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The Colony Box Set

Page 27

by J. D. Grayson

  Dylan counted down, “!”

  He let the savage loose. It rushed at Gunner’s flesh. Feeling rotten breath upon his skin, Smith removed it within a moment of being bitten. Both Dylan and Rudd shoved the cannibal, forcing him hard into the electric fence.

  Aligned with the live electric line, the savage bit down upon it. His face lit up. Within moments, a million volts flowed through the native’s body. Dylan, Gunner, and Rudd stepped back, making space. Sizzling pops and snaps of electricity sounded. In moments, the native’s head was aflame, jittering body shook. The staticky flow suddenly went quiet.

  Dylan’s shaking hand cautiously reached for the section of fence. After a quick shock, the zone went dead. Gunner stepped up, lifting his massive sword. “Step aside, mates. It’s time to free our people.”


  Aionios, Eden, Alexa and Jenna gathered in a sexual melting pot. The dark deity was on his back, Eden rode his face. A hazed Alexa rode his cock, Jenna lay between Aionios’ legs, alternating between licking his balls and Mrs. Hunter’s ass.

  Having been absent the black man’s aggressive tongue, Eden placed her hands upon the shiny head. She slowly rode it, letting him lick her deeper with each stroke. Aionios hadn’t tasted her sweetness in weeks, forcing him to lose patience.

  Gripping her thick thighs, he lifted her to the tip of his red dart. Forcing her down with all might, he impaled her feminine flume. Her curved bottom crashed upon his dark face, drenching him with drops of pleasure. At that moment, he didn’t care how hard she landed, her feminine sugar outweighed all pain.

  Down below, Alexa rode the 12-inch cock furiously. Jenna kept her hand upon her American friend’s back, holding her from toppling. Watching Eden fuck Aionios’ face, Alexa steamed with natural jealousy. It made her use more energy, tapping every ounce within to please her deity’s dark spear.

  Jenna continued sucking Aionios’ man marbles. She ingested both into her mouth like two quail eggs. Her lips sucked so hard, she even swallowed part of his prostate. Mrs. Smith’s saliva spilled down the deity’s crack, her tongue followed it.

  Parting Aionios’ muscular cheeks, she licked him to his very end. Returning upward, she outlined his balls, continuing seamlessly into Alexa’s curved ass. As she reached the rim, Mrs. Smith spun her tongue, tickling the hole.

  Alexa moaned from the dual sensations. Aionios’ cock simultaneously rammed her deepest depth. Crashing upon his balls, Mrs. Hunter cried out in orgasm. Feeling Alexa’s vaginal valley tighten upon his cock, Aionios’ shout followed. He blasted a thick load inside Mrs. Hunter’s unbred womb. Though in his mind, an heir still grew within.

  Eden sunk deeper onto Aionios’ face, smothering him with her thighs. The exotic goddess glided along his mouth, stimulating her clit with his nose. As the deity's grunts became more intense, his breath puffed her canal.

  Gripping onto his baldhead harder, Eden broke down. Crying out, she came upon the man’s powerful tongue. Her juices flooded his face, rolling down his cheeks, filling his mouth.

  Meanwhile, his cum fountain continued to fill Alexa’s tender box. Blacking out from the intensity, Mrs. Hunter crashed upon Aionios’ chest. She landed at Eden’s busy backside. As the deity’s cock detached from the glorious garden, Jenna slid into fill the void.

  First, the blond Brit cleaned Aionios’ cock of white cream. Then, she buried her face inside Alexa’s baked clam. Spreading her curvy friend wide, she sucked the sweet spunk from its hiding place. A savory river emptied into Jenna’s mouth, every drop devoured.

  Eden was still spasming on the deity's face, when a shout suddenly killed the buzz. “Trader!” Commander Grey charged the throne, shocked to see the escapee in Aionios’ favor. He withdrew a concealed handgun, afraid she’d spill his shared secrets.

  The dark deity ordered his two temple guards. “Shield her!”

  Red-cloaked men stepped in front of Commander Grey’s gun, protecting their deity. As the bladed staffs were placed to Fredrick’s chest, he wisely tossed the gun away. “Bring that to me,” Aionios order the guards. One retrieved it, handing over control. Having seen it fired before, the deity placed his finger to the trigger, intrigued.

