The Colony Box Set

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The Colony Box Set Page 7

by J. D. Grayson

  Dr. Freedmen intended to break her. If I don’t force her to orgasm, she’ll never fully submit. She must put fate in my hands. With each added blow of thin wood, she lost a little more self. Her fire engine red cheeks were white-free. The thin wood started to bow, slapping at her creamy snatch.

  Alexa nearly outlasted Dr. Freedmen, denying him total control. A last brutal blow broke more than the yardstick. It broke the gate guarding Alexa’s mind. Forced into the stiff surface, Mrs. Hunter cried out in ecstasy.

  More tears flowed, as she gripped the desk’s edge. Every curve trembled in humiliating pleasure. She felt the man’s eyes record her, studying every shameful spasm.

  She stayed bent over, not wanting to face him. He just watched, forcing her to capitulate. Standing up, she turned to him, eyes downward. “May I go home now, doctor?”

  “You may go for tonight. You’ll return tomorrow.”

  She yanked up her panties, pulled down the dress. Alexa hurried out in embarrassment.

  Although there was much work to be done, the seed was planted. Over the year, her phone would be tapped, records searched, and moves followed. Her husband would meet the same fate.

  A large smile crossed Dr. Freedmen’s face. He basked in the afterglow of future prospect. With pure beauty, no children, and an unhappy husband, there was no better candidate for the colony. He marveled at how quickly she transferred submission from one master to another. Raymond thought to himself, If she submitted this fast to me, she’ll drop to her knees...obeying Aionios’ every command.

  Part II-Rebirth

  The Present Day

  Dylan and Alexa rubbed their sore knees. They’d bowed to a stranger for a full hour. The reason for worshipping him was unknown. Having been discouraged to question, the answers would come to them instead.

  A midmorning sun warmed the couple’s naked bodies. They followed their new family down the black-sanded beach. Their twenty-minute journey led to a rocky outcrop. Climbing slick beds of volcanic rock was harsh on their untested feet.

  The group arrived at a coved-cliff along the Eastern shoreline. Rising 40 feet, a curved rock wall formed a spectacular sight. A strong flowing spring spilled from the top, seeping from an upper crevice.

  Fresh water fell into an upper pool. The overflow cascaded into another crater below. Two more cascades spilled downward, creating a natural tiered fountain. A final landing filled a pale blue lagoon. When viewed from afar, the falling water formed a long chain. It had the appearance of one flowing faucet.

  “Wow,” Alexa said in disbelief. She admired the landmark excitedly, while Dylan admired her joy-filled face. It was just another affirmation of his decision to come. Her happiness was the motivation to leave his past behind. Unfortunately, Thomas wasn’t ready to join it.

  Visions of his old friend’s death haunted Dylan’s mind. Striking as quickly and deadly as he did, the guilt decided to linger. He deserved it. You did it for Alexa. You did it for the colony, he tried to convince himself.

  A male voice distracted him from behind. “Exactly as I promised. By reaching the next level of cleanliness...this is now yours too,” Adam assured them.

  “Welcome brothers and sisters,” Eve greeted. “The sacred pools of Aionios await. Follow us.”

  As they reached the blue lagoon, all 48 members awaited. Forming two lines of separate genders, they made a natural pathway to the falling cascade. Pausing in apprehension, Dylan and Alexa didn’t know how to react.

  Feeling Adam and Eve’s hands upon their backs, they were encouraged forward. Entering the highway of model-like, multinational Aionions, they arrived at the cascade’s edge.

  Walking hand-in-hand, Adam and Eve stepped behind the waterfall. They waited a few moments, gazing towards sky. As the sun hit a desired angle, it struck the pristine cascade. The bronze glow of early morning light tinted the water’s face. Embracing the metallic tone, it emulated a flowing river of liquid copper.

  Adam announced, “Today, two new members will be cleansed of their poisonous past, filthy humanity. Dylan and Alexa stepping into this sacred water...your wretched individuality shall dissolve. You will unite with heart, one mind. Step into the stream and be reborn.”

  Although symbolic, the dramatic setting convinced them of its power. Dylan was so moved, he could feel his guilt fading, skepticism dying. He began to revel in a future free from thoughtful burden. Of course, it’d take more than a shower to undo one’s true nature. It was there, if he’d dared to ever summon it again.

