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The Iron Admiral: Conspiracy

Page 2

by Greta van Der Rol

  Allysha gazed around at arched doorways and curved walls and ceilings. Typically ptorix, but fitted out for humans. The living room contained a dining table and four chairs, a sofa, a couple of comfortable looking chairs and a Holovid setup. She glimpsed a large bed and a wardrobe in the second room.

  Here and there the original decoration on the walls was just visible through the whitewash, ornate and organic. Oh, the vandalism, the wanton, mindless destruction. But then again, she could see the patterns the way the ptorix did and humans would just see a complex, shifting, disconcerting mess. Or so she’d been told.

  An archway inside the bedroom led to a washroom containing a large bathing pool and a ptorix-style toilet—usable by a human if you knew how. The bathing pool was empty. These people probably didn’t know how to find the faucets let alone operate them. If she stayed here, she’d have privacy, be close to work and away from Sean. They’d all think she was crazy but that was okay.

  “They must have filled the bath with buckets,” van Tongeren said behind her. “We have proper ablutions blocks quite nearby so we didn’t refit—it would have been an enormous job.”

  “I’ll stay here,” she said.

  His expression hardly changed but she’d caught the glint that said he thought she was insane.

  “If you’re sure.” He lifted his shoulders in the briefest of shrugs. “I’ll have your luggage delivered.

  There’s a canteen here of course. I’ll show you that and the control room where you’ll be working. Is there anything else you’ll need?”

  “Just access to your IS from here. A data point is fine. And you’ll need to give me administrator rights to all your systems.”

  He nodded. “I’ll have it arranged.” After a moment’s hesitation he added, “I can’t do that for the ptorix systems.”

  She grinned. “No, I guess not. I’ll manage that myself.” She could have given herself administrator access to the human systems, too. But he didn’t need to know that.

  “I’ll leave you, then. I’ll introduce you to Emment the shift manager tomorrow morning. He can take you around so you can give me a solid estimate of cost and time if that suits?”


  She closed the door behind him. Ignorant schlon. She wondered if all humans who came from human planets were as intolerant as him. At least at home humans and ptorix got along. Most of the time, anyway. Although even on Carnessa the relationship she and her father shared with Professor Xanthor and his family was vanishingly rare. Her father. It had been five years, now. She missed him so very, very much.


  Sean knew van Tongeren had arrived without even looking. The pretty barmaid took out a cloth and started wiping the benchtop instead of leaning over to talk to him.

  “A word, if you please,” van Tongeren said. He led the way to a bench outside the tavern where the music receded to a background thumping. “It seems to me you and your wife don’t get on, O’Reilly. Is that going to be a problem?”

  Fuck. He’d hoped they could paper over the cracks; for now, anyway. No chance of winning her back this time. If she hadn’t come back early and caught him with Nessa, it would have been okay. “Don’t worry about Ally. She gets like that sometimes. She’ll get over it.”

  “And if she doesn’t?”

  Sean shrugged. “She will.” He hoped.

  “If she’s as good as everyone seems to say, I’ll want her to move on to the other work as soon as possible.”

  “I told you, it won’t be a problem.”

  Van Tongeren leant back in the chair and smiled. “Would I be right in assuming you don’t want me to discuss the other matter with her?”

  “Not if you want it done. Just leave it to me.”

  The other man’s smile widened; a calculating, evaluating smile that had nothing to do with humor. “Just bear in mind, you get paid for thewhole job. Or not at all.”

  Sean’s heart jolted. He didn’t like the way the fellow said that. But it would be all right. All he had to do was make sure Ally went on to van Tongeren’s other task. One way or another.

  Chapter Three

  Allysha hung the last of her shirts in the decidedly un-ptorix, pale-grey polyplast wardrobe in the

  bedroom. It was so incongruous, so out of place in this quintessentially ptorix room. Now what? Back to the bar? She better tell Sean about the living arrangements, at least. Besides, a walk would do her good.

