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Acting Naughty Book 1 of the Action! Series

Page 10

by GA Hauser


  Keith went through the same routine once he got home, tossing his keys and the new script on the table, kicking off his shoes. He began peeling his shirt over his head, imagining lying in bed with the script and dozing off after reading through it.

  Stripped to his briefs, he brushed his teeth and washed up, grabbing the script as he walked to the spare bedroom.

  Turning on a light, he propped himself up on the pillows and began memorizing.

  Very passionate.

  Carl’s tongue entering his mouth. “Oh, Christ…” Keith moaned. Reaching into his briefs, feeling his erection, Keith set the script aside and began jerking off. Visions of Carl’s naked body, his engorged cock, that kiss. Keith closed his eyes and increased the speed of his hand. Arching his back as he came, feeling the come spatter his chest, when the phone rang he was startled. “Shit.” He jumped out of bed and grabbed toilet tissue from the bathroom, stumbling to the bedroom to pick up the extension. “Hello?”

  “Hey. Bad time?”

  Hearing Carl’s sexy voice, Keith instantly blushed in embarrassment at having jerked off to thoughts of his co-star yet again. “Uh…”

  “You want to call me back?”

  “No. It’s okay.” Keith sat down on the bed, flipping his dick back into his briefs.

  “What were you doing?”

  His cheeks burning with shame, Keith cleared his throat. “Just reading the script.”

  “Me too. Christ, it’s so hot it’s making me crazy.”

  Keith blinked in confusion. Was Carl having the same reaction to it as he was? “Yeah?”

  “Jesus, Keith, pretty soon it’ll be x-rated.”

  Keith laughed in reply, scooting back to sit up against the pillows so he could reach the script he’d set aside. “No. She can’t do that on cable.”

  “Oh? Then you don’t remember the Ties That Bind very well, do you?”

  Keith took a moment to try. A vague recollection of side shots of nudity as a young couple experimented with sadomasochism sprung to his mind. “No. She wouldn’t do that, would she?”

  Carl gave out a sarcastic laugh. “If it’s after eleven at night? Oh yes, she can.”

  “I suppose we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. I remember last season only Cheryl and Omar had sex scenes.”

  “That’s right. And they were very steamy and controversial. The publicity Charlotte got from them screwing on camera was amazing.”

  “I do remember that!” Keith recalled the big hoopla over the event. “She had some religious right wing group of mothers picketing somewhere.”


  “Christ, she’s tempting fate doing it with a gay couple.”

  “No she’s not. She’s hoping for it. Are you kidding me? That’s free advertising.”

  Smiling at the thought, Keith teased, “What can she do that she hasn’t done? I’ve already supposedly made love to you and sucked you off.”

  “Accent on the word supposedly.”

  Excited at the potential of them doing things together, Keith just laughed it off. “Shut up. She can’t do that.”

  “No. Perhaps you’re right.”

  “You sound disappointed.” Were they flirting?

  “Oh, I am. Crushed.”

  Keith’s cock throbbed. “So, uh, you have that talk show taping this weekend.” He touched himself lightly.

  “I do.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  “No. Not at all. Those are a piece of cake. I’m not taking off my clothing.”

  Keith chuckled, fixing his penis to lay upright as it grew hard again.

  “So how far have you read into the new script?”

  “Just the beginning. Up to our ‘very passionate’ kiss on the patio. Why? What else is there?”

  “I’ve skimmed it, you know, looking for the good parts.”

  Good parts? Keith pumped his cock a few times in excitement. “And?”

  “Well, after the evening disaster you’re comforting me.”

  “Am I?” Keith’s hand moved in a steady rhythm.


  “What am I doing?”

  “Don’t you have the script with you?”

  Looking down at it while both his hands were occupied at the moment, Keith asked, “Can’t you just tell me?”

  A pause followed. Then a very cagy comment of, “What are you doing that you can’t flip through the script?”

  Keith took his hand away from his dick. “Nothing.”

  “Are you being naughty?”

  The sexy tone of Carl’s voice made the hairs rise on the back of Keith’s neck. What? Did he have a secret camera on him?

  “Are you touching yourself, Keith?”

  Completely shocked at being caught and speechless, Keith wanted to hang up on him and crawl under the covers. Finally finding his tongue he laughed nervously, “No! Come on.”

  “No? I am.”

  The wash of excitement that spread over Keith’s body was intense. “Shut up. Stop kidding.”

  “Anyway…if you have a free hand…” Carl continued, “Look at page fifteen, bottom.”

  Sitting up and opening the script, Keith flipped pages to the correct one. “Uh oh.”

  “Oh yes. She’s at it again.”

  “It looks like we’re just shirtless.” Keith kept reading.

  “Only in the beginning. We get down to our briefs together. But, get this, you lick me.”

