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The Colony Box Set

Page 20

by J. D. Grayson

  Marco had awoken on the beach, near the bloodstained altar. His injured leg was still hurting, though mobile. Looking around for his redheaded wife, she wasn’t in sight. Scanning the sleeping colonists, her face wasn’t amongst them. Staring at the stone centerpiece, Raymond Freedmen’s gutted body remained, minus head. A cloud of buzzing flies made meals of him.

  As the torches burned a sheen of unrefreshed fuel, Marco focused down-beach. Too far to make an exact ID, he sensed her presence. “Lilly!” he shouted, wondering if he was dreaming. Not waiting to find out, he pursued her with everything he had.

  When he arrived inside the commune, he shouted again. “Lilly!”

  “Marco!” she screamed back in renewed hope. At the same moment, she was wheeled through the medic station’s threshold. Cleansed with a germicidal ultraviolet light, it was a thousand times more powerful than sunlight. No sickness would dare remain. No disease could corrupt the merchandise.

  The muscular husband pursued, trying to reach the door before it shut. Inches from his goal, the redheaded nurse closed the steel door. Before it was shut completely, she lower her mask, whispering, “I’m so sorry.” A tear spilled from her eye, as she bolted it shut.

  Crashing the door hard, Marco sacrificed his body as a battering ram. Falling to his knees, it was too solid to even budge. He was locked out. “Let me in!” he yelled, rising again in fury. Banging on the steel surface, no one answered. It was soundproof.

  Pounding even harder, he nearly shattered his fist. Sinking back down, he shed a tempest of tears. Failure poisoned his soul. He’d given up his mind and freedom to The Colony, they used him as a tool. This isn’t how it was supposed to be! We were promised more! We were promised better!


  A red-cloaked, masked Dylan Hunter led Eden across the golden walkway. They approached the temple rock. The goddess’ curves glistened with drizzling rain, having fallen throughout the day. Raven colored hair hung thick on her shoulders, a small gold chain hugged her neck. Shaped in an infinity symbol ∞, it was a gift from Aionios himself.

  Though, Eden’s oral favors had altered the necklace into something different. Transformed into a locket, it was perfect for hiding powders. The substance hidden inside was acquired by her sexual talents. Like a snake, her tongue served multiple purposes.

  Storm clouds parted, welcoming sunset’s dying hues. As a last bronze beam vanished, the reaping begun. Arriving inside, they saw Aionios on his throne. A drugged Alexa Hunter slumped in a seat beside him. Five temple guards stood at attention, awaiting orders. Dylan made the sixth.

  Flowers decorated Alexa’s messed hair, thick rings of mascara hugged her eyes. She looked dazed, crazed, and nymph-like. Though her natural beauty still shined through it all. Her voluptuous body glistened with softness and added sparkles. Dylan froze, seeing his wife so near, yet distant. Having not touched her in weeks, he would’ve traded life itself to have her back. However, the plan was to leave with both intact.

  “Bring her here!” Aionios impatiently ordered. The red-cloaked Dylan walked Eden to the throne, waiting beside her. “Go join the others, you fool!” The deity angrily shouted.

  The masked Dylan nodded, heading to join the other guards in red. Along the way, he tried to connect eyes with Alexa. She stared upward, as if peering into heaven itself. The disconnect worried Dylan greatly. Not only did he fear for her mental health, but her ability to think clearly. Will she want me back? Will she even recognize me? He silently wondered, stepping into line with the red-cloaked men.

  Dropping to her knees, Eden bowed to Aionios. “I am pleased to be sacrificed in your honor, great one.”

  “I don’t care if you’re pleased or not. You’ll the prophecy says you will. Nothing will stop it from being fulfilled, my heir from being born. Rise,” he ordered.

  Eden hid the annoyance on her face, standing in obedience. Staring over at Alexa, she silently retorted Aionios, He’ll soon eat those, she’ll drink them. “May I have the honor of serving you...and the chosen breeder...a last drink of wine?”

  He paused in thought. “If you must. Hurry up...the sun has set. The lowly citizens await your burning.”