  She strode along the road, grateful to pierce the bubble into cooler, drier air. The sweat dried on her face, a welcome relief from the enervating atmosphere. The tavern’s music provided her with an

  audio-beacon. She followed her ears to the ‘Miner’s Refuge’.

  She paused at the doorway for a few moments. A few men sat at tables scattered around a stone floor

  and a pretty girl leaned on the well-stocked bar in the corner, flashing her generous cleavage to the male patrons perched on bar stools. To one side, two potball tables had attracted a group playing or watching play. No sign of Sean. Oh, well; she might as well have a drink, maybe meet some of the locals.

  She headed for the bar, trying to ignore the stares, despite the flutters in her stomach. There were hardly any females here, of course they’d look. The barmaid, busy talking to a man on a stool, straightened up when Allysha arrived. “What can I get you?”

  “A citrose, please.”

  “Sure.” She placed a brimming glass on the bartop. “My name’s Trina. There aren’t many women here,

  nice to meet you.”

  “Allysha. Nice to meet you, too. Have you been here long?”

  Trina shook her head and leant her elbows on the bar, large breasts only just contained in a low-cut top.

  “A few weeks. It’s been good.”

  “Where are you from?”

  “Chollarc—do you know it?” When Allysha shook her head she continued, “It’s the closest inhabited

  world. They advertised positions here; short term contracts, good money, so I thought it would be

  worthwhile.” A huge grin threatened to split her face. “And of course, with all these men here… I ignored the stories and gave it a go. It’s been great.”

  Allysha sipped the citrose, cold and tangy and perfect after her walk from the mine. “Stories? What sort of stories?”

  “Well, see, Tisyphor is part of Chollarc’s history.” Trina looked around her, and leaned forward, almost conspiratorially. “This place is really old. The toe rags used to mine jewels here and then take them back to Chollarc for processing. But thirty years ago, something happened and they closed it all down. It was empty until about five months ago, when they set up this new settlement and said they were going to

  reopen the mine.”

  “What was it that happened?”

  “My dad said they found something in the mine and it killed everybody,” Trina whispered, round eyed.

  “Some strange jewel that glowed and radiated everyone.”

  The man on the stool snorted. “Strange jewel my arse. There’s this other story that the karteks broke down the fences and killed ‘em all. Just fantasy. The mine ran out, is all.” He stood, wiped his mouth on his sleeve and walked out.

  Allysha kept her face straight.

  Trina sniffed. “What would he know?” She flounced around the bar and went to collect empty glasses

  from the tables.

  Sure, there were radioactive minerals like uranium but strange jewels? The most likely explanation for why the place was deserted was the boring one—the mine was no longer viable. And yet. A tremor of

  disquiet trailed down her spine. Silly. Why should she care? She’d be here for a few weeks and then

  she’d go home.

  “Hello, darlin’, c’n I buy you a drink?” The fellow leaned on the bar beside her, stinking of sweat and beer, still in his grubby working clothes. He tried to put an arm around her.

  She jerked away. “Thanks, no.”

  He leaned closer,
his breath bad enough to knock out a bull. “C’mon. I just got paid. I’d like to share, know what I mean?” He leered at her breasts, raised a hand.

  She jumped back, skin crawling. “Don’t touch me.”

  He frowned, puzzled, and took another step toward her.

  “Sorry, pal, she’s with me.”

  The miner’s lips bared in a snarl. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah. She’s here to meet me. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

  Allysha turned to the speaker, a man about her age, with dark hair and crinkly blue eyes wearing clean, dark pants and a blue shirt. She gave him a smile and tried to settle the hammering of her heart. “Hi. I was a bit early.”

  The miner clenched his fists but one of his friends grasped his shoulder and pulled him away, not without a final, surly glare.

  “Thanks,” Allysha said, her legs trembling. She wouldn’t be coming back here in a hurry.

  “Are you new?” asked her savior.

