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Undisputed (The Undisputed Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Aaron L Speer

After he had hung up with the director, not five minutes later, the head of the car company called him, and here he was. Still arguing, still going back and forth. He never mentioned the real reason he had to reschedule, which no doubt fanned the flames, and the call ended with an expletive-laden screech on the other end before Owen finally hung up.

  “You didn’t have to do th—”

  Owen gently placed his fingers over her mouth. “I wanted to. I want to be there as much as possible for you. I have to leave for the fight, but when it’s over, I’ll come straight back before I go into training camp.”

  “Do you have to?”

  “Do I have to what? Come back? Of course, I hav—”

  “Fight,” she replied simply. “Why do you put yourself through this, after everything you’ve told me and the magazine you showed me? And you think someone in the organisation is after you?”

  “It just seems too much of a coincidence that the guard would leave the only entrance to the showers to deal with a group of intruders, at the exact time it allowed the receptionist clear passage to me. It’s just too neat. I have to hazard a guess that this was supposed to be a setup.”

  “Why would you want to be the champion of any organisation that treats its own athletes like this?”

  “I never back down from a challenge. This is their’s to me. They want me to either fail or quit.”

  Tegan sighed. “I just don’t get it.”

  “It’s OK,” Owen said warmly. “You don’t have to. Just focus on what you’ve got to do.”

  Tegan rose and picked up her bag. “Look, I know we talked about this, but I need to pay you back for today.”

  “It’s not a problem.”

  “No. Don’t. I need this, ok? I need to know that when I can pay you back, you’ll let me. It will take me time, but I will.”

  As part of their talk the night before, the option of freezing her eggs had come up. It was a recommended backup plan in case of infertility after treatment. Tegan was intrigued but put off by the cost. Not only was it thousands for the procedure deposit but also the ongoing costs of keeping the eggs frozen.

  The fear and regret she felt at the cost had been replaced with other worries when Owen had offered to help. As in pay for the whole thing, including the yearly expense. It was a wonderful gesture, but Tegan hated owing anyone. This went beyond that. How could you possibly thank someone for this? It was no ordinary favour, and it threatened to cripple her with its magnitude unless he realised she had to find a way to make it even.

  Owen heard her conviction and nodded. “OK... Shall we?” He held his arm out for her to leave the apartment as his phone buzzed. He looked at the screen. “Shit.”

  He answered the call as he followed her out. “Can I call you back?”

  Tegan heard the answer, as she was close to him, this time. “What the fuck happened? Did you cancel the shoot?” Owen’s father had probably just gotten off the phone with the Hord owner. Or the director. Maybe both.

  “No. I just needed them to push it back. That’s all.”

  “They can’t! They rented that space from the gym for one and a half days. The half-day was to finalise things. Today! You realise the whole thing is wasted? They have incomplete footage.”

  “Dad, I really can’t talk about this right now.”

  “You violated your agreement! Your contract! You won’t get a cent, and there’s nothing we can do about it. Do you think this is a joke? That I’d get you to break camp for a few days for nothing? This was the only time they had, Owen. Almost twelve months of work went into this deal!”

  “Dad, look. I’m sorry, but I don’t care. There are things more important than money. Believe me...this is one.”

  “That’s my fuckin’ point! There ARE things more important…like your health. You’ve been off lately. I just had no idea how off. You’re not right for the fight. One chance to make this deal and you blew it. You keep this up, you’ll get laid up in the hospital, son! Listen to me—”

  “I will. Later. Really sorry,” Owen ended the call just as they approached his car. He opened the door for her, and Tegan held the frame.

  “Owen... I—”

  “Don’t worry. It’s fine.” Owen forced a smile that anyone would see through. He obviously didn’t want to have that conversation with Tegan around. “We gotta go. Come on.”

  Tegan texted Fiona that they were on their way. Fiona wouldn’t go in with her, but she said she’d be there when she woke up. As always, Fiona had been a rock. Tegan had been comfortable telling Fiona what had happened and the way she was going about trying to heal.

