the way that you all interact with one another and the love on your faces today as you held Lily was absolutely precious.”

  It was a nice segue way to happier topics and they talked for another hour about everything and nothing. It was one of the most relaxing parental conversations she’d ever had. A glance at the clock showed it was after ten. “It’s been a long day and if you don’t mind, I’d like to try and get a head start on some ideas for Lily’s nursery.” She wished them both a goodnight and walked across the expanse of the yard to get to the guest house. All of the lights were off but she already knew this place like the back of her hand.

  Gina opened the door and stepped inside and nearly screamed as she was grabbed and backed up against the wall.


  His mouth was hot and urgent on hers. Gina dropped her purse to the floor so that she could wrap her arms around him. He lifted her off the ground and soon her legs were around him as well. Their tongues mated while Gina raked her fingers through his hair. It was madness and all she could think of was how she never wanted it to end.


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