The Colony Box Set

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The Colony Box Set Page 6

by J. D. Grayson

  “No!” Alexa screamed, running to stop her husband from finishing what he’d started. She’d stopped him once from killing his friend, though that was a different time, different man. The assistants stopped her, leaving the distraught woman to watch the unmerciful punishment.

  Fermented rage exited Dylan’s lungs, sounding like a cranked car engine. His anger continued to flow, spurting trickles of red upon his face. The bound Thomas slowly stopped moving, awash in injury.

  Feeling the adulterer's nose shatter under his fist, Dylan stopped. Alexa cried, shaking. Thomas’ eyes slowly opened up, shifting towards his blond lover. It was like a final insult. Mr. Hunter said, “Even betray me!”

  Leaning in, Mr. Freedmen asked Dylan, “This is the moment of truth. You trade his eternity for yours...or your eternity for his.”

  Heaviness came over Dylan. He feared his wife’s reaction, wondering if she’d ever forgive him. Before ending her lover’s life, he needed her blessing. Looking back at Alexa, he saw tears stream her face.

  However, her tears were not for Thomas, but for the acceptance in her heart. With Dylan having grown sexually, he now completed her in every way. He was finally a man she could spend eternity with. Alexa nodded at her husband in surprise approval.

  At that moment, there was no longer any doubt. He needs to die, Dylan told himself.

  Turning back towards Thomas, Mr. Hunter balled his fist, lifting it into the air. Striking with all his might, he hit the traitor’s temple. The man’s neck spilled to the side, eyes opened wide. He was dead.

  Thomas was dragged away, as Alexa took refuge in her husband's arms. “I’m so sorry,” she said, embracing him tighter each moment.

  Dr. Freedmen touched their shoulders, softly saying, “You are clean.” He broke their embrace, taking their hands, extending them outward. Two assistants arrived with branding irons. “You no longer belong to each other...or to the world. You belong to Aionios.”

  Two shrieks filled the air as the couples’ hands were branded with a symbol. When removed, the permanent mark was doused with cold water, covered with ointment. The infinity symbol remained.

  Both sets of hands were held high, shown to the crowd. “Welcome your new family members,” Dr. Freedmen announced.

  Joyful clapping filled the air as the crowd exited their seats. The couple was embraced by the beautiful masses. They’d been invited to live amongst them in eternity, even if they didn’t know exactly what eternity entailed.


  A black crow blended with the night sky, smelling fresh flesh to devour. It glided through the outer perimeter’s trees, landing upon a bloodied man. Gunner Smith’s corpse was soaked by a fresh rain. His body was so still, the bird was sure the prey was dead.

  Striking with its beak, it snagged a piece of the lifeless man. It struck again, as a crash of thunder disturbed the air. Mr. Smith gasped back to life. Having stopped breathing for minutes, he’d headed towards death. At such a moment, one’s life flashes before them. Only one thought was strong enough to restore him: his wife in the hands of madmen.

  The crow shrieked, flying off into the moist clouds. Pain filled Gunner’s face, as he wiped away the crusted blood. Looking into the dark jungle, he didn’t know how he’d survive. Nor did he care. His only goal was to save his wife.

  A flash of lightning danced across darkness, illuminating the tree-filled forest. Too injured to walk, he crawled across the muddy ground. The only hope he had was in the western jungle. It was completely off limits to anyone.

  The reason remained a mystery to him.


  Tones of pink twilight filled the new dawn, always at its best after a storm. Dylan and Alexa exited their hut into the morning light. They’d each been bathed in special waters, perfected in a hair and makeup chair. There was no need to wardrobe the nude pair.

  Taken to the pearl gates at sunrise, the red ball broke the horizon line. As the gates opened, the couple joined hands. As hard as the prior night was, for the first time in years, they felt free from the burden of decision. They only felt each other’s love.

  After entering, the gates closed behind them. They were led down to black sanded beaches, joining all 48 members. Each person bowed at the sacred mountain. An aide lay two silk sheets down, silently motioning the couple to join in. Not understanding the ritual, they followed, assuming they’d learn in time.

