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Acting Naughty Book 1 of the Action! Series

Page 6

by GA Hauser

  Carl couldn’t catch his breath. Holy shit. What the hell is this all about?

  Moving to stand, knowing lying in the bed for too long would appear absurd, Carl got out, crossed his arms over his chest and waited for the next take.


  After they had done the scene two more times, Carl walked to the dressing room quickly to change. With each repetition the comfort level between them improved dramatically. And Carl felt as if he couldn’t help himself. Dragging Keith’s incredible body to his, kissing him, feeling Keith’s cock swell and throb against his own, Carl struggled with his feelings and knew they weren’t appropriate. He felt like an idiot, and also like he needed to apologize to Keith. He just didn’t know what to say he was sorry for.


  Keith drove home with another new script next to him on the passenger’s seat. He was trying not to think. His brain was numb. Parking, going through a robotic routine to get inside his apartment to fall apart in private, Keith closed the door behind him, tossed the script and his keys on the kitchen table, and stopped short. His eyes unfocused and blurred, his stomach churning in agony, Keith felt so humiliated he could die.

  He got a fucking hard-on. Every time Carl pulled him close to his body in bed and kissed him, Keith grew erect. He was so embarrassed.

  Tears burned his eyes and his throat closed up. Suddenly he was hyperventilating and having a panic attack. Sitting down on the sofa in his living room, Keith covered his face with his hands and struggled to think.

  How could I do that? Carl knew I got hard! He had to feel it!

  Keith couldn’t face him again after that. He was mortified. “I have got to get laid! Patty! Jesus. It must be because I’m so pent up.”

  Knowing he had to review the next episode and get it into his head, Keith dreaded reading it.

  Wiping at his nose and eyes, Keith slouched back on the cushions and struggled to compose himself. When the phone rang he flinched. Standing with an effort, he looked down at the caller ID. It was Carl.

  “Oh, crap.” Keith imagined letting the machine pick up, reconsidered, and felt as if he owed Carl an apology. “Hello?”


  “Hi Carl.” Keith was trying to make his voice sound carefree and light. Acting.

  “Look, Keith, about what happened…”

  “Nothing happened.” Keith moved back to the sofa to sit down before he fell over. He knew he’d get punished for it. Knew it. Carl must be sickened by it.

  “I’m sorry, Keith.”

  Keith thought he heard wrong. “You’re sorry?”



  “I don’t know. I just felt as if I crossed some boundary with you. I feel terrible.”

  Keith tried to think and was having a rough time getting his brain to absorb the words.

  “I know I was out of line. I’m sorry. I don’t know what the next script has in store for us, because I’m scared to death to read it, but I promise I won’t take advantage of you like that again.”

  “Take…” Keith was completely baffled. “Take advantage? What do you think you did?”

  After a long pause, Carl whispered meekly, “Wrapping my legs around you.”

  Keith fought to recall him doing that and couldn’t. “I don’t think that was an issue.” Wasn’t Carl going to tell him how angry he was about Keith growing excited?


  “Did…” Keith stammered. “Did you do that?”

  “I did. After I did it, I felt like crap. We didn’t have to be tied in a knot like that under the sheets.”

  Keith rubbed his forehead to concentrate. “I thought you were calling to ball me out.”

  “What?” Carl gasped. “About what?”

  “About…” Keith bit his lip.

  “Keith, you were a pure professional on the set today. You remained completely composed and didn’t let the fact that it was your first time doing a nude scene show. I was in awe.”

  “But…” Keith wondered why they were ignoring the elephant in the room. Professional? Getting a woodie on the set?


  Swallowing down a lump in his throat, Keith replied, “Yes?”

  “If you didn’t think my behavior was out of line, why do you sound so upset?”

  Biting his lip, feeling like an idiot, Keith blurted out in terror, “Because my dick got hard!”

  “So? So did mine.”

  Keith was ashamed he’d admitted it. He felt as if he couldn’t face Carl after he’d said it.

  “Keith, it happens. Believe me. Don’t sweat it.”

  “Christ, Carl, I was so fucking embarrassed.”

  “Don’t be. It’s impossible to control our bodies in every circumstance. I don’t know about you, but my dick has a mind of its own.”

  The levity finally broke through Keith’s panic. “Yeah?”

  “Oh, God yes.”

  “Like, when did it happen to you before?” Keith tried to relax his tight back muscles.

  “Oh, I don’t know. No, I take that back. I do. In college I offered to pose for a group of artists who got together once a week at night. I was in a pair of briefs, not nude, but I got a fucking hard-on. I have no idea why. It wasn’t like I was fantasizing about sex or anything. Maybe just sitting there and being admired stimulated me.”

  “Could they tell?”

