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Nazi Secrets: An Occult Breach in the Fabric of History

Page 6

by Frank Lost

  The Amerika Bomber Project – The Amerika Bomber project was a German plan to bomb American soil, especially New York City, thanks to a customized long-range aircraft capable of returning safely back home. The project was eventually abandoned for being too expensive and too resource-consuming compared to the relatively small explosive payload it could deliver crossing over the Atlantic.

  The possibility of dropping a nuclear bomb would have given more credit to the project, but it would have taken even more time and resources; the Germans did study nuclear fission and they used heavy water from Norway for their experiments, but these researches were spread among so many different administrations that it made it practically impossible for the high command to gather compelling evidence of its feasibility.

  In 1955, there was a public allegation that such a round-trip drop could be made to New York by a six-engined Ju 390 aircraft, as published in the British magazine called the RAF Flying Review (see chapter about Wonder Weapons). The story was based on "unspecified German aircraft records" that claimed the aircraft had flown over New York City for one hour; it was, however, revised later to a more humble version, which claimed that the Ju 390 made a 32-hour reconnaissance flight in late 1944, departing from near Bordeaux (France) and coming as close as 19 km (12 mi) to New York. The pilots allegedly even took pictures of the New York skyline.

  After the war ended, aviation historian Dr. Kenneth P. Werrell cast serious doubts on this story, where he emphasized that the pictures taken by the pilots had never been found. At a later date, Werrell studied meticulously all available data regarding the Ju 390's range, and he thought that it would have been a most unlikely thing to do.

  Six engines Ju 390 on the ground

  The final blow to this exciting aviation mystery was given by the German authors Karl Kössler and Günter Ott in their book about the Junker aircrafts. Like Werrell, they thought that a return flight was not feasible, and they even proved that there never was a flight from which the New York skyline was visible. The reason is simple: France was the "closest" location to fly to America, but the only customized version of the Ju 390 available for such a flight (the Ju 390 V1) was not on French soil at that moment, since it was in Prague (Czechoslovakia) from November 1943 until late March 1944.

  These German authors offered one more reason why this could not have been done, namely because the Ju 390 V1 prototype was unable to take off with the fuel load necessary for a round-trip flight to America. As for the second and last model of the Ju 390, named Ju 390 V2, it was not completed prior to October 1944.

  The Genocide

  The first Allied soldiers who liberated the death camps had no words to describe what they had witnessed. This was a massive irruption of horror and barbarian practices of a primitive era. The comparison with the torments and tortures during the Inquisition in the Middle Ages can only be evoked for the way the victims were put to death, but the main difference with these Dark Ages was the magnitude of the plague that had struck these innocent victims: they could be counted by the millions.

  Most historians saw this as the mere and logical consequences of the eugenics of the Nazi anti-Semitism that lied at the core of the national-socialist ideology. This can be true. But there remains at least one question that cannot be answered by pure Nazi fanaticism: Why did the Germans give priority to trains transporting Jews to death camps over their own army convoys, full of soldiers and tanks, right when the tide of war had turned and they needed these resources more than ever on the Russian front?

  The first ones to tackle the subject, though not necessarily the most serious authors, were Pauwels & Bergier in their Morning of the Magicians. They linked the Thule Society with certain magic practices that could reach the Powers, and thus be anointed to dominate the world while being protected against all possible dangers. This pact was supposed to last for a thousand years, until the next Big Flood. In return, these Powers demanded that each member of the Thule Society who made a mistake die from his own hand. In the mind of the highest-ranking Nazis in charge of perpetrating the genocide, these sacrifices would serve to get the attention of the Powers, and have them on their side against their enemies. In the mid-20th century, they behaved in the same way as did the Mayans in pre-Colombian America, sacrificing human lives to the sun.

  In 2003, David Brin & Scott Hampton published The Life Eaters through DC Comics. This is a sci-fi comic that belongs to the alternate history or uchronia genre. A uchronia always chooses a turning point in history and asks the question, "What if it did not turn out the way it did?"; like, "What if Hitler had won the war?" or "What if the Confederates were the victors of the Civil War?"

  On D-Day, June 6, 1944, the Allied armada approaching the landing beaches of Normandy is wiped out by the lightning attack of the Norse gods, who came to fight side by side with the Nazis. Some say that the ancient Norse gods died with their last believer. The purpose of the occultist Nazis is to resuscitate them, by feeding them with the millions of souls of the victims they exterminated in their death camps.

  All these fantasies are directly linked to the extent of the murders and the genocide, and yet they could not be understood by the victors: how could a very civilized nation like Germany do it ... if not under an evil spell?

  Nazism Becomes

  a Semi-Religious Movement

  The birth of a new religion needs a cosmogonical myth of creation, a God or a deified prophet, a clergy, a ritual and of course, followers who possess a strong enough holy Faith for proselytism. It is a much more subtle step, and it takes a much longer time to crystalize those ingredients in a successful alchemy than, for example, the more simple "Cargo Cults" that developed in some islands of the Pacific Ocean particularly during WWII.