  Bowing in unison, they tilted their heads towards the shore. Lined directly with the sun, a spectacular glow refracted outward. That was the moment, a muscular, nude black man exited onto a rock ledge. The bending rays highlighted his smoothly shaved head and 12-inch cock. His mere presence oozed absolute power.

  A raven-haired brunette stood behind him, nude and curved to perfection. The allure of temptation seeped from her skin. She had a stare that could hypnotize any man or woman into the bonds of love. Her name was Eden.

  Overlooking the bowing citizens, the black man held his hands up, absorbing the praise. His actions ignited a joint hum from the crowd, like a haunting chant of monks. Dylan and Alexa watched in captivated disbelief.

  His name was revealed in one loud chant, “Praise Aionios.”

  At that moment, it became obvious that Aionios was more than just a place. To the islands’ citizens, it was more than just a man.


  The Colony

  Part II: Temptation

  Part II-Prologue

  One Year Earlier

  “Welcome to my office, Mrs. Hunter. I’m Dr. Freedmen. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said, offering a handshake to the curvy blond. His grip trembled upon Alexa’s soft touch. A woman hadn’t affected him like that in years.

  “Thank you, doctor,” Alexa Hunter’s shaken voice said. She released his grip, feeling nervous and uptight.

  “Sit down,” he instructed. She quickly obeyed. While Alexa walked towards the couch, Raymond Freedmen assessed the patient’s assets. It was his usual routine. Her curved hips are the perfect dimensions, he silently thought.

  Sitting down, her ample breasts swayed within the dress. Ideal tools for nourishment, he noted. Landing on the plush cushion, she quickly crossed her legs. An up-skirt revealed thigh-high stockings, a sheer black thong, and shaved vagina. She was clearly no prude.

  The therapist’s mind tingled with possibility. Radiant beauty. The physical prerequisite is met, he anxiously thought. Sitting down in his leather chair, he calmed himself. Having been years since he’d chosen an island candidate, he knew the dangers of being hasty. His father warned that every qualification had to be met. At the moment, Alexa only checked one box.

  Mrs. Hunter’s body language stiffened. She looked around in mistrust, baring a touch of personal guilt. “What now?” she asked defensively.

  Dr. Freedmen’s gaze shifted up from her body. “What brings you here tonight? May I call you...Alexa?”

  She paused in thought. “That’s fine. I’ve been anxious lately, stressed. Don’t you have pills for that?”

  “Pills only mask truth. If you want’ll have to open up, talk to me. The path to eternal happiness treads through our darkest secrets. Are you ready to take that journey?”

  “Oh,” she said in discomfort. “I don’t think so.”

  “Then you should find another therapist,” he said impatiently.

  Alexa’s desperation kicked in. “I’ll try. Where should I start?”

  “Are you married? Children?”

  Discomfort painted her face. “I’m married, no children...yet.”

  “You want offspring?”

  “I do.”

  Her answer intrigued the man. “Where do you believe your anxiety stems from?”

  Greater discomfort painted her face. “, maybe?”

  “Don’t lie to me!” he shouted, startling the patient. “While you’re under my care, you’ll be honest!” He watched Alexa shiver from the aggressive tone. She felt like a child in a father’s shadow. Wasting no time,
Dr. Freedmen dared to test her submissive nature.

  She gasped, wanting to storm out. However, she was paralyzed by his masterful presence. Although the bald man wasn’t physically imposing, she felt captive to his command. He wasn’t her type, though she oddly found him attractive. “You think...I’m lying?”

  “It’s what I call an irrelevant truth. The nature of all work is stressful. Though the burden in your eyes is greater than employment. You know this. Free yourself of this burden...take shelter behind these walls. Commit to me...or leave.”

  She exhaled, desperate for someone to trust. Her walls immediately crumbled. Tears fell from her eyes. “I’ve cheated on my husband, Dylan,” she said painfully. “The first affair was years ago. The more recent.”

  “When was the last time you fornicated?”

  She gulped. “About an hour ago.”

  “With the same man?”

