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Emergence: Book One of the Dark Tide Trilogy

Page 4

by Dayne Edmondson

  She opened her neural link as she lay on the floor. Kimberly? Kimberly, are you there? Isabelle asked.

  I’m here, Kimberly replied.

  Oh, thank God, Isabelle replied. What is the extent of your injury?

  Kimberly winced. Lots of cuts and bruises. I think my leg is sprained, but no broken bones. No concussion, she added after querying her implant. Times like this make me wish I had nanites healing me like you do.

  Survive this and I’ll see you receive a full body nanite kit. Have you been able to contact any of the Shadow Watch Guards?

  I haven’t tried yet, Kimberly said. One second. She opened a new link and hailed the SWG channel. This is FIA operative Kimberly Hague hailing Shadow Watch Guards on channel nineteen, please respond. I repeat, FIA operative Kimberly Hague hailing Shadow Watch Guards.

  This is Shadow Watch Guard captain Albus Ramirez. What is your status, FIA operative Hague?

  I am near the roof of the building. It collapsed in the explosion. I am injured but mobile. What’s your situation? Is the president safe?

  The link fell silent. The president is alive and safe. We’re evacuating him now. Unknown hostiles have closed on our position and pinned us down outside the convention center. Any support you can offer is welcome. He added her to the SWG tactical channel and ended the direct link.

  Tactical conversations flooded her mind as the channel activated. A cascade of orders, status reports and enemy sightings flowed through her link.

  Enemies sighted in sector twelve, one voice reported. Snipers on the roof to the east, a second voice warned. Second squad, reinforce fifth squad on the north perimeter, a voice ordered. The Night Hawk is secure. Preparing for flight.

  Good, they’re evacuating the president, she thought.

  More communications came through the link. Her implant kicked in to prevent neural overload, filtering the messages to prevent her from becoming paralyzed. She breathed a sigh of relief and flipped over to the link with Isabelle. Shadow Watch Guards are under attack on multiple fronts and pinned down. The president is safe and preparing for evac. I don’t know the status of the other delegates or guests.

  I can take a guess, Isabelle said. Can you make it to the ground floor?

  I’ll try. Kimberly cried out in pain as she put weight on her right leg. She put less pressure on the leg as she limped to the stairwell, which had survived the explosion more or less intact.

  She made her way down the stairs, wincing with each step. She navigated around rubble that had fallen on the stairs. A few minutes later she arrived at the second-floor landing. A mountain of rubble lay below that landing. She exited on the second floor and went to a window overlooking the plaza.

  The plaza was like a war holo come to life.

  Bodies littered the plaza and more were being carried out of the rubble of the convention center. Makeshift barriers surrounded the plaza, manned by Shadow Watch Guards and convention security who now exchanged laser fire with assailants. A group of Guards near the base of the convention center clustered around a single figure and a shimmer above the spot suggested shields conjured by mage-guards. That had to be where the president was.

  A black dropship moved toward the plaza, emblazoned with the symbol for the Federation on the side. It had to be Guard One. A pair of gunships provided escort. Gunners on the sides of the gunships fired at terrorists on the rooftops and ground.

  I am on the second floor, she reported to Isabelle. I can see the dropship coming for the president. It should be here any min…, she stopped as projectiles streaked from multiple directions, striking first the gunships and then the dropship.

  The gunships crashed into buildings and onto the street. The dropship tried to divert, rising into the air on an escape vector but a second round of missiles sealed its fate.

  Shit, she said. Guard One is down. The terrorists have serious firepower.

  No, Isabelle said, they got the jump on us, that’s all. I’ll show them firepower. Protect the president until I arrive. She closed the link.

  How am I supposed to protect the president from the second floor, in a dress, with a gimpy leg?

  Shards of glass still clung to the window sill. She brushed them away with the bottom of her dress and climbed out onto the ledge. She turned around and lowered herself so she was hanging from the second story ledge several feet above the ground. She let go, tucking and rolling as she hit the ground. Her maneuver absorbed some impact but she winced before getting up. She made her way to the Guards surrounding the president.

