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Guns and the Girl Next Door

Page 9

by HelenKay Dimon

  Holden opened the door just far enough to look out. “Yes?”

  “May I come in?”

  “What is this about?”

  Zimmer glanced down the hallway and back again. “Your house in Virginia, sir.”

  The conversation took a turn into pure deception. Zimmer was with the D.C. Police. His territory did not include the Virginia suburbs. Despite that, Holden backed up so the other man could come inside.

  Immediately Zimmer scanned the room, his gaze sliding over every corner, which did not take very long. When the looking stopped the walking began. He slipped deeper into the family room and peeked into the bedroom.

  “What’s this about?” Holden asked.

  “You own a piece of property in Fredericksburg, correct?”

  All of a sudden everyone knew about his property ownership. A man couldn’t buy a beat-up cabin in private. “Why would you think that?”

  Zimmer’s palm moved to the top of his gun. “Is that a yes, sir?”

  “I live here.”

  “After some digging it’s become clear you have a few acres south of the city, as well.”


  Zimmer’s gaze kept going to the bedroom. “The Fredericksburg police force asked me to contact you for a wellness check.”

  That was a nice touch. Almost believable. “That’s interesting.”

  “I regret to inform you there’s been an accident at your house.”

  Holden was impressed with the smooth and even tone. “You’re in my house.”

  “The other one.” Zimmer rocked back on his heels and strained to see past the half-closed bedroom door. The move was subtle but noticeable. “A fire. The structure was destroyed.”

  “Anyone hurt?”

  “Not to my knowledge.”

  Holden could play this game all day. “Anything else?”

  Zimmer focused on Holden then. “There’s a missing woman.”


  “Mia Landers.”

  Walters or someone connected to him got to Zimmer. That was the only explanation Holden could see. Adam kept checking for formal investigations into Mia’s disappearance and nothing turned up. So far, only Walters and Zimmer were talking about her being missing.

  “There’s some suggestion she was on your property before the explosion,” Zimmer said.

  Only someone who was there or involved in the planning of the attack would know about Mia being in Virginia. Walters could be fishing to see if she was alive, but Holden thought it was more likely Walters and Zimmer wanted to know where she hid.

  “Is there also a suggestion I was at this house when the fire happened?” Holden asked. “As you can see, I’m not singed anywhere.”

  “Do you think this is a joke, sir?”

  Pure cop tone. A bit frustrated and condescending yet outwardly respectful. Holden recognized the M.O. because he’d seen and heard it growing up with his cop father. “Not at all.”

  “Do you know Mia Landers?”


  Zimmer hesitated. “Make I take a look around?”


  Zimmer smacked his lips together. “Do you have something to hide?”

  “I don’t.” Holden stepped into Zimmer’s line of sight when the man shifted too close to the bedroom door.

  “And I wouldn’t do that.”


  “I haven’t given you permission to snoop around my place.”

  “You want me to get a warrant?”

  They both knew that was am empty threat. “If you think you have probable cause for something, be my guest.”

  Zimmer took one final look around and then headed to the door. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a card. “If you see Ms. Landers, call me at this number.”

  Holden didn’t even look at it. He was too busy shutting the door behind Zimmer. “Absolutely.”

  MIA’S HANDS SHOOK so hard it took her three tries to open the folding door of the closet.

  The screen screeched along the track as Holden opened it for her. He hovered in the doorway. “You dated that guy?”

  “How did you know that?”

  “Maybe you’ve missed the general gist of what I do for a living.”

  “You investigated me.” She shoved past him and went to the bed. She had to sit down before her knees gave out.

  “I needed to make sure you weren’t a nut. In my defense, you drove through my front door.”

  “You’re just not going to let that go.”

  “I don’t see that happening, no.” Holden shifted his weight as he spoke.