  “Yes, great Aionios,” she said, walking over to the chalices. Taking a pitcher in-hand, she poured the red liquid into the first golden cup. Leaning downward, the infinity symbol necklace draped into the less ornate chalice. Eden bumped it with the wine pitcher, gently opening the locket. Dropped into the deep red brew, a powdery potion became one with the drink.

  Eden wiped the golden infinity charm with a rag, snapping it back into place. No one noticed, not even Dylan. Taking Aionios’ wine into her left hand, she secured Alexa’s in her right.

  Approaching the thrones again, she presented Aionios’ chalice to him. He grabbed it, taking a sip of the brew. Bored with it, he tossed the rest. Stepping before Alexa’s throne, Eden brought the drink to the blonde’s nostrils. Non-responsive moments before, Alexa attacked the cup.

  She drank desperately, sucking down the wine like dry dirt to rain. It poured down her cheeks, drizzling down her breasts. Aionios laughed at the sight, Eden’s smile as wicked and wide. Dylan was not so pleased.

  At that moment, Commander Grey entered. After bowing to the throne, Fredrick said, “Great one, your orders are carried out. My men are in place. They’ll keep the citizens in line.”

  “My worshippers are not to be reprimanded for any sexual matter how extreme. Only attempted escape shall be punished. It is written as such.”

  “Understood, sir. The paradox airdrops are ready. Give the will begin.”

  A proud gaze covered Aionios’ face. Growing up in total isolation, he was given gifts his countrymen never dreamed of. However, he was never given love. With no emotional attachments, mass murder would be easy to commit. In his case, it would be an act of pride.

  “Let’s go...woman!” Aionios shouted, pulling Alexa Hunter to her feet. She fell to the ground. The cloaked Dylan rushed towards her, as Aionios stared directly at Mr. Hunter’s mask. “Who are you to approach me in such a manner?”

  Fear crossed Eden’s face. If Dylan died, she’d soon follow. Unsure how to react, Mr. Hunter bowed in reverence, slowly backing away. With bigger issues on the dark deity’s mind, he smacked Alexa’s face. Mr. Hunter grasped his bladed staff, wanting to strike hard. Eden carefully shook her head, no.

  Fogged beyond belief, Alexa lay unresponsive. “She’s already served her purpose. My worshippers await,” Aionios said, pointing at Eden. “Guards, bring the sacrifice to the balcony.”

  Two temple guards seized Eden, Aionios led the way forward. As was custom, one guard stayed behind. That man was Dylan. He grasped his wife, desperately trying to revive her.

  He had to also keep an eye on Eden. Once her fire was lit, she only had minutes before burning alive. “Alexa...wake up! It’s Dylan. It’s your husband!” he passionately whispered. Her stare was blanker than ever. “Fuck! This is gonna be harder than I thought.”

  Outside on the balcony, the show began. Red lights came alive, water cannons and fog machines were activated. Aionios’ microphone was attached, voice amplified from hidden speakers. The roar of the waking crowd sounded. They were ready to play their destined roles, ready to fulfill their darkest desires.


  A panicked Lilly was wheeled beside a glass incubator. As the Canadian redhead gazed to her left, two of her colony sisters were bedded beside her. They were the other chosen breeders.

  Trapped in gurneys too, each belly was perfectly aligned between the straps, targeted for deflation. The women let out cries of concern. “What are we doing here? Let us go!”

  Everything added up, Lilly couldn’t escape reality anymore. “We’ll never see our babies again! They’re taking our lives!” she screamed, causing the others to join her. Marco’s pounding fists banged on the room’s door. “ us!”

  Each patient had their own nurse. Gas masks we
re placed over the captive women’s noses and mouths, muffling their cries. The redheaded nurse tended the redheaded patient. As a knob was turned, gas flowed. Lilly held her breath desperately, as the nurse held her hand again. Running fingers through the patient’s red hair, tears rimmed her eyes.

  The doctor yelled, “No comforting them!” The nurse backed away. Having only come to the colony a year ago, she hadn’t experienced the emotional strain of an extraction.

  Lilly finally inhaled. A forced calm came over her, seeing the lights take on a twilight. Marco’s banging faded into a distant buzz. She was imprisoned in a state of echo, stopped from complicating the doctor’s task.

  Cricking her head towards the two colony sisters, the same blurred stares were present. Like her own situation, their plump bellies were cleansed with iodine and a skin-numbing agent.