  She swallowed. “Just arrived.”

  “Welcome to Tisyphor. My name’s Jarrad Korns.” He held out his hand and Allysha shook it, a nice,

  firm handshake between equals.

  “Hi. Allysha Marten. Pleased to meet you. Very pleased.”

  “Why don’t we go outside? It’s very loud in here.”

  She followed him out to a table on the paving and sank onto a bench opposite him. He hesitated, sizing her up. “You’re not a barmaid?” The question hung in the air between them.

  “No. I’m a technical expert here to do a quick job on the computer systems.” He was nice looking, with an attractive smile and beautiful long, dark eyelashes.

  He nodded. “Most of the women here are tarts although they call them barmaids. They earn most of

  their money lying on their backs.”

  “I’ll remember that.” His hands were clean, long-fingered. “You don’t look like a miner.”

  “I’m not. I’m a biologist. I work in the medical labs here, looking into some of the local fauna.”

  Medical labs? It seemed strange but what did she know? “I’m sure that’s fascinating.”

  “It is, very. Look, I’m about to start my shift. Can I walk you home?”

  “Thanks, I’d be grateful.”

  He pushed himself up off the bench. “Where are you staying?”

  “Up at the mine.”

  “Easy. The labs are up there, too.”

  They walked together out of the settlement and its climate membrane into the humid heat beneath the


  “What are the labs for?” Allysha asked.

  His face lit up. “It’s fascinating work. We’re looking at some of the venomous critters on this planet, particularly the karteks and thranxes.”

  Those. Allysha had seen them in the orientation on the flight to Tisyphor. Karteks were large, bipedal beasts with long, strong forearms sporting three wicked-looking claws that contained poison. And

  thranxes; those things were enough to cause a person to have nightmares; a creature about a meter long, heavily-spined and with a barbed tail that it could lift over its back.

  She pulled a face and he laughed. “They’re not very nice, no. But they’re interesting. Kartek venom is a neurotoxin—it affects the nervous system. It doesn’t hurt much at the time but it will kill you in the end.

  And thranxes use a particularly virulent form of necrotoxin.”

  “Necrosis—that means death doesn’t it?”

  “That’s right, but it’s death at a cellular level. Thranx venom kills the cells and liquefies them. It’s a particularly nasty way to die. The victim is sort of dissolved internally.”

  Urrk. Disgusting. They hadn’t told her that in the orientation. “What possible beneficial use could you make of that?”

  “Oh, venoms can often be used to make beneficial medicine. That’s what we’re doing; experimenting to

  see what works.”

  They’d reached the mine. Jarrad allowed Allysha to enter the main drive first. She breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped into the tunnel. Amazing how much cooler it was in here, even without climate


  When they reached the bottom of the stairs that led to her quarters Jarrad said, “It was great to meet you. Maybe we could catch up for a drink tomorrow or the next day?”

  She smiled at him. “Sure. I’d like that.” And she would. Maybe it was time to make a few friends,

  distance herself from Sean. It would be nice to have someone else to talk to. She waved and ran up the steps, two at a time. At least she had a friend; it felt good.

  She opened the door and the lights came on. The ptorix art seemed somehow to be a little more visible, as though the intricate patterns were trying to push through the veil of whitewash, to be seen and

  understood. The mine manager lived here; generations of mine managers. What stories could they tell

  about this place? What story could the last mine manager tell?

  The past tugged at her. Van Tongeren and his crews had demonstrated total ignorance and disdain for

  anything ptorix. Maybe this apartment had more to reveal to someone with the eyes to see.

  Chapter Four

  Allysha studied the walls, looking for the paired, swirling patterns the ptorix used to indicate cupboards.

  Ah. There on the wall in the living room. She pressed the two openers and the door slid back, revealing several stone shelves. Damn. Nothing but scuffed dust. If there had been anything there, it had been

  taken. She moved on to the bedroom.