  “Oh, hell yeah. You can’t hide a hard-on behind a pair of cotton briefs, Keith.”

  Chuckling, feeling infinitely better, Keith let out a deep sigh. “Thanks, Carl. I swear the amount of self-flagellation I was doing was torture.”

  “Stop doing it. You have to forgive yourself for things like that. This business is hard enough without self-imposed pain.”

  Keith rose off the couch and looked down at the script for episode three. “We should look at the new copy.”

  “You have it there?”

  “Yes. Do you want to count to three?” Keith laughed.

  Carl joined him. “One, two…”

  “Three.” Keith opened to the first page.

  “Here we go.”

  “Where? What page are you on?” Keith held the phone between his cheek and shoulder, using two hands to flip through the manuscript.

  “Page five. Top.”

  Keith folded it back, read it, and smiled. “At least we’re not naked.”

  “No. Not at that kissing scene. Let me flip through it.”

  As he heard Carl moving on the other end of the line, Keith read the notes in detail. It made him smile. He and Carl were supposedly coming back from dinner out, soaked from rain, and teasing each other sexually. It was an outdoor shot. Another first.



  “My fucking turn.”

  “Oh, no way.” Keith wanted to burst out laughing.

  “Last scene. Check it out.”

  Keith hurriedly flipped pages. Pausing, he read the directions. “About time!”

  “I am so fucking petrified.”

  Keith sat down at the kitchen table with the script at his elbow. “Don’t be.”

  “At least you didn’t get a hard-on until you were in bed. What do you want to bet I get one even before I take off my fucking pants.”

  Keith felt so much warmth fill him at Carl’s candidness it was amazing. “You’ll be okay.”


  “Just pretend it’s just me in the room. I got that advice from a great guy I know.” Keith shoved his tongue into his cheek.

  “That guy was lying.”

  Keith broke up with laughter.

  “You sound better now.”

  “I am. Thank you so much, Carl. I swear, I’d be so lost without you.”

  “Ditto. I really feel lucky you were cast in that role. It could have gotten ugly if it wasn’t someone so sweet.”

  Feeling his cheeks blush at being called sweet, Keith became bashful.

  “Let me let you eat and relax. We get enough of this sho
w all day.”

  “Right. I’m glad you called, Carl.”

  “Me too. See you in the morning.”

  “See ya.” Keith hung up, sighing with relief.


  Carl’s smile faded as he walked away from the phone. Sitting on the couch, script in hand, he read it more carefully so he could fully grasp what was expected of him. It appeared Dennis and Troy’s budding relationship was the lead story. The amount of lines he had had doubled from last season. The affair was supposed to change from one of strained obligation to carefree courtship. There were several shots filmed outdoors as well. He and Keith outside a restaurant, drenched from rain, kissing and spinning in glee. He moved the script aside for a moment to think. Carl reclined, resting his head on the back of the couch. Closing his eyes, he envisioned the episode with perfect clarity, and couldn’t wait to film it.

  Chapter Five

  The street had been barricaded off for filming. Keith stood calmly as he was attended to by Ken. His shine buffed off with a powder puff, his hair tousled to perfection.

  “Kind of pointless to preen, Ken. I’ll be soaking wet in a minute.”

  “Oh, well. We have to go through the motions.”

  “How the hell do they fake a rainstorm when it’s so sunny out?”

  “You’re asking me?” Ken pressed his fingers to his chest. “Probably some kind of dimmer switch in the camera. Who knows? I’m just surprised everyone on television isn’t some avatar computer graphic.”

  That made Keith laugh.

  “Nice dimples!” Ken pushed his index finger into one.

  Keith swatted his hand away playfully. “Behave.”

  “Why? I think you’re gorgeous. Don’t tell me to behave.”

  “I’m not gay, Ken.”

  “So? Think it matters to me? I still get to touch you.”

  Keith smiled, flattered. How strange. A comment like that would have enraged him only a couple of weeks ago. Now? It didn’t do much to bring out a reaction in him either way.

  Someone leaned against his back.

  Looking over his shoulder, Keith found Carl’s cheeky smile. “Yes?”

  “Seems ridiculous to get made up and then soaked.”

  Keith pointed to Carl with his thumb, addressing Ken, “See?”

  “Oh, shut up, you two.” Ken waved to shoo them off. “Telling everyone how to do their job.”

  Chuckling softly, Keith turned around and found Carl’s big smile. “You look dashing in your suit.”

  Carl reached to adjust Keith’s tie. “You do as well. May I?”

  “Thank you, sir.” Keith nodded in gratitude.

  Charlotte’s roar alerted them.

  “Show time.” Carl nudged Keith.

  They headed over to the front of the restaurant. Keith noticed a water truck was spraying down the pavement.

