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Billionaire Hero

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m looking for Lewis Cox.”

  “Can’t help you. He’s on vacation.”

  “I have some important questions regarding Mr. Cox’s involvement with one of my cases. It’s classified information, and I can’t discuss that with just anyone.”

  “I’ve not heard of Lewis being involved with anything. He’s a guy who specializes in technology. You’re going to have to check your sources again.”

  “Have you ever heard of the Billionaire Bikers MC?”

  “Sounds like a joke to me,” Jamie said. “I don’t know when Lewis will be getting back, but I will certainly pass on the message that you’ve been looking.”

  “Mandy, the girl’s name is.”

  Jamie raised a brow. “And?”

  Robert moved toward him, and stood close, trying to threaten him. Jamie stood tall and stared right into Robert’s eyes, hoping that he’d slip up.

  Come on, you disgusting fucker. Give me one good reason.

  “She’s an important part of the case. Her knowledge could help bring down men and stop them from hurting any more women.”

  “Really. Okay, I’m really going to have to make some noise if this is what my tax money is going to. You need some new training with how you deal with the big boys. Right now, you’re being really vague about what you want and what you don’t want.”

  Robert’s eye twitched. “I’ve seen things your ass hasn’t even seen.”

  Jamie smiled. “I’m sure it has.”

  “I’ll be watching.”

  “Good. I’ll be sure to check and make sure that you’re who you say you are. A good cop like yourself can only expect me to do that.”

  He watched as Robert left the office, and smiled. Piece of fucking cake.

  Jamie made the relevant calls to let it show that he was checking up on Robert. He didn’t want Robert or the guy he was working for to know they were onto them.

  Moving behind Lewis’s desk, he grabbed a lollipop and sat back.

  Cameron came back five minutes later. She looked so nervous.

  “I didn’t say anything,” she said.

  “I know you didn’t.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He’s gone, but I wouldn’t put it past him to come back. I’m going to set up shop at Lewis’s desk here. I don’t want you to be alone.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “I’m also going to be escorting you home as well.”

  “You don’t need to do that.”

  Jamie got to his feet and moved toward her. “I know some things about that man that you’re not going to like. I can’t tell you what they are.”

  “Is this about the Billionaire Bikers MC?”

  He paused, looking at her. “How do you know about that?”

  “Lewis came here one night. I was working late, and he needed something. He had on his leather jacket. I don’t even think he saw me here working. I saw it. I’ve not told anyone.”

  “Please don’t. We’re trying to help people.”

  She nodded. “He’s bad?”

  “Yes. He’s bad. Don’t worry though. I’ll protect you.”

  “You’re a good person, and Lewis is lucky to have you as his friend.”

  He stared at her, once again struck by her beauty. Cameron was a nice woman, kind, considerate. He liked her a lot. “Go on a date with me.”

  “You know I can’t.”

  “Is this about your kid? If so, I’m great with kids. I love kids. He’ll love me.”

  “He’s been through a lot right now, and I don’t want to confuse him any more than he has been. I really do appreciate it, but he must come first.”

  She pulled away, moving toward her desk. Jamie watched her go.

  “You’re a woman as well as being a mother. Don’t forget that,” he said.

  Jamie didn’t stick around for her to say anything more.


  Mandy rolled over and stared across her bedroom, wishing that sleep would claim her. She was so tired, yet she couldn’t fall asleep. Sitting up in bed, she leaned against the post, and not for the first time wondered if she was making a mistake. This wasn’t Lewis’s fault, or the club’s. They had done everything in their power to help her, and to help others.

  What if she was the problem?

  Elijah wanted her.

  She knew without a doubt that if he got a hold of her, he’d try to kill her. Probably succeed at it as well. Running a hand down her face, she cleared the fogginess from her mind and made her way toward the French doors that overlooked the garden. Opening them up, she took a seat and stared up at the moon.

  It was such a beautiful sight, so serene, calm, and still. Where the sun was a burning heat, the moon was cold but held so much beauty and wonder. She loved staring at it.

  “Couldn’t sleep?”

  She turned to see Lewis standing at his doors. “It looks like I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t sleep. Did I wake you?”

  “I’ve not been to sleep.” Lewis took a seat beside her. “I’m just thinking about you, and what you said to me.”

  “I’ve said a great deal to you. You’re going to need to help me out here on what I’ve said.” She smiled at him.

  “Our kiss.”

  This made her chuckle. “Have I gotten underneath that tough skin of yours?”

  “It’s not hard to do. There’s always been a special place for you in my heart.”

  She drew her legs up close, wrapping her arms around them. Resting her head on her knees, she kept her gaze locked on his. “What about what I said?”

  “I don’t want you to ever think I want something like that from you.”

  “I know that, Lewis. You have nothing to worry about in that regard.” She watched him rub his temples, and realized that he did it a lot when he was thinking. “You can tell me anything.”

  “I enjoyed that kiss. I find you attractive. I’m hard right now just thinking about you naked, underneath me.”

  “Is that a bad thing?” she asked. Hope bloomed inside her chest.