  He took Alexa’s hand, returning her proud smile. The two stepped into the cascade. A cold shower revitalized their bare skin. Dylan shut his eyes, holding up his hands in a victorious pose. Thomas’ death was washed away from his conscious.

  Opening his mouth, he swallowed the natural spring water into his body. Before he knew it, a pair of hands roved his muscular body. Opening his splashed eyelids, he saw a man groping his wife. Before he could get jealous, feminine hands masked his eyes.

  Suddenly, a hundred hands pawed his skin, scrubbing all impurity away. The slippery, tickling motions tingled everywhere. Thoughts of spousal property drifted, replaced with community. They slid between his ass cheeks, cupped his balls, and stroked his cock. There was no way to tell whose hand groped him. As each moment ticked by, he didn’t care to know.


  “Our shared home,” Eve welcomed, leading the couple inside the massive communal mansion.

  A lavish decor filled their eyes. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, a grand curved staircase jutted from solid marble floors. Adam and Eve led them on a tour of the bottom floor.

  They were shown the in-house dining hall, medic room, worship center, and birthing suite. As the group exited the delivery room, Dylan’s eye remained focused on a padlocked door. A sign read, education wing.

  “Do you care to join us?” Adam’s voice asked.

  A startled Dylan turned his head, seeing the group was gone. “Sorry,” he said, avoiding any questions.

  Arriving at the stairs, the group paused before ascending. Each female member received an injection from Eve. She reached into a large box, filled with syringes. As Alexa was stuck in the arm, Eve said, “A vitamin ensure feminine health.”

  A concerned Dylan broke his vow of acceptance. “No masculine vitamins?”

  Adam gave him a dirty look. “Everyone is taken care of, equally.”

  Remembering his obedient pledge, Mr. Hunter nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  The group ascended the stairs. With each step, The Hunters felt eyes upon their backsides. A slight crick of their necks confirmed the suspicion. Their fellow citizen’s donned a look of constant sexual hunger. They appeared to be driven beyond the sexual appetites of an average human.

  Entering the upper floor, they were blinded by brilliant shades of red. Velvet covered the floors, silk masked the beds. The draped windows created a romantic ambience inside the candlelit room. Even in daylight, the flames remained.

  It was one long room, fitted with 13 king sized beds. Doing some quick math, Dylan realized that their arrival made 50. With Adam and Eve making equaled 4 people per bed. Before he could internalize its meaning, they were shown the floor’s other room.

  Inside, they witnessed a bathroom of dark slate. From floor to ceiling, low lighting created a cave like setting. The Hunters were more surprised with another fact. Rows of open toilets stretched down the line, giving way to showerheads.

  Dylan’s imagination roared with wonder, silently thinking, Am I going to be forced to piss in front of these people? There’s no way I’m shitting in front of them!

  Even Alexa’s exhibitionist mind buzzed. Showering together is hot. Using the toilet together...not so much. Does everything have to be shared here?

  Before they imagined anymore, reality unfolded before them. Both male and female citizens went about their daily motions. In unisex fashion, mixed members sat or stood at the toilets. While s
ome did nature’s business, others showered. Four people shared a stall at once.

  The scene shocked the Hunters. However, it set the theme for the return to the bedroom. Reentering the room, Eve announced, “Pick your beds for the night.”

  Assuming they were being addressed alone, Dylan and Alexa headed towards the middle bed. They were quickly met by another couple. The Hunters’ suspicions were confirmed. Their marital bed would be shared.

  A strong, dark haired, Hispanic male was joined by a luscious redheaded female. Her natural curves were enhanced by a very pregnant belly. She was one of three women with child. It appeared she could labor at any moment.

  Dylan’s eyes opened wide, distracted by Lilly’s kiss on his lips. “I’m Lilly...this is my husband, Marco,” she said in a Canadian accent.

  “Hola,” Marco said in properly accented Spanish, kissing Alexa on the lips.

  The Hunters stared back in mute disbelief. They wanted to speak, though couldn’t find the words.

  “We’d be honored to share you first,” Lilly said with a seductive look in her eyes.

  Placing a hand on Lilly’s belly, Alexa inquired, “How far along?”

  “Nine months,” she answered with a beaming smile.

  “You must be so excited!” The curvy blond said in happiness, yet envy.