  Fredrick changed his tune, opting for reason instead. “She made me...I mean, made you look like a fool, great one!” the commander pleaded.

  “She was taken against her will,” Aionios declared. “She’s willing returned to us for sacrifice, proving her truth.”

  An empowered commander said, “You don’t believe that snake, do you?”

  Anger crossed Aionios’ face. The girls removed themselves as the dark deity rose up. He parted the two guards, approaching Commander Grey directly. “You are not above my law. One word...and my guards can hand me your head.”

  In a rare act of humility, the commander hit his knees. “I’m sorry, great Aionios. I have no right to question you.” He silently thought, I’m too close to glory to die here, now. One night...and I’ll have my revenge.

  “You’re lucky I have greater use for your insubordinate self.”

  “I’ll redeem myself, sir.”

  “Eden has informed me...the rebels still live. It’s a task you reported complete.”

  Worry plagued Grey. “I destroyed the coastline caves!”

  “You did not destroy them all! The swine who disgraced me still lives! I want his lifeless corpse brought to me!”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll reload the it right this time.”

  “No! You’ll attack from the ground. You’ll personally lead them into the cave. I trusted your discretion...and you failed me.”

  Darkness filled Commander Grey’s face. “Where are these...caves?”

  “The far west...bordering the south.”

  Sickness plagued the commander. “He’s not there. The savages are.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I’ve...seen it with my own eyes once. It’ they own hell itself.”

  “Wrong, commander. Hell belongs to me...and it’s your job to get it back. You’ll lead this attack, do you understand me?”

  Grey paused, thinking back to his escape from the cannibals. He could still feel the pile of bodies weighing him down, smell the raw flesh and bloody chamber walls. Fredrick still felt the panic, wading through human meat. He barely exited with his life onto the sands. “I...understand.”

  “By the time you return...the sacrifice will be complete. Your fate will be delivered then.”

  Newfound purpose crossed his face. “Yes, great one. I look forward to that moment.”


  Dylan, Gunner, and Rudd stared at the fence’s gaping hole. They awaited darkness to enter colony grounds. About to move forward, the sound of marching boots stopped their progression.

  The three took cover, Rudd raised the machine gun in defense. However, one weapon was no match for many. Every guard in camp was marched into the Western forest, fully armed. With Rudd’s few bullets, he decided to save it for a better occasion. It was clear the guards were headed towards a fight, trailed by their commander.

  The three colonists watched them pass quietly. They were headed in the opposite direction. Destined for a fight themselves, their odds of victory had just risen. Dylan smiled, whispering, “Eden came through. My diversion plan worked.”

  Part IV-Sacrifice


  Commander Grey’s squad arrived inside the savages’ lair. It was damp, quiet, and eerie. Nearly 100 guards entered the low-lit cave of clay and rock. The men held their guns at the ready, instructed to fire upon first sight of red-faced terror.

  Before entering, Commander Grey took a deep breath. Last in line, he considered sending his men into the cave alone. However, he craved victory and vengeance as badly as he feared death. Unlike before, it wasn’t a forest of dark woods to spring from. Fredrick was attacking their nest this time, owning the element of surprise.

  As he followed his men in, a cold chill rippled across his sweaty
skin. Gripping his AK-47, his finger hugged the trigger like hippies to a bulldozed tree. The men passed the torch lit area, examining the bloody cave art in horror.

  They continued deeper into the tunnel’s deadly bowels. Fredrick shut his eyes, following boot stomps instead. He refused to gaze at the many chambers, especially the one he was kept in.

  The scent of death remained, even without a breath. He tried to ignore ghostly cries of murdered mercenaries, calling to him for help. It was so vivid, it was like they were still alive, preserved and waiting to be eaten.

  After a lengthy, descending march, Commander Grey opened his eyes again. To his horror, they passed more chambers, each larger than the last. The scent of blood and flesh increased, along with the size of the holding rooms. Some held animal and human skins, displayed on walls like trophies.

  Even though the cave’s confines were getting larger, Fredrick’s claustrophobia increased. Just before losing his mind, the line of guards stopped. The front man gave a silent symbol. Each man relayed it back to the other. It was the guards sign for a target area.