  These religious ingredients were not all present at the time of Jesus, but they developed in the decades and even the few centuries after His earthly disappearance. The Catholic Church gave a structure and a hierarchy through its bishops, formalized the dogma and the canon laws much later in time. This was especially the case in 325 AD, during the Council of Nicaea convened by the Roman emperor Constantine, who was acting mainly for political reasons. This process could of course be demonstrated with all other religions, or sectarian movements alike. Some go even so far as to state that a new religion is just a sect that has been proven to be historically successful.

  National-socialism was not really seen in its time as a religion, even by its most fanatic followers. The fact that Himmler did try to revive ancient pagan Germanic creeds was not linked to the ideological content of national-socialism. On the contrary, the post-World War II period saw the emergence of different esoteric currents, claiming that there had been more to the Third Reich than what was studied by mainstream historians.

  These esoteric currents are mainly linked to Savitri Devi and Miguel Serrano, though there are also less famous authors from the far right and neo-pagan movements that contribute to what could be called the "semi-religious developments of Nazism." Let us add that the majority of neo-Pagans are not neo-Nazis nowadays.

  Savitri Devi, who had French, Greek and English blood, was born Maximiani Portasis. She studied chemistry as well as philosophy in France, where she obtained her PhD in Lyon. She can be rightfully regarded as the major post-war thinker of "esoteric Hitlerism," aiming clearly at creating a religious movement from Nazism. According to her, Hitler's death in 1945 could be seen as martyrdom or a voluntary, Christ-like self-sacrifice. When the Russians entered Hitler's bunker, it was indeed empty, giving birth firstly to all kinds of escape speculations, and secondly to a semi-religious myth.

  Savitri Devi aka Maximiani Portasis

  This is how Savitri Devi writes in her book called Pilgrimage: "…National Socialism is infinitely more than a mere political creed; the fact is that it is a way of life, a faith in the fullest sense of the word – one could say a religion, however different it may at first appear, from every existing system thus labeled in current speech. Religions are not as ea
sy to uproot as mere political creeds."

  Savitri Devi, who stood for Indian independence from British rule, merged somehow her esotericism with Hinduism, considering Hitler to be Kalki, the tenth and final Avatar of Vishnu. For her, he was undoubtedly "the god-like Individual of our times; the Man against Time; the greatest European of all times."

  Hitler's death, in this way, could be seen as the beginning of a new religion, aiming at the spiritual and physical resurrection of the Aryans, in order to rule the world again as the elected people.

  Miguel Serrano is the next most important figure, who contributed to this religious trend of Nazism after 1945. He was a Chilean diplomat and had therefore many opportunities during his career to meet with people like Léon Degrelle, Otto Skorzeny, Hans-Ulrich Rudel, Marc Augier (aka "Saint-Loup"), Julius Evola, Wilhelm Landig, Herman Hesse and Carl Jung.

  While younger, in 1941, Miguel Serrano was initiated into an esoteric order in Santiago, Chile, practicing ritual magic linked with the Holy Masters who dwelled somewhere in Tibet. They were admirers of Hitler, whom they regarded as a bodhisattva incarnated on Earth to counter the evil effects of the Kali Yuga age.

  Serrano's theories basically state that our material world is ruled by the Demiurge (Jehovah), who populated the planet with primitive beings doomed to be endlessly reincarnated, always at the same low level of existence. This purely gnostic and Manichaean view admitted of course their counterpart of good gods (the Hyperboreans of extraterrestrial origin), who tried their best to elevate the conscience and moral level of the Demiurge's poor humanoid creatures.

  Like the ancient astronaut theories, he lamented that the Nephilim (Fallen Angels), or renegade Hyperboreans, took advantage of their relationships with the Demiurge's human creatures to have sexual intercourse with them. This miscegenation diluted their light-bearing blood, emerging from the Black Sun, and their divine energy power called Vril. To the Demiurge's delight, i.e., the tribal deity Jehovah of the Jews, this diminished the conscious awareness for the divine on this planet, making it easier for him to control.

  Miguel Serrano as a diplomat in India in 1957

  Serrano states thus that "There is nothing more mysterious than blood. Paracelsus considered it a condensation of light. I believe that the Aryan, Hyperborean blood is that but not the light of the Golden Sun, not of a galactic sun, but the light of the Black Sun, of the Green Ray." (See chapter on the Vril for explanations on the Green Color).

  In this context, Hitler was seen as an emissary of the Higher Gods who vanished in his bunker in 1945, but who waits underground somewhere in Antarctica, to emerge in the future with a fleet of UFOs, beat the Forces of Darkness (i.e. the Jews) and start a Fourth Reich.

  The Black Sun

  History of religions, esotericism and pseudo-sciences provide not a single aspect of the Black Sun, but many. Beyond these differences, the question is to know if one deals with different facets of the same theme, and if so, if they can be structured into a single one, or if the Black Sun is just a generic name for unrelated phenomena. Nowadays the Black Sun refers almost exclusively to a neo-Nazi symbol that can be found inlaid in the marble floor of the Wewelsburg castle in Germany.