  “I am!” the redhead affirmed. “We’re doing our part to repopulate eternity with worthy seed.” Her words seemed scripted, removed from personal thought.

  “I see you’re not the only one,” Dylan chimed in, staring at the other pregnant women.

  “We’re the breeders for this year,” she answered. “We all try...though few seed. Aionios touches the wombs of the chosen. It’s mystical...amazing.”

  “Well...congratulations for being chosen,” Alexa affirmed.

  Lilly’s look suddenly turned to sadness. “I wished to conceive Aionios’ child. There’s no greater honor.”

  “Were you with him...sexually?” Dylan asked.

  Marco quickly cut in, “Every wife gets the pleasure...every husband gets the honor. Though no one’s fulfilled his prophecy...yet.”

  “Prophecy?” Dylan asked in apprehension.

  “That’ll be addressed soon. For now, you’ll focus on us.”

  “Where are the other kids?” Dylan continued his unwelcome curiosity. He pointed towards the other couples. “Where are their children?”

  “They’re being educated in the ways of Aionios. Anything more is not our business...or yours,” Marco said in an aggressive tone. “Besides, got to understand. There’s no such thing as their. That implies ownership. We own nothing here.” His response sounded as scripted as his wife’s.

  Concern suddenly crossed Alexa’s face, even forcing her to question. “Where are they taken?”

  “Where ever Aionios sends them,” Marco answered.

  “Do you get them back?” Alexa followed up.

  Lilly laughed, hugging her new sister wife. “Of course, we do,” she said warmly. It was the first words she seemed to sincerely believe, even with no proof to back it up.

  Alexa smiled in comfort. “You’re a lucky woman.”

  A confident smile crossed Lilly’s face. “Don’t worry, your chance will come soon enough.” Her words hung cryptically in Dylan’s ears. He still wasn’t prepared to have a child.

  “I hope so,” an emotional Alexa said.

  “Enough time talking...let’s enjoy each other,” Marco demanded.

  Lilly pulled back the sheets, climbing into bed. Marco joined her. The Hunters gazed around at the others, seeing four people per bed. The males occupied the outer ends of the mattress, females the inner space. Each wife swapped places, spooned by the opposite spouse.

  Dylan and Alexa paused in shock, staring at their attractive partners. Lilly placed her hand upon the soft bed. “Come to us,” she said in a nurturing, motherly voice.

  Realizing that jealousy was a trait of the old world, they nodded at each other in apprehensive permission. Although they’d agreed to shed their past, such emotions were hard to escape.

  Dylan wasn’t surprised by his feelings, though Alexa was by hers. She liked being the one in the spotlight, though hadn’t imagined sharing her husband. What if he likes her better than me? She wondered.

  However, her sexual curiosity led her forward. Climbing over Marco’s muscular frame, Alexa claimed her place. Wrapping her in his strong arms, he pulled her into a spooning position. Brushed against his hard body, she felt his cock press the crack of her round cheeks.

  Dylan’s heart pounded. Torn between jealousy and lust, his head ached with crazed thoughts. Although he’d pledged to let go, theory was easier than practice. As his cock hardened, he flashed back to Alexa’s infidelity.

  Shaking the image off, he knew it was time to face it head-on. Approaching the bed’s edge, he lay next to Lilly. The pregnant redhead turned towards him, inviting eye contact. Dylan stared away in awkwardness. It’d been so long since having another partner, he was practically a virgin.

  Lilly’s soft hand touched his thigh, making him tense. You’re not cheating, he emphasized to himself. This is your life now, we all belong to each other. As her soft hand slid upward, his conflict grew with it. Arriving at his thick balls, her hand grasped, twirling them in half circles.

  The tickling sensation swelled the manly marbles. His spear throbbed as her fingertips slid forward, clasping his cock in her palm. Her thumb rubbed his raised ridge, stimulating the sensitive glands. A teardrop of pre-cum already seeped from his man-slit, displaying arousal.

  As Lilly stroked the 9-inch dragon, her opposite hand roved Dylan’s defined chest. Stroking the strong landscape, she felt his wildly thumping heart. Her first time-sharing produced similar results.

  Moving up to his face, she tilted his head towards hers. Forced to gaze into her leafy green eyes, his defenses dropped. Lilly leaned inward, engulfing his lips with her own. The kiss was filled with passionate lust, as their tongues swirled into one. The incredible sensation of a first kiss was a force long forgotten.