  And died just as fast as it started.


  “Ugh, it’s not like that. I’m torn, okay? I’ve spent all this time looking for you. Hunting for you. I made a vow to bring you home. I did that, and now you’re here. You’re back in my life, and not a day goes by that I don’t think about you. I want to share everything with you. To get you to experience the life that was once taken from you.”

  “I just want to share my life with you, Lewis. I don’t need anything else but that.” She didn’t. “I know you’re not like those people, Lewis. I want you.” She released her legs and stood, making her way toward him. She pushed him back a little and straddled his thighs. His hard dick pressed against her pussy, and she didn’t mind. In fact, another wave of arousal washed over her at the feel of him there.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she stared down at his lips. They were a temptation. She couldn’t help but think how good they’d feel on her body, kissing her.

  Lewis wouldn’t make the first move, so she had to. She wanted him to see that she was more than secure in herself. This was her choice, and she wanted him.

  More than anything else, she just wanted him.

  She wanted him to make love to her, to fuck her, to claim her as his alone.

  “I’m not going to break. I’m yours, Lewis. All you have to do is say the words and I’m all yours.”

  He didn’t touch her. For the longest time, she expected him to reject her as he made no move to say or do anything.

  Her heart was racing, and she didn’t know what to do.

  This was it.

  The one chance she had given herself to try to show Lewis that she was all his for the taking. She loved him. He’d given her hope, her freedom, love. Everything.

  His hand cupped her ass, and he pulled her close. “Say that again.”

  “Which part?” she asked, wanting to cry so damn hard with ha

  “The part about you being mine.”

  “I’m yours, Lewis. Do you want me?”

  “I can’t even believe that you have to ask that. Want you? I fucking crave you. I’ve wanted you for a long time now, and being near you only drives the need inside me a little more crazy.”

  He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her down for a kiss.

  It was the single greatest moment of Mandy’s life.


  Mandy felt so damn good against his body. Lewis moaned as she wriggled her pussy against his dick. There was no way for him to hide his reaction to her body pressed against his. She was perfect, exactly how he imagined she’d be. Running his hands down her back, he grasped her ass, holding her tight against him.

  She released a little moan, and that one sound meant so fucking much to him.

  The negligee she wore was cute, but it was also getting in the way. He let go of her ass and slowly slid the straps down her arms. Breaking from the kiss, he allowed himself to look at her. Her tits were large. Her nipples were red and small. His mouth watered for a taste of her.

  Lewis couldn’t get enough of this goddess, and knew without a doubt that he never would. The negligee fell to her waist and he leaned forward, lathering the tip of her breast before sliding between the valley and taking her other nipple into his mouth.

  “That feels so good,” she said, gasping at the end as he bit down, creating a little pain for her.

  “Are you wet for me, babe?” he asked.


  “I want to feel.”

  She took his hand and slid it between her thighs so that he was cupping her panty-covered pussy. Moving behind the material, he found her wet center, and they both groaned. “I’ve been thinking about you for a long time, Lewis. I want you so much.”

  Her hand moved between them, cupping his dick. He only wore pajama bottoms, so she was able to get to him easily. Without any instruction from him, she shoved her hand inside and grasped him.

  It had been a long time, a few years, since he’d been with a woman. Having Mandy in his arms was a dream come true to him.

  “You’re so big,” she said.

  She ran her hand up and down the length of him, stroking over the tip, which had pre-cum spilling out.

  Lewis gritted his teeth and searched for his hard-won control. He wanted to make this as good for her as it was for him. Using two fingers, he circled the entrance of her pussy before thrusting them inside her. Her cunt tightened around him, and she cried out his name. He loved hearing her sounds of pleasure.

  Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he moved up to stroke her clit, watching the pleasure dance across her face. She was sheer perfection as far as he was concerned, and he didn’t want to stop seeing that look on her face.

  “You’re going to come all over my fingers, baby. You’re going to scream my name, beg for more, and I’m going to take whatever you can give me.”

  She wriggled on his lap, trying to get him to move his fingers, but he held still, waiting.

  “Who do you belong to, Mandy?”

  “You, Lewis. Always you.”

  “That’s right. Tell me how much you want this.”

  “I want you.”

  “You want me to touch your pussy?” he asked.


  “You want me to make you come?”


  “That’s a lot of things to want.” He took her nipple between his teeth and nibbled on the puckered flesh. “I don’t mind because I want to be the man to give you those things.” Thrusting two fingers inside her, he placed his thumb against her clit, stroking back and forth.

  Her eyes closed and she arched up. Her tits thrust against his face, and he took what she had to offer, sucking the buds into his mouth. He teased one nipple then the other, going between the two as he brought her closer and closer to orgasm.

  She was temptation in the moonlight, her head thrown back, eyes closed as her body shook with his caresses.

  “Please, don’t stop,” she asked, begging.

  He had no intention of stopping. He wanted to hear her screams of pleasure, to know that he was the one to bring her to orgasm again and again.

