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Edgar Allan Poe: The Fever Called Living (Icons)

Page 13

by Paul Collins

  Rodman, 46

  obituaries, 99. See also death

  Odes (Horace), 7

  opiates, 90

  Oquawka Spectator, 93–94

  “Orion” (Horne), 66

  orphans, 3, 4

  orris root, 96–97

  Outis (alias), 68

  parodies, 67, 78, 81

  Parry, William, 19

  Patterson, Edward Horton Norton, 93–94

  Pease, Peter, 14

  Penn Magazine, 46–47

  Perley, Thaddeus (alias), 65

  Perry, Edgar A. (alias), 19–21

  Phantasy-Pieces (Poe), 49

  Philadelphia, 39, 58

  Philadelphia Saturday Courier, 24–25

  “The Philosophy of Composition” (Poe), 76–77

  photos, 90

  phrenology, 47–48, 77, 88

  Pioneer (magazine), 53

  pirates, 56–57

  pirating. See plagiarism

  “The Pit and the Pendulum” (Poe), 52–53


  laws, 64

  by Poe, 38, 43

  of Poe, 29, 67, 81

  playwriting, 30–31

  Poe, David, 2

  Poe, David, Jr. (Edgar’s father), 2–3

  Poe, Edgar Allan. See also works

  acting skills of, 9

  admirers of, 103–4

  adoption of, 3–5, 14

  as alcoholic, 30, 52, 54–55, 69–70, 74–75, 89, 97–98

  aliases of, 14–18, 19–21, 65, 68, 91

  anthology of, 99–102

  birth of, 2

  burial site, 1, 99, 104–7

  childhood of, 3–10

  cipher solving by, 45–46, 48, 56–57, 110

  collected works of, 70, 99–102

  college life of, 10–12

  critiques by, 33–34, 68–69, 71, 72, 77–79, 101–2

  death desire of, 90, 95, 98

  death of, 98–99, 104–5, 112–13

  debts of, 12–14, 19, 22, 32, 52

  depression of, 29–30, 52–55, 80–83

  disposition of, 11, 55

  editorial work of, 26, 28–35, 42–46, 64–65

  education of, 5–6, 7–10, 21–23, 33

  with Ellis family, 7

  fame of, 56–57, 67–70, 81, 103–4

  girlfriends of, 10

  illness of, 79–81, 94–95, 97–98

  jobs of, 13, 14–15

  language skills of, 7–8, 12

  lectures given by, 58, 69, 71, 84–86, 96

  logic skills of, 41, 46, 76

  magazines, attempts to start, 46–47, 54, 55, 72, 73, 93–94

  marriages of, 31–33, 91–92, 97

  memorial monument to, 104–6, 113

  metaphysical beliefs of, 83, 84–90

  in military, 19–24

  parents of, 2–3

  parody and satire of, 67, 78, 81

  as Perry, Edgar A., 19–21

  photo of, 90

  phrenology interest of, 47–48, 77, 88

  plagiarism by, 38, 43

  plagiarism of, 29, 67, 81

  playwriting by, 30–31

  in prison, 94

  reading skills of, 5–6, 7

  religious views of, 83, 84–90

  sobriety of, 36, 62, 96

  songwriting by, 64–65

  spiritual views of, 83, 84–90

  style of, 26

  suicide attempt of, 90

  writing style of, 17, 24–25, 34, 49–50, 66

  Poe, Eliza Arnold, 2, 3

  Poe, Henry, 3, 15, 20, 24

  Poe, Neilson, 104, 105

  Poe, Rosalie, 3, 15, 96

  Poe, Virginia Clemm

  acrostic by, 74

  death of, 80

  illness of, 51–52, 62, 74, 80

  interest in, 24

  marriage to Edgar, 31–33

  Poems (Poe), 23–24


  “Al Aaraaf,” 22, 72

  Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems, 22

  “Annabel Lee,” 100, 107

  “The Bells,” 100

  collected works of, 70, 99–100