  With Owen, things were complicated. Intense and confusing. Nothing was said on the drive to the clinic. After everything they had shared, a sadness had muted them both. They were in a situation they didn’t want to be in, travelling to a place they didn’t want to go. Owen parked underground and carried her small luggage bag up to the floor she would be staying on. And with every step towards her room, she felt closer to saying what she had to say. For his sake.

  As she worked up the courage, the doctor entered. There would be no waiting. She had to get prepped. Tegan asked why when her procedure wasn’t scheduled until the next day. The doctor smiled and said a spot opened up. She would have both the removal of her ovary and eggs done at the same time. She thanked him and was prepared to close the curtains around her bed when she spotted Owen and the doctor shaking hands. Were they old friends? Was the Doc a fan? Or had Owen worked his magic, or his money, and gotten her bumped up the list?

  She half wanted to thank him and half wanted to ask he stop trying so hard. She loved he was doing what he could, but it was also unnerving to be helped like this. She knew he wasn’t doing it on purpose, but she felt like an invalid. She shook the thought out of her head and prepped up with her gown, laid down on the bed, and waited for the anaesthetist.

  Owen had started to make his way over when his phone buzzed again. He swore under his breath and stepped outside. How that simple movement hurt so much to see. For it cemented her resolve to do what she had to do. For his sake. And for hers.

  * * *

  Owen flicked his gaze towards the clock. Fuck, how long has it been? He had dozed off in the chair of Tegan’s room and had woken to find her still not there. But her friend, Fiona, was. Sitting on Tegan’s bed.

  “Doctor came in about ten minutes ago. She’s coming out of recovery and will be back here soon.”

  “Good. Thanks,” he said, leaning forward and stretching. “How long have you been here?”

  “Long enough to know what it’s like to hear you snore.” She smiled. He smiled back as a yawn caught him. “I’d ask for a selfie, but apparently you require my legs to open for that. So...can I get one?”

  Owen met her gaze which she held for a second before holding up a rolled-up version of the magazine. “Seven women in three days, huh? Jeez, you stud.” She laughed at the look on his face. “Oh, come on... I’m kidding. No one really believes this stuff.”

  “Someone obviously does. Enough to follow me and sell the story. Or to buy it.”

  “I bought every copy the newsstand had. Excellent back up for toilet paper. Speaking of shit, there’s a bunch of journalist downstairs.”

  Owen pressed his fingers into his forehead. “Oh, Christ almighty.”

  “Now, now. Don’t be so arrogant. There could be another scandalous, world-famous athlete in the hospital that they are waiting for. It’s not all about you, you know?”

  Owen let out a half chuckle, seeing where her humour was going, and he appreciated it. “I’ll use the back entrance or something.”

  Fiona sighed heavily, thumbing through the magazine. “Make it all about you, I tell ya’.” She placed the magazine down and continued, this time, in a more serious tone, “See the Diaz fight?”

  “Yeah. I wasn’t supposed to, but I caught it.”

  “You know that’s not right. You shouldn’t look ahead to the next fight until you’ve gotten over
the line here first.”

  “You sound like my dad.”

  “He sounds like a wise man, and a wise man once said... ‘Fucked if I know, ask Fiona.’”

  The fact she said this with such a deadpan expression made it funnier. “And what do you suggest I do about the Williams fight?”

  “He favours his right leg. Everyone knows that. Stay on his inside, keep circling to your left. Make him switch. Not you. You can get him in close. Wear him down with shots to the body, but don’t wait too long to sting him to the face. Aim for his nose.”

  “His nose?”

  “Yeah. He uses a brace block to protect himself when he has no intention of striking. He uses it when he is repositioning his feet. Fucking idiots go after him with bloodlust and leave themselves open for his kick. He does it on purpose, opening his left side to be attacked, drawing them in. He can easily swat away hooks and crosses using it, but a straight punch to the face? No chance. Remember that.”

  Owen nodded. Impressed wasn’t the word. “I will. Thank you.”