  Several Shadow Watch Guards raised their rifles at her as she approached. “Halt right there,” one Guard ordered.

  Kimberly halted, keeping her hands visible. “My name is Kimberly Hague. I’m an FIA operative. The deputy director of the FIA instructed me to protect the president.”

  The Guard fell silent for a few moments, likely consulting with a superior. “Confirm her identity,” he said at last.

  Another Guard activated a drone. The blue orb-like robot floated in front of Kimberly and scanned her face and retina and pinged her implant. It dinged.

  The lead Guard lowered his rifle. “Your identity is confirmed. You may proceed.”

  Kimberly nodded. “Thank you.” She passed through the echelon of Guards toward where the president sat.

  The president wore a dust-covered tuxedo and ripped pants. “You look like death warmed over,” he remarked.

  He wasn’t telling her anything she didn’t know already. “With respect, sir, you don’t look so good yourself.”

  President Joseph Galantos laughed. “No, I don’t suppose I do.” He waved an arm at the other guests of the ball. “Everyone is worse for wear. I understand Isabelle sent you?”

  How could he laugh at a time like this? Who knew how many people had died so far. “Yes sir. She asked that I provide additional security for you.”

  The president smiled. “You seem ill-equipped compared to my other protectors, but I will accept any support offered. Please, join me.”

  Kimberly came closer. “May I ask what happened to the other delegates?”

  The president’s face fell. “The Imperial crown prince is in critical condition.” He gestured to a tent behind him, surrounded by Imperial Royal Guards. “The medics are seeing to him. I’m afraid the First Merchant and other delegates didn’t make it out.”

  That would be a major blow to the Commerce Sector and the Non-aligned Planets.

  A commotion to the north caught her attention. Two rocket-propelled grenades hurled through the air and hit the barricade comprised of a gaggle of hover cars. The explosion caused a chain reaction, sending Shadow Watch Guards and security forces flying and shrapnel hurtling toward surviving guests.

  The Guards around the president pressed in closer, using their bodies to shield him from any potential shrapnel.

  “What’s the backup extraction plan?” Kimberly asked.

  “We’re awaiting reinforcements,” a Guard with a captain’s insignia and the nameplate of Ramirez said. “The local orbital defense fleet is mobilizing. Each government has called for aid from their respective escort fleets. We’ve been unable to determine the enemy’s numbers thus far.”

  “Right on time,” the president said, pointing. A cluster of gunships, dropships and fighters approached from the east. Missiles rose toward them.

  The dropships and gunships deployed countermeasures, while fighters launched missiles and flurries of laser fire at the missile nests. The dropships landed and troopers rappelled from the gunships.

  Troopers moved to the perimeter and set up positions. The remaining enemy forces continued to fire on the security forces and Guards in increasing numbers, unafraid of the reinforcements.

  Why aren’t they concerned? Kimberly thought.

  “Mr. President, now is our chance,” Captain Ramirez said. “Let’s get you to the…”

  A roar coming from seemingly all directions interrupted him.

  The sound of rapid discharges
of laser weapons mingled with shouts of alarm and screams of pain, fear and death echoed from the western barricade.

  Western barricade, report, Captain Ramirez commanded.

  Unknown hostiles have breached the barricade. I repeat, unknown hostiles have… The link cut off.

  “Drone, now,” Captain Ramirez snapped.

  A drone rose into the air and sped toward the western barricade. Captain Ramirez held out a hand, palm up, and a holographic image projected from his glove.

  The scene showed four-legged creatures with pincers and mandibles engaging with the Guards and security forces at the western barricade. One creature rammed its pincers through the armor of a Guard and into their chest. It shook them like a rag doll until they flew off, slamming into the ground.

  “Shit,” Captain Ramirez said. “What the hell are those things? You four, go reinforce the barricade,” he ordered, pointing to four Shadow Watch Guards.