  The wardrobe filled most of one wall. She peered around the other walls, straining to find door symbols through the whitewash, to no avail. Sighing, she plonked down on the bed. There had to be something, at least a wardrobe, but if it was behind the grey monstrosity, she wouldn’t be able to get to it. Damnation.

  So disappointing. She glanced around the room once more.

  A swirl, just above the bed head. Yes. Elated, she shoved the bed aside.

  The door slid open at her touch. Just an empty wardrobe. She fetched a chair from the dining area and stood on it so she could see the back of the high shelf. Nothing.

  Feeling obscurely disappointed, she jumped down from the chair. It slid across the stone floor into the wardrobe. Something went click on the back wall. A gap appeared. A tremor of excitement slid down

  her spine. Oh, wow. A secret cupboard. She peered inside.

  A fine patina of dust covered a long, thick box and three books, all with tooled covers. She lifted out the box, black and grey bone, richly inlaid with red and gold dancing figures. Inside, a silverghabra nestled in deep red cloth. The musical instrument resembled a candelabrum with four branches, each with a

  complex pattern of holes. She’d heardghabras played at the University back home in Shernish. The

  musicians used all their tentacles with amazing dexterity to extract complex melodies. Well… melody


  probably not the word she would have used, but the ptorix loved the performance. She held theghabra in her hands and imagined the mine manager playing the instrument. She wondered how good he’d been.

  She laid theghabra back in its box and moved on to the books.

  Two were printed, but in a font that emulated hand writing in the flowing style educated ptorix used.

  They were classics, Lumarax’sJourneys and Pelesaar’sConceptions of Paradise . She hadn’t read them,

  but her dear friend Xanthor had told her about them. She examined them carefully, fingering the pages.

  This stuff was paper. She had seen paper in the ancient text collection at the Shernish University library, but it hadn’t been so fine. The Pelesaar volume was illustrated, the images beautiful, evocative and

  poignant in this setting, showing the endless cycle of life, death, decay, rebirth and at the cycle’s end; paradise. Life eternal in the ancient caves in the universe’s core. She bit her lip. So sad. Had the

; long-dead manager found that Pelesaar’s vision of the afterlife was correct? She would keep these to

  give to Xanthor when she went home.

  The third book was a diary.

  The mine manager had written his name inside the cover—Fyysor.

  She began to read.

  At first the entries were mundane. Fyysor missed his mate on Chollarc, but he would only have to be

  here for another year and then they could return to… She strained her eyes. Marex? She wasn’t sure. He commented on the day’s activities, what had happened in the mine. He vowed to improve the food,

  following complaints from the miners. She turned page after page, forcing herself to read every word, even though the content became repetitious.

  Ah, a highlight. One person was caught pilfering and was summarily dismissed. Fyysor felt sorry for the miner’s family, but rules were rules. A few pages later, a kartek had found its way into a tunnel; they shot the beast, removed the carcass and blocked the tunnel. A miner had encountered a thranx and was stung, but thankfully the victim survived. The settlement’s elderly star ship went out of service. The settlement would be isolated until repairs were made. Fyysor was vexed. Parts had to come from the Khophirate

  and the delay was likely to be weeks. Outposts like Tisyphor were always last on the list.

  A few days later, Fyysor reported a strange illness. Allysha felt a pang of foreboding, a tendril of dread uncurling in her stomach.

  Havvrox is very ill. After surviving the thranx, he seemed to be fully recovered but for a slight cough. But today, he complained of pain and irritation. I had my doubts but sent him to the doctors anyway. As well I did. He has severe pain in his center but the doctors tell me that their drugs have no effect. It is disturbing that they have no idea what is causing his illness.

  The next day Fyysor commented again.

  Havvrox is much worse. The doctors say his flesh is rotting. He growls with pain and vomits ichor.

  Chollarc cannot help us. Our only star ship is still unusable. I hope the Khophiran doctors have more knowledge than ours.


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