  Their legs were spread wide. Three masked doctors took their places between the assigned thighs. Scalpels kissed the belly buttons. With a steady incision, the blade sliced vertically downward. A 4-inch cut was made in the uterine wall.

  With every stroke, an enormous pressure roused the girls. It only made them inhale deeper, further dimming their struggle. Lilly fought to regain sense, staring down at her stomach. As the gaping hole was spread, a fetus was revealed.

  In moments, a crying baby was removed. Two distant cries filled the room, as the other breeders’ infants were delivered. Tears filled Lilly’s eyes, staring at the beautiful smiling face. It was a girl. She’d always wanted to be a mother, especially to a daughter. The redhead knew she’d never get the chance.

  The umbilical cord was cut, placenta removed, and newborn held high in the air. The doctor announced, “The merchandise is delivered! This one will fetch a nice price.”

  Even in the hazy state, Lilly comprehended the horrific words. She suddenly mustered the strength to fight again. Straining to snap the straps, she pushed herself to exhaustion's edge. Failing to do the impossible, she shouted in muffled frustration. “She belongs to me and Marco!”

  The doctor coldly spoke through his medical mask. Looking down at the patient’s incision, his gaze rose to Lilly’s eyes. “The more you struggle...the more you bleed. It’ll be much faster that way,” he cruelly said.

  “No!” Lilly shouted through the mask.

  Ignoring her cries, the doctor handed the baby to the redheaded nurse. The woman gently took it into her hands, kissing it. She brought it over to Lilly, allowing her to kiss it too.

  “That’s not allowed!” the doctor screamed.

  “I’m sorry,” the inexperienced nurse said, placing the crying infant into the glass incubator. Locked into the airtight container, she was protected from any germs or imperfections.

  Tears spilled down Lilly’s cheek, as she accepted the inevitable. I’ve lost her, she thought. For the first time since arriving on the island, she realized what the colony was: a breeding farm. Although crop sales and asset seizures were a decent income source, The Colony’s crown jewel was the newborn black market.

  More than typical babies, they were offspring of the globe’s most beautiful couples. Brought there to procreate, most of them donated their children to a greater cause. They would contribute to a world better than the one they left. It’d be a place free of heartache and divorce, true utopia. At least, that’s what they thought. They never expected their own deaths to follow.

  Next, the newborn orphans were sold to highest bidders. From Arab Princes to Hollywood celebrities to scumbag brothel owners, the customers were guaranteed future beauty for a price. No questions asked. Having earned 20 million on a single sale, one success story ran The Colony for years.

  Inside the medic center, all three babies were secure. The medical staffs’ exodus began. The doctors wheeled the babies out a back entrance, nurses by their side. All three patients were left gaped and unsown. A hazed Lilly fought to free her hand. The more she struggled, the more life gushed out.

  The redheaded nurse ran back inside. Grabbing something for the baby, there was another reason for her return. As her tears flowed, she reached out for Lilly. Unbuckling the straps, she gave her patient a fighting chance. Seeing herself in Lilly’s eyes, she’d wanted to be a mother too.

  After losing her husband in a tragic accident, she needed to get away. Offered a position by her grief therapist, it was a chance to start over. However, it was a start she regretted. “I won’t let them hurt your matter what I have to do,” the nurse softly said, backing towards the door. Then, she quickly exited the building.

  No longer caring about herself, Lilly struggled to move. Feeling the lingering gas effects and wound pain, she didn’t even know if was possible. Though, having given up on her own life, she had to save her daughter. No matter the cost.


  “Let the reaping begin!” Aionios shouted. His strong arms rose in a V-shape, fists balled.

  The temple’s upper balcony overlooked the black-sanded beach, sacrificial altar, and communal circle. All the citizens waited at the shore’s edge, craving more Paradox and death.

  Commander Grey joined the deity’s side. A smile crossed his face as blade thuds entered his ears. Such a sound was foreign to The Colony. Aircraft were not permitted under The Freedmen’s reign. Those days were now behind them.

  Two Russian-made cargo helicopters approached the coast. Each double-bladed monster carried tons of metal crates. The doors opened. Guards pushed aside their attached guns, shoving the crates to the interior’s edge.