  Breaking the lip lock, adulterous thoughts poisoned Dylan. He stared over at Alexa, busy in a world of her own. Still in a spooning position, Marco aggressively kissed the curvaceous cutie. He forced his tongue down her throat. Embracing her in his tanned arms, he yanked her blond hair. Romance was not on their agenda.

  Marco Bit her neck, leaving welts along her nape. Trailing down her back, she was flipped face up. Chomping her full breasts with his teeth, each nipple was gnawed. Two fingers penetrated her sweet crepe, violently pumped. She cried out in painful ecstasy as her eyes slowly rolled.

  Seeing Dylan’s face flustered, Lilly calmed him with a soft kiss. Unlike the risqué pairing beside them, the redhead used a different approach. Trailing soft kisses down his body, she tickled his washboard stomach. The redhead stopped at his tack-hard cock.

  Wrapping her mouth around wide girth, Lilly eased it in. She sensually inhaled it. Her mouth filled with saliva, softly drenching his offering. The Canadian’s soft palate soothed his jealous thoughts, challenging them with lust.

  Gripping the base of his manly member, the pregnant beauty deep-throated every inch. As she reached his balls, a wet ring of sweet saliva pooled. Climbing the cock, her hand followed. With every upward mouth thrust, her tight palm closely stroked.

  Forced to embrace the experience, he’d officially ventured outside his marriage. Once critical of couple sharing, he suddenly understood its allure. He accepted that Alexa’s infidelity was a totally different act. Sharing was based on ultimate trust, while cheating was born of lies and deceit.

  As Lilly sucked and stroked him, Dylan summoned the courage to watch Alexa again. She performed rough oral sex. Marco gripped hold of the curvy blonde’s hair, pumping her upon his pole like a puppet. Kneeling between his legs, she formed a doggie-style position. Her ass formed the shape of a bubbly heart. Saliva spilled down Marco’s thick shaft.

  For the first time,
he didn’t see Alexa as his property. The woman blowing a stranger became a communal wife; he was a shared husband. An act that would’ve once driven him mad, was finally sexual in his eyes. Though his undying love for her remained unaltered. She’d always own his heart.

  The sight made his cum simmer from within. Feeling his spunk rise, Lilly withdrew. Straddling his chest, she crawled to his face. Spreading her legs wide, she squatted over his mouth. Holding her belly for support, her pink box smothered Dylan’s face.

  Mr. Hunter’s mouth opened wide, swallowing Lilly’s swollen lips. Sucking inward like a tornado, her entire slit was devoured. Running a hand through Dylan’s hair, she basked in the spicy swirl tickling her clit. His tongue massaged her folds, soaking the love button like a seasonal tempest.

  Her fresh juices sweetened his mouth like dessert liqueur. Pursing his lips, he squeezed every drop of pleasure, ringing her like a love mop. As his lips started to go numb, he felt Lilly quake from above. Her thighs clamped his head, drowning him in feminine rain.

  As her rumbles subsided, she returned to his cock. Mr. Hunter’s eyes darted to his wife, who rode Marco, like a bee-stung bull. Alexa’s curves bounced with every impaling. In turn, she watched Dylan pleasure her new sister-in-sex. A pair of erect nipples popped outward, displaying her approval.

  Taking charge of Lilly, Dylan gripped her hips. Aligned with Alexa’s adjacent body, the two feminine legs touched. Lifting the pregnant redhead upward, Dylan sat her upon his member. She crashed to the bottom base. The girls’ soft skin rubbed in a rhythmic riding, as the two couples synced in time.

  Marco slapped at Alexa’s C-cup breasts, squeezing and pulling her nipples mercilessly. Mr. Hunter followed the example, grasping Lilly’s D-cups. Her flowing red locks draped the milked mammaries. Gripping her thick red nipples, he hoped to activate her udders. The more he milked her, the harder she rode him. Her hips gyrated violently.

  Placing her feminine hands upon Dylan’s chest, Lilly devoured his manly offering. Before she knew it, a five-alarm blaze roared in her ovary oven. Tensing every muscle in her body, the fair-skinned redhead shook like the possessed. Pressing into his pecs, flowing waves of lust swept over her.


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