  Mia realized he was nervous. He actually thought she was furious about the privacy violation. In reality she trembled because the sound of Ned’s voice had that hold over her. Even now, after months of being apart and standing in Holden’s protective shield, Ned had the power to stop her internal organs from functioning. His angry phone calls of a week ago still rang in her ears.

  “He strikes me as a loser.” Holden followed her to the mattress and sat down next to her.

  “He is, which is why he’s my ex.” She refused to use her ex’s name. He didn’t deserve any power over her and recognizing him in any way would do that. “That brings me to the other issue.”

  “Which is?”

  She leaned her shoulder against Holden’s, gaining confidence from his muscled arm. “He’s no longer with the police department.”

  Holden pulled back so fast, he had to put an arm out and catch her. “Are you sure?”

  “I was at the hearing.”

  “Care to explain that?”

  “His fitness hearing.”

  Holden slid a hand over her thigh in a move that calmed the nerves jumping around inside of her. “What did he do?”

  “Roughed up a witness.” But that was just one of Ned’s many missteps. He was the kind of man who thrived on power and abused it when he had it.

  “You were there because…?”

  “I testified about how he bragged about the incident.”

  Holden whistled. “That would sure give the man a reason not to like you. It also means my radar isn’t off. I didn’t like him from the second he walked in here.”

  “And this was one of his good days.”

  Holden’s hand tightened on her leg for a fraction of a second before it eased. “Did he ever hurt you?”

  “Not physically.”

  “I’m not sure I like that answer.”

  They were even because she hated everything about Ned. “He called me last week to let me know I ruined his life.”


  She couldn’t tell if that was a judgment or a statement. The idea of Holden siding with Ned stabbed through her, puncturing her lungs and stealing her breath. “So, knowing all of that, why was he here and pretending to be on the job?”

  “My guess? Walters knows about your history with Zimmer and is using it to scare you and warn me.”

  She regretted ever taking the congressional job. It was a huge step backward and a significant financial hit—on top of all this. “Is there anything Walters doesn’t know?”

  “I wouldn’t count on that.” Holden slipped his phone out of his back pocket. “How dangerous is Zimmer?”

  “I’m not sure. I used to think he was just a bully, but he sounded desperate last I heard from him. From my experience, people get caught and act out.”

  “So, let me try this again. Did he threaten you?”

  Not in the way Holden was suggesting. Ned was too smart for that. “He blames me.”

  “You’re still not answering me.”

  “He’s not worth a second of our time.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes. Disgusting piece of garbage.” Holden added a string of profane words to his description of her ex. “He’s not going to try anything with me around.”

  A light flutter started in the bottom of her stomach at the idea Holden might stay around. She pushed out the possibility she amounted to nothing
more than a duty or another person for him to rescue.

  Holden hit a button and lifted the phone to his ear. “I’ll call Adam and start him digging on Zimmer.”

  Cold snapped through her. “Fine.”

  “We have to get out of here without your boyfriend following us.”

  “Don’t call him that.”

  Holden blew out a long, rough breath. “Sorry. I want to beat the crap out of the guy and am trying to send that energy somewhere else.”

  “While you’re apologizing for stuff, think about asking for forgiveness for how easily you lie.” She knew that was part of the job and meant to keep her safe, but the way the words so easily fell off his tongue without thought or hesitation scared her.

  Holden’s arm slowly fell to his side. “The thing I told Zimmer about knowing you?”

  “That’s the one. Yes.”

  “That was for your protection.”

  “Men always say that.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Holden knew Zimmer lurked nearby. He could feel it, sense it. He wished he could gauge Mia’s mood as easily. Ever since hearing Zimmer’s voice, she’d been distant and jumpy.

  That ticked Holden off. It felt like a lack of trust in his abilities. She had to know he’d keep her safe from the guy. Surely he’d earned at least that much credit by now.

  “Are you ready to go?” she asked as she walked out of the bedroom and right by him.