  “Lick you?”

  “Yes. What part are you up to?”

  “The part where we’re sitting…ohhh,” Keith found it. “I’m licking your chest.”

  “You are. We take off each other’s clothing.”

  Growl! Keith used his thumb to wipe the shimmering drop from the tip of his cock. “Huh.”


  “Well, what do you want me to say?” Keith pumped his dick a few more times, milking out the pre-come.

  “I don’t know. I suppose you can deal with it. After all, you pretended to give me a BJ.”

  Keith closed his eyes and shivered at the words. It was like phone sex.



  “What are you doing? Tell me the truth.”

  Yeah right. “Nothing. Why do you think I’m doing something?”

  “It just sounds like you are.”

  “So, what else does she have us do after I lick you?”

  Another pause followed, then in a very sensual, deep voice, Carl whispered, “You lick my chest, all over. Then you lap your way to my mouth, and we suck on each other’s tongues.”

  Keith closed his eyes and fisted his cock with more determination.

  “Then, after we kiss, very passionately, you push me back on the bed and rub your hands all over me, grinding your hips into mine.”

  Keith inhaled a sharp breath and came, the strength of the climax made his skin shiver and his semen hit him under the jaw.

  “You naughty, naughty man…” Carl purred.

  “I…I have to go…” Keith tried to speak normally.

  “Uh huh.”

  “So, see you Monday?”

  “You will, you sexy mother fucker.”

  “Right. Bye. Oh, good luck with the taping.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “See ya.” Keith hung up, knowing Carl knew what he had done. He felt like an idiot, but he couldn’t help it. And Carl was egging him on with all that dirty talk.

  Looking down at the second mess he had to deal with tonight, Keith sighed tiredly and knew he was going completely insane to have done that over the phone. He just couldn’t help himself. Carl’s voice was so fucking sensual, and he couldn’t resist touching himself.

  “Oh, I am so fucked. How on earth can I be attracted to him? Augh!”


  Carl was stunned. After he set the phone back in its cradle, he lay in bed staring at the wall for a few minutes imagining Keith jerking off at the other end. “Son of a bitch! You are attracted
to me.” Carl dug his hands into his briefs and massaged himself. He had already masturbated before the call, and now wanted more. He should have done it the same time as Keith, but he was so shocked Keith was doing it, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. So? Did they declare their love for one another? Or what?

  Chapter Eight

  All day Saturday Keith studied the script to memorize his part. When Patty finally rolled out of bed at around noon, he sat with her at the kitchen table for a much needed conversation. He couldn’t wait until Monday. That was absurd.

  As she munched toast and sipped sweet, milky coffee, Keith stared at her tired expression sadly.

  “Are you content with our relationship, Patty?”

  “What relationship? You’re not even sleeping in the bed with me anymore.”

  Keith didn’t want to cause her anymore grief than she was already dealing with. But he didn’t want to cheat either.

  “When I first moved here,” her brown eyes riveted to his, “I didn’t think we’d ever cross the line from a friendship to a relationship.”

  “And? So?”

  “Well, I suppose deep in my gut, I knew it was a mistake and that we should have probably kept our lives separate.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “Patty,” Keith sighed. “Do you really think we’re suited for each other? Be honest.”

  She shrugged, eating her last bite of toast. “I figured once you got an acting job you’d break it off with me and move out.”

  “Ouch! Jesus. You make me sound like a monster.”

  “Are you?” Her eyes narrowed at him.

  “I haven’t even gotten my first paycheck yet.” The guilt crept into his gut. He had no idea she would make his life complicated. But he only had himself to blame. He slept with her against his better judgment. Watching her avoid eye contact and sip her coffee, he asked sheepishly, “So, you think this relationship is worth pursuing?”

  “Not if you don’t.”

  When she stood to set her cup in the sink, he felt the cold shoulder. “I don’t know what the right thing is to do, Patty.”

  “If you move out, at least give me some notice so I can put an ad in the paper.”

  It made him feel sick to his stomach. Her casual attitude and supposition that the minute he found suitable work he’d leave her stung. He hadn’t felt as if he had that “malice aforethought” mentality. Things just happened.

  She left the kitchen without a backwards glance. If she loved him, needed him, wanted him to stay, why didn’t she say that?

  He knew why. She didn’t love him.

  Slumped in the chair, staring at the flooring through his straddled legs, Keith didn’t love her either. He never had. He really appreciated her, liked her, and thought she was a decent person, but he never felt those strong emotions for her. And that’s why having sex with her was unforgivable.