  “Yes. His best friend, Thomas.”

  “Does your husband know?”

  “About the first time...yes. He still resents the first like it was yesterday. I figured...If he’ll never forgive me, I might as well earn it.”

  “I take it...your husband isn’t a forgiving man?”

  She paused again. “No. If he found out...he’d kill Thomas this time. For all I know...he’d probably kill himself too.”

  Alexa’s face sunk in sadness; Raymond Freedmen’s eyes glowed in opportunity. It was clear, the couple was on the verge of destruction. In search of hope, they sought commonality to unite them. Desperation. She meets the emotional prerequisite, Raymond silently noted. “Before I agree to treat you long-term, I need a commitment.”

  “I’ll do anything to change.” She wiped tears away. “Tell me what to do...I’ll do it.”

  “You’ll tell me every detail of your disease. The seedier...the better.”

  “I can do that.”

  “You’ll come five days a week.”

  “Dylan will get suspicious.”

  “You’ve been lying to him for years. A simple non-truth will pale in comparison.”

  She looked down in shamed acknowledgment. “You’re right.”

  “And the last need to give him up.”

  “My husband?”

  “Your lover.”

  “Thomas?” she asked in a fearful, sickly voice. “I...I’ve tried. He just...wouldn’t leave me alone. He loves me.”

  “Do you love him back?”

  She paused in deep thought. “I love things about him.”

  “Do you love him or not?” he shouted.

  “I love his dominance. His sexual edge.”

  A smirk crossed Dr. Freedmen’s lips. Her words proved his theory correct. “So you like dominant men.”

  “No. I need dominant men. From a controlling father to terrible teachers, it’s all I knew...all I respect. I ran from it after college...but my addiction found me again.”

  “You’d consider yourself a sex addict?”

  Embarrassment painted her face. “Rough sex...edge. I have these dark fantasies. I crave men with power...using me to their advantage. Doctor exams. School Professors. Family friends...” she paused, staring directly in his eyes. “Therapists.”

  Dr. Freedmen’s erection leapt to new heights. “These...fantasies...were real. Weren’t they,” he stated as fact.

  Alexa’s face turned red. “Some of them by choice...other’s not.”

  “But you never denied them.”

  “No, doctor, I didn’t. My father’s friends spanked me secretly...used me in every filthy way. Then came the high school teachers. Though, they were tame compared to the college professors.” Her face turned red, nipples swelled her dress.

  “Tell me more about them all.”

  “I don’t want to go back there.”

  “The tone of your voice...indicates otherwise.

  “No! I just wanna be normal...vanilla like everyone tells me to be. I chose Dylan to cure myself. He tamed me...for a while. Then he introduced me to Thomas...relighting the fire I’d smothered.”

  “So what happens when Thomas leaves?”

  Tears filled her eyes. “It’s what I’m paying you to tell me. Make it stop.”

  He leaned inward, voice tightening. “What if I told you...not to put that fire out? What if I told add more fuel?”

  She gasped, not expecting such an answer. “But...everyone says...”

  “You’re not paying everyone per hour. Now answer my question. What would you do without Thomas?”

  She paused, thinking deeply. “I guess...I’ll hope Dylan becomes the man I want...I need. That’s all I’ll have left. Hope.”

  “But if you could change’d sacrifice Thomas for him?”

  An ever-longer pause filled the air. Regret painted her face, as she forced words from her mouth. “Yes.”

  “You’ll end it tonight...a quick, emotionless phone call. You’re not to see Thomas again,” Dr. Freedmen ordered.

  Another stream of tears rolled down her cheek. “Never?”

  “Not until I permit,” he said with a wicked undertone.

  Alexa was shocked by the submission she’d felt to the stranger. I don’t know him, though I feel like he owns me. I feel an obligation to obey. “Yes, sir,” she said sadly.

  The mental prerequisite is met. Submission, he told himself. With the final box checked, it was time to physically test her. “Per my previous request, tell me about these dominant men.”

  “Do you want to know what they said...or did?”