  He stopped her with a hand on her arm. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “My ex and my boss are hunting me down. I’ve seen I don’t even know how many dead bodies. Surely you can understand where that would be disconcerting.” She didn’t yank her arm away, but after a small shift he was holding nothing but air.

  “You get used to it.”

  “This isn’t funny, Holden.”

  “Do I look like I’m laughing?” When she tried to answer his question, he stopped her. “We’re not going to argue about this here.”

  “Why not?”

  No reason to lie about this. Standing there in what felt like the wide open made the back of his neck itch. At his cabin he had weapons and contingency plans. Here he had an entrance and a potential unwelcome flight off the balcony.

  “Being here makes me edgy. Okay? I’ll feel better when we’re back at Luke’s house where there are other people and not such an open shot inside.” He pointed at the sliding door and the gray sky beyond.

  “That’s what this is about? You think we’re in danger.”

  “I know we are.”

  Her battle stance relaxed. Holden knew they’d walked through some sort of emotional minefield right there. He didn’t know what had happened to make her mad and then to calm her back down again. Through clenched fists and a strained tone, she let him know she fought with rough doubts.

  “So, what do we do?” she asked.

  “You’re going to stay in here and I’m going to check the hallway and stairs.”

  “For Ned.”


  A little intel first. He called down to the lobby and asked the doorman if a police officer was hanging around. The answer didn’t surprise him.

  He flipped the phone closed and glanced at Mia. Nothing he had to say was going to wipe the pained expression off her face, but he needed her to know what was happening. “Zimmer never came back downstairs. Guess that means he’s waiting for me up here somewhere.”

  “What if you find him?”

  “Part of me hopes I do.” Holden had a list of things he wanted to do to Zimmer. A man who beat up on women, physically or verbally, deserved a smackdown. Maybe if Ned’s face hit the pavement a few times, he’d think twice about hurting a female again.

  She exhaled as she slid in front of him. With her hands on his biceps, she tipped her head up and kissed his chin.

  Not good enough. Holden didn’t want chaste from her. Before she could back away, he covered her mouth with his. First deep and then lingering, he let his lips tell her his plans for later.

  “Be careful,” she whispered against his mouth as he broke away.


  He had to go. Having a bed so close and danger all around made for a mixed message his lower half couldn’t interpret.

  After a quick look out the peephole, Holden opened the door. He expected to find Zimmer hiding in a stairwell, but the guy turned out to be smarter than he looked.

  The door slammed back, bouncing against Holden’s head. The hit had him reeling. He stumbled back. Off balance, he tried to put his body between Zimmer and Mia.

  “Hello, Mia.” Zimmer’s smile could only be described as feral, like a starved wild animal seeing food for the first time in weeks.

  The tiny explosions stopped shooting off in Holden’s brain, but he didn’t let on. Better for Zimmer to think he had a wounded man in front of him.

  Zimmer pointed his gun at Mia’s head. “You’re not a good liar, Mr. Price.”

  “You’re not a very good cop, so we’re even.”

  “Mia, come here.” Zimmer’s clenched teeth made his voice even lower and raspier than before. “You’re going to pat down Mr. Price for me.”


  “I’m not playing games. Do it now.”

  “Who are you working for?” Holden asked as he shuffled his feet and backed up closer to Mia. If he had to throw his body in front of hers, take every bullet and kick, he’d do it.

  Zimmer ignored Holden. He kept his harsh frown centered on Mia. “You’ve upset some powerful people and need to come in and answer questions.”

  “She’s not going anywhere with you.”

  Zimmer pointed to his weapon. “I’m the one with the gun, Price. You are not in charge here.”

  “For now.”

  “You think you can take it from me?”

  That’s it. Take the bait. Holden knew this guy’s ego wouldn’t allow him to lose in front of Mia. “Something like that.”

  “You don’t have the balls to rush me.”

  “I wouldn’t count on that.”

  “Mia, now.” Zimmer shifted his aim to Holden’s chest.

  “Unless you want your new boyfriend to die in front of you.”