  The target area was cleared of sluggish citizens, beaten away with clubs. Fredrick Grey held his fist up, giving an unspoken order. The pilots released the payloads. One by one, hundreds of parachuted crates were airborne. They floated through air onto black sand.

  Frenzied excitement filled the citizens, anticipating what was within. As the helicopters flew away, the guards yanked off the draping chutes. Spigots were attached to the massive Paradox filled coolers.

  “Drink!” Aionios shouted.

  The citizens fought each other to secure their own. No one would be denied, as more were on the way. They placed their faces to liquid drains, drenched in red rivers of paradox. Each container held 200 gallons of the toxic brew. Made at the nearest island, where labor worked cheap and fast.

  While the remaining colonists drank themselves into drugged stupors, a fire-pit was set up on the balcony. Stones were set in circle. A wooden pole was placed in the center. Coal and ash were tossed inside.

  Aionios made an announcement. “Citizens! It’s time for Eden to burn!”

  A cheer filled the beach. Death was the only sport exciting enough to part them from addiction. Eden was led inside the stone circle, made to hug the wooden pole. With her body pressed against the flat surface, she was bound to it with rope. Aionios announced, “Before she burns...I offer you each the gift of her body!”

  A stronger cheer filled the air, as Eden gasped. She had no idea of the offer, nor did she have choice to refuse. Cricking her neck back towards Dylan, she saw him try to awaken an unresponsive Alexa.

  The first male citizen entered the temple, followed by a woman. A bigger parade entered behind that. Dylan quickly backed away from his blond wife, delayed from reviving her. He’d have to watch Eden get used first.

  Mr. Hunter watched the first man pounce on the prize. Arriving at the bound brunette, a white, baldheaded citizen entered the stone circle. Leaning upon his knees, he buried his drunken head between her ass cheeks. Unleashing a mouthful of Paradox, it flowed down her crack like a small waterfall.

  Using his tongue, he primed her tight asshole. Feeling her sphincter fucked with the drunken mouth, Eden tensed, pressing her body harder into the wooden beam. The citizen’s tongue slid downward, engaging her puffed vaginal lips. His cheeks were wet with lust, as he pushed deeper into her. Her silk slit was saturated with saliva, soaked by doggie-style oral sex.

  “I want my turn!” a sexy Asian woman shouted from behind.

  “Move it!
” a black man shouted from behind that. Shouts and impatience continued down the growing line.

  Hearing the complaints, the bald man started the main event. His 7-inch cock was stone hard, aimed at Eden’s pink palace. With no warning, he plunged into her softness. A quiet moan escaped her lungs. He thrust fully inside, buried to his balls. Shamed into reaction, Eden hid her emotive features against the wood.

  The bald man pounded her without mercy, smacking hard abs into a thick ass. Seeing her face hidden against the post, he grabbed her raven colored hair. Yanking on it, Eden’s pleasured face was revealed to all. Instead of breaking down, her resolved strengthened.

  Fellow citizens taunted him again, waiting their turn. Insistent on drawing a reaction, he nearly tore her hair out. The shaved-headed man fucked her so hard, Eden’s thighs chafed against the wood. Manly grunts turned into shouts, feeling the velvet tunnel constrict his spear.

  He was the one to lose the battle. Blasting a load inside her womb, he shook in frustrated delight. Hot bolts of white lightening fired from his balls. Her smooth creamy lips milked his shaft, forcing more streams from him. It burned in a good way, straining every vein inside his 7-inch offering.

  Right before he could unleash his last load, the Asian woman and black male yanked him away. Falling to the floor, the man kept spasming, spurting his remaining semen upon himself.

  “Get him out of my temple!” Aionios shouted. The bald man was dragged away, seeping a white trail behind him.

  Eden remained hugging the pole. She hoped the olive skinned Asian would offer a gentle touch. As the feminine hand smacked thick ass cheeks, it was clear there’d be no compassion.

  A harsh spanking continued. Although the Asian’s hands were small, the remaining red prints slowly covered the landscape. Eventually, the entire tanned globe turned crimson. With each spanking, the slapping got louder, landings harder. Heat rose from Eden’s tanned skin. She gritted her teeth, feeling the punishing blows absorb.


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