  Both went silent, though, as Tegan was wheeled in. Several seconds later, the silence lingered as it appeared Tegan had to struggle to breathe. But that wasn’t it, she was crying. Both of them moved to opposites sides of her bed, Fiona gently stroking her hair as Owen held her hand.

  Tegan sucked in a breath and slowly eased her hand out of Owen’s, “I need you to go.”

  He looked from her to Fiona, who clearly didn’t understand either, before asking Tegan, “Me? What do you mean... What’s wrong?”

  “You’ve been wonderful…but it’s over.”

  “Tegan, what are you—”

  “They took it away!” she cried, half into the pillow, fresh sobs gripping her strained, cringing, beautiful face which she covered with both of her hands.

  It was then Owen understood. It wasn’t her ovary she was distraught over. She was no longer pregnant. Her baby... Their baby was gone. He choked back tears like those that both Tegan and Fiona now shed. What could he possibly say? They had discussed and agreed upon the solution both believed was best.

  But now he second-guessed himself. Just as Tegan probably was. He would never have considered putting Tegan at risk. But, as much as they shared the loss, it wasn’t his body. Had she tried to back out in the operating room? Had she had a change of heart? Or was it simply now all too real because it was all too late.

  “There’s no reason for you to be here anymore,” Tegan said. “I’m not your responsibility. I’m just the sick girl.”

  “Tegan,” he said gently. “Don’t say that.”

  “It’s true,” she replied, sniffling as if trying to work up the strength to say what she needed to. “You’re just too sweet to see it. Ever since you’ve known me, your life has been shit.”

  “No, it hasn’t,” Owen said quickly. “Stop.”

  “You lost your contract because of me.”

  “That was my choice.”

  “I heard your dad on the phone. You’re distracted and putting yourself at risk not being on the job. We had great times but let’s not pretend we didn’t both know how this was going to go. You’ve got your championship to win, right? I’ve got to get better and right now, the only thing you’re looking at winning is racing your one-night stand to the grave. Especially if you end up fighting that bald psychopath.”

  “You know you’re more than that.”

  “Why? Because you fucked me more than once? I’m sorry to be blunt, but one of us has to say it. How long can you possibly do this? Go back and forth between America and here. Training, fighting, and a quick pop in to see how I am? The title is all you’ve ever wanted. You said that. I personally think you’re insane. But whatever. You did all your duties. But...we’re not connected anymore.”


  “Just go!” she screamed, her hands shaking. The noise brought a nurse to the doorway, looking in. “Please,” Tegan whimpered. “Please, just go.”

  The nurse beckoned him out, and despite knowing she was just upset and wanting to comfort her, he knew he had to go. He left without a word or sideward glance to anyone.

  * * *

  “Teegs, please try and calm down. That’s not like you.”

  “I had to. For his own good. Now, I can focus on getting better, and he isn’t guilt-tripped into staying. He’d never leave of his own accord. You know that. He’s too good. He’s the best.”

  “Yeah, I agree on the last bit. But, did you have to hurt him like that? This isn’t coz I’m his fan. He didn’t deserve that, babe.”

  “I know he didn’t. It’s all I could think of.” She paused, thinking of his face, and the pain she had seen. The man she loved was still within distance of her running to him. Begging him to stay. To never leave. To please help her through this. But then another vision hit her. One of the Cage and Diaz standing over Owen’s broken body. Saluting a stunned crowd much the same way she had seen at the Chozen fight. That’s what Diaz could do to a seasoned, switched-on champion. What was he going to do to a half-focussed fighter? She shook both visions away and continued, “Maybe, by breaking his heart, I can save his life.”

  * * *

  Owen took several deep breaths as the elevator lowered. OK, breathe. She’s just upset. He was too. He wiped his palm under his eyes at the testament of that. Crying for the fact she felt she had to push him away, and, as the doors slid open, crying for the baby he would never get to see or hold.

