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The Colony Box Set

Page 8

by J. D. Grayson

  While an ocean leaked from her luscious lagoon, white springs leapt from her nipples. Squirts of warm milk fired from Lilly’s ducts. As Dylan’s chest was covered with natural nutrition, his own eruption crept closer.

  A manly grunt filled the air. Gripping her hips with one hand, he pressed her down into him. Firing a heavy load inside her, he painted her tender tunnel with multiple coats of white.

  Looking over at her husband, Alexa Hunter gasped at the sight. He’d never cum so hard with me, she thought. Though her jealousy wasn’t about sexual prowess. The outrage stemmed from Dylan’s hand, rubbing Lilly’s pregnant belly. It was something she didn’t have, he wouldn’t give her. In her eyes, it was an insult.

  Feeling rage fill her, Mrs. Hunter grabbed Marco’s hand. Determined to return the spotlight upon herself, she forced him to smack her face. Although he was surprised, the man liked the edgy act. Alexa kept riding him, while he smacked her a few more times.

  A few tears trickled down her eyes, pushing her to the emotional edge. Seeing it, the Spanish stallion gripped Alexa’s throat. Aiming to surpass his own edge play, Marco tightened his grasp. He bobbed her upon his cock, lifting her by the neck alone.

  As her face got redder, Dylan watched in disbelief. He went to stop it, as Alexa pushed his hand away. She gasped for breath, yanked up and down. In moments, she shook in uncontrollable spasms. Marco blew his load inside her, squeezing harder with each new spurt. Right before she asphyxiated, Alexa was freed.

  Mrs. Hunter crashed into Marco’s broad chest. An endless white river seeped from within. After catching her breath, she turned to see Dylan’s reaction. To her shock, his attention remained on Lilly’s belly, admiring it like a work of art. From that moment forward, Alexa was determined to get her wish. I’ll have a baby...a legacy. Either Dylan will step up...or I’ll find someone who will.


  The two couples showered, all four washing each other sensually. Then, the citizens were taken to the in-house worship center. Descending the stairs, Alexa asked, “Are you ready?”



  “We just got here...give it some time.”

  “I’ve given it years. I’m tired of waiting. I saw the way you stared at her belly. Maybe it’s just me you don’t want.”

  “You’re jealous of...Lilly? I barely remember her name, gimme a break.”

  “I want a legacy! I want to do something that matters on this earth...lives on after me. Can’t you just do that for me?”

  He paused, as they approached the worship room. “Just give me time.

  Tears filled her eyes. “Be careful, Dylan. One’ll reach for me...and time will have already run out,” she said, making her way into the worship center.

  “Alexa, wait!” he said, following her in. They were immediately silenced by massive pictures and paintings on the walls. Decorated with only cloth rugs, the room’s focus was centered upon the images alone. They mostly featured the black man they’d bowed to.

  Some of the photographs were in color, others in grainy black and white. The colorless ones had an aged quality to them. It was clear they were taken years ago, though the man was the same age.

  How old could he be? Dylan wondered. Mid-twenties? Early thirties? Yet, those were from decades ago?

  Next, he gazed at the paintings. Aionios was different in each one, featured in strange forms. One depiction showed a red ora ringed around him. His eyes and mouth emulated red light. Another had horns rising from his head, teeth sharpened. The adjacent painting featured the brunette female, Eden. Dylan was as struck by her beauty on canvass as in the flesh. He gasped, seeing the next painting of her burning alive.

  Alexa’s gaze focused on Aionios only. She studied each image in lustful curiosity. What a sexy man, she thought. I’ve never seen such a big penis before...though the horns are...kinda creepy.

  “The horns...can’t be real...can they?” Alexa asked Dylan.

  “No,” he said in a disturbed, yet skeptical manner.

  Adam interrupted their discussion, “Are you ready to begin our day of worship?”

  “We are,” Alexa affirmed.

  “What should we do?” Dylan asked.

  “Kneel,” he said, as they were led to the red cloth rugs. Seeing the others drop to their knees, the couple emulated the actions. Adam placed a solid gold book before them. It was titled, The prophecy of Aionios.