  Fredrick made a tightened fist, restarting the symbol train to the front. Within moments, they were on the move. With each step, nervous nausea rose from Grey’s stomach. He hugged his weapon, ready to fire at will.

  They entered a massive chamber. It appeared to be sacred ground for the savages. The floors were solid black ash, hardened ages ago. Piles of bones decorated a center ring. A throne of bones joined a similar altar.

  It was a type of memorial and worship center. The bones honored the natives’ fallen, along with those eaten, tribe or not. In their religion, it was a way of appeasing the energy they ingested. The act of gratitude enticed it to stay in their souls, opposed to absolving into the heavens.

  Hundreds of tunnels peppered the walls, all connecting to that one center-chamber. The spot was once the lava flow’s core, creating the island’s base. As the lava built up, holes formed, building new levels upon the surface like a concrete structure.

  Using the natural tunnels, adding others, the natives had access to any area on the island. Ivan Freedmen had the inner-colony lava pits sealed or booby-trapped, keeping the savages out.

  “Should we break formation...enter the tunnels, commander?”

  “No! We’re not walking into their trap again. This time, they’ll come to us.” Commander Grey aimed his weapon at the throne of bones. He blasted it with bullets, shattering it to pieces. Changing out his clip, he turned to the sacred pile of ancestry. “Fire, boys!” he shouted, letting more bullets break the brittle memorial.

  His men joined him, emptying one full clip. Hundreds of yellow sparks lit the room, bones crumbled in a million tiny fragments. Earsplitting echoes bounced off the rock walls, intended to reach the ear of every hidden savage.

  As the last clip emptied, Commander Grey shouted, “Change out your clips...form a rectangle defensive block...cover north, south, east, and west! Prepare for a charge.”

  The men obeyed, replacing one spent clip with another. More clips were stocked on their ammo belts. All 100 guards formed a rectangle, turning their weapons on the walled tunnels. They were ready for any attack.

  After a few moments of silence, the high-pitched squeals sounded from the tunnel’s depths. They came from all different directions, echoes making it impossible to gage a number.

  A first horde of natives exited the north side. “Aim!” Commander Grey shouted, the men positioned their weapons. After letting a collection of red faces gather, he shouted, “Fire!” The directional line of guards unleashed a fury.

  One by one, furious savages fell to their deaths. Bullet holes pierced skulls, stomachs, arms and legs. Bloody bodies crashed to the ground, more continuing to exit. They were male and female, children and adults, each as fierce as the next.

  Suddenly, another group of savages appeared from the west tunnels. “Fire!” Commander Grey shouted to that side of the line. Their bullets blazed, mowing down lines of charging cannibals.

  Next, the east side swarmed the room, exiting the tunnels with desperate purpose. They didn’t care about living, just honoring their dead. Honor was something foreign to the paid mercenaries, alien to their commander. “Fire!” he shouted, as both the eastern and southern defense lines unleashed blasts. Commander Grey stayed safe in the formation’s middle.

  High-pitched squeals sounded, undifferentiated from passion and pain, birth and death. Spinning in circles, the commander watched with perverted excitement. Generations of red-faced natives were ended. They’d never terrorize Fredrick again, their people would vanish from history’s halls.

  The first defensive line’s ammo emptied, quickly replacing cartridges. The hustling enemy gained ground, moving at near inhuman pace. However, the bullets flew again, stopping them as quickly. One particular savage overran the line, leaping over the guards, landing upon Frederick. Knocking the commander to the ground, the sharp-toothed savage bit Grey’s cheek.

  A bullet was quickly put through the enemy’s head. The red-face was pulled off the commander, shot through the skull. “Get back to the line...damn you!” Commander Grey shouted in ungrateful order.

  The soldier rejoined the fight, emptying more bullets into native bodies. More lines switched clips out, more savages appeared from the tunnels. Nerves started to infect the commander, realizing his men were down to their last clip.

  As the last ammo was spent, the remaining cannibals were slowed, numbers waned to few. Slipping on the blood and bodies of their brethren, they bit into flesh, trying to absorb needed energy. Unfortunately, their legend was only that. It served them no good.