  Carl walked off the set of the chat show with the live audience, feeling relieved it was over. Checking his phone for messages, he listened to a few from friends and was waiting to hear one from Keith. He hadn’t called. Closing it and dropping it into his pocket, Carl left the studio and sat in his car. The producers had allowed him to drop the bomb that he was going to be involved in a homosexual relationship in the new season. Charlotte wanted it out as a teaser. A benign clip was shown for the television and live audience of he and Keith in their first scene together, one where they talked but didn’t touch. Watching the action on the screen, he and Keith in character, Carl was amused at the way they appeared and the natural chemistry between them. They couldn’t hide the fact that they liked each other. He knew the signs of two co-stars at odds. It was like nails on a blackboard to view. Painfully forced. That was the opposite of what he and Keith looked like.

  They looked like lovers for fuck’s sake.

  “Soon the rumors will abound, babe. And you will have to deal with it no matter what you feel inside.” Carl turned the key and started the engine. “Oh, fuck it.” He took his phone out again and dialed Keith’s.


  “Hi!” Carl loved his voice. It sent shivers all over him.

  “Are you at the taping?”

  “Just finished.”

  “How did it go? Did they skewer you?”

  “God no. Nothing like that. It was a cakewalk, I’ve told you. I like doing these promotions. They’re fun.”

  “Where are you?”

  “In the studio lot.”


  “Where are you?” Carl couldn’t help but sound seductive. He was crazy about this man.

  “At the mall.”


  “Killing time.”

  Carl checked the clock on his dashboard. “Can we meet for lunch?”


  “Which mall?”

  “Lakewood Center.”

  “Oh? If I remember right they don’t have a very good selection of decent chow. Just chain and fast food.”

  “I’m open to suggestions.”

  “You know the Original Fish Company on Los Alamitos Boulevard?”

  “I can find it.”

  “I’ll meet you in their parking lot.”

  “Cool. Wait for me. It might take a while. I have to walk back to my car.”

  “Okay. See ya there.” Carl shut the phone down and couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. “I adore you…I simply fucking adore you…” he sung happily.


  Slowing down when he read the sign for the restaurant, Keith pulled off the main road and noticed Carl standing near his car in the lot. He parked as close as he could to him, slipping his keys into his pocket as he hopped out.

  Seeing Carl decked out in silky pair of designer slacks, a back crew neck shirt with a black blazer on top, Keith licked his lips in excitement. The man had so much style and class, Keith wondered if that came with experience or was bred.

  “You’re looking stunning, Mr. Bronson.”

  Carl appeared very surprised at the compliment. “Why thank you, sir.”

  “I assume you had the ladies swooning in the audience.”

  Carl smiled sweetly at him as they approached the main entrance. “They do shriek a lot on that show. Gives me a headache.” As they approached the host, Carl said, “Table for two.”

  “This way, gentlemen.”

  Keith grew hungry, sniffing the air and checking out the plates on other diners’ tables.

  They sat down, took the menus, and thanked the man.

  “Anything to drink?”

  “I’d love some ice water. I’m parched.” Carl checked with Keith.

  “Water will be fine.” Keith didn’t feel like drinking alcohol at one in the afternoon either.

  “Very good.”

  Once the man left, Keith stared at Carl as he read the menu. The amount Keith had been thinking about Carl since he last saw him on Friday was bordering on obsessive. Jerking off while he talked on the phone with him? Unbelievable. Why had he done that?

  Why? Look at him!

  When Carl’s long, dark eyelashes raised up and his green eyes met Keith’s, Keith felt his insides twist. Instantly he lowered his head to read the menu.

  “The clam chowder is awesome here,” Carl whispered, moving his leg to contact Keith’s under the table.

  Keith’s cock went rigid against his thigh in his jeans. “Is it?”

  “I highly recommend it.”

  “I’ll get that and a salad.”

  “Perfect.” Carl set his menu on top of Keith’s. Leaning his elbows on the table, Carl clasped his hands together and stared at Keith from over them.

  Keith waited for Carl to say something. His gaze was hypnotic. They didn’t speak. Keith became lost on Carl’s handsome features.

  The waiter set two bottles of water on the table, distracting them from their dreams. Keith moved back.

  “Are you ready to order?”

  Carl said, “Yes. Two bowls of clam chowder
and two side salads.”

  They both requested the same salad dressing, ranch. Once the waiter left, taking the menus, Carl resumed his position with his elbows on the table and asked, “Where were we? Oh, yes.” He continued to stare at Keith without speaking.

  Keith grew nervous. “So,” he tried to break the strange staring contest, “tell me what the interview was like.”

  Carl twisted the top off the water bottle and poured it into the glass provided. “Good. I told you. A cakewalk.”

  “Did they ask you anything about our characters’ relationship?”

  “Yes. The producers wanted me to let the world know.”

  As Carl sipped from his glass, Keith watched him, almost losing track of his thoughts. “Did they?”


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