  Once everyone was in place, the messenger joined them. He was dressed in black with a round fedora hat. “Be well, friends. Today, we’ll read from Aionios: Origins. Page one.”

  The colony members opened up the book, arriving at a gold-plated sheet. Each word was hand-chiseled into the surface. Uneasiness came over Dylan Hunter. In reality, he was once a man of faith.

  Though on Alexa’s day of betrayal, his skepticism turned to rejection. Anything unseen or founded upon hope, was banished from his heart. He remembered thinking, The only real thing in this world is disappointment. It’s the only thing my eyes can see, therefore, it’s the only thing I’ll believe.

  “Dylan,” the messenger called out.

  Mr. Hunter grew uneasy. “Yes?”

  “You’ll read today’s selection, friend.”

  As much as he didn’t want to read, he was in no position to deny the request. Since the colony provided his needs, his life’s purpose was now to serve theirs. Having given up everything, they owned him. It meant adhering to their customs, adopting their beliefs. At least, he’d pretend to believe, until his eyes proved otherwise.

  Focusing on the words, he read aloud. “Aionios spanned the ages, born from the womb of eternity. He came for her, the woman to fulfill his prophecy. Stepping upon the tainted earth, he condemned its people. The man of many forms created the isle of eternity, a colony of his flock. From then on, Aionios would await her arrival. Granting one couple eternity per year, they would repopulate a chosen land with untainted seed.”

  Mr. Hunter paused, gazing around at the civilians’ intensity. The golden book’s reflection was cast upon dogmatic eyes. They rocked in rhythmic sway, reading in a quiet whisper. It was like a self-trance. Although he didn’t know it, they’d tuned Dylan out. The reading was obviously for the new couple’s ears alone.

  “Continue, friend,” the messenger announced.

  Dylan read again. “Awaiting his chosen one, Aionios created a sexual prop to serve his needs. Eden existed for his sexual gratification alone. Unworthy of bearing children, she was forbidden to lay with another. She is to be sacrificed upon the prophecy’s fulfillment.”

  Gazing up at the painting, Dylan understood Eden’s fiery depiction. He continued. “Aionios revealed the prophecy to Eden: A woman will arrive, fairer than all others. She will be blemish-free, possess childbearing hips, and hair of golden silk. No man will deny her insatiable sexual appetite. Tested like all other wombs, she alone will grow the sacred seed of Aionios. A male heir will be born. At that time, true death will be delivered to the tainted world. The unclean will be destroyed, colony members souls absorbed into Aionios’ body.”

  Mr. Hunter paused again, silently gulping. Although the book didn’t seal his fate, it certainly hinted at it. However, skepticism calmed him. He silently reminded himself, Not seen, not believed.

  The reading continued. “Upon proof of conception, the reaping will commence. All living members will be cleansed by fire, ash upon earth. In the days before it, there will be a sharing of flesh and paradox like never before. An orgy of pleasure shall mark the occasion in celebration. Praise Aionios.”

  A sea of voices interrupted him, repeating, “Praise Aionios,” in joyful chorus. They rocked in rhythm, whispering the words in frantic, high-pitched tones.

  The messenger approached the Hunters, who awkwardly gazed around. Leaning in, he whispered, “Read and repeat...until instructed otherwise,” he said.

  Dylan and Alexa obeyed. They read slowly, unable to match the furious tempo of their fellow citi
zens. Twenty minutes went by, as Dylan gripped his back in pain.

  The messenger addressed him quietly. “Do not focus on pain, brother. Instead, let the words claim your mind. Clear all thoughts burn each one into your conscience. Sway in the natural rhythm of breath...tempo of text...all pain will disperse,” he assured.

  Dylan nodded, needing something to relieve him. It took a while, though he eventually capitulated. Already seeing Alexa in the trancelike lull, he joined her. His pain slowly faded. Another piece of freewill faded with it.

  Hours flew by, as a voice woke the worshipers from their meditative haze. “It’s time for the ceremony,” the messenger announced.

  Mr. Hunter looked around the room. To his shock, daylight no longer decorated the windows. Deep night had fallen upon the colony. With no concept of time on the island, Dylan didn’t realize that eight hours were spent.