  He stepped out into the parking lot to a series of flashes and pops. Cameras. Fuck. He moved as quickly as he could towards his car, but it felt like a snail’s pace as he held up a hand, shielding his eyes from the camera light. Several reporters, their phones out, and even more cameramen blocked his way. “Owen! Any response to Dominic Damascus’ claim you breached contract?”

  “No,” Owen grumbled.

  “Have you read the papers today, Owen? Have you had any contact with Emily Hobson since her allegations?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “She’s claimed, on your last day of filming, you exposed yourself to her in the shower of the gymnasium and made unwanted advances.”

  “She fuckin’ what?” he blurted out before moving faster into the crowd to get to his car. Where the fuck was it? “Can you move, please?” he sighed to the nearest reporter.

  “Why were you here, Owen? Are you forcing the women you sleep with to have abortions against their will?”

  Owen stopped pushing and turned to the reporter that said that to him. “What did you just say?”

  “Are you paying to have their babies aborted because you don’t want anything to do with them?”

  Owen lunged at the reporter, knocking back two cameramen who tripped and fell back. He grabbed her blouse with both hands and brought her close to his face. “How fucking dare you. You know nothing. NOTHING! FUCK YOU! ALL OF YOU! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!” He pushed her to the side and rushed to his car. Seconds after getting in, he gunned it towards the exit, just missing the cameramen that had fallen over.

  Chapter Eleven

  Tegan cupped her hand and squeezed the conditioner out of the bottle. She lathered up and closed her eyes, letting her fingers massage her scalp. The shower was so tiny she couldn’t open her arms fully, but it didn’t matter.

  It would do.

  Once completely clean, she got out and swore to herself. She had left her towel on her bed. She opened the door a crack and spotted Fiona watching the TV screen with her back to her. “Babe, can you—”

  “Oh, shit,” Fiona said, frantically pointing the remote at the screen and flicking the channel over.

  “No. Change it back,” Tegan said.

  Fiona groaned but did as she asked, turning it back to the news. “Repeating today’s top story. Well, is he insane or just a crazed misogynist? Inside the Cage or out of it? It seems one MMA fighter doesn’t know the difference. Owen Gasnier was filmed in a violent rampage this afternoon. Our crew spotted him l
eaving the Women’s Hospital and confronted him, concerning the sexual misconduct allegations recently levelled against him and his reasons for being at the hospital. He flew into a rage, threatening and assaulting them. No charges have been laid, and it is understood the Australian fighter is free to leave the country. Sources report he’s expected to head back to America where he currently lives.”

  Tegan held her hands up to her face, moving out of the bathroom, no longer caring that she was naked. She saw the footage. She heard the question asked just before he snapped. “Oh, God, no.”

  Her instinct kicked in. She immediately reached for her phone, which sat on her bedside table charging. She had to call him. Talk to him. See if he was OK. Tell him she loved… but, as Fiona wrapped a towel around her, reality set in. She sat facing outward on the bed, the screen now off.

  As hard as it was to accept, Tegan was the reason he was falling apart. Their time together. Hell, if she doubted herself and her last words to him, here was the proof in plain colour.

  “Are you sure about this?” Fiona asked from behind her, plugging in the device.

  Tegan looked down at her phone, at his name. Flicking through the messages, the naughty pictures and sexts, back and forth. She pressed his name until the options screen came up. Do you wish to delete and block this contact?

  Her finger hovered over the screen. No. Of course, she didn’t.

  But as much as she tried to think otherwise, she knew herself. She’d cave in some time and call him. Needing him. She couldn’t afford that, and neither could he. She would need all the strength she could muster to survive, starting today. Inner strength. Discipline. Doing what she had to do for both of them.

  She’d rather face hell alone if it meant not risking having him sink with her.

  She looked at the screen and remembered Fiona’s question. Her whispered answer was for both of them. “Yes.”

  She pressed accept on her phone and closed her eyes. She never saw his name disappear, but she did hear the whirring in Fiona’s hand. She let her tears fall silently as Fiona gently scraped her scalp with the clippers, strands of hair falling away as the tears continued to fall.


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