  Orbital defense force troopers rushed to aid the western barricade. The drone continued to hover, displaying horrifying images of the fight.

  Several dozen of the enemy continued to slaughter soldiers. Lasers flashed toward the creatures, with a concentrated barrage melting through the carapace of one and bringing it down. The scene was much too chaotic to continue the concentrated fire cadence one creature at a time, however, and the remaining creatures swept through the line of defenders with devastating ease.

  An inky black portal opened behind the western barricade. It elongated to become much larger and a bipedal creature stepped out. It towered above the average man and carried a staff with a blade on each end. No sooner had the portal closed than the staff-wielding creature spun its staff and advancing toward the rear of the western line.

  Western barricade forces, behind you, Captain Ramirez warned. He raised his own laser rifle, aimed and fired toward the creature. The beam lanced toward the creature but, before it could hit home, a small cloud of darkness the color of the void appeared at the back of the creature to shield it. He fired again with the same result. The creature continued its advance, unconcerned by the fire directed at it.

  The creature caught the western barricade forces by surprise. It beheaded one soldier, stabbed another through the heart, cut off the legs of a third at the knees and bisected a fourth soldier at the waist.

  Screams from the dead or dying alerted some troops, but it was too late. Death was among them and, being attacked from the front by the stuff of nightmares and the grim reaper itself from behind terrified the remaining defenders. Troopers shot at the creature, but the same void absorbed their shots.

  One soldier hurled a grenade at the enemy. It flew into the void shield and no explosion emanated from the hole. The soldier died a moment later.

  Two more portals appeared and two more of the tall creatures emerged, one leading a cluster of four-legged creatures toward a dropship. The other turned toward where the president and his retinue stood.

  This is Captain Ramirez of the seventh Shadow Watch Guard division calling all Federation forces, Captain Ramirez began, broadcasting on all frequencies. We are under attack by an unknown enemy alien species supported by human allies. The president is in immediate danger. We are requesting aid from any Federation forces in the region.

  Captain Ramirez addressed Kimberly. “Was the building stable enough when you came down?”

  “The first-floor stairwell had collapsed. I jumped down from a second-floor window. The higher levels were in better condition. Why?”

  The captain cast a glance toward the western barricade and looked back at her. “Take the president to the roof of the convention center. We’ll try to coordinate a gunship extraction from there. My men and I will buy you time.”

  “But how will we get to the second floor?”

  “I’m right here, you know,” the president said. “I’m not leaving.”

  “Sir,” Captain Ramirez began.

  “My decision is final, Captain. I am the commander-in-chief.”

  “Which is why you must go,” Kimberly said.

  The president glared at her.

  She held her composure and held eye contact.

  The president sighed. He looked at the carnage playing in the courtyard. “You speak sense, Agent Hague.”

  “Right this way, Mr. President,” Kimberly said. She led the president to a point below the window she had broken out of minutes earlier.

  “Belkin, Galagar, help lift the president to the second floor,” Captain Ramirez said.

  The two mage-guards stepped forward. Kimberly rose in the air and moments later was back on the window sill. She scrambled inside the building. The president rose next. Kimberly extended her hand and helped him inside.

  Kimberly poked her head out the window. “Aren’t you coming, Captain?” she said.

  “No ma’am. Our job is to protect the president. He won’t be safe with these monsters alive. It’s time for us to enter the fray. Go.”

  Kimberly nodded and shared a look with Captain Ramirez. He knew he wasn’t going home. She pulled her head back inside and addressed the president. “Shall we go, sir?”

  The president nodded. He did not mention the conversation he no doubt overheard; instead he followed Kimberly in silence.

  They ascended the stairs, Kimberly limping still. They emerged onto the shattered roof of the convention center. The hole Kimberly had fell through earlier was one among many that pock-marked the roof of the convention center.

  Kimberly and the president navigated around the holes in the roof until they reached the northwest corner. From this vantage point they viewed the entire courtyard to the west and the street to the north.