  The Egyptians – Alchemy, like Freemasonry, plunges its roots into Egyptian mythology. The solar cycle is probably at the origin of one of the oldest myths that inspired the ancient Egyptians and mankind, as can be seen in the duality of Ra/Osiris. Ra dies after 12 hours of reign and resuscitates as Osiris during the next 12 hours, after which the latter dies to be reborn as Ra. Osiris stands for the Black Sun, and this natural cycle is tuned to the rhythm of our daily biological physiology, as well as to our souls reincarnating from a body to another.

  The Mesoamerican mythology – The Mesoamerican myths are shared by, among others, the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Mexicas and the Toltecs. One prominent god common to these people is Quetzalcoatl, literally "feathered serpent," who incarnates one of the many mystical beliefs of the Black Sun in Central America. After his shining passage through the sky during the day, he would dive into the underworld with a blackened aura.

  The Aztecs compared the passage of the sun into the underworld with a butterfly, which is an archetype for transformation and reincarnation. The only event when the Black Sun would appear during the day would be a solar eclipse. He would then be identified with the earth goddess Itzpapalotl, also called the "Obsidian Butterfly" (obsidian is a very dark volcanic stone), who would eat men during that exceptional cosmic event.

  Whereas the Aztecs believed in five successive worlds corresponding to five suns, the fifth being ours, the Mexicas held the Black Sun for such an ancient sun that was the female origin of everything. It could be seen as a fecundity symbol coming from the womb of death, i.e., a metempsychosis or reincarnation principle.

  The alchemical Sol Niger – Alchemy, hermeticism and gnosis tell us of the existence of two opposed Manichaean beliefs, corresponding, in our case, to two suns: an apparent material one (or "material gold") and a hidden one (or "philosophical gold"). The material sun of our planetary system, which consumes itself through a simple nuclear fusion based on hydrogen, could as such possibly be seen as a "Dark Sun," but still not a black one.

  The strict alchemical principle of Sol Niger (literally: "Black Sun" in Latin) refers to the first stage of the Magnum Opus (i.e., the Great Work, at the end of which production of gold is obtained), also called the Nigredo or blackening phase.

  Considered from an operative view point, the Magnum Opus resembles greatly to the physical principle of nuclear fusion, but one should not neglect the speculative or mystical aspect of this alchemical process that may also refer to an internal spiritual transformation, popularized under others by Paulo Coelho in his book The Alchemist.

  The Egyptian and historically unrelated Mesoamerican myths of the Black Sun referring to death, rebirth and fecundity suppose the underlying alchemical intermediary concept of Putrefactio (putrefaction or rotting in Latin).

  A Black Sun can be seen in the colorful alchemical manuscript called Splendor Solis ("The Splendor of the Sun"), allegedly written in 1532/1535 by Solomon Trismosin, the spiritual father of Paracelsus. This sun is only partially visible, could be setting or rising, in a desolated dried landscape of leafless trees, though remaining golden rays of light can be seen radiating weakly out of it. This Black Sun stands for putrefaction in alchemy. The accompanying text says that dissolution is required in alchemy in order to obtain a black matter like the nigredo phase does.

  Salomon Trismosin - Splendor Solis 1532-1535 at the

  Kupferstichkabinett of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

  Putrefaction, or death, is needed in order to give way to life and rebirth, while the unconscious reconciles with the conscious. The culmination of this conciliation corresponds to the making of the Philosophical Stone, where the Putrefactio or Nigredo is the first part of the process. It is a phase where the pure should be separated from the impure, or as Carl Gustav Jung put it in the field of psychoanalysis, to integrate the shadow to one's self, i.e., the dark side inside of us.

  Some alchemists saw all of this also as the association between the woman/moon and the man/sun into a Black Sun, or a mystical wedding.

  Theosophical Nemesis – In The Secret Doctrine (1888), Helena Blavatsky, founder of theosophy, mentioned a central invisible sun in the Milky Way. It would act as a center of attraction on our sun, and an energetic source for the universe. Its energy was seen as a "creative light," though invisible, and which the Jews of the Cabala would call "the Black Light."

  Interestingly enough, this matches exactly the modern astronomical theory of the existence of Nemesis, which would be a hypothetical hard-to-detect brown dwarf star. The hypothesis was made in 1984 by paleontologists David Raup and Jack Sepkoski, who claimed that they had identified a statistical periodicity in extinction rates over the last 250 million years, which could be explained by the regular passing of Nemesis.

  The Wewelsburg Sonnenrad �
�� The castle of Wewelsburg was built in 1603 in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. In 1934, one year after the Nazi rise to power, Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler leased the castle for 100 years from the Paderborn district in order to make an ideological center for the Black Order of the SS.

  The castle became an almost religious place where esotericism, runes, pagan lore, and racial theories were studied by a handful of high-ranking SS, i.e., an elite within the elite. Himmler adapted the legend of King Arthur and his Knights to a new Grail mythology, based on Germanic paganism.


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