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The Colony Box Set

Page 23

by J. D. Grayson

  A rebellious expression plagued Fredrick Grey’s face. He found comfort in his own future plans. “I await the serve you one last time...great one,” he slyly said.

  “Have your men returned from Eden’s quarters?”

  “They have,” the commander said. Turning towards the entrance, he shouted, “Bring them in!”

  The men brought in a large glass container. A colorful array of serpents hid inside.

  Commander Grey continued, “Her pets, sir.”

  “Servants! Collect the snakes from him!” Aionios ordered.

  A female servant ran to take the containers. She quickly moved them to another room.

  “We found something of greater value,” Fredrick added.

  “Show me!”

  “Bring her in, boys,” Commander Grey announced.

  Two guards carried a drugged Jenna Smith into the temple. Aionios gasped, thinking she’d drowned long ago. “I don’t understand? She was said to have perished.”

  “It seems...snakes weren’t Eden’s only pets,” Grey said in a wicked tone. Of course, he helped secure her captivity. With all the Paradox and trauma she’d had, it would be a minor detail long forgotten. Only the main points of her life would return upon sobriety.

  “She didn’t die?”

  “Not yet. She was chained up...kept as some kind of sexual prisoner.”

  Fury filled Aionios’ face. “Will she live?” he asked.

  “There’s a chance. She’ll need to detox...a slow Paradox poisoning is survivable.”

  “Tell me...was a child present? She’d been seeded before disappearing.”

  “No child,” Fredrick Grey said, knowing exactly why it wasn’t present. He assisted Eden in forcing Jenna’s miscarriage.

  “Servants!” Aionios shouted again. The girls came running to his throne, submissively awaiting order. “Cleanse her body, purge her innards to emptying point. I need to know everything she remembers.”

  “Yes, great Aionios,” they said in unison, bowing to him. The two guards carried Jenna into another room. The servants obediently followed.

  Aionios instructed, “I want the reaping to continue as ordered. Get the people drinking again...I want the orgies to take root. They’ll forget all about this...disgrace, embarrassment.”

  “With pleasure, sir,” Commander Grey obeyed, bowing to the dark deity.

  “And Commander...”Aionios said. “Fail me again...and you’ll be the one burned at a stake.”

  A look of fury crossed Fredrick Grey’s face. His veiny fists tightened with fight. Never one to be threatened, he put all his faith in one fact: After those citizens burn, I’ll put a bullet in this punk’s head!

  He bowed, willing to play his role a little while longer. Unlike the worshiping citizens, he knew of the deity’s true mortality. Too close to victory, he wasn’t about to blow it all on pride. Once the colony citizens were dead, he’d send their great leader to follow. The island land and colony fortune would be his to control.


  Alexa Hunter lay in the temple’s steam chamber. The curvy blonde’s porcelain skin seeped sweat. Condensation covered stone floors. Hazy vapors matched the clouds inside Alexa’s mind.

  A sudden flash of color filled her head. It was staticky, like a TV’s signal fighting for life. She gasped, jolting in energetic serge. Having not felt such energy in weeks, Alexa welcomed the rare emotion, inner-sight. However, it faded as quickly as it came.

  Straining her brain to a bursting point, the flash returned to her mind. It formed an actual image. The unmasked guard’s face appeared to her. He was the man who tried to revive her, the one she accused as hurting her baby.

  His face was so familiar, yet mysterious. Oddly enough, the man wasn’t cloaked in red, but dressed in a tuxedo. They weren’t in a golden temple, but a church. He stared at her with love in his eyes, fading away like a ghost. Her mind ached too much to keep him there.

  Even though the mysterious man held no relevance to her hazed brain, she felt him in her heart. “Come back,” she whispered in desperate isolation, sad loneliness. All the emotional pain was soon replaced by a physical one. A sharp pain filled her womb, she grasped her abdomen. Thick wetness seeped from between her legs.

  Forcing herself into a seated position, she reached downward. Bringing her hand to eye-level, a reddish discharge was present. She gasped again, trembling. Since a basic need was triggered, she was able to form a thought on the matter. “My baby!” she cried out in a frightened deep gush.