  defining, 66

  Latin game in, 7–8

  logical formula for, 76–77

  in military, 22–24

  by Poe, Virginia Clemm, 74

  in Poe family, 15, 20

  Poems, 23–24

  Poe’s first book of, 8, 15–18

  Poe’s inspirations in, 65

  Poe’s style, 17, 66

  “The Raven,” 65–68, 72, 76

  The Raven and Other Poems, 72–73

  recitations, 71–72, 96

  repetition, 66, 82, 100

  Romantic, 17, 23, 65

  “The Sleeper,” 23

  “Tamerlane,” 17–18

  Tamerlane and Other Poems, 15–18, 22

  “To Annie,” 98

  “Ulalume,” 81–82

  See also specific titles

  police archetype, 59

  Politian (Poe), 30–31

  Preston, John, 9

  prison, 94

  “The Prose Romances of Edgar A. Poe” (Graham’s), 57

  Prose Writers of America (Griswold), 81

  Providence, Rhode Island, 90–91

  publishing. See also magazines; newspapers

  hoaxes, 29, 63–64, 73

  industry, 27, 35

  puns, 45

  “The Purloined Letter” (Poe), 58–60

  Putnam, George, 86


  in detective stories, 59–60

  as games, 45–46, 48, 56–57, 110

  Pym (Poe), 36–38, 98, 104

  ratiocination, 49, 59, 103

  “The Raven” (Poe), 65–68, 72, 76

  The Raven and Other Poems (Poe), 72–73

  Raven Club, 103

  Redpath, J. S., 100


  by Poe, 33–34, 68–69, 71, 72, 77–79, 101–2

  of Poe, 21, 27, 31, 35, 53

  Le Rennet, Henri (alias), 14–18

  repetition, 66, 82, 100

  revenge theme, 78, 93

  “Reynolds” (possibly Jeremiah Reynolds), 98

  Richmond, Virginia

  Allan family’s move back to, 6–7

  Poe family in, 3

  Poe’s education in, 7–9

  Poe’s return to, 89, 95–96

  Richmond Enquirer, 3

  “The Robber’s Tower” (Blackwood’s story), 43

  Rodman (Poe), 46

  Rogers, Mary, 50

  Romanticism, 17, 23, 65

  Royster, Elmira, 10, 95–96, 97

  “Rue Morgue” (Poe), 48–49, 50, 51, 81

  Sartain, John, 94


  horror, as theme, 24–25, 27–28

  of Poe, 67, 78, 81

  Saturday Visiter, 25–26


  metaphysical, 83, 84–90

  phrenology and, 47–48, 77, 88

  science fiction, 38, 73, 104

  secret messages, 45–46, 48, 56–57, 110

  Sheppard Lee (Bird), 33

  Sherlock Holmes, 104

  Shew, Marie Louise, 80, 90

  short stories. See also novels

  “Berenice,” 27–28

  “The Black Cat,” 57

  “The Cask of Amontillado,” 78

  contests, 24–26, 56

  detective, 48–51, 58–60

  “The Domain of Arnheim,” 82

  “The Fall of the House of Usher,” 42–43

  “A Fragment,” 20–21, 110

  “The Gold-Bug,” 56–57, 62–63

  “Hans Pfaall,” 29, 106

  “Hop-Frog,” 93

  “The Imp of the Perverse,” 71

  industry, 27, 35

  “Ligeia,” 40–41

  “Maezel’s Chess Player,” 46

  “The Man of the Crowd,” 47

  “The Masque of the Red Death,” 51–52

  “Mellonta Tauta,�
�� 85–86

  “Morella,” 28

  “The Murders in the Rue Morgue,” 48–49, 50, 51, 81

  “The Mystery of Marie Roget,” 50–51, 59

  “The Pit and the Pendulum,” 52–53

  Poe’s style, 24–25, 34, 49–50

  “The Purloined Letter,” 58–60

  Tales, 70

  Tales of the Folio Club, 26, 35

  Tales of the Grotesque and

  Arabesque, 44

  “The Tell-Tale Heart,” 53, 57

  “William Wilson,” 42–43

  See also specific titles