  “Right. How are my boys? Ready for some fun?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Keith grinned at her.

  “Good. Okay, go inside, and come out when I cue you.”

  Carl opened the door to the restaurant and they both stood behind the glass waiting.

  “Do it right or we’ll be changing in and out of clothes all morning.”

  “Me?” Keith laughed. “You’re the one with your lines written on your palm.”

  Carl hid his hand, giving Keith an impish grin.

  Water suddenly came pouring down in a rain shower.

  Behind him, Carl was singing It Never Rains in California under his breath.

  “You’re going to make me go into a laughing fit.”

  “Sorry.” Carl jumped. “Oh, that’s our cue.”

  They stepped out of the front door, looking up at the rain.

  “Shit!” Keith shouted. “Should we get a cab?”

  “No, let’s run for it!” Carl replied.

  “No, let’s get a cab. We’ll be soaked!”

  “We’re already soaked!” Carl hugged Keith, spinning him around.

  “You’re insane!” Keith laughed, the drops running down his face.

  After a meaningful pause, where Carl gazed into Keith’s eyes, they kissed.

  Keith wrapped his arms around Carl neck as they rocked side to side, the rain pelting them while extras ran in and out of the scene with umbrellas.

  The kiss was so intense, Keith had to plant his tongue on the bottom of his mouth not to use it.

  As they mashed lips, Keith peeked under his eyelids to see Carl’s expression. It was on fire.

  Parting, smiling at each other, Carl grabbed Keith’s hand and shouted, “Let’s go!”

  Breaking up with laughter, Keith gripped his hand tightly and they ran down the street.


  The water shut off and assistants raced to them with towels.

  Keith took a small hand towel and wiped off his face, rubbing it over his head.

  Someone else helped them remove their soaked jackets.

  “Well?” Carl asked as they walked back to Charlotte who was watching it again on the monitor.

  “What can I say?” Charlotte smiled in pleasure. “The two of you are burning up the screen.”

  “Are we?” Keith asked in surprise.

  She beckoned him over.

  Still using the towel to dab at his neck and hair, Keith gazed at the television monitor.

  The scene played back.

  As he absorbed it, Keith could almost feel the real attraction growing between their two characters.

  “Well?” Charlotte asked impishly.

  “Yeah. Looks good.”

  “Good?” she scoffed.

  “No. Great.” Keith turned to ask Carl, “What does she want me to say?”

  “It’s wonderful!” he shouted in exaggeration. “Charlotte, the show will win an Emmy!”

  “All right,” Charlotte scolded. “Go change and head back to the studio for the next scene.”

  As Carl walked to a trailer, Keith joined him. “You ball buster.”

  “Someone’s got to keep her in line.” Carl opened the door and they entered, continuing to get out of their wet clothing and into replacements for the next scene.

  Keith kept his back to Carl, giving him privacy. He knew what was coming, Carl’s turn to flash his bottom to the world.

  Once he was clothed, Keith spun around. Carl was tucking in his shirt, zipping his fly.

  “Right. Shall we?” Carl gestured to the door.

  Keith exited the trailer and approached a waiting car. They climbed into the back seat.

  “You ready?” Keith asked.

  “Hell no.” Carl’s legs spread in a wide straddle as he slouched.

  “You’ll do fine.”

  With his gaze out the window, a slight curl edged up the corner of Carl’s mouth. “Yeah. Fine.”

  Wanting to comfort him, Keith squeezed Carl’s knee.

  Instantly Carl’s eyes darted to the contact.

  “Don’t worry.”

  Carl rested his hand over Keith’s and held it. “I’m trying not to. Thanks.”

  The car parked outside their studio. After they climbed out, standing in the sunshine, Carl suggested, “They may be a while. Want to get some coffee?”

  Keith turned to where he was pointing. They entered a cafeteria, dim by comparison to the outdoor light, and filled two paper cups with hot coffee.

  After sitting down together, Keith sipped it, making a face at the taste.

  Carl laughed softly.

  Abandoning the cup of terrible coffee, Keith ran his hands through his damp hair. “I’m calling my parents this week.”

  Carl perked up, giving Keith his attention.

  “The show airs the beginning of the month. I have to tell them.”

  “I was contacted by my agent to do an appearance on Ellen.”

  “No shit?”

  “No shit.” Carl sipped his coffee.

  “Well, I suppose it’s good publicity.”

  “When are you going to do some?”

�I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it. I figure my agent will call me.”

  “You’ll have a few spots before and after it airs. I remember most of the cast members did something to promote it. Bet someone asks me if I’m gay.”

  Keith winced. “I’m dreading that.”

  “Don’t let it bother you. Inevitably, every handsome actor gets the label sooner or later.”


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