  He acknowledged, I’ve never felt so relaxed. As he followed the citizens out of the room, a chanting began. Their voices shouted, “Praise Aionios!”

  The Hunters joined in the chant. Programed the old fashioned way, the first goal was accomplished. Mr. Hunter’s mind was now opened to accepting a belief. Though he still wouldn’t believe anything until seeing it.

  By night’s end, Dylan would have the proof he needed.

  Part II-Paradox Poisoning

  Two Days Earlier

  Jenna and Gunner Smith sat upon the cliff’s edge, overlooking the moonlit sea. The nervous, beaming female held her husband’s hand. Her curves and blond hair resembled Alexa’s, though not quite as stunning. Since the Hunters hadn’t entered the gates yet, Jenna was still the colony’s main attraction. “It’s a lovely night, my cariad,” she said in a trembling voice.

  Her buzzed blond husband, Gunner, felt rare tension in her grip. “You all right? Something’s off with you. Look at me,” he said, gently leading her face towards his.

  Tears welled in her eyes. “I’m pregnant.”

  “Holy shite!” Gunner proclaimed, hugging her proudly. “Why are you crying? I’m gonna be a dad! You a mum!”

  Jenna paused, awkwardly breaking the hug. “It’s not yours.”

  “Bloody hell...whose is it? I’ll put my foot right up their arse!”

  “Gunner...the prophecy’s true. It’s real. Two months ago...when I served must’ve happened. All the signs are there. The timing’s spot on! I’m carrying his heir! I am the chosen one!”

  All blood drained from Gunner’s face. It was no secret that Jenna lay with Aionios. All colony women rotated throughout the year. Every female faced the test of conception. Mr. Smith never expected his own wife to ace that test. Conflicted by feelings of colony loyalty and self-despair, he said, “So this whole thing...wasn’t just dog shite?”

  “No. The honor belongs to us alone.”

  “Are you sure it’s his?”

  “I have no doubt.”

  A heavy realization struck him. “So we all die now?”

  She paused, examining her husband’s fate. “Well, eternity awaits...I suppose.” Like the others, she expected the end times to arrive someday. Fright filled her. “The words are written...I don’t know anything further.”

  Gunner felt uneasy. “What if I’m not ready to leave you?”

  “What choice do we have?” she said with tears in her eyes.

  Frustration filled Gunner’s fair-skinned face. “Feck eternity...and feck Aionios. We’re ditching this...utopia.”

  “Shh! You’ll be executed for blaspheme!” she warned.

  “Then string me up...cuz I’m not losing you. I came here to better our relationship...not watch it burn.”

  She embraced him again, tears streaming her cheeks. “Let’s go to Aionios himself. He instructed me to go to the temple...if I showed signs of conception. Maybe he’ll spare your life? Let you live amongst us? Maybe you’ll be allowed to go home?”

  “He can piss what he can do!”

  “It’s worth a try, isn’t it? For me? For us?” she begged.

  Seeing the pain in her eyes, he exhaled. Having fought in battle, he could sense when the odds were against him. That time had come. He came to the island to save their marriage. The man would do anything for his wife, except give her up without a fight. He had no plans of letting that happen. Nodding, he said, “For you...I’ll give it a go. Just don’t expect me to beg.”

  “You’ve never been a beggar, cariad. I don’t expect you to start now,” she said, kissing his lips.

  The two approached the sacred rock. Two men guarded the temple bridge. They were cloaked in red robes, concealed in featureless red masks. Their weapons were sharp staffs. Known as the temple guards, they protected their living deity with their lives. Jenna said, “I must see Aionios. His seed’s taken! I’m carrying his heir!”

  Upon hearing the words, the two robed men gazed at each other. “Wait here,” one muffled, crossing the golden bridge to the temple.

  Gunner whispered quietly, “Damn creeps...probably wank themselves under the robes.”

  Commander Fredrick Gray exited the temple. He eagerly crossed the rough seas, arriving upon shore’s edge.

  Gunner had an uneasy feeling about the camouflage-wearing man. Mr. Smith was ex-military and a lover of all things ammo. He recognized the commander’s firearm, giving the power-figure ultimate authority. Citizens of Aionios had no such right to carry. Luckily Mr. Smith was even deadlier with a blade.