  The hand on his dick tightened to the point of being painful, but he didn’t mind. He liked a little bit of pain, especially as he watched Mandy go wild. Her cunt tightened around his fingers, and he was relentless with the assault on her clit. She couldn’t stop the impending orgasm, and he watched, triumphant, when she yelled his name as her orgasm washed over her.

  Her cunt tightened around his fingers like a vise, and her heat grew even slicker as her cream covered his fingers.

  She shook, but he didn’t let go. Over and over he teased her clit, wanting a second orgasm from her.

  Her hands moved to his shoulders, holding herself up as he wouldn’t let her get away.

  She belonged to him.

  Finally, after her second orgasm, he slowed down his movements, allowing her to collapse against him. His mouth kissing her neck in between pants. He pulled his hands from her pussy and wrapped his arms around her body, holding her close, breathing in her scent.

  She smelled beautiful, sexy, musky, and all his.

  “I want you to fuck me, Lewis,” she said. “Don’t hold back, either.”

  Mandy lifted her head and cupped his face, slamming her lips down on his.

  He kissed her back, knowing there was nothing he wouldn’t give this woman. She owned his heart and his soul. He had devoted all of his life to finding her. Now he’d spend the rest loving her, giving her everything her heart desired.

  Mandy made him a better man. She completed him.

  Lifting her up in his arms, he carried her through to his bedroom. She let out a little giggle, and it only made him want her so much more.

  Chapter Eight

  Lewis lowered her down onto his silk sheets, and Mandy’s heart flipped. She couldn’t believe how sweet, how kind, or how gentle he was being.

  He moved, flicking on the lamps on either side of his bed.

  “I don’t need romance,” she said, moving so that she was perched on her elbows.

  “You may not need it, but I want it.”

  She watched as he pushed his pajamas off and his impressive length sprang forward. He didn’t rush toward the bed. He walked toward the other side, climbing on and sliding toward her.

  He wrapped his arms around her. One was beneath her neck, and the other cupped her waist. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Lewis took possession of her lips, and she moaned. Her pussy was wet, and she wanted him desperately. Running her hands down his body, she tried to touch his dick. He caught her wrist before she could hold him.

  “There’s going to be time for that soon. I’m going to take my time with you, Mandy. Make this moment last for a lifetime. I’m going to make love to you, and show you how much I cherish you.”

  He kissed her lips, and she melted against him.

  No one had ever taken the time to learn her body, or to care what she liked. The hand on her waist slid up, cupping one of her breasts. Lewis broke from the kiss, gliding down her neck, sucking on the pulse before taking her nipple into his mouth.

  The pleasure went straight to her clit, shocking her after experiencing not just one orgasm, but two. Her body was no longer her own. Lewis owned it, and in that moment, she was more than happy to give it to him.

  He kneaded the flesh as he sucked her nipple, using his teeth to score the flesh, creating enough pain to make her ache. She pressed her thighs together, trying to create some friction and relieve the burn that he’d begun.

  Lewis had awakened a need within her body, and she couldn’t push it away. When she made to grab for him again, Lewis placed her wrist beneath her neck, holding her in place as he stroked her body.

  The tips of his fingers ran up and down her stomach, going down her thighs, teasing across the fine hairs on her pussy.

opened her legs, desperate for his touch there. He didn’t give it to her, though. He made her wait, getting her to ache in ways that she didn’t think were possible.

  He grasped her hip tightly, and she heard the moan leave her own lips. The sound of frustration was clear to even her ears, creating a chuckle from him.

  “Are you not used to being cherished?” he asked. “There’s no rush, and I’m not just going to climb on top and start thrusting. I’m going to take my sweet time.” He ran his hands up her body, cupping her breast once again. “Your body was made to be cherished.”

  “I’m going to burn up if you don’t touch me soon.”

  He moved suddenly, taking her by surprise as he slid between her thighs. The length of his cock settled between the lips of her pussy. “I’m not going to fuck you yet.”

  She growled.

  “When I’m good and ready, you’ll feel my cock inside you, and not a moment too soon.”

  “I’m not going to be able to cope with all this torture.”

  “It’s torture being with me? Having your body loved?” He took hold of her hands and held them in his own at either side of her head. At the same time, he began to rock against her, his dick bumping against her clit, driving her even wilder. She didn’t for a second think it was possible to go crazy from need, but he was proving her wrong quite easily.

  She couldn’t deny him as he leaned down, taking her lips once again in a searing kiss. He moved his cock against her clit. The touch wasn’t enough even though each bump sent pleasure rushing through her body. He released her hands and kissed down her body. Taking one nipple into his mouth, he sucked hard, licking a path between the valley to take her other. His lips moved across her stomach, and then he was between her thighs. If she closed them, she’d trap his head.

  Mandy went to her elbows and watched as he opened the lips of her pussy and slid his tongue between her slit. He licked down, going to her entrance, moving up, and taking her clit into his mouth, sucking deep.

  She gasped. The pleasure was instant and strange. His tongue was wet, and yet it moved over her with a certainty that shook her.

  She sank to the bed, her thighs opening wider, her eyes closed.

  “You taste so fucking good,” he said.


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