  Dragging herself across soaked tile, she curled into a ball. Even in a mind-altered state, she knew miscarriage meant one thing: death. It wouldn’t be natural, but an execution. If Aionios’ prophecy was destroyed, his shame would be a fate worse than death.

  Though the real loss belonged to her life’s dream. She wanted to be a mother more than anything in her world. It was more important than her own life. After another 15 minutes of sweating and shaking, Alexa reached between her legs again. The discharged stopped, providing a moment of false hope. She was too clouded to make an actual diagnosis, happy to be ignorant.

  Her minders reentered the room. Too smoky to see the red stain on dark rocks, it would wash away in time. However, it still didn’t solve the mysterious bodily reaction. Although Alexa would never know, Eden knew exactly what was happening. The brunette goddess had caused it.


  Jenna Smith’s limp body was placed in a shower stall. The curvy woman’s pale skin absorbed the floor’s golden flecks. Large drains waited at the end of a slightly angled pitch. All water would naturally follow gravity to its belly.

  The female assistants attached a multi-pronged enema hose to the showerhead. One main hose extended into four separate offshoots. They lubed each tube’s knobbed end. A first nozzle was entered into her vaginal valley. Another was slid inside her urethra, pushed into her bladder.

  Next, her ass cheeks were spread, a nozzle forced inside her anal flume. She didn’t even react. Finally, her mouth was opened. A thinner nozzle was snaked into her esophagus. Besides a series of forced belches, no other reaction was made.

  “Activate it,” the servant said coldly.

  A second servant turned the shower handle full-force. The water blast sailed through the tube, entering Jenna’s orifices. After a few moments, the spaced-out sexpot jolted to life. Feeling the water fill her, she grasped at the throat tube.

  The servants trapped her hands in-place. Flailing wildly, Jenna was harshly held to the floor. Her body shook with swollen fear. Simultaneously, her bowels, bladder, stomach and vaginal canal were flooded.

  After 5 torturous minutes, a regurgitation erupted. The mouth tube was removed, Jenna was turned on her side. The first purging of poisonous Paradox was complete. She expelled a red mess.

  Then her bladder tube overflowed, followed by her vaginal canal, ending with her anal addition. After the cleansing was emptied, Jenna returned to her hazy state. Hosed and washed, the tubes were lubed and reentered. The process was repeated.

  Although she’d receive breaks, the detox was continued until one of two results. Either Jenna Smith returned to conscious life or died. For Aionios’ needs, there was no middle ground. It didn’t matter to the purged blond either. Whether death or rebirth, it couldn’t come soon enough.


  Gunner led Dylan to Rudd’s cave. An uninvited Eden stayed closely behind. As Mr. Smith removed the entrance bolder, he said, “Welcome home, mate.”

  Dylan gazed at the orange glow with shock and awe. Right before entering, he looked back in the distance. Eden was standing upon the sand, looking helpless. A bolt of compassion struck him. “I know she deserves it...but, she’ll die out here.”

  “And she’ll have earned every bloody moment,” Gunner said.

  “I can’t live with another death on my hands,” Dylan said in guilt.

  “No worries, yank. You can assign all the credit to me-self.”

  Eden called out to
them, sensing confliction to exploit. “I can still be of use to you.”

  “No need for whores here,” Gunner shouted. “Go back to the colony and get bent...or should I say burned.”

  “How can we use you? And no, not like we just did,” Dylan asked.

  A newly humbled Eden approached. “I know where he’s taking them.”

  “Who?” Dylan asked.

  “Aionios...the colonists. The latter pages of the golden book tell of the reaping in detail. It speaks of a cave...I know the spot he’s chosen. You’ll never find it without me.”

  “She’s bluffing, mate,” Gunner said.

  “Your wife will be there too,” she told Gunner.

  “She’s probably a vegetable by now...rotting in your hole!” Smith challenged.

  Eden quickly cut in. “They’ve surely found her by now. She’ll be cleansed...Paradox’s effects are reversible. I kept her doses measured, never allowing overdose. She’ll live...if you care to strike a deal.”

  “I remember your definition of measured doses! I’d sooner deal with the devil!”