  “Is it true?” Commander Grey asked. “You’re pregnant?”

  “Bloody hell! Apparently...Aionios turns white too,” Gunner mocked. The two alpha males exchanged nasty gazes.

  A concerned Jenna cut in. “I’m carrying his heir. He instructed me to come here.”

  “I’m sure you understand...many colony members make this claim. None have been true. You’ll have to be tested for a paternity match.”

  The commander’s eager tone gave Gunner chills. “Feck no,” he declared. “You’re not touching my wife.”

  Fredrick Grey warned, “The sentence for denying death.”

  “Get it straight, mate...I’m denying you!”

  Placing a calming hand on her husband’s face, Jenna assured him. “It’s OK, cariad! They’ll do a test...and it’ll be proven true,” Jenna said.

  “I’m coming with her!” Gunner demanded.

  A slick smile crossed Fredrick Grey’s face. “My thoughts exactly. Gentlemen,” he announced.

  The Smiths paused in confusion. Two camouflage-wearing guards punched the couple’s heads from behind. After falling, both were encased in large sacks. Tied shut, they frantically fought to breathe, break free.

  Tossed over the shoulders of the strong men, an enclosed transport cart drove behind them. The couple was tossed into the truck bed. Commander Grey entered the vehicle, speeding across the sand bed.


  A knife slit the two bags down the center. Having nearly gone mad from the claustrophobic tombs, the Smiths were freed. Their bodies landed upon a damp concrete floor. Gunner and Jenna were pulled to their feet. Wrists were cuffed to ceiling chains, bodies suspended off the floor.

  The temperature was cold, yet no air conditioner blew. Stone walls were covered with slime and mildew, dripping with sea sweat. They were in a basement of some sort. Commander Grey and ten of his men faced the couple. Two red robed guards accompanied them. A surprise guest slithered her way through the lineup, making a dramatic entrance.

  Eden graced them with exotic beauty. A pale yellow snake hung upon her body, wrapped tightly around her curves. It was a 12-foot, Albino Burmese Python. Even in their predicament, Gunner and Jenna were struck by her tempting allure.

  The raven-haired seductress approached her captives. First, she visited muscular Gunner, preferring strapping males. Running her soft hands upon his hard body, she watched his cock grow with each stroke. Humiliation filled him, knowing his wife was watching.

  Right before touching his 9-inch cock, she stopped in a tease.
Moving on to the feminine prisoner, she offered the same treatment. Eden started at Jenna’s soft neck, tickling each inch of skin. She rounded the full breast, avoiding the nipple. Downward she went, tracing smooth vaginal lips, spreading the pink.

  As Eden returned upward, she stopped at the blonde’s rounded abdomen. Placing her soft palm upon it, she suddenly gripped the womb in anger. Jenna moaned, swaying in her chained constraints.

  “Don’t you hurt her!” Gunner shouted. “Fecking bitch!”

  The voluptuous brunette gripped the womb viciously. She turned towards the commander. “Commander sexual services are not free. I expect accurate information for my...favors. You told me all colony women were injected with birth control...until permitted to breed.”

  Commander Grey stepped up. “The women are injected monthly. I radioed the medical staff...they believe the placebos were mistakenly mixed in. They’ve destroyed the whole damn they say.”

  Eden’s face tensed with fear of future errors. Leaning in, she whispered at Jenna’s womb. “Then this unfortunate mistake...must be destroyed with them,” she said coldly, squeezing harder.

  “Please no!” Jenna cried out. “Why are you doing this? Its Aionios’ it’s written in the book!”

  She stroked Mrs. Smith’s beautiful face. “You misguided fool. Do you know what else is written in the prophecy? Your child’s life...triggers my death.”

  “She didn’t write the damn book!” Gunner shouted.

  Ignoring Mr. Smith, Eden continued. “Therefore...its death...prolongs my life,” she said coldly.

  Jenna cried harder.

  “If you kill her...I’ll kill you!” Gunner warned.

  Eden’s dark eyes returned to Mr. Smith. She approached him again. “Don’t mourn her. You’re the one to die. She’ll be my play toy...forced to serve my will in the filthiest ways.”


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