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The Colony Box Set

Page 5

by J. D. Grayson

  A surge of anger filled the injured prisoner. Smith lunged upward at Fredrick Grey. The five guards stomped him underfoot, ending the assent. Gunner spit a bloody assault into the commander’s face, angering him more.

  Wiping his face with the leather glove, Fredrick followed with a lethal bashing. The facial blow was so hard, there was no need for another. Gunner’s head lost all tension, spilling to the side in lifelessness. His eyes slowly settled into a corpse’s gaze.

  “Should we bury him, commander?” a camouflaged man asked.

  “No. He’s not worthy of burial inside these gates. Toss him outside the perimeter...let the savages have him.”


  Dylan awoke as morning light crept through the window. He looked around, wondering if he’d dreamed the night’s crazy event. A carpet stain assured him otherwise. Gunner’s injured ankle left red proof behind.

  Seeing Alexa peacefully asleep, he decided to put the crazed accusations to a test. Creeping to the wall mirror, he examined the mirror’s wooden frame. It was fastened to the sheet rock, lending credibility to a possible camera behind it. Digging his nails into the frame, he tried to pry it away. No luck.

  Looking around the room, he went to an oak desk. Searching a drawer, he found a pen inside. Dylan used the sharp pen point to break through. He drove his fist into the makeshift crowbar, splintering wall away. Prying the plastic wedge upward, the frame broke away from the wall.

  “What are you doing?” Alexa’s voice startled him.

  “Shit! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

  “You don’t really believe that...crazy you? He was on drugs.”

  “I just need to check...for my own sanity.”

  “They’ll blame us for this damage!”

  “I need to do this...or I’ll never be able to accept this place,” he said, as she rolled her eyes. However, a small bit of curiosity kept her interest too.

  Using a jamming motion upon the pen, the frame separated from the wall. Pulled away, there was nothing behind it, but more wall.

  “Do you feel silly now?” Alexa asked. “Will you stop trying to second guess our decision here?”

  A mixture of relief and disappointment filled Dylan’s face. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to find proof or not. However, he wasn’t satisfied yet. “There are more mirrors.”

  Alexa shook her head in disbelief, as her husband pried every mirror from the wall. He got the same result. Exhaling, he felt foolish. “I’m sorry,” he said.

  The curvy blond rubbed his back. “Look, last night spooked me too. Leaving our lives behind was even scarier...though we wanted a new start. If we don’t try to become a part of will we know if this place can save us?”

  He exhaled again, realizing his wife’s words were correct. “You’re right,” he said, kissing her. “I’ll put the mirrors back...they’ll never even know I did it.”

  “Forget the mirrors. It’s your disbelief I’m asking you to stop. I want this.”

  He nodded. “I’ll stop.”

  She smiled. “I’m gonna shower. I don’t know about you...but I’m ready for change. Whatever it brings us.”


  A crowd of 48 colony members sat in a small arena. Two spot lit circles decorated the middle, surrounded by the 24 men, 24 women. It was a jury of their peers. They consisted of different races, Caucasian, Hispanic, Black, Asian, etc. Each person was strikingly beautiful, all below the age of 50. They were all nude. The building was located outside the protected gates of pearl, where all judgment was passed.

  Alexa’s old therapist, Dr. Freedmen entered the area. Unlike the others, he was clothed. He made an announcement to the room. “Good members of Aionios, tonight I bring you two new prospects. I present to you, Dylan and Alexa Hunter.”

  The couple entered the arena. Their greeting was silent observation. They took their places in the circle centers.

  Dr. Freedmen addressed them. “You left your land as rotting corpses, arriving here as souls in purgatory. This is the moment of truth. It’s the moment when you decide to cleanse your souls or die a spiritual death.”

  Both Dylan and Alexa gulped in nervousness. It wasn’t clear what a spiritual death entailed.

  The therapist continued. “I see you still wear clothes.”

  They nodded, jointly saying, “Yes.”

  “Why? Your bodies have been cleansed...yet you still wear the ways of an old world. So...I ask again...why? Is it shame? Fear? We have no use for either here.”

  Both paused in thought, as Dylan spoke up. “We aren’t ashamed or afraid.”