  She took a deep breath, unleashing the verbal exhibitionist inside. “My father’s friends started it all. They saw the way I obeyed, revered my dad. At one of his many parties...they led me into the pool house. Appointing themselves my new guardians, they disciplined me for my revealing bathing suit. I was undressed, passed around to each of their laps. I can still hear their drunken voices now. They made me beg to be spanked.”

  “Did they make you...or did you want to?”

  She paused in embarrassment. “At was humiliating. Though I liked it more with each blow. Before I knew it, I was lying to my parents about sleep overs...spending the night with his older friends.”

  A bead of sweat dripped down Raymond’s forehead, as he said, “Let me hear how you begged them.”

  “You want me to...actually say it? I...can’t remember,” she unconvincingly said.

  “You can...and you will. You won’t be cured by doing what you want, Alexa. Don’t make me ask again.”

  Without further hesitation, her voice pitch rose. “Spank me! Please, punish this bad...bad...bad girl. Harder...make me hurt!” Her voice got louder with each moment.

  Dr. Freedmen’s erection throbbed, forcing him to stop her. “Enough,” he ordered, wiping his drenched forehead. “Now tell me...about the teachers.”

  “Which one?” she asked in a deviant tone.

  “You know which one...the one who fucked you.”

  “College...Chemistry. Well...he was the best one. We didn’t talk much. He had a thing for the yard stick.”

  Dr. Freedmen gazed at a yardstick on his desk. “Like that one?”

  “Exactly like that. He had me pull up my skirt...lower my panties and lean over his desk.”

  “Show me,” he ordered, standing and grabbing the thin yardstick.

  “How will this help me rid my addiction?” she fearfully asked. Her heart pounded in aroused nervousness.

  “My dear, you have an addictive personality. You’ll end up ridding one addiction, simply replacing it with another. The only way to cure your to feed it. Instead of trying to light the darkness...learn how to see in the dark.”

  “Then why can’t I keep Thomas?”

  Spectacles slid down his nose, as he connected eyes with Alexa. “Thomas was merely your methadone. It is I...who’ll become your heroin. At least...until your husband’s potent enough.”

change Dylan? Me? You?”

  “As my property...ask no more questions. Instead, follow my commands.”

  “I can’t show you what those men’s...humiliating!”

  “Do it now!” he screamed at the top of his lungs, tired of insubordination. Much like the professor’s command, Alexa obeyed. Leaning over the therapist’s desk, she pulled her dress above her hips. Curved, luscious ass cheeks were revealed. She slid her black thong down her glossy legs. It hung between her ankles.

  Raymond Freedmen grasped the yardstick. Smacking the wood against his palm, he heard her body rattle the desk. She anxiously awaited his punishment. Oddly enough, it was the first time she felt comfortable since arriving.

  Placing his foot at her high-heeled feet, he forced Alexa’s legs further apart. In the action, her panties stretched wide between her legs. A cloudy blotch was revealed on her crotch. The luscious ass cheeks were spread for the new Dom. An aroma of floral arousal infected his nostrils with sweetness. Her pretty pink slit smiled at him, taunting the man to punish it.

  He swung the wooden ruler, smacking a crackling blow against sweet flesh. Her body tensed into a stiffened bracket. A red line remained upon her rear pale bulbs. Having not spanked someone in years, he felt his own craving return. Its absence was newly mourned.

  Swinging hard, another crack filled the air. Alexa’s cheeks jiggled from the sadistic sultan. Her feminine moan filled his ears, encouraging him to continue.

  “Beg me to beat you!” he shouted.

  “Please...spank me...Chemistry Professor. I’ve been a bad student,” she begged.

  Another whack wailed her hind mounds, followed by another. He became so obsessed with the act, twenty more lashings were administered within a minute. With each one, Alexa’s sexy cry intensified. The harder the sting, the greater her satisfaction.

  The blond pressed her clit into the desk’s beveled edge. With her lips spread, the love button was stimulated. The engorged hotspot joined her gyrating hips. Alexa’s orgasm built quickly, fueled by internal shame and external pain. She embraced the taboo act like an old friend. The natural submissive felt at home in the hands of authority.


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