  “You’re killing innocent men now?” She took a step forward.

  Holden reached out his hand and held her back. The chance of wrestling the gun away from Zimmer decreased to single digits if he had Mia in his arms. Holden would never risk her life. He’d have to abandon his plan to tackle this jerk, and that’s all he wanted to do at the moment. That and put a bullet through the guy’s small brain.

  “That’s close enough to the crazy cop.” Holden sent a warning with his tone and the stiffness of his arm.

  “We don’t have a choice.” Her fingers rested against his back and then moved lower. “I can’t let him hurt you and he’s the only one with a gun.”

  Zimmer barked out a harsh laugh. “Listen to the woman.”

  “I have a name.” Her fingers brushed against the top of Holden’s waistband.

  Only one reason she’d be touching him there right now. His weapon.

  She drummed out a countdown on the metal handle, sending a vibration through him. A mix of panic and admiration thrummed in his blood. She might be afraid, but she was going down swinging.

  As the gun slipped from its position, Holden dived. Arms out, he plowed into the other man’s knees, knocking them backward at an angle guaranteed to inflict the most pain.

  Zimmer’s arms flew up as he lost control of the situation. The crunch of bone mixed with his shout of fury as he dropped the gun.

  Holden kept fighting. He kicked Zimmer’s weapon, sending it spinning across the wood floor in Mia’s direction. With a knee on Zimmer’s stomach, Holden held him down. Not that the man was fighting back. Zimmer wailed and swore. He panted and grabbed for his leg as he tried to curl in a ball around Holden’s body.

  Not such a tough guy now. Holden glanced up to share the thought with Mia and saw for the fi
rst time she was ready. She stood, legs apart, with the gun aimed right at Zimmer’s forehead. Holden knew she couldn’t shoot, but she sure looked as if she would if she had to.

  Satisfaction filled his chest. “Nice.”

  “You broke my damn leg.” Zimmer writhed around, slipping against the floor as he tried to get traction to sit up.

  “I wish, but I doubt it.” With a hard shove, Holden turned Zimmer over and slammed his chest against the floor.

  Hearing the man groan in pain actually felt good. Holden didn’t analyze the murderous rage pounding in his head. It was simple enough to figure out. He’d been trained to serve and protect, but a man who played on a woman’s fears didn’t deserve his respect.

  Snatching his handcuffs, Holden had the other man bound in a matter of seconds and turned him around. With his fingers wrapped in Zimmer’s lapels, Holden slid him to a sitting position and leaned him against the wall.

  Zimmer sucked in air as he rocked his shoulders back and forth against the wall. “You’re going to pay for this.”

  “I doubt that.” Holden stepped over the odd angle of Zimmer’s leg and put his palm over Mia’s hands. Slowly he lowered her arms until the gun pointed toward the floor.

  “Assaulting a police officer is—”

  “Shut up!” Mia flew at Zimmer. She would have gotten to him, too, if Holden hadn’t placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her back.

  Holden loved this fiery protective side of her. “Easy now.”

  Her focus stayed on her ex. “You’re not a cop. Not anymore.”

  When Zimmer ground out a nasty name for Mia, Holden decided it was time the guy learned a lesson. Holden lowered his foot and pressed it against Zimmer’s injury. The resulting squealing shout would make someone come running. Holden was sure of that.

  With time ticking away, Holden skipped to the next part of his plan. He grabbed for his phone.

  “What are you doing?” Mia asked.

  “Insurance.” He snapped a photo. “If Zimmer here decides to complain or starts talking about assault charges, he can explain why he showed up here wearing a police uniform.”

  For the first time since Zimmer arrived, Mia smiled. “His former bosses would love that. Imagine how fast everyone would cut him loose.”

  “And I’m pretty sure pretending to be a police officer and assaulting someone with a gun is a crime. Can’t imagine what would happen to Zimmer here in jail, what with some of the lies he’s told to put his fellow criminals in there.”


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