  “Then do as your brothers and sisters. Share your bodies as intended. Reveal your true forms. Hide nothing from them...they will hide nothing from you.”

  The couple took a deep breath, looking at each other. After mentally abandoning their vanity, they began to disrobe. Alexa was the first to shed her dress. Her C-cup breasts heaved with excitement, nipples thickened with engorgement. She felt every eager eye devour her, absorbing her erotic essence. Her puffed lips glistened in the light, shiny smooth. It was obvious to everyone, she was a natural exhibitionist.

  Dylan’s body language was opposite his wife’s. Delaying as long as he could, time ran out. He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a six-pack stomach and tight definition. The removed body hair showcased every muscular detail. He completed the show, dropping his pants to his ankles. To his embarrassment, a fully erect 9-inches was on display. The act was obviously more desirable than admitted.

  The crowd buzzed with delight at the beautiful couple. Anything other than beauty would be rejected upon sight. However, the Hunters’ level of visual perfection out-shined them all. Only one couple equaled their radiance, though they weren’t present.

  “You’ve completed the first step towards eternity. Your bodies are clean. It’s time to cleanse your soul. Confess.”

  Worried looks crossed the couple’s faces. “Confess what?” Dylan asked.

  “Your secrets.”

  “We don’t hold secrets,” Alexa cut in. “I told him everything.”

  “You told Dylan. Repent to the rest of your family,” he said, holding his hands out to the anxious crowd.

  She looked at the strangers in shame. “I cheated on my husband with his best friend.”

  Dr. Freedmen’s voice rose. “No, Alexa. You cheated on them all! Repent.”

  She paused again, as a tear rolled down her cheek. “I’m sorry.”

  “Tell them what you detail,” Dr. Freedmen scolded.

  “I...had sex with him.”

  “No! You fucked every way possible. Tell them!”

  “I fucked every way.


  “Bondage, asphyxiation, spanking...orally, vaginally...”

  “Anally!” the therapist shouted.

  Dylan's face cringed upon hearing the word.

  “Yes, anally,” she shamefully said.

  “You gave your anal virginity to him! You stole it from your husband! You stole it from every one of them!” the therapist shouted, pointing at the crowd.

  “I did,” she broke down in tears.

  “Tears don’t get you a pass here.”

  “What can I do?” she begged. “I’ll do anything!”

  Instead of answering her verbally, the therapist motioned to his assistants. A team of men wheeled out a square coat rack with cuffs attached. Both Alexa and Dylan’s heart raced upon sight.

  “Come here,” the therapist ordered.

  Without a moment of thought, she followed his instruction. It was clear Dr. Freedmen used their therapy sessions to obtain her obedience. From the vulnerable state she was in, it wasn’t a difficult task.

  “Alexa,” Dylan shouted, pausing her path. “Are you sure about this?”

  “He’s right,” she said. “I owe it to you. I owe it to them.”

  He backed off. The blond sexpot stepped up to the rack. The team of four assistants took
her in their arms, carrying her into place. Her wrists were cuffed to the rack, along with her feminine ankles. Once fully secured, she was suspended in the air, hanging like a slab of meat. Her body formed the shaped of an X, legs spread so her pink lips and tender asshole were exposed.

  The crowd drooled with impatience, ready to play their role. The rack was wheeled in a circle, displaying the woman’s pear-shaped ass for all to observe. Alexa felt like an object, loving every moment.

  Dylan’s cock throbbed in time with his jealous heart. The feelings of lustful inadequacy returned to his soul, emulating the day his world crashed down. He silently wondered, If this is her soul cleansing, then what’s mine?

  Dr. Freedmen nodded to the front row of crowd members. They lined up in front of her. The first man was handed a thin whip. He was strong, mocha skinned. Before doing anything, he ran his hands along her curves, grasping her breasts, squeezing her nipples. Dylan looked away in disbelief.

  Kneeling down, he placed his nose to her spread vagina. Inhaling deeply, a look of satisfaction crossed his face. It was like drowning in a bed of blooming roses. Stepping back behind her, the man shouted, “What do you have to say to me?”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Say it like you mean it!” he screamed.