  The last bullet flew, bringing the end of the cannibals’ charge with it. Commander Grey held up his fist, shouting in satisfied vengeance, “Victory!”

  Each guard stood and cheered, congratulating each other in the rectangular formation. Out of ammo, they wiped sweat from their foreheads, thankful to escape the horror of being eaten alive.

  Suddenly, another high-pitched squeal echoed through the cave. The men retightened their formation, readying rifle butts for hand-to-hand combat. Before they knew it, an entire chorus of squeals sounded.

  Commander Grey looked around fearfully. “Where the hell is it coming from?” he wondered, seeing no one exit the tunnel. Different than earlier, sound floated, opposed to sailed. As tortuous minutes passed, he finally realized something.

  Tilting his head to the ceiling, he gasped in horror. “Fuck! They’re above us!”


  The messenger in black stood on the overhang, overlooking the lake of Paradox. He held a torch in one hand, Golden Book of Aionios in another. Two temple guards escorted Eden to the edge, where the messenger doused her body in the red brew.

  Alexa remained on the floor, straining her lungs to the max. “Jenna!” she cried out. The guards had already forced Jenna away, dragging her down into the flammable cesspool below. Mrs. Hunter had desperately reached out for her friend’s comfort, though her wish was ignored.

  “My friends...the prophecy is near fulfillment. We shall sacrifice our meaningless lives for Aionios and his breeder. True death has come for us all!”

  Driven to insanity’s edge, each citizen received a large injection of Paradox. Directly injected into the blood stream, the human zombies turned hyper and focused. The oversexed bunch immediately ejaculated a storm of cum. Males blasted white loads, while the females squirted clear fluid streams. Hearing the messenger’s fateful words, they erupted in manic elation.

  Aionios stood upon the loft’s edge, holding out his balled fists, absorbing the praise. The messenger continued. “Before you are cleansed by fire...Eden shall become ash upon earth.”

  Another frantic cheer filled the air, as a Paradox-drenched Eden stared into the cave’s depths. He’s not going to come for me, she told herself, realizing that her scheming days were over. He doesn’t love me, after all.

  The messenger held the flame outward, nearing the exotic goddess
’ skin. Right before he torched her, she turned to Aionios. “Before I must know something.”

  “What?” Aionios asked in impatience.

  A wicked smirk crossed Eden’s lips, “Your heir’s no longer inside her womb. I took its life.”

  “Liar!” he shouted, suddenly interrupted by gunfire.

  The citizens screamed in fear, as Dylan, Gunner, and Rudd entered the light.

  “Cariad!” A hazed Jenna shouted from the lit pool. “Save me!”

  “Jenna!” Gunner yelled.

  Mrs. Smith tried crawling from the pool, as Adam whipped her brutally hard.

  “You bastard!” Gunner shouted, charging with his sword. The whipping got harder, intended to kill. Right before permanent damage was done, a bullet struck Adam in the chest. He dropped to his knees, gazing back at the shooter.

  Dylan and Rudd approached him. The silver-haired man held the smoking gun, as Dylan leaned in. “I think you meant...useless idiot.”

  Mr. Hunter slugged Adam in the face, causing the dying man to spill into the lake. He slowly drowned. The citizens seized his body, using it for quick pleasure.

  Aionios shouted, “Guards! Deal with them!”

  The two temple guards headed down the stairs. Dylan said to Rudd, “Mow them down.”

  Rudd went to fire the AK-47, it jammed. “Sorry, kid...this is no M-16.”

  Gunner raised his sword, Jenna at his back. “I got my wife back...let’s go get yours, Hunter,” Gunner proclaimed. He charged the stairs, meeting the red guards in the middle. Smith swung at the guards with his Obsidian sword. Both robed enemies formed a blocking X-pattern with their blades. The hard swing sliced through both staffs. Each blade was rendered topless. Cut in half, they were transformed into a useless shape ^.

  With no sharp points to fight with, the guards turned and ran. Gunner swung the sword with fiery rage. Glistening in the orange light, the black weapon sliced both guards’ heads in a swift cut. Two red-hooded, masked faces dropped down to the citizens. Removing the masks, they orally defiled the mouths.


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