  “You were expendable to me then...not now. It was nothing personal...just survival.”

  He grabbed his cock, “Yeah...well, how’s this for personal? Think of it while your tits get chewed off,” he said, entering the cave. “You coming, Hunter?”

  “Just wait a second...think about what she’s saying. How can we save them...if we don’t know where they are?”

  Eden approached closer, making an impassioned plea. “I can lead you to the guard headquarters...a place I’m well acquainted with,” she said in a tempting voice. “It has maps...locations, even an escape craft. I saw it all.”

  “You hear that?” Dylan asked Gunner. “A way off this crazy island. Both our wives are fighting for time...we’ll need to plan an exact strike. Even if we save them...what happens next? where do we go? Just hope someone finds us? There hasn’t been one plane over these skies.”

  Gunner shook his head negatively. “She’s not stepping a fecking foot in here! I’d rather slice my own cock off!”

  “You were about to bring a knife to a gun fight. Your balls were going to be shot off anyway. Give yourself a fighting chance. No, give our wives a fighting chance.”

  Fury filled Gunner. He pointed his sword’s tip outward, inches from Eden’s face. “Listen to me you slimy slutty snake...I have my eye on you. One false move, I’ll stuff your box with my sword, roast you on the fire, and eat you for tea. You get me?”

  “Finally...a language we both speak,” she said, flashing a wicked smile.

  An angry Mr. Smith entered the cave. Eden followed behind, as Dylan grabbed her arm, stopping her. “This is your last chance. I put myself on the line for you.”

  She leaned inward, “Do you wonder why? Search your heart.”

  “Because you still have value to us, nothing else.”

  “Oh Dylan, you know it’s much more than’s desire. It’s love,” she seductively said, moving in to kiss his lips.

  He pushed her away. “You’re as familiar with love as you’re deserving of it. It’s nothing but a weapon to you. You’d sacrifice save yourself,” he said in anger, entering the cave.

  A disappointed, but determined look crossed Eden’s face. She followed him inside.


  Inside the cave, Rudd unleashed a big smile. Slapping Gunner on the back, he said, “Well-well, kid. Look who’s come back for more. I must say, I thought you’d be worm meal by now.”

  “I figured I’d stick around a few more days, up the rest of your bat,” he teased.

  “I see you brought guests.”

  “That’s Dylan Hunter. Long story short...his wife’s knocked up by Mr. big cock. The citizens will roast wife included.”

  A surprised look crossed Rudd’s face. “And here I thought all the women were fixed...lucky her,” he said, extending his hand. “Name’s me Rudd.”

  Dylan shook it, “Thanks. This is an amazing place.”

  Next, Rudd focused on Eden. He extended his hand to her. “I know this face. It’s not one you easily forget.”

  Eden went to take the greeting, though Gunner pulled the hand away. “Don’t infect yourself with her slime.”

  She spoke up. “I’m...”

  “Eden,” Rudd answered for her. “The sacrifice...if I recall.”

  “That was their plan. I changed it.”

  “I gotta give ‘em credit,” Rudd said. “They do a hell of a job getting look-a-like replacements.”

  “I am the one and only,” she boldly declared. “I’ll rule this island someday...I suggest you keep that in mind.”

  “Is she this friendly to everyone...or just me?” Rudd asked.

  “She’s a certified twat,” Gunner announced.

  Dylan smirked. “She’s useful to us...has inside info.”

  Rudd directed his attention towards her. “Well this cave...there’s no royalty. Everyone’s ass is kickable. Pull your weight, mind your mouth, and we won’t toss you to the flesh eaters. Sound good?”

  She looked away in disgust, rolling her eyes.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “I like this guy,” Dylan said to Gunner.

  “Wait till you see him kick arse. He helped me make this,” Smith said, holding up his sword.

  A realization struck Dylan. “You can help us!” Mr. Hunter gazed at the other escapees in the cave. “They all can. We can form an assault!”

  “No, sir,” Rudd said. “My fighting days are over. These others...feel the same. I’ll gladly help arm you, just not that. Let’s get you something to eat, settled in. You’re welcome to stay as long as you want.”

  Rudd walked away, as Dylan was left in disbelief.