  “I’m sorry,” she broke down in tears. “Truly sorry!”

  Satisfied, the man swung the whip at her luscious ass. He hit hard, though expertly knew how to unleash pleasure. Alexa’s body jolted from the feeling. After his lashing, he handed the whip to a beautiful redheaded woman.

  She was feminine, curvy. Her hands sensually roved the sexual object before her. Kneeling down, she placed her nose into Alexa’s womanhood, inhaling the floral aroma. Stepping back, she shouted, “What do you have to say to me?”

  “I’m sorry,” Alexa said, as the woman wielded another whipping across the bulbous butt cheeks.

  Dylan wanted to stop the humiliating show, though was powerless. As hard as it was to watch, the pleasurable vulnerability in Alexa’s voice made him seep pre-cum. It slipped down his shaft, as the soul cleansing continued.

  As one row emptied, another returned to grope, smell, and beat her. By the halfway point, Alexa’s first orgasm jolted through her body. The raw skin burned with fire, causing her thighs to tighten. A natural Kegel motion began, triggering untouched orgasms. Her mind extracted the pleasure from pain.

  Once the last woman hurled the whip, Alexa had her fifth orgasm of the night. It was also the most intense. Her body quivered in erotic exhaustion, shaking and moaning for all to see. Her backside was streaked with red lines, lips rimmed with sticky lust.

  By the time the spanking was finished, Dylan was an emotional wreck. He didn’t know what he felt inside. The worry about his own fate was forgotten, focused on his wife. His turn was about to arrive.

  “Dylan Hunter...your cleansing will come soon. Though having earned her forgiveness from the colony, it’s time she’s earned yours.”

  “I’ve forgiven her.”

  “Have you really?”

  “I came here...didn’t I? I did it to save our marriage.”

  “You came to save evidenced from your suicide attempt.”

  Alexa gasped, turning her head towards him. “Suicide? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Dylan looked away in shame. “I didn’t go through with it.”

  Dr. Freedmen cut in. “Had we not been following would have.”

  “Were you inside my head? You don’t know what I would’ve done.”

  “You couldn’t escape Thomas, so you fled here. His ghost followed. The virginity he denied you...followed with him.”

  “I told you...I forgive her!” Dylan shouted in fury.

  “Your lack of action betrays your words. Your refusal to penetrate her the opposite of forgiveness.”

  A look of humiliated anger crossed his face. “That’s my business!”

  “Wrong, Mr. Hunter. It’s all our business now. If you harbor resentment for one, you harbor it for everyone.”

  Dylan’s defensive posture softened, walls broke down. “I’ve...tried. I just can’t. I see him taking her ass...tainting her forever. I can’t get it from my head.”

  “Here’s your chance. Take back her body. As a husband. As a man. Free yourself from the burden. Cleanse your soul of anger.”

  Dylan’s fists clenched, as his cock got harder. The look in his eyes was a concoction of anger, lust, and aggression. Noticing the reaction, Dr. Freedmen nodded at his assistants. They approached the blond. Two men pulled her pale ass cheeks open, lubing up her hind hole with their fingers.

  Taking a long look at her captive, curved ass, Dylan lunged for her. Placing his hands upon her childbearing hips, he aimed his cock head at the forbidden entrance. He pushed hard and unapologetic, aiming to punish.

  As the bulbous head entered the clinched anal ring, the slick sphincter tightened around his cock like an anaconda's grip. Although he always imagined what her ass felt like, he never anticipated the animalistic intensity of the act.

  His face cringed from the anal tension. Only halfway inside, it was too tight to proceed. Refusing to give up, his hand gripped hold of her golden hair. Yanked back like a horse’s rein, she moaned. Her body was already tense from the suspension.

  The harder he pushed, the more her dark canal constricted. With every thrust, he gained more ground, planting his flag deeper. After one massive crash into her, her dark tunnel conceded.

  She was forced to accept all of him. He slid all the way to her cheeks, slapping his balls against her pillowy skin. Crying out in painful pleasure, Alexa’s body went limp. It was a sign of her ultimate submission. More importantly, she submitted to her husband.