  sidekicks, 51, 59

  Simms, William Gilmore, 70, 77–78

  “The Sleeper” (Poe), 23

  Snodgrass, Joseph, 97–98, 105

  songwriting, 64–65

  Sons of Temperance, 96

  South Pole, 37

  Southern Literary Messenger, 27–35, 36, 89

  The Sphinx of the Ice Fields (Verne), 104

  Stannard, Jane, 8

  storytelling. See also themes

  backward, 49, 59, 103

  writing style, 17, 24–25, 34, 49–50, 66

  The Stylus, 53, 54, 89, 93–94

  suicide, Poe’s attempt, 90, 95

  The Sun, 63–64

  Tales (Poe), 70

  Tales of the Folio Club (Poe), 26, 35

  Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque (Poe), 44

  “Tamerlane” (Poe), 17–18

  Tamerlane and Other Poems (Poe), 15–18, 22

  “The Tell-Tale Heart” (Poe), 53, 57

  temperance, 46, 55, 96

  theater. See acting


  death, 23, 41, 43, 66, 81–82, 98

  decryption, 58

  grief, 27–28, 66, 81–83

  horror satire, 24–25, 27–28

  identity, 41, 89

  insanity, 53, 66, 71, 78

  love lost, 16–18, 30–31, 66, 81–82

  ratiocination, 49, 59, 103

  revenge, 78, 93

  South Pole, 37

  youth lost, 16–18

  Thespian Society, 9

  Thomas, Frederick W., 54

  Thompson, John, 89

  Thrale, Hester, 111

  “To Annie” (Poe), 98

  The Toaster, 1

  treasure hunts, 56–57, 62–63

  Twice-Told Tales (Hawthorne), 35

  “Ulalume” (Poe), 81–82

  “Ultima Thule” (photo), 90

  Unity, 87, 89

  “unity of effect,” 66, 76–77

  universe, 84–87, 89

  University of Virginia (UVA), 10–13

  “Usher” (Poe), 42–43

  Valdemar, M. (fictional), 73

  Verne, Jules, 104

  The Victoria (airship), 63

  Vidocq, Eugene Francois, 48–49

  W.H.P., Henry Poe as, 20, 110–2

  Walker, W., 97

  Wallace, William Ross, 66

  Webster, Noah, 36

  Wertenbaker, William, 12–13

  West Point, 22–23

  White, Thomas W., 27–29

  Whitman, Sarah Helen, 91–92

  Whitman, Walt, 73, 106

  Wiley & Putnam, 70, 71

  “William Wilson” (Poe), 42–43

  Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 21, 67, 69, 77

  Wilmer, Lambert, 33

  Wise, John, 63

  works. See also novels; poetry; short stories; and specific titles

  collected, 70, 99–100

  detective, 48–51, 58–60

  first masterpiece, 40–41

  first novel, 36–38

  first poetry book, 8, 15–18

  first short story, 20–21

  least known, 31, 46

  magazine-published, 20–22, 24–31, 42–46, 73, 76–79

  mastery of, 1, 40

  metaphysical, 83, 84–90

  newspaper-published, 56–57, 63–64, 92–93

  rejected, 21, 27, 31, 35, 53

  science fiction, 38, 73, 104

  songwriting, 64–65

  The Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe (Griswold), 100–102

  writing style, 17, 24–25, 34, 49–50, 66

  Wyatt, Thomas, 41

  Yankee, 21

  youth, theme of lost, 16–18

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Dedication Page


  1 The Child of Fortune

  2 Manuscript Found in a Bottle

  3 The Glorious Prospect

  4 The Shakespeare of America

  5 Nevermore


  Selected Further Reading


  About the Author





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