  In the courtyard, the remaining Shadow Watch Guards dispersed, trying to aid other units. The situation appeared dire. Although sufficient amounts of firepower could take down the quadrupeds, laser weapons had no effect on the staff-wielding creatures. Their void shields absorbed every laser, bending the light like magnets drawing in iron filings.

  A mage-guard threw a ball of fire at a shielded warrior but it extinguished. They tried again, this time expanding the fire into a wall of flame. The wall raced forward but as it hit the enemy shield the edges of the fire arced back toward the mage before swirling like water being sucked down a drain and extinguishing.

  Captain Ramirez blocked a direct strike from a staff-wielding creature. A second blow shattered his rifle. He stumbled back and drew a long knife from his belt. He charged in and stabbed the creature in the arm.

  Why didn’t the shield stop the knife? Kimberly thought.

  The creature let go of one side of the staff.

  Captain Ramirez lunged forward again, attempting to catch the creature off-guard. The creature dodged the strike and kicked the captain in the back. He stumbled forward several meters.

  The creature hefted its staff one-handed and threw it toward Captain Ramirez like a spear. The blade of the staff pierced his back and poked through his chest.

  Captain Ramirez dropped to his knees, blood spilling from the wound. His eyes met Kimberly’s eyes before the creature kicked him and he fell face-first into the dirt.

  Kimberly put her hand over her mouth and gasped.

  The creature retrieved its staff from the body of Captain Ramirez and looked up toward her. Eyes the color of the void met hers.

  Kimberly stepped back.

  The cloud in front of the creature expanded and solidified into a portal. The creature stepped through and the void portal closed.

  Blood pounded up her neck to her head. Her heart thundered in her chest. She withdrew the laser pistol from her thigh holster and moved back toward the president. She scanned the rooftop for any sign of movement.

  A portal appeared atop the conference center roof. The bipedal monster stepped out. It stopped and cocked its head to one side, studying her.

  Kimberly held her laser pistol up and sighted on the enemy. Please hurry, Isabelle, she thought.

  Chapter 5 - First Contact
r />   Derek closed his eyes and braced himself for the sound of incoming fire alarms. Instead, the proximity alarm blared. Derek opened his eyes. Several void portals of varying sizes winked into existence and expanded, filling the viewport of the Dauntless.

  Federation ships emerged from the void portals.

  Derek shivered and breathed a heavy sigh. The display identified the lead ship as the star carrier Independence. She must have come from the Sector Eighteen headquarters at Eligar II.

  Fighters spewed from the Independence in waves. They swarmed around her like bees around a hive. Elsewhere, the escort vessels, comprising two cruisers, four destroyers, eight frigates and twelve corvettes, formed up in front of the star carrier, facing Serpentis III.

  “Thank God,” Ashley said. “We made it.”

  “Independent vessel Dauntless, this is the FSS Independence,” a voice said over the intercom. “We have you on our sensors. Do you require aid?”

  Ashley snorted. “No, we were just out for a leisurely flight through a war zone,” she said out loud before activating the intercom. “Independence, this is Ashley Edgerton, co-captain of the Dauntless. We request permission to come aboard. We have wounded.”

  A brief pause preceded their reply. “Acknowledged, Dauntless. Permission granted. Welcome aboard.” The link closed.

  Ashley directed the ship toward the docking bay of the Independence.

  The swarm of Federation fighters streamed past the Dauntless as it sped up. Derek blanched at the display screen.

  What had been dozens of enemy fighters was now hundreds of enemy fighters racing to engage the newcomers.

  How the… he thought. How did they become so many? They were streaming from the enemy capital ships seen earlier in the debris of the Federation defenders.


  “Raptor Squadron, on me. Wait until we are in optimal firing range, then let them have it,” Lieutenant Selene Artois ordered as the squad sped toward the swarm of over a hundred enemy fighters.

  Here we go, she thought to herself. The targeting reticle showed optimal missile range. She launched a pair of missiles toward a target.


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