  Feeling her calm, Dylan yanked Alexa’s hair harder. His cock was driven deeper into her, reviving her intensity. Her anus began to tingle with burning fire, stimulating each nerve ending inside the flaming flume.

  Feeling her body tighten again, Dylan reached around, slapping at her thick breasts. The man, who’d once thought such acts barbaric, embraced them. He would’ve never performed in front of a crowd before, though felt at one with them. There may be a place for me here, after all, he silently told himself.

  The more he slapped at her swelling breasts and nipples, the harder he pulled her hair. His cock had grown another half-inch when he’d reached her colon. Alexa felt every eye upon her, erupting in an orgasm so hard, she convulsed in a seizure-like state.

  Her savory star clamped like a tightened vice, syphoning a thick river of cum from Dylan’s testicles. His wife’s trembling pleasure forced his ejaculation. A manly grunt sounded from his throat. Thick white sperm rushed from him, spraying his wife’s anal walls. It was so intense, he gripped both breasts, pumping them with each inner spurt.

  The deeper Dylan’s sweet fluid seeped, the harder Alexa came. The intense orgasm made her black out. Her body went limp, hanging from the rack. Her husband continued to pump off inside her.

  Right as he withdrew, a sea of sperm seeped from her hidden garden. It poured from her defeated form, dangling between her legs. Hanging limp and exhausted, there was no longer any doubt. Alexa had earned his true forgiveness, and he’d reclaimed his wife’s ass.

  Dr. Freedmen stepped up to the breathless Dylan, as the assistants freed Alexa from the rack. She was revived with smelling salts, brought to her husband’s arms. They kissed each other passionately, too deep a feeling for words.

  “Now to your cleansing,” The therapist announced.

  Mr. Hunter paused in shock. “Wasn’t that enough? My wife can barely stand.”

  “This isn’t about your wife. The next yours alone,” Dr. Freedmen said, as the assistants led the curvy blond away from his arms.

  “Will I be the one whipped now?”

  “Quite the opposite. In fact, this beating will be administered by you. Bring him out,” the therapist shouted. Suddenly, a man hooded in a black mask was dragged from
the arena tunnel, bound at the hands. His body was tossed to Dylan’s feet. Pulled up to his knees, the assistants held him in place.

  An eerie familiarity filled Dylan, though he tried to deny it. “Who’s this? What’s he have to do with cleansing my soul?”

  “He’s the man who destroyed your life,” the therapist announced. “Say hello to Thomas.” The black mask was yanked off the man’s sweaty face. His gag was removed, eye blackened.

  His face was older, though the same look of arrogance filled his eyes. However, the tears streaming down his face softened it a bit. “I’m so sorry, Dylan. I...didn’t mean to betray you,” he sobbed like a child.

  “I have nothing to say to him,” Dylan said to Dr. Freedmen. “You shouldn’t have brought him here. He’s dead to me already.”

  “Search your heart, Mr. Hunter. We both know...he’s very much alive. While you suffered, he bragged to old acquaintances of how he played you the entire time. From day one...his friendship was false. He wanted her for himself.”

  Thomas shouted, “Bro, you know me. You know that’s bullshit!”

  Dr. Freedmen’s voice deepened. “We both know...your path to eternity, runs through him.”

  “What do you want me to do?” Dylan asked in confusion.

  “I’m ordering you to avenge your pride...their pride!” He pointed at the anxious crowd. “He coveted your earthly property...picking her anal cherry from the most sacred of trees.”

  Fire burned in Dylan’s eyes, fueling inner rage. “I wanted to smash his face...for so many years.”

  “Then end his hold on you...forever,” Dr. Freedmen said.

  Alexa gasped at the implied order. She caught eyes with Thomas, feeling guilt wrack her soul. She knew equal blame lied with her, though the worst punishment would belong to Thomas alone.

  Dylan noticed the eye contact between the old lovers. His fist struck his ex-friend’s face, knocking the cuffed man to the ground. Suddenly, Mr. Hunter leapt upon Thomas like sharks to chum. Rivers of pent pain flooded out. Wadded fists pounded his enemy’s head in blow after blow.


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