  Gunner joined Dylan’s side. “Yeah, mate...I was just as pissed,” Gunner said. “Rest and eat...let’s get you some of that blind chicken.”

  “Blind what?” Dylan asked in horror.

  Part IV-Awakenings

  Two Days Later

  “She lives,” Aionios announced.

  A revived Jenna Smith bowed at the dark deity’s feet. During her invasive detox, she walked the firm line between death and life. At one point, she faded away, only to pull herself back. For all the reasons she had to let go, there was one to hang on. Is Gunner alive? She wondered. However, it was a question she knew better than to ask Aionios.

  Although clearheaded in present thoughts, the blonde’s captivity was mostly wiped from memory. Having forgotten everything from her first cup of forced Paradox, she retained a crucial fact. It would serve her well. “Thank you for saving my life, Aionios.”

  “I decide when you live or die...not that blaspheming bitch. Tell me...why did she take you? What motive did she possess?”

  “I can’t remember most of my time there...but this terrible fact still haunts me. I conceived your heir...Eden killed it. I can’t remember how or why, maybe I choose not to remember. But her cold cruel stare is unforgettable.”

  Fury filled Aionios’ face, fists tightened to coal. The muscular man stood, straining his veins to a bulging point. “I’ll tear her to shreds!” Knowing she wasn’t in his presence to avenge, another idea crossed his mind. Aionios shouted, “Servants! Bring me a dagger! Bring me Eden’s snakes.”

  A female servant brought the container. She popped the lid. A sea of colorful terror slithered out. The servant dropped the carrier, allowing thick serpents to emerge. Kneeling from his throne, Aionios snatched the pale yellow python.

  Knowing it was Eden’s favorite, joy filled his face. He was handed a sharp dagger. “She spilled the blood of my kin...I’ll spill hers in return!” he yelled. Starting at the head, he carved a line straight down the struggling reptile.

  The first drops of cold blood hit the gold floor. He continued down the thick trunk, slicing to the tail. Slithering around, the snake still showed defiant life. Ensuring it would end, Aionios carved the rest.
Peeled like an apple, the beautiful skin was slowly shed.

  As each leathery piece was torn off the body, a larger smile crossed Aionios powerful face. Fully exposed to its fleshy meat, the snake kept its fight strong. Grabbing its center, the dark deity pulled with all fury and might. Every shiny muscle tightened, veins popped from deepest depth.

  In mere moments, the serpent was torn in two. Blood sprays and sprinkles covered Aionios’ body, as deep taunting laughter exited his mouth. Sitting upon his throne, he tossed the dead snake aside. He handed the yellow skin to his servant, saying, “I want that made into a decorative wear upon my cock. Let’s see how Eden enjoys that?”

  A disturbed Jenna Smith bowed again. “Please tell may I serve you, great one?”

  After pausing in thought, he said, “Having conceived my heir, you are worthy to stand beside the chosen one. You will serve her like a sister...guard her life with your own. Servant! Take her to the baths.”

  Jenna bowed to him a last time, “Thanks for your charity, Aionios. I will serve you both loyally.” She followed the servant to another room.

  Aionios shouted for another attendant. “Servant! Bring me another snake.”


  Alexa Hunter was in the temple baths, adjacent to the lower level steam room. The lavish suite was plated with gold, a rounded pool pumped fresh seawater. Natural salty ocean was heated and blasted through jets.

  The hazed Mrs. Hunter sat in swirling water. Two servants tended her. One was a redhead, the other a brunette Latina. Both possessed curvy feminine bodies. Each girl brought a chalice to their lips, ingesting mouthfuls of Paradox brew. Gently opening Alexa’s mouth, they fed her like baby birds. It poured from one mouth to another, swallowed down.

  Then, they took soft sponges in-hand. They squirted lines of soft soap upon her chest. Jenna entered the room. “Excuse me,” she said. “I’m supposed to serve alongside her.” The blond Brit pointed to the blonder American.

  The two servants extended their hands to Mrs. Smith. Taking the grasps, Jenna stepped into the swirling pool. After assigning her a sponge, the servants went back to work. They gently washed Alexa’s soft C-cups.


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